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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 103, 046015 (2021)

RG limit cycles and unconventional fixed points in perturbative QFT

Christian B. Jepsen ,1,* Igor R. Klebanov ,2,3 and Fedor K. Popov2
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794, USA
Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA
Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA

(Received 22 December 2020; accepted 27 January 2021; published 23 February 2021)

We study quantum field theories with sextic interactions in 3 − ϵ dimensions, where the scalar fields ϕab
form irreducible representations under the OðNÞ2 or OðNÞ global symmetry group. We calculate the beta
functions up to four-loop order and find the renormalization group (RG) fixed points. In an example of
large N equivalence, the parent OðNÞ2 theory and its antisymmetric projection exhibit identical large N
beta functions that possess real fixed points. However, for projection to the symmetric traceless
representation of OðNÞ, the large N equivalence is violated by the appearance of an additional
double-trace operator not inherited from the parent theory. Among the large N fixed points of this
daughter theory we find complex conformal field theories. The symmetric traceless OðNÞ model also
exhibits very interesting phenomena when it is analytically continued to small noninteger values of N. Here
we find unconventional fixed points, which we call “spooky.” They are located at real values of the
coupling constants gi , but two eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix ∂βi =∂gj are complex. When these
complex conjugate eigenvalues cross the imaginary axis, a Hopf bifurcation occurs, giving rise to RG limit
cycles. This crossing occurs for N crit ≈ 4.475, and for a small range of N above this value we find RG flows
that lead to limit cycles.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.046015

I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY existence in a simple OðNÞ symmetric model of scalar

fields with sextic interactions in 3 − ϵ dimensions. As
The renormalization group (RG) is among the deepest
expected, the limit cycles appear when the theory is
ideas in modern theoretical physics. There is a variety of
continued to a range of parameters where it is nonunitary.
possible RG behaviors, and limit cycles are among the most
The scalar fields form a symmetric traceless N × N matrix,
exotic and mysterious. Their possibility was mentioned in the
and imposition of the OðNÞ symmetry restricts the number
classic review [1] in the context of connections between RG
of sextic operators to four. When we consider an analytic
and dynamical systems (for a recent discussion of these
continuation of this model to noninteger real values of
connections, see [2]). However, there has been relatively little
N (a mathematical framework for such a continuation
research on RG limit cycles. They have appeared in quantum
was presented in [17]), we find a surprise. In the range
mechanical systems [3–6], in particular, in a description of
4.465 < N < 4.534, as well as in three other small ranges
the Efimov bound states [7] (for a review, see [8]). The status
of N, there are special RG fixed points which we call
of RG limit cycles in quantum field theories (QFT) is less
“spooky.” These fixed points are located at real values of
clear. They have been searched for in unitary four-dimen-
the sextic couplings gi , but only two of the eigenvalues of
sional QFT [9], but turned out to be impossible [10,11],
the Jacobian matrix ∂βi =∂gj are real; the other two are
essentially due to the constraints imposed by the a theorem
[12–14].1 complex conjugates of each other. This means that a pair
In this paper we report some progress on RG limit cycles of nearly marginal operators at the spooky fixed points
in the context of perturbative QFT. We demonstrate their has complex scaling dimensions.2 At the critical value
N crit ≈ 4.475, the two complex eigenvalues of the Jacobian
become purely imaginary. As a result, for N slightly bigger
See, however, Refs. [15,16], where it is argued that QFTs may
exhibit multivalued c or a functions that do not rule out limit These special complex dimensions appear in addition to the
cycles. complex dimensions of certain evanescent operators that are
typically present in ϵ expansions [18]. The latter dimensions have
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of large real parts and are easily distinguished from our nearly
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. marginal operators. Some of the operators with complex dimen-
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to sions we observe resemble evanescent operators in that they
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, interpolate to vanishing operators at integer values of N; this is
and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. discussed in Sec. IV.

2470-0010=2021=103(4)=046015(25) 046015-1 Published by the American Physical Society

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)

than N crit , where the real part of the complex eigenvalues appearance of an additional invariant operator in the latter.
becomes negative, there are RG flows that lead to limit The large N fixed points in this theory occur at a complex
cycles. In the theory of dynamical systems this phenomenon value of the coefficient of this operator. As a result, instead
is called a Hopf (or Poincarè-Andronov-Hopf) bifurcation of the convention conformal field theory (CFT) in the
[19]. The possibility of RG limit cycles appearing via a Hopf parent theory, we find a “complex CFT” [42,43] (see also
bifurcation was generally raised in [2], but no specific [44]) in the daughter theory. As discussed above, analytical
examples were provided. As we demonstrate in Sec. IV, continuation of this model to small noninteger N leads to
the symmetric traceless OðNÞ model in 3 − ϵ dimensions the appearance of the spooky fixed points and limit cycles.
provides a simple perturbative example of this phenomenon.
We show that there is no conflict between the limit cycles II. THE BETA FUNCTION MASTER FORMULA
we have found and the F theorem [20–27]. This is because
the analytic continuation to noninteger values of N below 5 In a general sextic scalar theory with potential
violates the unitarity of the symmetric traceless OðNÞ λiklmnp
model, so that the F function is not monotonic. We feel VðϕÞ ¼ ϕi ϕk ϕl ϕm ϕn ϕp ð1Þ
that the simple perturbative realization of limit cycles we 6!
have found is interesting, and we hope that there are the beta function receives a two-loop contribution from the
analogous phenomena in other models and dimensions. Feynman diagram
Our paper also sheds new light on the large N behavior
of the matrix models in 3 − ϵ dimensions. Among the
fascinating features of various large N limits (for a recent
brief overview, see [28]) are the “large N equivalences,”
which relate models that are certainly different at finite N. In [26,27,45] one can find explicit formulas for the
An incomplete list of the conjectured large N equivalences corresponding two-loop beta function in d ¼ 3 − ϵ dimen-
includes [29–36]. Some of them appear to be valid, even sions. Equation (6.1) of the latter reference reads
nonperturbatively, while others are known to break down
dynamically. For example, in the nonsupersymmetric 1
orbifolds of the N ¼ 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory βV ðϕÞ ¼ −2ϵVðϕÞ þ V ijk ðϕÞV ijk ðϕÞ; ð2Þ
[30–33,37], there are perturbative instabilities in the large
∂ ∂
N limit due to the beta functions for certain double-trace where V ij ðϕÞ ≡ ∂ϕ i    ∂ϕj VðϕÞ. By taking the indices to

couplings having no real zeros [38–41]. stand for doublets of subindices, this formula can be used to
In Sec. III we study the RG flows of three scalar theories compute the beta functions of matrix tensor models. In order
in 3 − ϵ dimensions with sextic interactions: the parent to apply the formula to models of symmetric or antisym-
OðNÞ2 symmetric model of N × N matrices ϕab , and its metric matrices, however, we need to slightly modify it.
two daughter theories which have OðNÞ symmetry. For Letting i and j stand for doublets of indices, we define the
each model, we list all sextic operators marginal in three object Cij via the momentum space propagator:
dimensions, compute the associated beta functions up to
four loops, and determine the fixed points. One of our Cij
hϕ̃i ðkÞϕ̃j ð−kÞi0 ¼ : ð3Þ
motivations for this study is to investigate the large N k2
orbifold equivalence and its violation in the simple context
With this definition in hand, Eq. (2) straightforwardly
of purely scalar theories. We observe evidence of large N
generalizes to
equivalence between the parent OðNÞ2 theory and the
0 0 0
daughter OðNÞ theory of antisymmetric matrices: both Cii Cjj Ckk
theories have three invariant operators, and the large N βV ðϕÞ ¼ −2ϵVðϕÞ þ V ijk ðϕÞV i0 j0 k0 ðϕÞ: ð4Þ
beta functions are identical. However, the large N equiv-
alence of the parent theory with the daughter OðNÞ At four-loops the following four kinds of Feynman diagrams
theory of symmetric traceless matrices is violated by the contribute to the beta function:

The resulting four-loop beta function can be read off from 1 1
S ¼ d x ð∂ μ ϕab Þ2 þ ðg1 O1 ðxÞ
Eq. (6.2) of [45], 2 6!

