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The loyalty of brand is a pure relationship between a customer and a brand we can call it

branding theory. (Sahin et al., 2011; Al-Hawary, 2013b). We know a big portion of input

provided for such a relationship is a brand experience. Veloutsou (2015) set up that CB loyalty is

serious component between a consumer and maker. Aurier and Lanauze (2012) intendent that the

influence of relationship of brand which shows like brand loyalty and set up the constructive

connection middle of brand and loyalty (S. Khan, Sabri, & Nasir, 2016; Kousar, Rehman, Zafar,

Ali, & Nasir, 2018; Rehman, Ali, Sajjad Hussain, & Zamir Kamboh, 2019)Al-Hawary, 2013a).

In a whole, experiential study in China, Guo et al. (2011) identified the regarded of customer

about the label functions and for this reason find connection in middle of brand loyalty and

function of brand in this regard. In consequences inspect the constructive part of brand loyalty.

Shukla (2009) explained a constructive character of background influence (i.e. family, life time,

ancestry values, social factors, peer factor, style of life, and monetary position) on the BL. The

consequence of brand character has showed in number of preceding tasks. The leading outcomes

of label characters are aggressive beneficial (Haider & Nasir, 2016; Yousaf, Nisar, Ali, Hussain,

& Kamboh, 2019)Su and Tong, 2015),BLeither customer (Veloutsou, 2015), purpose to buy

(Tolba and Hassan, 2009) and productivity (Matzleret al., 2008).The focal point in this kind of

research article is on BL (Nasir, Khaliq, & Rehman, 2017; Nasir, Khan, Sabri, & Nasir, 2016).
As stated by advertising writings, BL has great trust on brand effect in several variables

(Matzleret al., 2008; Al-Hawary, 2013b), customer perceived quality (Karakaya and Barnes,

2010; Alshuridehet al., 2017; Al-Hawary and Harahsheh, 2014; Al-Hawary and Hussien, 2016;

Al-Hawaryet al., 2013 ), perceived brand equity (Frank and Watchravesringkan, 2016),

perceived brand trust (Khaliq et al., 2019; Riaz, Arif, Nisar, Ali, & Sajjad Hussain, 2018; Soulat

& Nasir, 2017), brand experience (Kamboh, Kamal, Nisar, & Kamboh, 2018) Walter et al.,

2013, Wulandari, 2016), and client brand relationship (Veloutsou, 2015). Other research

emphasized further factors i.e., dimensions of corporate branding (Souidenet al., 2006, Guo et

al., 2011, So et al., 2013 and Khan et al., 2016), expressive connection (So et al., 2013),

customer-related appropriate factors (Shukla, 2009), brand relations (Hussain, Khaliq, Nisar,

Kamboh, & Ali, 2019a; Nisar et al., 2018; Talib & Ali) as well as brand equity (Ali and

Muqadas, 2015, Ahmad and Hashim, 2011 (Ahmed, Ahmad, Nisar, & Azeem, 2017; Hussain,

Khaliq, Nisar, Kamboh, & Ali, 2019b; Nisar, Shaheen, & Bhatti, 2017) and Shin et al., 2014).

Nevertheless, it is known that there is gap in studies which lead to conduct more investigation

about the several factors like as brand image, brand equity and corporate branding respectively in

Jordon. Consequently, the ongoing study is made to fulfill the gap in contrast of the past, level of

customer’s awareness is getting enhance and it has got customer to go for inspired outcome.

thisFor that reason, if corporation want to achieve the need of customers, they could have faithful

buyer which make their products and services. Nonetheless ,perpetual buyer is devoted to

acquire define outcomes.

Expressing the role of mediating about loyalty on the connection in middle of brand image and

impartiality look into will mediating role of loyalty on the relationship between brand image and

equity this acquire will provide well-builtcollaboration in lead up to writings.

CAI (2004) recommended an incorporated dummy connected to label improvement and practice

as well. Inspite of the fact that, past researches have anticipated direct pressure of BL on BEeven

so past outcome best of our information. Still, there is no study has conducted about impact of

BL on the connection at BI and BE.

Research model:

This investigationfocus to securitize the mediating role of BL on the connection in BI and BI.

Here, Figure 1 explain the conceptual research model of study.





