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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 3, May-June 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Aggregators: Are they Helping Your Business or

ruining it? A Perspective on Zomato.Com
Abhijit Vibhute
Indira School of Business Studies PGDM, Pune, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Abhijit Vibhute

Start Ups or even corporates today have long been dependent on "Aggregators: Are they Helping Your
technical and digital giants for communicating their brand and Business or ruining it? A Perspective on
ensuring that customers, consumers are made aware of the brand Zomato.Com"
through these digital giants. What have they not realized is the fact Published in
International Journal
that their lack of digital knowledge and their lack of basic of Trend in
understanding about technical know-how is not only costing them Scientific Research
tons of revenue lost in marketing but also they are making these and Development
giants strong and so powerful that they can make or break their (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD56373
businesses. This paper will highlight the working of such technical 6470, Volume-7 |
giants and will provide a pathway to plug the marketing costs Issue-3, June 2023, pp.325-328, URL:
associated and eventually weed out or reduce the middlemen
associated in the supply chain.
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Hotels and Hotel Industry
The primary purpose of hotels is to provide travelers valorized their economic pursuits and promoted a
with shelter, food, refreshment, and similar services commercial future for the still agrarian republic.
and goods, offering on a commercial basis things that Unlike earlier public accommodations, hotels were
are customarily furnished within households but impressive structures, readily distinguishable as major
unavailable to people on a journey away from home. public institutions due to their tremendous size,
Historically hotels have also taken on many other elaborate ornamentation, and sophisticated academic
functions, serving as business exchanges, centers of styles. They were often designed by important
sociability, places of public assembly and architects like James Hoban, Charles Bulfinch, and
deliberation, decorative showcases, political Benjamin Latrobe. Hotels also had a distinctive
headquarters, vacation spots, and permanent internal arrangement incorporating grand halls for the
residences. The hotel as an institution, and hotels as use of the public and featuring dozens of
an industry, transformed travel in America, hastened bedchambers, which for the first time offered private
the settlement of the continent, and extended the space to all guests. Building on such a massive scale
influence of urban culture. was tremendously expensive, and hotels cost from
eight to thirty times as much as had been spent on
Hotels in the Early Republic
The first American hotels were built in the cities of even the finest taverns. Early hotels quickly became
the Atlantic coast in the 1790s, when elite urban important centers of politics, business, and
merchants began to replace taverns with capacious sociability. The City Hotel in New York, for example,
and elegant establishments of their own creation. became the center of the Gotham elite's business
They hoped thereby to improve key elements of the pursuits and elegant society balls, and Washington's
national transportation infrastructure and increase the Union Public Hotel housed the U.S. Congress in
value of surrounding real estate, while at the same 1814–1815 after the British army destroyed part of
time erecting imposing public monuments that the Capitol. The first generation of hotel building

