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Notes for Final Exam 2022

Class: VIII (Session: July 2021-2022)

Sub: Islamic Studies

[ Part: 1.1 ]
Section A
The Qur’an and Ahadith (Hadis)

Surah An-Nasr: [Pg. 74-75 of I M E & 67 of I B T]

Translation (meaning):
* In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
1. When there comes the help of Allah and the victory.
2. And you see the people enter into the religion of Allah in crowds.
3. Then glorify the praises of your Lord and seek His forgiveness, surely, He is ever ready to

* Explanation: [See Pg. 75 of I M E]

* Teachings / Learning Points: [See Pg. 75 of I M E]

Description of ‘Mim Sakin’: [Pg. 61 of I M E]

Q. What is Mim Sakin? Briefly describe the rules of Mim Sakin.

Ans: [See Pg. 61 of I M E]
Section A
Hadith: 1

ٗ‫ل َا ِد ْي َن ل َِم ْن لَا َع ْه َد لَه‬

[Lā dīna limanlā ‘ahda lahū]

“He who does not keep his promise has no religion.”

1. Why may it be harmful to break a promise?
Ans. It lets down the other party. / Or One loses one’s standing in society.

2. Why is promise-keeping important in a marriage?

Ans. The couple are likely to remain loyal to one another and the marriage will last.

3. Give one example of how the Prophet (S A W) kept his promise at Hudaibiyyah.
Ans. For example, he withdrew from the pilgrimage for a year, even though he had a strong force with
4. State one benefit to Muslims of Keeping promise.
Ans. For example, it helps to create a stable society.

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Notes for Final Exam 2022 Class VIII (July Session) Islamic Studies

[ Part: 1.2 ]
Hadith: 2
ُّ َ ‫ا‬
‫لدنْ َيا َم ْز َر َع ُّة ا ل ْاٗخ َِر ِة‬
[Addun-yā mazra‘atul ākhirat]
“This world is a cultivating ground for the hereafter.”
1. Why is life in this world described in this way?
Ans. It matches the general analogy of sowing (good deeds) and reaping (reward): “As you sow, so shall
you reap.”
2. What is ‘Ibadah’?
Ans. An act of worship i.e. an action performed with the intention of obeying Allah.
3. Suggest one way in which Muslims prepare themselves for the hereafter.
Ans. It is logical to suppose that good deeds will result in good rewards in the hereafter and that wicked
deeds will be punished.
4. Give one detail of the Qur’anic description of paradise. / Give one description of
paradise contained in the Qur’an.
Ans. For example, pleasant gardens through which rivers flow. / A beautiful garden
in which rivers flow.
5. Give one description of hell contained in the Qur’an.
Ans. For example, boiling water, rods of iron, scorching wind etc.

Section B: Life of Prophet (S A W)

[Battle of Badr, Battle of Uhud, Hudaibiyah Agreement, The Conquest of Makkah, The farewell Address, The Sad
News, Caliphs]: [Pg. 105-118,125-133 of I B T]
Q.1. When and where was the Battle of Badr fought?
Ans: The Battle of Badr was fought in the 2nd Hijri at a place called Badr, 128km south-west of
Q.2. When and where was the Battle of Uhud fought?
Ans: The Battle of Uhud was fought in the 3rd Hijri at Mount Uhud in Madinah.
Q.3. What were the conditions of ‘Hudaibiyah Agreement’?
Ans: The treaty of peace was called the Treaty of Hudaibiyah (or Hudaibiyah Agreement).
It had the following terms:
1. Muslims would return to Madinah that year;
2. They would be permitted to come for pilgrimage next year, but would stay only for three days
in Makkah;
3. They would not take any Muslim from Makkah with them and would not stop any Muslim from
staying in Makkah;
4. If any Muslim of Makkah went to Madinah they would return him to Makkah, but if any
Muslim from Madinah went to Makkah he would not be returned;
5. There would be no fighting for ten years.
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Notes for Final Exam 2022 Class VIII (July Session) Islamic Studies

[ Part: 2.1 ]
Q.4. Briefly describe the conquest of Makkah.
Ans: The Holy Prophet (S A W) left Madinah on the month of Ramadan on 8th Hijri with an army of ten
thousand. By the time he reached Makkah, the Holy Prophet (S A W) divided his army into four
groups and gave them instructions that no blood was to be shed and they were not to fight unless
they were attacked in which case they should defend themselves. The Quraish who had never seen
such a huge, well-armed and disciplined army before. A messenger preceded the Holy Prophet (S A
W) asking, the people to have no fear as no one would be killed or injured. He also announced that
anyone who laid his arms would be safe, anyone who took refuge in the house of Abu Sufyan
would be safe and that anyone who closed the doors of his house would be safe. The entry of the
Prophet’s army into Makkah was absolutely peaceful.