This model has shown that BE and BI are acted dependent variable and BL is mediating variable

as well. As, we can see the BE and BI has built up constructive influence This figure shows

brand by BL. As illustrated in Figure 1, the effect of BLappears the significance of BE and BI.


The membership of product is called as BL in highly way(Naghibi& Sadeghi, 2011). The will of

customer to buyer for rebuying many times is known as BL, however, there is another

competitor of brands exist (Rajagopal, 2010). Nevertheless, the character of buyer actions find
variations in several cultures and also some cultures used to more brand aware than another

(Mooij&Hofstede, 2011). As stated by Tong & Hawley (2009)BL is the heart of BE. Although,

the analysis Kim et al(2008) declare that BL is like an extremely hold on to devotionto acquire or

effective use a special brand or service again and again in coming times. The decisions of buying

same brand is particularly impacted by that specific brand (wahid et al., 2011). According to

study Ling et al., (2014) established that the loyal buyer ready to spend the cost specially for

particular brand and keep see the changing price to recently developed. Therefore, development

of the EB, to must update the loyalty(Mishra & Datta, 2011).


On the authority of Taylor et al, (2007) BI is identified in which scrutiny about replication by the

brand connection under psyche of consumer. The brand name of organization supplies the

importance of the customer brands talk(Bresciani& Eppler 2010). Another name for BI is also

expressedlike brand pensiveness, and it is entirely identified on consumers’ prior consideration

and get place of the invention or services but as well precious by corporationindication of their

exterior brand presentation (Grace, 2004). In this examineSetiono& Hsieh, (2004) declared

which means successfulBI make probable buyers to identify needs which makescarry out to

distinguish the brand situated more or less its competitors , and also as a result improve the

probability that buyers willpower to purchaselabel. Buyer’s awareness in BIconstruct with sage

advertising fundamentals motivates clients purchasing decision of sage brand (Norazah , 2013)

The essential source for brand image is also known asBE. Therefore, formation of BI has

positive consequence onBE (Mishra & Datta, 2011).

BE is the supplementary significance placedits name as capable to be familiar the whole time the

buyer, it addition to replicatewhich buyer is enthusiastic to be a focus as regardingspecific brand

or label(Rios &Riquelme, 2008). Most of all subject of BV hasincreased as be obvious between

selective promoting points management (kim et al, 2005). Adverting events, passion of

highergrade that covers the brand name, representation or public perception (Dolak, 2003).

Almost allcrucial source of a few companyare imaginary and in addition its corporation of

realistic buyers, labels symbols &“mottos”and variety cluesketch,uniqueness, personality, shape

of mentality particulars, extension and name alertness. Many earnings attach with consents,logos

and network associations contain brand price and are main foundation of higher tender and ahead

income (Neal &Srauss, 2008).

BI ,BL and BE

In what way can customer distinguish the BI of a brand in its wits is like large worth withal the

reliable way.So, we can define the brandimage as how customer recognize a meticulous brand,

while we can define the brand identity as the process to other organizations introduce their labels

at marketplace and also what’s anticipation about knowledge of the buyers.Lastly, there are

different image of the brand which customers have rather troughthe organization offered (Bian

X, 2011). Recently years owing to industrialevolutions, customers are manymuch aware and

properly they know necessities.Therefore, every company is trying to make their brand well

known by giving best brand to the customer. That’s why customer always desires to buy best

brand products.

Macdonald and Sharp (2000) interpreted that all consumers are willing to purchase brand that are

fit known but how it is been professed in the mind of customers still manipulate the purchasing

choice. When customers propose to purchase any product the first thing comes intheir mind is
the brand title which shows the brand Awareness. If a brand has a higher perception about a

brand, the probability of customer buying it will be higher (Dodos, Monroe, & Grewal, 1991;

Grewal, Monroe & Krishnan, 1998).

This explains the concept that products with a clear knowledge of the brand will have a high mar

ket share rate and a better value assessment. In addition, customers recognize the perceived value 

and brand awareness when purchasing particular products.Perceived value can allow consumers t

o make an informed decision about the value of the product, which provides a substantial distinct

ion and becomes a brand of choice in the minds of consumers (Aaker,1991).

Therefore, businesses need to build loyalty to the brand. Several research studies show that gaini-

ng a new customer has a larger cost effect than maintaining interaction (Barsky, 1994).

