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We intend to consolidate as values:



During Primary Education, children gradually progress in their cognitive development and use strategies of organization and management of the
most elaborate learning. Thus they organize and progressively expand their cognitive schemas and form a more narrow view of reality.
As a result of their social filming, the children go beyond self-centered thinking and direct their attention to the objective aspects of reality; Are
able to understand the views of others and begin to perceive their situation in the middle.
It is very important to propose group activities that facilitate the relationship and social insertion. The work of transversal contents and education
in values in the various areas is also of great importance, in order to promote reflection and critical capacity, and the progressive taking of
personal position.


The present society is dynamic and multicultural, and it plays an important role visual communication (advertising, television, cinema, Internet,
etc.). From the first year of Primary, where the subject of Plastic Education appears for the first time, we are obliged to provide an educational
response that complements the student's comprehensive education. The aim is for the student to learn to interpret the visual message that
prevails in today's society, as well as the different artistic manifestations that coexist in it, learning that will favor the understanding of society in
To the extent that the student learns to value the different artistic manifestations that occur in their environment, Plastic Education will favor the
development of their creativity, differentiating capacity of the human being, which in turn allows to develop the intellectual, sensorial, emotional,
Affective, social and aesthetic.



A) Know and appreciate the values and norms of coexistence, learn to act in accordance with them, prepare for the active exercise of
citizenship and respect human rights, as well as the pluralism of a democratic society.

B) To develop individual and team work habits, effort and responsibility in the study, as well as attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense,
personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning, and entrepreneurship.

C) Acquire skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts, which allow them to develop autonomously in the family and domestic
environment, as well as in the social groups with which they relate.

D) Know, understand and respect different cultures and differences between people, equal rights and opportunities for men and women and
non-discrimination of persons with disabilities.

E) To know and use in an appropriate way the Castilian language and, if there is one, the co-official language of the Autonomous Community
and to develop reading habits.

F) Acquire in at least one foreign language the basic communicative competence that allows them to express and understand simple messages
and to behave in everyday situations.
G) Develop basic mathematical competences and begin to solve problems that require elementary calculation operations, geometric knowledge
and estimations, as well as being able to apply them to the situations of daily life.

H) To know the fundamental aspects of the Sciences of Nature, Social Sciences, Geography, History and Culture.

I) Initiate in the use, for the learning, of the Technologies of the Information and the Communication developing a critical spirit before the
messages that receive and elaborate.

J) Use different representations and artistic expressions and begin in the construction of visual and audiovisual proposals.
K) To value hygiene and health, to accept one's own body and that of others, to respect differences and to use physical education and sport as
a means to promote personal and social development.

L) To know and value the animals closest to the human being and adopt modes of behavior that favor their care.

M) To develop their affective capacities in all areas of personality and in their relations with others, as well as an attitude contrary to violence,
prejudices of any kind and sexist stereotypes.

N) Encourage road education and attitudes of respect that affect the prevention of traffic accidents.


1. Improve fluency in speech and comprehension by talking to the teacher and other students about themselves, their home, their family, and so

2. Make them apply their knowledge of English and learn more by reviewing and practicing vocabulary on different subjects (eg geometry,
shapes, colors, animals, etc.).

3. Practice expressing feelings and ideas about the world around them, using words to express opinions and preferences, and using different

4. Read instructions and practice giving and receiving.

5. Express words related to artistic forms (eg color, shape, line, position, distance, hue, texture, movement, etc.) and different materials.

6. Develop different organizational, representative and research skills.



1. Distinguish fundamental 1.1. It recognizes still and moving images in your

differences between still environment and classifies them.
and moving images by
classifying them according
to learned patterns.

2. Approaching the 2.1. It analyzes in a simple way and using the correct
reading, analysis and terminology fixed images taking care of the size,
interpretation of art and format, basic elements (points, lines, planes, colors, LIN, MST, LTL, AUT, CUL
Block I. Audiovisual still and moving images in lighting, function ...).
Education their cultural and historical 2.2. He knows the evolution of photography from
contexts, understanding in black and white to color, from paper to digital
a critical way their photography, and appreciates the possibilities that
meaning and social technology has provided.
function, being able to 2.3. It recognizes the different themes of photography.
elaborate new images 2.4. It makes photographs, using technological
from the acquired means, analyzing later if the framing is the most
knowledge. suitable to the initial purpose.
2.5. He produces posters with diverse information
considering the concepts of size, balance, proportion
and color, and adding texts in them using the
typography most appropriate to their function.
2.6. Sequence a story in different vignettes in which
incorporates images and texts following the pattern of
a comic.
2.7. It recognizes animation cinema as a genre of
cinema and discusses the process used to create,
assemble and disseminate an animated film, made
with both traditional technique and current technique.
2.8 Perform simple works of animation to familiarize
yourself with the elementary concepts of audiovisual
creation: script, realization, montage, sound.