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD56373 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 3 | May-June 2023 Page 325
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
continued into the first decade of the nineteenth specialized publications like Hotel World and the
century before being brought to a close by the National Hotel Gazette that served the industry
financial failure of many of the first projects and the nationwide. Visitors from overseas constantly
economic disruptions surrounding the War of 1812. commented on the size, extent, and excellence of the
Nineteenth-Century Hotels nation's hotel system, revealing that as early as
A second period of hotel construction began around midcentury, the American hotel had surpassed the
1820, driven by the American transportation hostelries of Europe and become the leading
revolution. Steam navigation and the coming of the international standard for public accommodation.
canal age, especially the opening of the Erie Canal in Hotel development also involved diversification of
1825, extended the range of movement along the hotel types. Most early hotels had been large urban
nation's internal waterways and greatly increased the luxury establishments, but newer variants quickly
volume of travel in America. Urban merchant- emerged. Resort hotels, designed to accommodate the
capitalists constructed a new generation of hotels as rising tide of tourists, were built in scenic rural
part of their mercantilist strategy to claim expanding landscapes far from the cities where the hotel form
economic hinterlands for their cities and states. The had been born. Commercial hotels, more simply
first of these hotels appeared in leading commercial furnished and less expensive than the luxury variant,
centers along coastal trade routes, beginning with served the growing ranks of traveling salesmen and
Baltimore's City Hotel (1826), Washington's National other commercial workers set in motion by the
Hotel (1827), Philadelphia's United States Hotel burgeoning economy. Railroad hotels were built at
(1828), and Boston's renowned Tremont House regular intervals along track lines to provide
(1829). These were followed by similar passengers and crews with places to eat and rest in the
establishments built at key points along the Ohio and decades before the introduction of sleeping cars.
Mississippi rivers, notably Cincinnati's Pearl Street Residential hotels, dedicated to the housing needs of
House (1831), Louisville's Galt House (1834), and the families increasingly unable to afford private houses
St. Charles in New Orleans (1837). These and other in expensive urban real estate markets, served as the
second-generation American hotels were much larger prototypes for apartment buildings. And a frontier
and more numerous than their predecessors and hotel form, characterized by wood construction,
established the rectilinear, city-block hotel as a set whitewash, and tiered porches, was built in hundreds
architectural form that would be repeated in locations of new settlements where travelers and lumber were
all across the growing nation. This phase of hotel common but capital was scarce. These and other hotel
development was brought to a close by the prolonged types soon far outnumbered luxury hotels, though the
depression that followed the panic of 1837. latter variety received the most attention from
The third generation of hotels was catalyzed by the journalists, authors, and printmakers, and therefore
rapid growth of the American railroad system in the tended to stand for all hotels in the popular
decades after 1840, a development that freed long- imagination.
distance travel from the limitations of the river system Hotels were vital centers of local community life in
and recon-figured the nation's transportation network American cities and towns. Their role as important
along an east-west axis. Hotels continued to multiply public spaces was in part a continuation of traditional
in the East and also proliferated along the advancing uses of taverns, one that was further amplified by
frontier of settlement, rising over the prairies and hotels' conspicuous architecture, central location, and
plains in the 1840s and 1850s and appearing in the spacious and inviting interiors. Merchants and other
mountain West in the 1860s and 1870s. The westward businesspeople continued to use hotel space for
advance of hotel construction soon linked up with a offices, commercial exchanges, and accommodations,
counterpart that had originated with Anglo settlement but the popular uses of hotels far transcended their
of the Pacific coast and extended eastward. By the economic function. Well-appointed hotel parlors and
time of the centennial, America boasted both a ballrooms were favored venues for card parties,
transcontinental railroad and a continental hotel cotillions, and other sociable events that involved
network. Hotelkeepers had meanwhile come to see seeing and being seen in refined public settings. By
their operations as constituting an integrated national the same token, voluntary associations ranging from
system. In the 1840s, they embraced new theories and debating societies to ethnic brotherhoods and
methods of hotel management based on closer charitable organizations regularly hired hotel
supervision and regimentation of employees and assembly rooms and dining halls for their meetings
regularized contact among managers. In the 1850s, and banquets. Hotels also became major loci of
hotel proprietors began to organize their first local political activity. Political parties and factions often
trade associations, and in the 1870s they established set up their headquarters in hotels, where they held