ð4Þ 1 1 4 þ g2 O2 ðxÞ þ g3 O3 ðxÞÞ ; ð9Þ
βV ¼ 4
V ij V iklmn V jklmn − V ijk V ilmn V jklmn
ð8πÞ 6 3

π2 where the dynamical degrees of freedom are scalar matrices
− V ijkl V klmn þ þ ϕi γ ϕij V j ; ð5Þ
12 ϕab which transform under the action of a global OðNÞ ×
OðNÞ symmetry. The three operators in the potential are
where the anomalous dimension γ ϕij is given by
O1 ¼ ϕa1 b1 ϕa2 b1 ϕa2 b2 ϕa3 b2 ϕa3 b3 ϕa1 b3 ¼ tr½ϕϕT 3 ;
1 O2 ¼ ϕab ϕab ϕa1 b1 ϕa2 b1 ϕa2 b2 ϕa1 b2 ¼ tr½ϕϕT tr½ϕϕT 2 ;
γ ϕij ¼ λiklmnp λjklmnp : ð6Þ
90ð8πÞ4 O3 ¼ ðϕab ϕab Þ3 ¼ ðtr½ϕϕT Þ3 : ð10Þ
The above two equations also admit of straightforward They make up all sextic operators that are invariant under
generalizations by contracting indices through the Cij the global symmetry. Later we will also study projections
matrix. of the parent theory that have only a global OðNÞ symmetry
Before proceeding to matrix models, we can review the that rotates first and second indices at the same time. In
beta function obtained by the above formulas in the case of such models it becomes possible to construct singlets via
a sextic OðMÞ vector model described by the action contractions between first and second indices, and therefore
Z   there is an additional sextic scalar:
3−ϵ 1 j 2 g i i 3
S¼ d x ð∂ μ ϕ Þ þ ðϕ ϕ Þ ; ð7Þ
2 6! O4 ¼ ðϕa1 a2 ϕa2 a3 ϕa3 a1 Þ2 ¼ ðtr½ϕ3 Þ2 : ð11Þ

where the field ϕi is an M-component vector. The four-loop The sextic operators are depicted diagrammatically in
beta function of this vector model is given by [45,46] Fig. 1. We could also introduce an operator containing
tr½ϕ, but since the orbifolds we will study are models of
192ð3M þ 22Þ 2 symmetric traceless and antisymmetric matrices, the trace
βg ¼ −2ϵg þ g is identically zero. In the antisymmetric model, the operator
O4 vanishes, but it is nonvanishing in the symmetric
− ð9216ð53M 2 þ 858M þ 3304Þ orbifold, and so in this case we will introduce this addi-
ð6!Þ2 ð8πÞ4 tional marginal operator to the Lagrangian and take the
þ 1152π 2 ðM3 þ 34M 2 þ 620M þ 2720ÞÞg3 : ð8Þ potential to be given by

This equation provides a means of checking the beta VðxÞ ¼ ðg O ðxÞ þ g2 O2 ðxÞ þ g3 O3 ðxÞ þ g4 O4 ðxÞÞ:
functions of the matrix models, which reduce to the vector 6! 1 1
model when all couplings are set to zero except for the ð12Þ
coupling, denoted g3 below, associated with the triple trace
To study the large N behavior of these matrix models, we
introduce rescaled coupling constants λ1 , λ2 , λ3 , λ4 . To
simplify expressions, it will be convenient to also rescale
We now turn to matrix models in d ¼ 3 − ϵ dimensions. the coupling constants by a numerical prefactor. We
The parent theory we consider has the Lagrangian given by therefore define the rescaled couplings by

FIG. 1. The sextic operators in matrix models. The double trace operator O4 exists only in the theory of symmetric matrices.

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)

λ1 λ2
g1 ¼ 6!ð8πÞ2 ; g2 ¼ 6!ð8πÞ2 ; Each eigenvalue mi corresponds to a nearly marginal
N2 N3 operator with scaling dimension
λ λ
g3 ¼ 6!ð8πÞ2 34 ; g4 ¼ 6!ð8πÞ2 43 : ð13Þ
N N Δi ¼ d þ mi ¼ 3 − ϵ þ mi : ð18Þ
To justify
pffiffiffiffithese powers of N, let us perform a scaling Thus, negative eigenvalues correspond to slightly relevant
ϕab → N ϕab . Then the coefficient of each q-trace term in operators, which cause an instability of the fixed point.
the action scales as N 2−q . This is the standard scaling in the The only unstable direction, corresponding to eigenvalue
’t Hooft limit, which ensures that each term in the action is −2ϵ þ 32 2
9 ϵ , is
of order N 2.
245 4225π 2 − 4188 67π 2 − 28
A. The OðNÞ parent theory
2 þ ϵ λ1 þ 10 þ λ2 þ λ3 :
3 36 6
For the matrix model parent theory, the momentum space
propagator is given by ð19Þ

a0 b0 δaa δbb
0 0
The above comments relate to the OðNÞ2 matrix
hϕ̃ ðkÞϕ̃
ð−kÞi0 ¼ : ð14Þ model at N ¼ ∞. We can also study the model at finite
N. One interesting quantity is N min , the smallest value
Computing the four-loop beta functions and taking the of N at which the fixed point that interpolates to the
large N limit with scalings (13), we find that, up to OðN1 Þ large N solution (16) appears as a solution to the beta
corrections, functions. This fixed point emerges along with another
fixed point, and right at N min these solutions to the beta
βλ1 ¼ − 2λ1 ϵ þ 72λ21 − 288ð17 þ π 2 Þλ31 ; ∂βi
functions are identical, so that the matrix ð∂g Þ is
βλ2 ¼ − 2λ2 ϵ þ 432λ21 þ 96λ1 λ2 − 864ð90 þ 7π 2 Þλ31
degenerate. So we arrive at the following system of
− 864ð10 þ π 2 Þλ21 λ2 ; equations:
βλ3 ¼ − 2λ3 ϵ þ 168λ21 þ 192λ1 λ2 þ 32λ22  
βi ðλi ; NÞ ¼ 0; det ðλi ; NÞ ¼ 0: ð20Þ
− 432ð210 þ 23π 2 Þλ31 − 1152ð39 þ 4π 2 Þλ21 λ2 ∂λj
128 2 3
þ 4608λ21 λ3 − 768ð6 þ π 2 Þλ1 λ22 − π λ2 : ð15Þ This system of equations can easily be solved numeri-
cally to zeroth order in ϵ, and with a zeroth order
These beta functions have two nontrivial fixed points, which solution in hand the first order solution can be obtained
are both real. But one of these fixed points, which comes from by linearizing the system of equations. We find that
balancing the two-loop and four-loop contributions, is not N min ¼ 23.2541 − 577.350ϵ, which nicely fits the results
perturbatively reliable in an ϵ expansion around ϵ ¼ 0 of a numerical study where we compute N min at
because all the couplings at this fixed point contain terms different values of ϵ:
of order Oðϵ0 Þ. The other fixed point is given by
ϵ 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
ϵ 17 þ π 2 2 ϵ 22 þ 7π 2 2 N min 23.255 22.682 22.124 21.576 21.039 20.511
λ1 ¼ þ ϵ; λ2 ¼ − − ϵ;
36 324 2 36
295 4714 þ 6301π 2 2 These values result in a numerical fit N min ðϵÞ ¼
λ3 ¼ ϵþ ϵ: ð16Þ 23.255 − 553.7ϵ, which coincides with the result stated
108 1944 above.
At this fixed point the matrix
has eigenvalues If we take N to be finite and ϵ ≪ N12 , we can provide
some more details about the number and stability of fixed
32 2 2ϵ 44 þ 10π 2 2 34 þ 2π 2 2 points for different values of N. For N > 23.2541 −
−2ϵ þ ϵ ; − ϵ ; 2ϵ − ϵ : 577.350ϵ there are three nontrivial, real, perturbatively
9 3 27 9
accessible fixed points, which in the large N limit, to
ð17Þ leading order in ϵ, scale with N as


6!ð8πÞ2 ϵ
g1 ¼ g2 ¼ 0; g3 ¼ ;
288 N 2
6!ð8πÞ2 ϵ 10 ϵ 6!ð8πÞ2 ϵ
g1 ¼ ; g2 ¼ − · 6!ð8πÞ2 3 ; g3 ¼ ;
36 N 2 36 N 288 N 2
6!ð8πÞ2 ϵ 1 ϵ 295 ϵ
g1 ¼ ; g2 ¼ − · 6!ð8πÞ2 3 ; g3 ¼ · 6!ð8πÞ2 4 : ð21Þ
36 N 2 2 N 108 N

The first of these three fixed points is identical to the vector points appears, but then at NðϵÞ ¼ 2.72717 − 0.757475ϵ
model fixed point; that is to say, the symmetry is enhanced two of the fixed points merge and become complex. Then at
from OðNÞ2 to OðN 2 Þ. This fixed point extends to all N in NðϵÞ ¼ 2.33265 − 0.316279ϵ two new fixed points appear,
the small ϵ regime we are considering: but these disappear again at NðϵÞ ¼ 0.827007 þ 8.10374ϵ,
so that for N below this value there are a total of three real
6!ð8πÞ2 nontrivial fixed points. The behavior of the various fixed
g1 ¼ g2 ¼ 0; g3 ¼ ϵ: ð22Þ
96ð22 þ 3N 2 Þ points as a function of N is summarized in more detail in
Figs. 2 and 3.
The third fixed point in (21) extends to the regime where
N 2 > 1ϵ and becomes the large N solution discussed above. B. The OðNÞ model of antisymmetric matrices
This fixed point merges with the second fixed point in (21) For the theory of antisymmetric matrices ϕT ¼ −ϕ the
at a critical point situated at NðϵÞ ¼ 23.2541 − 577.350ϵ momentum space propagator is given by
And so at intermediate values of N, only the vector
model fixed point exists. But as we keep decreasing N 0 0 1 aa0 bb0 0 0
we encounter another critical point at NðϵÞ ¼ 5.01072 þ hϕ̃ab ðkÞϕ̃a b ð−kÞi0 ¼ ðδ δ − δab δba Þ: ð23Þ
14.4537ϵ, from which two new solutions to the vanishing
beta functions emerge. As N further decreases past the Performing the large N expansion using the scalings (13)
value NðϵÞ ¼ 2.75605 − 0.0161858ϵ, another pair of fixed we get the large N beta functions

βλ1 ¼ − 2λ1 ϵ þ 18λ21 − 18ð17 þ π 2 Þλ31 ;