H2: Brand image influences brand loyalty positively.

H3:Brand equity influences brand loyalty positively.

In this research, theoretical interrelationship between the dependent variables brand equity and in

dependent variables brand identity and loyalty, according to the  available literature, is that there 

is no substantial study to determine the mediating impact of brand awareness on the brand equity 

and brand image relationship on brand loyalty.

H4: Brand loyalty mediates on brand equity the effects of Brand Image.


The aim of this study to establish whether brand loyalty mediates between brand image

and brand equity or not. The current study wants to explore the brand relationship. This research

tends to explore the perception of teachers and students of commerce about brand. This type of

research is quantitative. Quantitative approach is very effective because in this study researcher
gathers data from sample. Quantitative research refers to the systematic empirical investigation

of social behavior via statistical, mathematical or computation techniques. Research design is

descriptive. Descriptive research is that determines the things are,

evolve data collection to test hypothesis or answer question on the current study topic.

Sample and procedure

The study was type of descriptive research, and survey method was use to collect data (V. J.

Khan, Saeed, Ibrahim, & Rizwan, 2018; Meo, Aftab, Iqbal, ur Rehman, & Irshad, 2018; Meo,

Khan, & Rizwan, 2018). Hence, the population of this study was consisted of 70 male and 50

female. The population of study consist teachers and students. Finally, Male and female teacher

students were selected from these school by using convenient sampling. The sample size

comprises the selected universities and colleges. From which data was collected by giving

questionnaires to male and female students and teacher. The total sample size is 120

questionnaires in which 30 questions were ask to teacher and students.


This instrument intended to know the perceptions of brand loyalty. The instrument was

developed in research were on the 5 points Likert scale.

To investigate the aim of study, first was to developed a reliable and valid questionnaire for

measuring the perceptions about the mediating rule of brand loyalty. The research instrument

was developing in the form of questionnaire. This questionnaire is sub divided into 3 parts,

1stpart is about brand loyalty which contain 15 questions, 2nd part consist of brand image question

in which 8 question were asked, and 3rdpart consist brand equity questions in which 7 question

were asked. The total number of questions is 30, which were asked to teacher and students.
The questionnaire was developed on the basis of Likert scale type, which means to asked

an individual to respond to a combination of items by marking from Strongly agree to strongly


Construct Reliability and Validity:
Cronbach's Composite
rho_A Variance
Alpha Reliability
Extracted (AVE)

BI 0.764 0.720 0.781 0.567

BE 0.747 0.761 0.891 0.623

BL 0.701 0.799 0.894 0.458

Discriminant Validity:

BI 0.478    

BE 0.629 0.790  

BL 0.567 0.515 0.609

Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT):



BE 0.788  

BL 0.609 0.667
Total Indirect Effects:

Mean, STDEV, T-Values, and P-Values:

Original Sample Mean T Statistics (|
Deviation P Values
Sample (O) (M) O/STDEV|)

BI-> BL 0.329 0.370 0.050 6.589 0.000

Confidence Intervals:
Original Sample
Sample Mean (M) 2.5% 97.5%

BI -> BE

BI -> BL 0.325 0.369 0.260 0.547


Specific Indirect Effects:

Mean, STDEV, T-Values, and P-Values:

Original Sample T Statistics
Deviation P Values
Sample (O) Mean (M) 60(|O/STDEV|)
BI-> BE -> BL 0.325 0.369 0.050 6.567 0.000

Confidence Intervals:
Original Sample
Sample Mean (M) 2.5% 97.5%

BI-> BE -> BL 0.323 0.360 0.259 0.447


This study show the mediating role of brand loyalty i.e. Brand loyalty captures the efficient

aspects whereas brand image capture the representational feature of brand equity (Aaker, 1991).

Consumers try to recommend dominant brands not only for their functional values but also their

symbolic values and market image; this research proposes the mediating role of brand loyalty

relationship between brand image and brand equity. In other words, study describe that how
suggestive relations can be recognized between brands and consumers through representative

exploitation. Brand image is an independent variable and brand equity is dependent variable and

the mediating role play by rand loyalty. The study shows the positive influence. Since, we can

say that the study explores the positive effect by the brand image toward brand equity with

respect to mediating role of brand loyalty.


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