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD56373 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 3 | May-June 2023 Page 326
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
caucuses and made nominations. Hotels served as public accommodations, the special legal status of
important public forums, a fact revealed by the large hotel space became a crucial consideration in the
number of published images of political figures litigation strategy of the National Association for the
making speeches from hotel windows and balconies, Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). It was no
hobnobbing in lobbies, and raising toasts in crowded coincidence that the constitutionality of the Civil
halls. Indeed, such was the political importance of Rights Act of 1964 was definitively established by the
hotels that they were often attacked in periods of Supreme Court's ruling in Heart of Atlanta Motel v.
domestic strife. The Civil War era, for example, was United States.
marked by the burning or cannonading of numerous Hotels were similarly implicated in international
hotels by Southern sympathizers. Hotels also politics. Americans ventured abroad in increasing
extended their influence over distances because they numbers during the postwar years, and the nation's
functioned as a powerful system of cultural hotel industry expanded globally in order to
production and diffusion. Their role in accommodate them. In the context of Cold War
accommodating travelers made hotels into a frontier geopolitics, American-owned hotels in foreign
between individual communities and the world countries also served as exemplars of the benefits and
beyond, with hotel guests acting as cultural emissaries vitality of capitalism. Conrad Hilton in particular
who carried new ideas about aesthetics and spoke of his company's overseas properties,
technology along the routes of their journeys. particularly those along the Iron Curtain, as valuable
Innovations in interior decorative luxury were among assets in the fight against communism. In a world
the ideas most commonly transmitted. Hotelkeepers simultaneously divided by politics and connected by
spent heavily on refined furnishings as part of their transportation, hotels were important symbolic sites.
efforts to attract guests, and in so doing transformed
decor into a showcased capital good. Because a hotel The American hotel industry benefited greatly from
could afford to spend far more on amenities than the uneven prosperity of the 1980s and 1990s and
could a private family, its interiors constantly tempted entered the twenty-first century as a large and fast-
guests to emulate a higher standard of living. growing segment of the national economy. The hotels
Midwestern travelers who stayed at fine hotels in St. of the United States employed well over 1.4 million
Louis or New York City, for example, were people and collected more than $100 billion per year
impressed with the elegance of their surroundings and in receipts. They formed a dense network of 53,000
sought to reproduce them back home in Illinois, Iowa, properties comprising some 4 million guest rooms
and Nebraska. Hotels similarly became showcases for nationwide. Internationally, the industry operated
household and communications technologies. Indoor more than 5,000 overseas hotels with over half a
plumbing, central heating, elevators, and gas and million rooms. From its beginnings as an
electric lighting first saw wide public use in hotels, as experimental cultural form, the American hotel
did the telegraph and the telephone. Authors from became a ubiquitous presence on the national
Stephen Crane to Bret Harte recognized the ways in landscape and developed into an immense and vital
which hotels were setting a new pace in American national industry. The hotel system transformed the
life, and in his classic The American Scene (1907), nature of travel, turning it from an arduous and
Henry James found himself "verily tempted to ask if uncertain undertaking of the few into a predictable
the hotel-spirit may not just be the American spirit and commonplace activity of the many. On the way,
most seeking and most finding itself." the hotel became instrument, ornament, symptom,
and symbol of America's continental and international
The American hotel industry expanded at a empire.
previously unseen pace following World War II. The
three-decade economic boom of the postwar years Paradigm Shift in Advertising:
increased the incidence of commercial travel and sent Earlier when the companies used to advertise
incomes soaring, and the success of organized labor digitally, it was a horizontal platform like
distributed wealth more evenly and made paid, The reason I say it is
vacations a reality for millions of workers. horizontal because, there were all the varied
Meanwhile, the creation of the interstate highway industries advertising on Yahoo. Then the shift
system and the emergence of safe and reliable happened from horizontal to vertical. Companies who
passenger aircraft made travel easier and more are specializing in a said sector Ex: Zigtech for
broadly subscribed than ever before. Hotels emerged automobiles, moneycontrol, paisabazaar for finance
as an important terrain of struggle in the conflictual etc. Here the businesses who were in that domain
domestic politics of the era. When civil rights migrated from Yahoo to moneycontrol.
activists demanded an end to racial discrimination in

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD56373 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 3 | May-June 2023 Page 327
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The third shift happened with the advent of aggregators had no negative impact on their
companies like Just dial who though was a horizontal customers.
but had verticals in each of the categories. Here the
business model shifted from having the company
Though the companies are very happy with the
advertising on the platform, purchasing space on the services provided by, what the
platform and then the platform in turn would send the companies fail to understand is the power that these
customers to them. The next shift in marketing took hotels are giving to these aggregators (
place when companies like, by having the customer diverted through came into picture. Here the Also, what the business fail to understand is that
business model of these companies was to collect many a times the customer wants to enter their hotel
some money at the outset at the time of getting these only because when a random survey was taken of
companies on board and the rest was when the individuals, 70% of the customers prefer to eat at the
customer actually visited the business. same restaurant and 30% try a different cuisine, so
Now, in todays’ world businesses prefer that the it’s like is standing on the door of the
customers first come to them and then the business hotel and any person who wishes to enter your hotel
pays to the aggregator, this is what companies like is given a discount by who in turn,, all have recovers the amount from you plus the profit of
studies and are working on this marketing technique. for getting the customer to the hotel.
Research Methodology: Getting the customers’ who know what they want to
Research methodology is the heart of any research eat is much better than getting those customers’ who
and this particular research was carried out in Pune are hungry. This is one loophole that has
using the below research design: leveraged and has been since earning profits.
Research Type: Descriptive study The Hotels will soon realize this and will be creating
Target Area: Pune their own platform to ensure that they do not end up
Target Population: Restaurants in Pune shelling acquisition costs for customers’ whom the
Sampling Technique: Random Sampling hotels have already acquired. After reading the paper,
Sample Size: 60 hotels. I am sure the hotels have the answer to the question:
Sampling Unit: Hotel “Is this aggregator helping or ruining my business”
Observation: Bibliography:
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD56373 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 3 | May-June 2023 Page 328

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