βλ2 ¼ − 2λ2 ϵ þ 108λ21 þ 24λ1 λ2 − 54ð90 þ 7π 2 Þλ31 − 54ð10 þ π 2 Þλ21 λ2 ;
βλ3 ¼ − 2λ3 ϵ þ 42λ21 þ 48λ1 λ2 þ 8λ22 − 27ð210 þ 23π 2 Þλ31 − 72ð39 þ 4π 2 Þλ21 λ2
þ 288λ21 λ3 − 48ð6 þ π 2 Þλ1 λ22 − π 2 λ32 : ð24Þ
These beta functions are equivalent to (15) up to a redefinition of the rescaled couplings by a factor of 4, which is
compatible with this daughter theory being equivalent in the large N limit to the parent theory studied in the previous
We can also study the behavior of this model for finite N and ϵ ≪ 1. For N > 35.3546 − 673.428ϵ there are three (real,
perturbatively accessible) fixed points, which in the large N limit (keeping ϵ ≪ N12 ) to leading order in the ϵ scale with N as

6!ð8πÞ2 ϵ
g1 ¼ g2 ¼ 0; g3 ¼ ;
144 N 2
6!ð8πÞ2 ϵ 10 ϵ 6!ð8πÞ2 ϵ
g1 ¼ ; g2 ¼ − · 6!ð8πÞ2 3 ; g3 ¼ ;
9 N2 9 N 144 N 2
6!ð8πÞ2 ϵ ϵ 295 ϵ
g1 ¼ ; g2 ¼ −2 · 6!ð8πÞ2 3 ; g3 ¼ · 6!ð8πÞ2 4 : ð25Þ
9 N2 N 27 N

The first of these three fixed points is the vector model fixed point, and it is present more generally in the small ϵ regime we
are considering:

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)

FIG. 2. The real perturbative fixed points of the OðNÞ2 matrix model parent theory, the intersection point (marked in brown), and the
critical points at which they merge and disappear (marked in black) as a function of N for small ϵ. Fixed points that are IR unstable in all
three directions are drawn in red, those unstable in two directions are drawn in violet, those unstable in one direction are drawn in blue,
and those that are stable in all three directions are drawn in green. The four-loop corrections to the third point on the list, where two fixed
lines intersect, are undetermined for any Oðϵ2 Þ value of λ2 .

6!ð8πÞ2 a critical point situated at NðϵÞ ¼ 35.3546 − 673.428ϵ. And

g1 ¼ g2 ¼ 0; g3 ¼ ϵ: ð26Þ
48ð44 − 3N þ 3N 2 Þ so at intermediate values of N, only the vector model fixed
point exists. But as we keep decreasing N we encounter
The third fixed point in (25) extends to the regime where another critical point at NðϵÞ ¼ 6.02669 þ 7.37013ϵ,
N 2 > 1ϵ and becomes the large N solution discussed above. from which two new solutions to the vanishing beta func-
This fixed point merges with the second fixed point in (25) at tions emerge. As N further decreases past the value



2 2

0 g1 g2
200 400 600 800 − 1000 − 500

−2 −2

−4 −4

0 g3
100 200 300 400 500



FIG. 3. The locations of the real perturbative fixed points of the OðNÞ2 matrix model in the space of coupling constants as a function of
N for small ϵ. The colors indicate the number of stable directions associated with a given fixed point as in Fig. 2.

NðϵÞ ¼ 5.70601 þ 0.540694ϵ, another pair of fixed points The operators O1;2;3;4 are actually independent for N > 5,
appears, and past NðϵÞ ¼ 5.075310 − 0.0278896ϵ yet another while for N ¼ 2, 3, 4, 5 there are linear relations between them:
pair of fixed points appears (in this range of N, all seven (i) N ¼ 2∶O4 ¼ 0, O3 ¼ 2O2 ¼ 4O1 ,
nontrivial solutions to the vanishing beta functions are real). (ii) N ¼ 3∶O3 ¼ 2O2 , 2O4 ¼ 3O3 þ 6O1 ,
But already below NðϵÞ ¼ 5.03275 − 0.586724ϵ, two of the (iii) N ¼ 4; 5∶18O2 þ 8O4 ¼ 24O1 þ 3O3 .
fixed points become complex, and below NðϵÞ ¼ 3.08122 þ We will see that the existence of these relations for small integer
8.26176ϵ two more fixed points become complex, so that for N values of N has interesting implications for the analytic
below this value there are a total of three real nontrivial fixed continuation of the theory from N > 5 to N < 5.
points. The behavior of the various fixed points as a function of Let us first discuss the large N theory. For the rescaled
N is summarized in more detail in Figs. 4 and 5. couplings λ1 , λ2 , and λ3 , the large N beta functions are the
same as (24) for the antisymmetric model. But now there is
C. Symmetric traceless matrices and violation an additional coupling constant, whose large N beta
of large N equivalence
function is given by
There is a projection of the parent theory of general real
matrices ϕab which restricts them to symmetric matrices βλ4 ¼ −2ϵλ4 þ 72λ21 þ 36λ1 λ4 þ 6λ24 − 738λ21 λ4
ϕ ¼ ϕT . In order to have an irreducible representation of
− 18ð180 þ 11π 2 Þλ31 : ð28Þ
OðNÞ we should also require them to be traceless tr ϕ ¼ 0.
Then the propagator is given by
Consequently, the RG flow now has five nontrivial fixed
a0 b0 1 0 bb0 0 ba0 2 ab a0 b0 points, two of which are real fixed points but with coupling
hϕ̃ ðkÞϕ̃ ð−kÞi0 ¼ 2 δ δ þ δ δ − δ δ
ab aa ab : constants containing Oðϵ0 Þ terms. Another pair of fixed
2k N
points is given by

ϵ 17 þ π 2 2 22 þ 7π 2 2 295 4714 þ 6301π 2 2

λ1 ¼ þ ϵ; λ2 ¼ −2ϵ − ϵ; λ3 ¼ ϵþ ϵ;
9 81 9 27 486
pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
−3  i 39 273 − 78π 2  i 39ð67 þ 12π 2 Þ 2
λ4 ¼ ϵþ ϵ: ð29Þ
18 2106

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)

FIG. 4. The real perturbative fixed points of the antisymmetric matrix model, their intersection point (marked in brown), and the
critical points at which they merge and disappear (marked in black) as a function of N for small ϵ. Fixed points that are IR unstable in all
three directions are drawn in red, those unstable in two directions are drawn in violet, those unstable in one direction are drawn in blue,
and those that are stable in all three directions are drawn in green.

The first three coupling constants assume the same value as for the antisymmetric model, a rescaled version of (16) of the
parent theory, but the additional coupling constant assumes a complex value, thus breaking large N equivalence and
suggesting that the fixed point is unstable and described by a complex CFT [42,43].
We find that the eigenvalues of ∂λλji at this complex fixed point are

32 2 13 67 þ 12π 2 2 2 22 þ 5π 2 2 17 þ π 2 2
−2ϵ þ ϵ ; ∓ 2i ϵ  2i pffiffiffiffiffi ϵ ; ϵ − 2 ϵ ; 2ϵ − 2 ϵ ; ð30Þ
9 3 9 39 3 27 9




g1 g2
0 −1000 1000
500 1000 1500 2000
−2 −2

−4 −4

0 g3
50 100 150 200 250 300


FIG. 5. The locations of the real perturbative fixed points of the antisymmetric matrix model in the space of coupling constants as a
function of N for small ϵ. The colors indicate the number of stable directions associated with a given fixed point as in Fig. 4.

where the imaginary eigenvalue is associated with a (AdS) description they correspond to fields violating the
complex linear combination of λ1 and λ4 . Thus, there is Breitenlohner-Freedman stability bound.
actually a pair of complex large N fixed points: at one of Let us also note that the symmetric orbifold has a fixed
them there is an operator of complex dimension point where only the twisted sector coupling is nonvanishing:
d þ iA ¼ 3 − ϵ þ iA, qwhile
ffiffiffiffi at the other it has dimension
2 ϵ
pffiffiffiffi ϵ2 . Thus, this pair of
d − iA, where A ¼ 2 3 ϵ − 2 67þ12π
13 λ1;2;3 ¼ 0; λ4 ¼ : ð33Þ
9 39 3
complex fixed points satisfies the criteria to be identified as
complex CFTs [42,43]. In our large N theory, the scaling It could be connected to the fact that in the large N limit of the
dimensions d  iA correspond to the double-trace operator parent theory the O4 could not contribute to the beta
O4 , so that the single-trace operator trϕ3 should have functions of the other operators and therefore we can safely
scaling dimension 12 ðd  iAÞ. Indeed, we find that its two- set λ1;2;3 ¼ 0 without setting λ4 ≠ 0.
loop anomalous dimension is, for large N, We can also study the behavior of this model for finite N
rffiffiffiffiffi and ϵ ≪ 1. For N > 13.1802 − 57.5808ϵ there are three
13 (real, perturbatively accessible) fixed points, which in the
γ tr ϕ3 ¼ 6ð3λ1 þ λ2 Þ ¼ ϵ  i ϵ: ð31Þ
3 large N limit (keeping ϵ ≪ N12 ) to leading order in ϵ scale with
Therefore, N as
d 3−ϵ 13 d  iA 6!ð8πÞ2
Δtr ϕ3 ¼ 3 − 1 þ γ tr ϕ3 ¼ i ϵ¼ : 0 ¼ g1 ¼ g2 ¼ g4 ; g3 ¼ ϵ;
2 2 3 2 144N 2
ð32Þ 6!ð8πÞ2 6!ð8πÞ2
g1 ¼ 144 6
ϵ; g2 ¼ 66 ϵ;
N N5
Scaling dimensions of this form are ubiquitous in large N
complex CFTs [41,44,47,48]. In the dual anti–de Sitter 6!ð8πÞ2 6!ð8πÞ2
g3 ¼ 2
ϵ g4 ¼ ϵ;
144N 3N 3
As N is reduced, the two complex conjugate fixed points 6!ð8πÞ2 6!ð8πÞ2
g1 ¼ −144 6
ϵ; g2 ¼ 18 ϵ;
persist down to arbitrarily small N. For finite N, however, the N N5
complex scaling dimensions are no longer of the form d  iA: the
6!ð8πÞ2 6!ð8πÞ2
real part deviates from d, which is consistent with the behavior of g3 ¼ −18 ϵ; g 4 ¼ ϵ: ð34Þ
general complex CFTs [42,43]. N6 3N 3