Q.5. What did the Prophet (S A W) do after he had entered Makkah?

Ans: After entering Makah, the Holy Prophet (S A W) proceeded to the Haram and performed Tawaf of
the Ka‘bah. After performing Tawaf, he entered Ka‘bah and ordered the destruction of the 360 idols
which were kept there. When the Holy Prophet (S A W) asked them what treatment they could
expect at his hand, they cried, “You are a noble brother and a noble cousin”. The Holy Prophet (S A
W) said, “There shall be no reproach against you this day, go, you are free,” eventually the Holy
Prophet (S A W) also pardoned twelve or thirteen of those who had been excluded from the general
pardon. Only four persons out of the original list were actually executed.

Q.6. What is ‘Hujjatul Wida’?

Ans: The Hajj that performed by the Holy Prophet (S A W) in the 10th Hijri is called ‘Hujjatul Wida’.

Q.7. What did the Holy Prophet (S A W) say or teach in his Farewell Sermon about the following:
(i) the worship of Allah;
(ii) the rights of women;
(iii) the Day of Judgment;
(iv) the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
Ans: (i) the worship of Allah: “Listen to me carefully! Worship Allah and offer Salah, observe
Sawm in the month of Ramadan and pay Zakah”.
(ii) the rights of women: “O people, your wives have a certain right over you and you have
certain rights over them. Treat them well and be kind to them, for they are your partners
and committed helpers”.
(iii) the Day of Judgement: “O people, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as a
sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Remember that you
will indeed appear before Allah and answer for your actions”.
(iv) the Qur’an and Sunnah: “O people, reflect on my words. I leave behind me two things, the
Qur'an and my example (Sunnah), and if you follow these, you will not fail”.

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Notes for Final Exam 2022 Class VIII (July Session) Islamic Studies

[ Part: 2.2 ]
Q.8. Briefly give an account of the last days (the illness and death) of the Prophet (S A W).
Ans: After returning to Madinah, the Prophet Muhammad (S A W) fell ill. He became so ill that he could
not lead the Prayer or even go to the mosque. At his command Abu Bakr (R A) started leading the
Prayer. One day, the Prophet (S A W) said that Allah had given him the chance of staying in His
world or returning to Him and that he had chosen to return. He breathed his last on the 12th of
Rabiul-Awwal. His age at the time of death was 63 years. He was buried in the apartment of Hazrat
Ayshah (R A).

Q.9. Name the rightly guided four pious Caliphs of Islam (Khulafa ur Rashedin) with their
Ans: 1. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R A) was the first Khalifah of Islam. He was given the title of
As-Siddiq (testifier to truth).

2. Hazrat Omar (R A) was the second Khalifah of Islam. He was given the title of
Al-Faruq (one who distinguished between right and wrong).

3. Hazrat Uthman (R A) was the third Khalifah of Islam. He was given the title of
Al-Ghani (the rich).

4. Hazrat Ali (R A) was the fourth Khalifah of Islam. He was given the title of
Asadullah (lion of Allah), Saifullah (sword of Allah), Babul ‘ilm (gate of knowledge),
Al-Murtadah (the one with whom Allah is pleased).

Unseen Chapter:
Hazrat ‘Isa (A) [Pg. 148-149 of I B T and 126-127 of I M E], [Unseen Q/A].

Section C: (Shari‘ah)
Hajj, Qurbani, Aqiqah: [Pg. 35-48 of I M E]. Jihad: [Pg. 74-77 of I B T], Dignity of Women: [Pg. 97-98 of I M E].
Shari‘ah (Islamic Law): [Pg. 153-155 of I B T],

Hajj: [Pg 39 - 43 of I M E]
Q.1. (a) What are the Fards (Farzes) of Hajj?
Ans: There are three Fards in Hajj, They are:
1. to put on Ihram with the intention of performing Hajj.
2. to stay in the Field of Arafat (Oquf) on the 9th of Zilhajj.
3. to perform Tawaf-e-Ziayarah on the 10th, 11th or 12th Zilhajj.