3. Use information and 3.1. It manages simple computer programs for

communication processing and retouching digital images (copy, cut,
technologies in a paste, modify size, color, brightness, contrast ...) that
responsible way for the can be used to illustrate works with texts.
search, creation and 3.2. It knows the consequences of the diffusion of
diffusion of still and images without the consent of the people affected and
moving images. respects the decisions of the same ones.
3.3. He does not consent to the dissemination of his
own image when he does not consider the purposes
of such dissemination adequate.

1. Identify the immediate 1.1. Use the point, the line and the plane to represent
surroundings and the the near and imaginary environment.
imaginary, explaining with
Block II. Artistic a suitable plastic language
expression its characteristics.

2. Represent personal 2.1. It distinguishes and explains the characteristics of LIN, MST, LTL, AUT, CUL
ideas, actions and color, in terms of their luminosity, tone and saturation,
situations using the applying them with a specific purpose in their
elements that make up the productions.
visual language. 2.2. It classifies and orders the primary colors
(magenta, cyan and yellow) and secondary (green,
violet and red) colors in the chromatic circle and uses
them meaningfully in their works.
2.3. He knows the symbology of cold and warm colors
and applies this knowledge to transmit different
sensations in the plastic compositions he performs.
2.4. Analyzes and compares the natural and artificial
textures as well as the visual and tactile textures
being able to perform artistic works using this
2.5. Organize the space of your two-dimensional
productions using basic concepts of composition,
balance and proportion.
2.6. It distinguishes the theme or genre of plastic

3. Perform plastic 3.1. It uses the most suitable drawing and / or pictorial
productions following techniques for its creations, handling the materials
elementary guidelines of and instruments in an appropriate way, taking care of
the creative process, the material and the space of use.
experimenting, 3.2. It carries out projects in group respecting the
recognizing and ideas of the others and collaborating with the tasks
differentiating the that have been entrusted to him.
expressiveness of the 3.3. Explain with the terminology learned the purpose
different materials and of their works and the characteristics of them.
pictorial techniques and
choosing the most suitable
ones for the
accomplishment of the
planned work.
4. Use bibliographic 4.1. It organizes and plans its own creative process
resources, the media and starting from the idea, collecting bibliographical
the internet to obtain information, the media or the Internet, developing it in
information that can be sketches and choosing the ones that best fit its
used to plan and organize purpose in the final work, without using stereotyped
creative processes, as elements, being able to Of sharing with other students
well as to know and the process and the final product obtained.
exchange information with
other students.

5. Imagine, draw and 5.1. It manufactures three-dimensional works with

produce three-dimensional different materials planning the process and choosing
works with different the most suitable solution for its final production
materials. purposes.

6. To know the most 6.1. It recognizes, respects and values the most
significant artistic important artistic manifestations of the Spanish
manifestations that are cultural and artistic heritage, especially those that
part of the artistic and have been declared a World Heritage Site.
cultural heritage, acquiring 6.2. Appreciate and enjoy the possibilities offered by
attitudes of respect and museums to know the works of art displayed on them.
appreciation of this 6.3. It knows some of the professions of the artistic
heritage. fields, being interested in the characteristics of the
work of the artists and artisans and enjoying as a
public in the observation of their productions.

Block III. Geometric 1. Identify geometric 1.1. It identifies the concepts of horizontality and
drawing concepts in the reality verticality by using it in his compositions for
surrounding the student expressive purposes.
relating them to the 1.2. Trace, using the square and the bevel, straight
geometric concepts lines parallel and perpendicular.
contemplated in the area 1.3. Uses the rule considering the millimeter as the
of mathematics with the usual unit of measure applied to the technical
graphic application of drawing.
them. 1.4. Add and subtract segments using ruler and
1.5. Graph the perpendicular bisector of a segment
using the ruler and compass.
1.6. Draw circles knowing the radius with the
1.7. Divide the circumference into two, three, four and
six equal parts using the materials of the technical
1.8. Apply the division of the circumference to the
construction of stars and floral elements to which the
color later applies.
1.9. Continue series with geometric motifs (straight
and curves) using a grid facilitated with the
instruments of the technical drawing.
1.10. Add and subtract angles of 90, 60, 45 and 30
degrees using the square and the bevel.
1.11. It analyzes reality by decomposing it into basic
geometric forms and translating it into two-
dimensional compositions.
1.12. Identify simple geometric shapes in a two-
dimensional work.
1.13. Make compositions using basic geometric
shapes suggested by the teacher.
1.14. He knows and understands the term of scale
and is able to apply it by changing the scale of a
simple drawing through the use of a grid.

2. Initiate in the knowledge 2.1. It knows and appreciates the result of the correct
and management of the use of the instruments of drawing valuing the
instruments and materials precision in the results.
proper to the technical
drawing, handling them


The methodology for learning these topics can not start from something alien to the student, but must be based on:

 Knowledge and previous experiences.

 The relationship with their peers.
 Cooperation and participation in the classroom and in its immediate surroundings.
 The interpellation between the themes and the contents.
 Active working methods that provide, on the one hand, a direct contact with the environment, and, on the other, the approach and resolution
of problems as working procedures.