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)

FIG. 6. The perturbative real fixed points of the symmetric matrix model, the intersection points (marked in brown), and the critical
points at which they merge and disappear (marked in black) as a function of N for small ϵ. Fixed points that are IR unstable in all four
directions are drawn in red, those unstable in three directions are drawn in violet, those unstable in two directions are drawn in blue,
those unstable in one direction are drawn in cyan, and those that are stable in all four directions are drawn in green. The orange dotted
lines denote the segments of spooky fixed points, where two eigenvalues of ∂g j
are complex, and at the orange vertex those eigenvalues
are purely imaginary.



g1 g2
500 1000 −2000 −1000 1000

−5 −5

−10 −10


g3 − 1000 1000
200 400 600 800 1000


−10 − 10

FIG. 7. The locations of the real perturbative fixed points of the symmetric matrix model in the space of coupling constants as a
function of N for small ϵ. The colors indicate the number of stable directions associated with a given fixed point as in Fig. 6, with orange
signifying that ∂g j
has complex eigenvalues.

The first of these three fixed points is the vector model fixed IV. SPOOKY FIXED POINTS
point, which is present generally N in the small ϵ regime: AND LIMIT CYCLES
As indicated in Fig. 6, in the OðNÞ symmetric traceless
0 ¼ g1 ¼ g2 ¼ g4 ; g3 ¼ ϵ: ð35Þ model there exist four segments of real, but spooky, fixed
48ð38 þ 3N þ 3N 2 Þ points as a function of N.4 For these fixed points the
The third fixed point in (34) connects to the large N solution Jacobian matrix ð∂g j
Þ has, in addition to one negative and
discussed above. This fixed point merges with the second one positive eigenvalue, a pair of complex conjugate
fixed point in (34) at a critical point situated at NðϵÞ ¼ eigenvalues. Therefore, there are two complex scaling
13.1802 − 57.5808ϵ And so at intermediate values of N, dimensions (18) at these spooky fixed points, so that they
only the vector model fixed point exists. But as we keep correspond to nonunitary CFTs. The eigenvectors
decreasing N we encounter another critical point at NðϵÞ ¼
5.41410 þ 13.7204ϵ whence two new fixed points emerge.
As we continue to lower N, new fixed points appear and 4
If we allow negative N, there is a fifth segment of spooky
disappear as summarized in detail in Figs. 6 and 7. fixed points at N ∈ ð−3.148; −3.183Þ.

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)

Im( )
corresponding to the complex eigenvalues have zero norm
(a derivation of this fact is given later in this section). Let us 0.15
note that, in the OðNÞ2 model and the OðNÞ model with an
antisymmetric matrix, there are no real fixed points with
complex eigenvalues. The symmetric traceless model 0.05
provides a simple setting where they occur. In this section
Re( )
we take a close look at the spooky fixed points and show −0.25 −0.20 −0.15 −0.10 −0.05 0.05 0.10
that they lead to a Hopf bifurcation and RG limit cycles. −0.05
Of the four segments of spooky fixed points with
positive N, three, namely those that fall within the ranges
given by N ∈ ð1.094; 2.441Þ, N ∈ ð1.041; 1.175Þ, and −0.15
N ∈ ð0.160; 0.253Þ, share the property that the complex
eigenvalues never become purely imaginary. The number
of stable and unstable directions therefore remain the same FIG. 8. The trajectories of the complex eigenvalues of the
Jacobian matrix ð∂g Þ as N is varied from N lower to N upper .
within these intervals. Something special happens, how- j

ever, at the integer value N ¼ 2 that lies within the first

interval. Here the two operators with complex dimensions The Jacobian matrix evaluated at this fixed point is
are given by linear combinations of operators Oi that vanish  
by virtue of the linear relations between these operators at ∂βi
N ¼ 2.5 As a result, for N ¼ 2 there are no nearly marginal ∂gj
operators with complex dimensions, as expected. 0 1
The fourth segment of spooky fixed points stands out in −1.65273 −1.58311 1.33984 −1.19641
B 1.0242 0.358518 −3.24194 1.21102 C
that it includes a fixed point with imaginary eigenvalues. B C
This fourth segment lies in the range N ∈ ðN lower ; N upper Þ, ¼B Cϵ
@ 0.128059 0.749009 2.9199 −0.210872 A
where, at the four-loop level,
−0.0618889 0.428409 −0.417582 −1.20064
N upper ≈ 4.5339959143 þ 1.54247ϵ; ð39Þ

N lower ≈ 4.4654144982 þ 0.693698ϵ: ð36Þ with eigenvalues f2; −1.57495; −0.153965i; 0.153965igϵ.
These quantities are subject to further perturbative correc-
∂βi tions in powers of ϵ, for example, after including the four-
As N approaches N upper from above, ð∂g Þ has one positive
loop corrections N crit ≈ 4.47507431683 þ 3.12476ϵ. The

and three negative eigenvalues, and two of the negative

eigenvalues converge on the same value. As N dips below existence of a special spooky fixed point with imaginary
N upper , the two erstwhile identical eigenvalues become eigenvalues is robust under loop corrections that are sup-
pressed by a small expansion parameter, since small
complex and form a pair of complex conjugate values.
perturbations of the trajectories still result in curves that
As we continue to decrease N, the complex conjugate
intersect the imaginary axis. In light of the negative value of
eigenvalues traverse mirrored trajectories in the complex
g4 , one may worry that the potential is unbounded from
plane until they meet at the same positive value for N equal
below at the spooky fixed points. It is not clear how to
to N lower . These trajectories are depicted in Fig. 8. For a
resolve this question for noninteger N, but at the fixed
critical value N ¼ N crit with N lower < N < N upper , the
points at N ¼ 4 and N ¼ 5 that this spooky fixed point
trajectories intersect the imaginary axis such that the two interpolates between, one can explicitly check that the
eigenvalues are purely imaginary. At the two-loop order we potential is bounded from below.
find that The appearance of complex eigenvalues changes the
behavior of the RG flow around the spooky fixed point.
N crit ≈ 4.47507431683; ð37Þ Since the fixed point has one negative eigenvalue for all
N ∈ ðN lower ; N upper Þ, there is an unstable direction in the
and the fixed point is located at space of coupling constants that renders the fixed point IR
unstable. But we can ask the following question: How do
g1 ¼ 158.684ϵ; g2 ¼ −211.383ϵ; the coupling constants flow in the two-dimensional mani-
fold that is invariant under the RG flow and that is tangent
g3 ¼ 138.686ϵ; g4 ¼ −49.4564ϵ: ð38Þ
to the plane spanned by the eigenvectors of the Jacobian
matrix with complex eigenvalues?
This is similar to what happens to evanescent operators when If the real parts of these eigenvalues are nonzero, the
they are continued to an integer dimension. spooky fixed point is a focus and the flow around it is