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[ Part: 3.1 ]
(b) What are the Wajibs of Hajj?
Ans: The Wajibs of Hajj are:
1. to stay in Muzdalifah in the way back from Arafat.
2. to perform sa‘iy (run) in the middle of Safa and Marwah hill.
3. to throw stones at Satan (Zamaratul Aqabah).
4. To perform Qurbani (the sacrifice)
5. to perform Tawaf-e-Wida, at the time of departure by the Pilgrims coming from outside
6. to have a head shave or hair-cut.
(c) What is ‘Umrah’?
Ans: [See Pg. 74-77 of I B T]

(d) Write Talwiyah with its meaning in English.

Ans: Labbaikallāhumma labbaik,
labbaika lā sharīka laka labbaik,
innal hamda wan ni‘mata laka wal mulk,
lā sharīka lak.
Meaning: Here I am O Lord, here I am,
here I am, You have no partner, here I am,
surely praise, blessings and the kingdom are for You,
You have no partner.

(e) Give three benefits of Hajj.

Ans: Three benefits of Hajj are:
1. tolerance and patience.
2. brotherhood.
3. obedience to Allah.
Qurbani and Aqiqah: [Pg 44 - 48 of I M E]

Q.2. (a) What does Qurbani mean?

Ans: Qurbani means the practice of sacrifice. It carries the sacrifice of Allah’s Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim
(A S) and Hazrat Ismail (A S). One night the Prophet Ibrahim (A S) dreamt of Allah’s order to
sacrifice his son Ismail (A S). As ordered, his son was safe and a lamb was sacrificed. Thus the
system of Qurbani has been introduced where an animal is sacrificed for Allah’s satisfaction.
(b) Write three rules of Qurbani.
Ans: [See Pg. 45 of I M E]

(c) What is meant by Aqiqah?

Ans: The meaning of the term Aqiqah is to break or to cut. In the terminology of Shari‘ah slaughtering of
any Halal domestic animal for Allah’s satisfaction, wishing good for the baby on the 7th day of its
birth is called Aqiqah. The Prophet (S A W) said two goats for “male child” and one goat for a
female child for Aqiqah.
(d) What do you mean by Jihad?
Ans: [See Pg. 76-77 of I B T]
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Notes for Final Exam 2022 Class VIII (July Session) Islamic Studies

[ Part: 3.2 ]

Dignity of Women: [Pg 97 - 98 of I M E]

Q.3. (a) Briefly describe “the status of women” in Islam.
Ans: By the status of women special rights, position and dignity that the women enjoy in own society as
mother, daughters’ sisters or wives.
Islam is the only religion which recognized the position of women to be the same as that of man. It
is Islam that proclaimed paradise lies at the feet of mothers. The right of mothers is greater than
that of the father. Islam recognized this status of women in their conjugal life.

(b) What has Allah (S W T) said about the status /dignity of women?
Ans: [See pg. 98 of I M E]

(c) What has our Holy Prophet (S A W) said about the status /dignity of Women?
Ans: [See pg. 97 of I M E]

Q.4. What are the main sources of Shari‘ah?

Ans: The main sources of Shari‘ah are: Qur’an, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas.

Tashahhud, Taiyammum, Witr, Umrah, Uswatun Hasanah, Az-Zahra, Zakah, Zamzam : [Pg. 229-230 of I BT].

Words Meaning
(1) Tashahhud 1. The recitation after two rak‘ats and at the end of Salah.

(2) Taiyammum 2. Dry ablution, performed when water is scarce, unavailable or when
using it would be harmful.

(3) Witr 3. Literally ‘odd’ (opposite of even). Refers to the Salah offered after
(4) Umrah 4. The lesser pilgrimage to the Ka‘bah in Makkah any time of the year.
(5) Uswatun Hasanah Meaning ‘an excellent example’. The Qur’anic term refers to Prophet
Muhammad (S A W).

(6) Az-Zahra 6. A title of Fatimah (R A), the youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad
(S A W), meaning ‘radiantly beautiful’.
Welfare contribution – a compulsory payment from a Muslims’s annual
(7) Zakah savings, one of the five pillars (basic duties) of Islam. It is an act of
‘Ibadah’ (worship) and should not be confused with any tax.
Literally ‘bubbling’ or ‘abundance of water’. The famous well near the
(8) Zamzam
Ka‘bah, discovered by Hajar (Hajera R A).

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