We propose to follow the following steps to carry out this work:

1. Presentation of a motivation close to the students, related to the topic to be developed.

2. Collection of information, based on your previous ideas and direct observation.
3. Sequencing and ordering of the information obtained.
4. Reflection on everything gathered in the observation.
5. Drawing conclusions to family members, classmates, etc.
The Pupil's Book has eighty pages in full color and includes:
• An introductory unit
• Nine main units
• Three optional review units
• Six pages of festivities
• Additional pages (Talk about Art, Art techniques, a pictorial dictionary and templates).

Materials for the teacher

• The Teacher's Book provides easy-to-follow instructions in all the lessons that help the teacher to see that the students understand what they
are studying. This component includes the following photocopiable material:
• Activity sheets
• Assessment sheets (one per quarter)
• Letters for parents.
(This photocopiable material is also available in digital format. Evaluation sheets in this format are for course and unit.)

• Audio CD
• Recordings of the main reading texts
• Activities to practice models of exams outside the curriculum.
The use of audio CD is optional, and therefore does not prevent the realization of activities of the student's book without it. The listening
activities are highlighted with the symbol to indicate to the teacher that they can be omitted in case they do not have time to do them.

• Digital Resources
The resources, detailed below, are designed to work on a digital whiteboard:

• Slide presentations: a presentation, for each unit, with photos of high quality passages, clear texts and audio materials and instructions, which
support the manual of Lesson 3. These presentations help the teacher to present the steps to Perform in a detailed manner, in addition to
formentar the oral expression, allowing the students to comment the photos before reading and / or listening to the text.
• Games: review of vocabulary, elements of Art, materials and techniques through matching games with words and fill holes. It includes the
recording of the words.
• Listening activities: three activity sheets with audio that allow the teacher to model the dictation and the student to participate actively.
Solutions to these activities can also be viewed on the digital board.
• Songs: specific songs of contents from the area of Social Sciences and Nature.
• Art Gallery: images of works of art with the possibility of being able to edit and focus on details with the help of zoom.
• Teachers: downloadable material that includes parent letters, activity sheets and assessment sheets.

 The educational intervention should contemplate as a principle the diversity of the students, understanding that in this way it guarantees the
development of all of them as well as a personalized attention based on the needs of each one.

 Reinforcement mechanisms to be implemented as soon as learning difficulties are detected will be both organizational and curricular. These
measures may include support in the regular group, flexible groupings or curriculum adaptations.

 The appropriate curricular and organizational measures will be established to ensure the adequate progress of those students with a specific
need for educational support.


• Listen and respond with respect to the ideas of your peers.

• Demonstrates responsibility for the care of materials and space used to make a craft.
• Participate actively and follow the basic steps to make a craft.
• Enjoy establishing connections between the visual arts and music.
• Enjoy participating in physical activities.
• Shows interest in learning new skills and working with autonomy.
• Shows willingness to listen and participate with others during group activities.
• Cooperate with colleagues to carry out a plastic project.
• Understand that fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet.
• Shows curiosity to discover plastic elements in the environment.
• Ability to transform everyday objects into something different.
• Analyze various artistic materials in a personal way.
• Appreciation for the environment as a source of inspiration.
• Shows approval and respect for different crafts.
• Reflect on your crafts and those of others.
• Demonstrates creativity, autonomy and responsibility during the artistic process.
• Shows interest in preparing materials in advance, and actively follows the steps necessary to complete the task.
• Shows respect for the environment through recycling.


Learn vocabulary in English and the material Used in 20% 2
the classroom Artistic
It carries out different activities. 30% 3
Draw and color appropriately 40% 4
Expresses with classmates and teacher in English 10% 1
100% 10

DEGREE OF PROGRAMMING All the teaching units have been carried out. The final group project was not made due to lack of time. They try to economize the
COMPLIANCE times to be able to carry out all the contents.

ADAPTATION OF TEMPORALIZATION There is only one class hour a week.

SEQUENCING OF THE CONTENTS The contents are sequenced in degree of difficulty. Putting the easiest thing at the beginning of the course and the hardest at the

ACTIVITY DESIGN The activities designed have been appropriate to work on one of the themes. Works in cooperative group.
It is considered necessary to design more activities related to ICT.

MATERIALS AND USED RESOURCES The resources used have been: textbook, videos, art pages and group work always in the classroom

IMPROVEMENT AREAS Put more emphasis on making the classes in English. That children are able to speak English and communicate in this language.

Our model of person is inspired by the principles and criteria of the Salesian Educational Project. We want our students to become cheerful, committed,
competent, supportive, open and enterprising people. A person who is related to the physical and social environment that surrounds him, and prepared for a
society in constant change.

Since the school is a privileged place for the integral education of the person, we will accompany the students from a human, Christian and Salesian vision of life

• Discover and integrate into the world of work and participate responsibly in the digital world from a critical and entrepreneurial attitude.

• Help them understand and strengthen their intellectual and cultural world.

• Encourage personal development and social relationships; as well as its implication in solidarity causes.

• Accompaniment their spiritual development through processes of knowledge and experiences of the message of Jesus Christ, the cultivation and development
of activities, values and openness to transcendence, in relation to the different educational processes

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