described by spirals steadily moving inwards or outwards where t ¼ ln μ. The constant a in these equations is known as
from the fixed point. For N > N crit, the real parts are the Hopf constant. By a theorem due to Hopf [19], there exists
negative and the fixed point is IR unstable, while for N < an IR-attractive limit cycle in the center manifold if a > 0,
N crit the real parts are positive and the fixed point is stable. while if a < 0 there exists an IR-repulsive limit cycle. In the
By the Hartman-Grobman theorem [49,50], one can locally Appendix C, we present an explicit calculation of a for the
change coordinates (redefine the coupling constants) such critical point in the symmetric matrix model, and we find that
that the beta functions near the fixed points are linear. a is positive. Hence, we conclude that on analytically
Furthermore, one can get rid of the imaginary part of the continuing in N, the RG flow of this QFT contains a periodic
eigenvalues in this subspace by a suitable field redefini- orbit in the space of coupling constants, an orbit that is
tion.6 An analogous statement was given in [10]. unstable but which in the center manifold constitutes an
When N ¼ N crit , the real parts of the complex eigen- attractive limit cycle. This conclusion holds true at all orders
values are equal to zero. In this case the equilibrium point is in perturbation theory, since the criteria of Hopf’s theorem,
a center, the Hartman-Grobman theorem is not applicable, being topological in nature, are not invalidated by small
and the behavior near the fixed point is controlled by the perturbative corrections. Figure 9 depicts a numerical plot of
higher nonlinear terms in the autonomous equations. If we RG trajectories approaching the limit cycle.
consider N as a parameter of the RG flow, N ¼ N crit Now that we have demonstrated the existence of
corresponds to a bifurcation point, as first introduced by limit cycles, we should ask about their consistency with
Poincarè. A standard method of analyzing bifurcations is to the known RG monotonicity theorems. In particular, in
reduce the full system to a set of lower dimensional systems three dimensions the F theorem has been conjectured and
by the use of the center manifold theorem [51]. Denoting by established [20,21,23]. Furthermore, in perturbative three-
λ the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix at a given fixed dimensional QFT, one can make a stronger statement that
point, this theorem guarantees the existence of invariant the RG flow is a gradient flow, i.e.,
manifolds tangent to the eigenspaces with Re λ > 0,
Re λ < 0, and Re λ ¼ 0, respectively. The latter manifold ∂F
Gij βj ¼ ; ð42Þ
is known as the center manifold, and in general it need be ∂gi
neither unique nor smooth. But when, as in our case, the where F and the metric Gij are functions of the coupling
center at g is part of a line of fixed points in the space constants that can be calculated perturbatively [22,24–27].7
ðg; NÞ that vary smoothly with a parameter N, and the At leading order, Gij may be read off from the two-point
complex eigenvalues satisfy
functions of the nearly marginal operators [24,25]:
κ¼ Re½λðN crit Þ ≠ 0; ð40Þ Gij
dN hOi ðxÞOj ðyÞi ¼ : ð43Þ
jx − yj6
then there exists a unique three-dimensional center mani-
fold in ð⃗g; NÞ passing through ðg ; N crit Þ. On planes of The F function satisfies the RG equation
constant N in this manifold, there exist coordinates ðx; yÞ
∂ ∂
such that the third order Taylor expansion can be written in μ F ¼ F ¼ βi βj Gij : ð44Þ
the form ∂μ ∂t

dx This shows that, if the metric is positive definite, then F

¼ ðκN þ aðx2 þ y2 ÞÞx − ðω þ cN þ bðx2 þ y2 ÞÞy; decreases monotonically as the theory flows toward the IR.
dy These perturbative statements continue to be applicable in
¼ ðω þ cN þ bðx2 þ y2 ÞÞx þ ðκN þ aðx2 þ y2 ÞÞy; 3 − ϵ dimensions.
dt At leading order, the metric Gij is exhibited in
ð41Þ Appendix B. Its determinant is given by

ðN − 5ÞðN − 4ÞðN − 3Þ2 ðN − 2Þ3 N 2 ðN þ 1Þ3 ðN þ 3ÞðN þ 4Þ3 ðN þ 6Þ2 ðN þ 8ÞðN þ 10Þ
: ð45Þ

For instance, in two dimensions with z ¼ x þ iy, the equation z_ ¼ ð−α þ iωÞz can via a change of variable z → zei α log jzj be reduced
to z_ ¼ −αz.
In [26,27] the terminology a function was used, but we prefer to call it F function instead, since a typically refers to a Weyl anomaly
coefficient in d ¼ 4.

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)



50 100 150 200


− 10
−0.0004 −0.0003 −0.0002 −0.0001 0.0001
FIG. 10. The plot of 1012 ðFðtÞ − F0 Þ=ϵ3 , where F0 is the value
at the spooky fixed point, for the cyclic solution found in Sec. IV
for N ¼ 4.476.

points have zero norm. Indeed, let us assume that we have a

complex eigenvalue m ∈ C with eigenvector ui,

∂βi j
FIG. 9. The RG flow in the invariant manifold tangent to the u ¼ mui : ð46Þ
plane spanned by the eigenvectors with complex eigenvalues in ∂gj
the space of coupling constants for N ¼ 4.476. In the IR, the blue
curve whirls inwards toward a limit cycle marked in black, while Now let us differentiate the relation (42) with respect to gK :
the orange curve whirls outwards toward the limit cycle. The
coordinates t3 and t4 are given by linear combinations of ∂ K GIJ βJ þ GIJ ∂ K βJ ¼ ∂ I ∂ K F: ð47Þ
the couplings g1 , g2 , g3 , and g4 and are defined in Appendix C.
The RG flow on the invariant manifold admits of a description in
an infinite expansion in powers of t3 and t4 . This plot is drawn
At a spooky fixed point we have βJ ðgÞ ¼ 0 for real
retaining terms up to cubic order. couplings g. Contracting the relation (47) with uK and
ūI at a spooky fixed point we get

This shows that the metric has three zero eigenvalues for ūI GIJ ∂ K βJ uK ¼ uK ūI ∂ I ∂ K F: ð48Þ
N ¼ 2, two zero eigenvalues for N ¼ 3, and one zero
eigenvalue for N ¼ 4 and 5. This is due to the linear Using (46) we arrive at the following relations:
relations between operators Oi at these integer values of N.
For example, for N ¼ 2 there is only one independent mūI uJ GIJ ¼ ūI uJ ∂ I ∂ J F: ð49Þ
operator. In the range 4 < N < 5, det Gij < 0, the metric
has one negative and three positive eigenvalues. This is Since GIJ and ∂ I ∂ J F are real symmetric matrices, the norm
what explains the possibility of RG limit cycles in the range u2 ¼ GIJ uI ūJ and f ¼ ūI uJ ∂ I ∂ J F are real numbers. If they
N lower < N < N upper . For N > 5, Gij is positive definite, are not equal to zero, then we must have m ∈ R, which
and for N < −10, Gij is negative definite. This is consistent contradicts our assumption. Therefore, the norm u2 ¼ 0.
with our observing spooky fixed points only outside of Another consequence of the negative eigenvalues of Gij
these regimes.8 is that dF=dt can have either sign, as follows from (44). In
In general, the norms of vectors computed with this Fig. 10 we plot FðtÞ for the limit cycle of Fig. 9, showing
metric are not positive definite for N < 5. In particular, we that it oscillates. This can also be shown analytically for a
can show that the eigenvectors corresponding to complex small limit cycle surrounding a fixed point. We may expand
eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix evaluated at real fixed around it to find

βi ðtÞ ¼ aðtÞvi þ āðtÞv̄i ; ð50Þ

8 2
We have also found the metric for the parent OðNÞ theory.
In this case it is positive definite for all N except N ∈ f−4; −2; where vi and v̄i are the eigenvectors corresponding to
1; 2g, where there are zero eigenvalues. We further found the the complex eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix at the
metric for the antisymmetric matrix model. In certain intervals
within the range N ∈ ð−4; 5Þ it has both positive and negative
spooky fixed point. While Gij vi v̄j vanishes, Gij vi vj ≠ 0.
eigenvalues, but numerical searches reveal no spooky fixed points Therefore, Eq. (44) implies that dF=dt ≠ 0 for a small
in these intervals. limit cycle.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Letting μ denote the renormalization scale, we take the beta

function associated with a coupling gi to be given by
We are grateful to Alexander Gorsky and Wenli Zhao for
useful discussions. We also thank the referee for useful
comments about evanescent operators. This research was dgi 1 ð2Þ 1 ð4Þ
β gi ¼ μ ¼ −2ϵgi þ β̃g þ β̃g
supported in part by the U.S. NSF under Grant No. PHY- dμ 6!ð8πÞ2 i ð6!Þ2 ð8πÞ4 i
þ Oðg6 Þ; ðA1Þ
TO FOUR LOOPS where we have separated out the two-loop contribution βgi
In the main text we presented the large N beta functions and the four-loop contribution βgi . The beta functions have
for the matrix models we have studied. In this Appendix we been computed by the use of the formulas for sextic
list the full beta functions for any N up to four-loops. theories in d ¼ 3 − ϵ dimension listed in Sec. II.

1. Beta functions for the OðNÞ2 matrix model

β̃g1 ¼ 24ð100 þ 24N þ 3N 2 Þg21 þ 384ð9 þ 4NÞg1 g2 þ 3840g1 g3 þ 64ð32 þ N 2 Þg22 ; ðA2Þ

β̃g2 ¼ 144ð8 þ 3NÞg21 þ 96ð38 þ 4N þ N 2 Þg1 g2 þ 2304ð1 þ NÞg1 g3 þ 128ð8 þ 7NÞg22 þ 384ð18 þ N 2 Þg2 g3 ; ðA3Þ

β̃g3 ¼ 168g21 þ 96ð3 þ 2NÞg1 g2 þ 1152g1 g3 þ 32ð21 þ 2N þ N 2 Þg22 þ 768ð1 þ 2NÞg2 g3 þ 192ð22 þ 3N 2 Þg23 ; ðA4Þ

β̃g1 ¼ −288ð47952 þ 4780π 2 þ N 4 ð17 þ π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð372 þ 25π 2 Þ þ 8Nð3102 þ 277π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð5248 þ 412π 2 ÞÞg31
− 576ð64992 þ 6860π 2 þ 6N 3 ð104 þ 7π 2 Þ þ 8Nð4728 þ 415π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð5928 þ 465π 2 ÞÞg21 g2
− 1152ð48Nð274 þ 27π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð2824 þ 225π 2 Þ þ 4ð7640 þ 891π 2 ÞÞg21 g3
− 384ð3N 4 ð10 þ π 2 Þ þ 18N 3 ð12 þ π 2 Þ þ 48Nð884 þ 83π 2 Þ þ 112ð867 þ 94π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð10836 þ 773π 2 ÞÞg1 g22
− 13824ð3984 þ 448π 2 þ 2N 3 ð20 þ π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð92 þ 7π 2 Þ þ 8Nð292 þ 31π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g3
512 3
− 4608ð5936 − 8N 4 þ 720π 2 þ N 2 ð372 þ 45π 2 ÞÞg1 g23 − ðN ð960 þ 46π 2 Þ þ 64ð900 þ 97π 2 Þ
þ N 2 ð1704 þ 137π 2 Þ þ 16Nð2124 þ 203π 2 ÞÞg32 − 9216ð4N 4 þ 384ð9 þ π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð248 þ 21π 2 ÞÞg22 g3 ; ðA5Þ

β̃g2 ¼ −432ð20400 þ 2260π 2 þ 2N 3 ð90 þ 7π 2 Þ þ 12Nð940 þ 91π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð1740 þ 151π 2 ÞÞg31
− 288ð3N 4 ð10 þ π 2 Þ þ 6N 3 ð56 þ 5π 2 Þ þ 16ð6408 þ 683π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð11184 þ 995π 2 Þ þ Nð46896 þ 4516π 2 ÞÞg21 g2
− 1728ðN 3 ð248 þ 22π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð1380 þ 109π 2 Þ þ 8Nð1510 þ 127π 2 Þ þ 4ð4132 þ 401π 2 ÞÞg21 g3
− 384ð2N 3 ð534 þ 49π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð5148 þ 443π 2 Þ þ 8ð8922 þ 923π 2 Þ þ Nð48384 þ 4444π 2 ÞÞg1 g22
− 4608ð2N 4 ð6 þ π 2 Þ þ 6N 3 ð8 þ π 2 Þ þ 6Nð948 þ 77π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð2748 þ 197π 2 Þ þ 2ð8112 þ 841π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g3
− 27648ð1 þ NÞðN 2 ð62 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 2ð532 þ 51π 2 ÞÞg1 g23
− 128ð95152 þ 10024π 2 þ 36N 3 ð6 þ π 2 Þ þ 2N 4 ð36 þ 7π 2 Þ þ 24Nð1264 þ 113π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð14804 þ 1179π 2 ÞÞg32
− 768ð2N 4 π 2 þ N 5 π 2 þ 134N 2 ð12 þ π 2 Þ þ 16N 3 ð102 þ 7π 2 Þ þ 8ð4308 þ 433π 2 Þ þ 8Nð4584 þ 437π 2 ÞÞg22 g3
− 13824ð4816 þ 512π 2 þ N 4 ð18 þ π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð644 þ 57π 2 ÞÞg2 g23 ; ðA6Þ

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)

β̃g3 ¼ −432ð2760 þ 380π 2 þ N 2 ð210 þ 23π 2 Þ þ 4Nð270 þ 31π 2 ÞÞg31
− 576ð7308 þ 776π 2 þ N 3 ð78 þ 8π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð483 þ 45π 2 Þ þ 6Nð766 þ 83π 2 ÞÞg21 g2
− 576ð−48N 3 − 8N 4 þ 6Nð836 þ 81π 2 Þ þ 6ð1984 þ 189π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð1676 þ 207π 2 ÞÞg21 g3
− 768ð8772 þ 894π 2 þ N 4 ð6 þ π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð36 þ 5π 2 Þ þ 10Nð336 þ 31π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð1269 þ 140π 2 ÞÞg1 g22
− 2304ð6096 þ 550π 2 þ 2N 3 ð84 þ 17π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð432 þ 59π 2 Þ þ Nð6312 þ 554π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g3
− 1152ð18N 3 π 2 þ 15N 4 π 2 þ 96Nð35 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 8N 2 ð443 þ 36π 2 Þ þ 8ð1876 þ 177π 2 ÞÞg1 g23
− 384ð41328 þ 4192π 2 þ 2N 4 ð54 þ 19π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð216 þ 38π 2 Þ þ 8Nð1536 þ 125π 2 Þ þ 3N 2 ð3932 þ 323π 2 ÞÞg22 g3
− ð49104 þ 4784π 2 þ 4N 4 π 2 þ N 5 π 2 þ 12N 2 ð487 þ 42π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð2136 þ 281π 2 Þ þ 12Nð4552 þ 425π 2 ÞÞg32
− 3456ð1 þ 2NÞðN 4 π 2 þ 112ð32 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 4N 2 ð88 þ 7π 2 ÞÞg2 g23
− 1152ðN 6 π 2 þ N 4 ð424 þ 34π 2 Þ þ 32ð826 þ 85π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð6864 þ 620π 2 ÞÞg33 : ðA7Þ

2. Beta functions for the antisymmetric matrix model

β̃g1 ¼ 6ð112 − 3N þ 3N 2 Þg21 þ 384ð−1 þ 2NÞg1 g2 þ 3840g1 g3 þ 32ð64 − N þ N 2 Þg22 ; ðA8Þ

β̃g2 ¼ 54ð−1 þ 2NÞg21 þ 24ð68 − N þ N 2 Þg1 g2 þ 576ð−1 þ 2NÞg1 g3 þ 224ð−1 þ 2NÞg22 þ 192ð36 − N þ N 2 Þg2 g3 ;
β̃g3 ¼ 42g21 þ ð−24 þ 48NÞg1 g2 þ 576g1 g3 þ 8ð40 − N þ N 2 Þg22 þ 384ð−1 þ 2NÞg2 g3 þ 96ð44 − 3N þ 3N 2 Þg23 ;
β̃g1 ¼ −9ð−4N 3 ð17 þ π 2 Þ þ 2N 4 ð17 þ π 2 Þ þ 32ð3209 þ 293π 2 Þ − Nð10928 þ 861π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð10962 þ 863π 2 ÞÞg31
− 72ð−1 þ 2NÞð−3Nð104 þ 7π 2 Þ þ 3N 2 ð104 þ 7π 2 Þ þ 4ð4896 þ 413π 2 ÞÞg21 g2 − 288ð−Nð2824 þ 225π 2 Þ
þ N 2 ð2824 þ 225π 2 Þ þ 4ð7804 þ 945π 2 ÞÞg21 g3 − 48ð198048 þ 21616π 2 − 6N 3 ð10 þ π 2 Þ þ 3N 4 ð10 þ π 2 Þ
þ 2N 2 ð10479 þ 746π 2 Þ − Nð20928 þ 1489π 2 ÞÞg1 g22 − 3456ð−1 þ 2NÞð−Nð20 þ π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð20 þ π 2 Þ
þ 8ð292 þ 31π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g3 − 2304ð8N 3 − 4N 4 − 3Nð124 þ 15π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð368 þ 45π 2 Þ þ 32ð371 þ 45π 2 ÞÞg1 g23
− ð−1 þ 2NÞð33984 þ 3248π 2 − Nð480 þ 23π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð480 þ 23π 2 ÞÞg32
− 4608ð−4N 3 þ 2N 4 þ 768ð9 þ π 2 Þ − Nð248 þ 21π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð250 þ 21π 2 ÞÞg22 g3 ; ðA9Þ

β̃g2 ¼ −27ð−1 þ 2NÞð5760 þ 557π 2 − Nð90 þ 7π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð90 þ 7π 2 ÞÞg31 − 18ð−6N 3 ð10 þ π 2 Þ
þ 3N 4 ð10 þ π 2 Þ þ 34N 2 ð579 þ 52π 2 Þ − Nð19656 þ 1765π 2 Þ þ 4ð49956 þ 5437π 2 ÞÞg21 g2
− 216ð−1 þ 2NÞð9536 þ 830π 2 − Nð124 þ 11π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð124 þ 11π 2 ÞÞg21 g3 − 48ð−1 þ 2NÞð39744 þ 3739π 2
− Nð534 þ 49π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð534 þ 49π 2 ÞÞg1 g22 − 288ð−8N 3 ð6 þ π 2 Þ þ 4N 4 ð6 þ π 2 Þ þ 3N 2 ð3608 þ 259π 2 Þ
− Nð10800 þ 773π 2 Þ þ 4ð25284 þ 2719π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g3 − 3456ð−1 þ 2NÞð−Nð62 þ 3π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð62 þ 3π 2 Þ
þ 4ð532 þ 51π 2 ÞÞg1g32 − 32ð−2N 3 ð36 þ 7π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð36 þ 7π 2 Þ − 4Nð3656 þ 291π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð14660 þ 1171π 2 Þ
þ 4ð38180 þ 4109π 2 ÞÞg32 − 48ð−1 þ 2NÞð−2N 3 π 2 þ N 4 π 2 − 32Nð102 þ 7π 2 Þ þ 3N 2 ð1088 þ 75π 2 Þ
þ 32ð4584 þ 437π 2 ÞÞg22 g3 − 3456ð−2N 3 ð18 þ π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð18 þ π 2 Þ þ 64ð301 þ 32π 2 Þ − 2Nð644 þ 57π 2 Þ
þ N 2 ð1306 þ 115π 2 ÞÞg2 g23 ; ðA10Þ


β̃g3 ¼ −27ð2760 þ 422π 2 − Nð210 þ 23π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð210 þ 23π 2 ÞÞg31 − 18ð−1 þ 2NÞð−2Nð39 þ 4π 2 Þ
þ N 2 ð78 þ 8π 2 Þ þ 75ð96 þ 11π 2 ÞÞg21 g2 − 72ð16724 þ 8N 3 − 4N 4 þ 1647π 2 þ 3N 2 ð592 þ 69π 2 Þ ðA11Þ

− Nð1780 þ 207π 2 ÞÞg21 g3 − 12ð−8N 3 ð6 þ π 2 Þ þ 4N 4 ð6 þ π 2 Þ þ 256ð402 þ 43π 2 Þ þ 3N 2 ð3184 þ 351π 2 Þ

− Nð9528 þ 1049π 2 ÞÞg1 g22 − 288ð−1 þ 2NÞð5952 þ 518π 2 − Nð84 þ 17π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð84 þ 17π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g3
− 144ð−30N 3 π 2 þ 15N 4 π 2 þ 224ð253 þ 24π 2 Þ − Nð7088 þ 567π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð7088 þ 582π 2 ÞÞg1 g23
− ð−1 þ 2NÞð−2N 3 π 2 þ N 4 π 2 − 24Nð178 þ 23π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð4272 þ 553π 2 Þ þ 8ð24672 þ 2359π 2 ÞÞg32
− 96ð75984 þ 7828π 2 − 2N 3 ð54 þ 19π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð54 þ 19π 2 Þ þ 3N 2 ð3914 þ 327π 2 Þ − 2Nð5844 þ 481π 2 ÞÞg22 g3
− 432ð−1 þ 2NÞð−2N 3 π 2 þ N 4 π 2 þ 448ð32 þ 3π 2 Þ − 8Nð88 þ 7π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð704 þ 57π 2 ÞÞg2 g23
− 144ð−3N 5 π 2 þ N 6 π 2 þ N 4 ð848 þ 71π 2 Þ þ 256ð826 þ 85π 2 Þ − N 3 ð1696 þ 137π 2 Þ − 16Nð1716 þ 155π 2 Þ
þ 4N 2 ð7076 þ 637π 2 ÞÞg33 : ðA12Þ

3. Beta functions for the symmetric traceless matrix model

ð2Þ 2400 − 1200N þ 250N 2 þ 51N 3 þ 3N 4 2 2N 2 þ 10N − 35

β̃g1 ¼ 6 g 1 þ 384 g1 g2 þ 3840g1 g3
N2 N
−20 þ 5N þ N 2
þ 864 g1 g4 þ 32ð62 þ N þ N 2 Þg22 þ 4608g2 g4 þ 2592g24 ; ðA13Þ

ð2Þ −150 þ 35N þ 6N 2 2 480 − 120N þ 66N 2 þ 9N 3 þ N 4 −10 þ 5N þ 2N 2

β̃g2 ¼ 18 g1 þ 24 g g
1 2 þ 576 g1 g3
N N2 N
80 − 20N þ N 2 −132 þ 39N þ 14N 2 2 2 −40 þ 3N þ N 2
þ 216 g g
1 4 þ 32 g 2 þ 192ð34 þ N þ N Þg g
2 3 þ 288 g2 g4
N2 N N
−24 þ 2N þ N 2 2
þ 3456g3 g4 þ 324 g4 ; ðA14Þ

ð2Þ −30 þ 7N þ 2N 2 1080 −6 þ 3N þ 2N 2

β̃g3 ¼ 42g21 þ 576g1 g3 þ 24 g1 g2 − g1 g4 þ 384 g2 g3
−24 þ 3N þ N 2 2 2 288 − 36N þ 30N 2 þ 5N 3 þ N 4 2 3456
− 288 g g
2 4 þ 96ð38 þ 3N þ 3N Þg þ 8 g2 − gg
N2 3
N2 N 3 4
−16 þ 2N þ N 2 2
− 324 g4 ; ðA15Þ

ð2Þ −200 − 75N 2 þ 15N 3 þ 3N 4 2 10 − 5N þ N 2 160 − 120N þ 34N 2 þ 15N 3 þ 3N 4

β̃g4 ¼ 24 g 1 þ 192 g 1 g 2 þ 12 g1 g4
N3 N2 N2
62 þ N þ N 2 2 −15 þ 3N þ N 2 −704 þ 60N þ 28N 2 þ 3N 3 þ N 4 2
− 32 g2 þ 384 g2 g4 þ 3840g3 g4 þ 6 g4 ; ðA16Þ

ð4Þ 9
β̃g1 ¼ − ð2N 8 ð17 þ π 2 Þ þ 4N 7 ð389 þ 26π 2 Þ þ 38400ð1252 þ 135π 2 Þ − 19200Nð2159 þ 225π 2 Þ
− 60N 4 ð7338 þ 455π 2 Þ − 1200N 3 ð4896 þ 587π 2 Þ þ N 6 ð38822 þ 3167π 2 Þ þ 800N 2 ð30564 þ 3215π 2 Þ
þ N 5 ð279004 þ 28019π 2 ÞÞg31 − ð2N 6 ð104 þ 7π 2 Þ þ 4320Nð522 þ 55π 2 Þ þ 10N 3 ð−1416 þ 131π 2 Þ
þ N 5 ð4264 þ 331π 2 Þ − 960ð3344 þ 375π 2 Þ þ 5N 4 ð7096 þ 681π 2 Þ − 40N 2 ð16616 þ 1977π 2 ÞÞg21 g2
− ð1920ð388 þ 45π 2 Þ þ 30N 2 ð1184 þ 171π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð2824 þ 225π 2 Þ − 120Nð3628 þ 405π 2 Þ

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)

þ N 3 ð29128 þ 2817π 2 ÞÞg21 g3 − ð12N 6 ð95 þ 7π 2 Þ − 20N 3 ð9940 þ 471π 2 Þ þ 3N 5 ð6608 þ 561π 2 Þ
− 320N 2 ð9175 þ 1104π 2 Þ − 1280ð13166 þ 1485π 2 Þ þ 640Nð17947 þ 1890π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð137468 þ 13785π 2 ÞÞg21 g4
− ð3N 6 ð10 þ π 2 Þ þ 6N 5 ð82 þ 7π 2 Þ þ 9504ð756 þ 85π 2 Þ − 2160Nð1581 þ 172π 2 Þ þ 2N 4 ð10971 þ 763π 2 Þ
þ 2N 2 ð37896 þ 6847π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð177600 þ 16271π 2 ÞÞg1 g22 − ð2N 4 ð20 þ π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð244 þ 17π 2 Þ − 24ð2372
þ 275π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð4108 þ 447π 2 Þ þ 2Nð8588 þ 975π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g3 − 2 ð518304 þ 58320π 2 þ N 2 ð−3072 þ 41π 2 Þ
þ 2N 4 ð555 þ 49π 2 Þ − 48Nð4834 þ 525π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð10782 þ 1037π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g4 − 2304ð−8N 3 − 4N 4
þ N 2 ð384 þ 45π 2 Þ þ Nð388 þ 45π 2 Þ þ 6ð1852 þ 225π 2 ÞÞg1 g23 − ð−47ð388 þ 45π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð1120 þ 117π 2 Þ
þ Nð4844 þ 540π 2 ÞÞg1 g3 g4 − ð301N 5 þ 41N 6 þ N 4 ð10882 þ 1053π 2 Þ − 4N 2 ð26366 þ 1755π 2 Þ
þ 128ð41992 þ 4725π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð98224 þ 9801π 2 Þ − 16Nð140912 þ 15255π 2 ÞÞg1 g24
128 4
− ðN ð960 þ 46π 2 Þ þ 108Nð2220 þ 241π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð4848 þ 343π 2 Þ − 324ð3352 þ 375π 2 Þ
þ 7N 2 ð7584 þ 749π 2 ÞÞg32 − 4608ð6424 þ 4N 3 þ 2N 4 þ 726π 2 þ 3Nð80 þ 7π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð242 þ 21π 2 ÞÞg22 g3
288 4
− ðN ð120 þ 7π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð660 þ 43π 2 Þ þ 6N 2 ð4426 þ 437π 2 Þ þ 24Nð4957 þ 534π 2 Þ − 48ð12638 þ 1413π 2 ÞÞg22 g4
1296 4
− 20736ð3368 þ 378π 2 þ Nð44 þ 3π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð44 þ 3π 2 ÞÞg2 g3 g4 − ðN ð32 þ 3π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð96 þ 9π 2 Þ
− 896ð188 þ 21π 2 Þ þ 12Nð2440 þ 261π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð7184 þ 716π 2 ÞÞg2 g24 − 4478976ð9 þ π 2 Þg3 g24
− ð36N 3 þ 12N 4 þ 96Nð75 þ 8π 2 Þ − 192ð242 þ 27π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð2028 þ 203π 2 ÞÞg34 ; ðA17Þ

ð4Þ 27
β̃g2 ¼ − ð2N 8 ð90 þ 7π 2 Þ þ 24000Nð20 þ 9π 2 Þ − 96000ð28 þ 9π 2 Þ − 3200N 2 ð1443 þ 170π 2 Þ
− 5N 5 ð8372 þ 209π 2 Þ þ N 7 ð3750 þ 323π 2 Þ − 100N 4 ð6542 þ 785π 2 Þ þ 400N 3 ð7120 þ 797π 2 Þ
þ N 6 ð28350 þ 3133π 2 ÞÞg31 − ð3N 8 ð10 þ π 2 Þ − 309600Nð32 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 86400ð212 þ 23π 2 Þ þ N 7 ð732 þ 66π 2 Þ
− 8N 4 ð13443 þ 482π 2 Þ þ N 6 ð25770 þ 2294π 2 Þ − 120N 3 ð29800 þ 3209π 2 Þ þ 240N 2 ð46680 þ 4993π 2 Þ
þ N 5 ð200436 þ 19313π 2 ÞÞg21 g2 − ð−7200ð88 þ 7π 2 Þ þ N 6 ð248 þ 22π 2 Þ þ 600Nð832 þ 63π 2 Þ
þ N 5 ð3132 þ 251π 2 Þ þ 10N 3 ð2672 þ 359π 2 Þ − 40N 2 ð6504 þ 677π 2 Þ þ 3N 4 ð8852 þ 717π 2 ÞÞg21 g3
− ð32000ð92 þ 9π 2 Þ − 16000Nð104 þ 9π 2 Þ þ N 6 ð1418 þ 155π 2 Þ þ 320N 2 ð4644 þ 521π 2 Þ þ N 5 ð12998
þ 1497π 2 Þ − 20N 3 ð19900 þ 2381π 2 Þ − N 4 ð42584 þ 3431π 2 ÞÞg12 g4 − 3 ð2N 6 ð534 þ 49π 2 Þ þ 1620Nð2044
þ 193π 2 Þ − 2160ð3060 þ 319π 2 Þ þ N 5 ð11898 þ 1033π 2 Þ − 72N 2 ð14522 þ 1613π 2 Þ þ 3N 3 ð32656 þ 4997π 2 Þ
þ N 4 ð91914 þ 8441π 2 ÞÞg1 g22 − ð4N 6 ð6 þ π 2 Þ þ 16N 5 ð15 þ 2π 2 Þ þ 720ð1400 þ 139π 2 Þ þ 5N 4 ð2184 þ 149π 2 Þ
− 180Nð2568 þ 229π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð52944 þ 4095π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð47952 þ 6716π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g3 − 3 ð−36N 3 ð626 þ 7π 2 Þ
þ 2N ð69 þ 8π Þ þ 9N ð194 þ 19π Þ − 11520ð358 þ 37π Þ þ 480Nð4018 þ 381π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð15348 þ 1549π 2 Þ
6 2 5 2 2


− 8N 2 ð53892 þ 6641π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g4 − ð−10 þ 5N þ 2N 2 ÞðNð62 þ 3π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð62 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 6ð334 þ 33π 2 ÞÞg1 g23
2592 4
− ðN ð492 þ 35π 2 Þ þ 160ð988 þ 99π 2 Þ − 2N 2 ð2248 þ 179π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð3084 þ 227π 2 Þ
− 20Nð3176 þ 291π 2 ÞÞg1 g3 g4 − 3 ð36N 4 ð163 þ 17π 2 Þ þ N 6 ð172 þ 21π 2 Þ þ 7N 5 ð182 þ 27π 2 Þ þ 1600Nð1028
þ 99π Þ − 640ð6016 þ 621π Þ − 24N 2 ð9098 þ 1363π 2 Þ − 2N 3 ð17432 þ 1635π 2 ÞÞg1 g24 − 2 ðN 6 ð36 þ 7π 2 Þ
2 2
þ N 5 ð288 þ 50π 2 Þ þ 2N 4 ð7186 þ 545π 2 Þ þ 8N 3 ð8863 þ 756π 2 Þ þ 216ð11996 þ 1265π 2 Þ − 54Nð13992 þ 1337π 2 Þ
þ N 2 ð30720 þ 5671π 2 ÞÞg32 − ð13N 5 π 2 þ 2N 6 π 2 þ 8N 4 ð816 þ 53π 2 Þ − 720ð2872 þ 295π 2 Þ þ 16N 2 ð15324
þ 1499π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð22656 þ 1637π 2 Þ þ 36Nð17072 þ 1737π 2 ÞÞg22 g3 − 2 ð2N 4 ð771 þ 59π 2 Þ − 144Nð2041 þ 200π 2 Þ
− 4N ð9261 þ 824π Þ þ N ð9918 þ 829π Þ þ 144ð7988 þ 839π ÞÞg2 g4 − 3456ð2N 3 ð18 þ π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð18 þ π 2 Þ
2 2 3 2 2 2

þ 2Nð608 þ 55π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð1234 þ 111π 2 Þ þ 8ð2095 þ 228π 2 ÞÞg2 g23 − ð2N 4 ð24 þ π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð192 þ 11π 2 Þ
þ 6Nð3168 þ 281π 2 Þ − 48ð3112 þ 319π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð5952 þ 481π 2 ÞÞg2 g3 g4 − 2 ðN 6 ð2 þ π 2 Þ þ 2N 5 ð5 þ 3π 2 Þ
þ N 4 ð1628 þ 171π 2 Þ − 16N 2 ð3517 þ 339π 2 Þ þ 192ð7024 þ 735π 2 Þ − 32Nð9160 þ 933π 2 Þ
þ N 3 ð9376 þ 974π 2 ÞÞg2 g24 − 20736ðNð62 þ 3π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð62 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 6ð334 þ 33π 2 ÞÞg23 g4
2592 4
− ðN ð28 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 198Nð32 þ 3π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð84 þ 9π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð2572 þ 249π 2 Þ − 8ð7960 þ 813π 2 ÞÞg3 g24
− 2 ð20N 5 þ 4N 6 þ N 4 ð146 þ 21π 2 Þ þ 4N 3 ð170 þ 27π 2 Þ − 32Nð1082 þ 117π 2 Þ þ 128ð1526 þ 159π 2 Þ
− 2N 2 ð4736 þ 513π 2 ÞÞg34 ; ðA18Þ

ð4Þ 9
β̃g3 ¼ − ð432000π 2 þ 72000N 2 ð8 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 2400N 4 ð214 þ 35π 2 Þ − 600N 5 ð312 þ 41π 2 Þ þ N 8 ð630 þ 69π 2 Þ
− 2N 6 ð1200 þ 137π 2 Þ þ N 7 ð7110 þ 813π 2 ÞÞg31 − 5 ð28800Nð2 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 4N 8 ð39 þ 4π 2 Þ − 14400ð112 þ 27π 2 Þ
− 7200N ð292 þ 27π Þ þ 6N ð361 þ 34π Þ þ 240N 3 ð4272 þ 427π 2 Þ − 20N 4 ð11754 þ 869π 2 Þ þ 2N 6 ð8379 þ 883π 2 Þ
2 2 7 2

þ N 5 ð516 þ 1189π 2 ÞÞg21 g2 þ ð56N 7 þ 4N 8 þ N 4 ð2220 − 519π 2 Þ þ 1200Nð−32 þ 9π 2 Þ − 1200ð136 þ 27π 2 Þ
þ 240N 3 ð614 þ 39π 2 Þ − 300N 2 ð896 þ 75π 2 Þ − N 6 ð1576 þ 207π 2 Þ − N 5 ð12524 þ 1179π 2 ÞÞg21 g3
162 6
þ ðN ð302 þ π 2 Þ − 4800Nð2 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 19200ð14 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 1600N 2 ð215 þ 18π 2 Þ − 480N 3 ð321 þ 31π 2 Þ
þ 20N 4 ð587 þ 74π 2 Þ þ N 5 ð5174 þ 314π 2 ÞÞg21 g4 − 4 ð4N 8 ð6 þ π 2 Þ þ 48N 7 ð7 þ π 2 Þ − 8640Nð212 þ 19π 2 Þ
þ 12960ð352 þ 35π Þ þ 16N ð−1119 þ 188π Þ − 192N 3 ð3093 þ 241π 2 Þ þ 3N 6 ð3440 þ 367π 2 Þ
2 4 2

þ 144N 2 ð16952 þ 1693π 2 Þ þ N 5 ð55992 þ 4967π 2 ÞÞg1 g22 − ð2880Nð35 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 2N 6 ð84 þ 17π 2 Þ
− 360ð440 þ 39π 2 Þ þ 24N 3 ð770 þ 69π 2 Þ þ N 5 ð1116 þ 169π 2 Þ − 6N 2 ð10352 þ 953π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð10956 þ 985π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g3
− ð3N 6 ð40 þ π 2 Þ þ 9N 5 ð78 þ π 2 Þ þ 3840ð191 þ 18π 2 Þ − 960Nð317 þ 27π 2 Þ − 24N 3 ð2503 þ 192π 2 Þ

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)

þ 96N 2 ð3303 þ 352π 2 Þ − N 4 ð15564 þ 995π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g4 − ð66N 5 π 2 þ 15N 6 π 2 þ 600ð112 þ 9π 2 Þ
þ 16N 4 ð443 þ 33π 2 Þ − 60Nð1120 þ 87π 2 Þ þ 6N 2 ð5216 þ 567π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð20528 þ 1377π 2 ÞÞg1 g23
þ ð84N 5 þ 12N 6 þ N 4 ð148 − 27π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð1628 þ 57π 2 Þ þ 80ð956 þ 81π 2 Þ − 20Nð2552 þ 207π 2 Þ
þ 2N 2 ð9808 þ 1017π 2 ÞÞg1 g3 g4 − 4 ð3N 5 ð−208 þ 7π 2 Þ þ N 6 ð−94 þ 9π 2 Þ þ 1920ð368 þ 33π 2 Þ
− 480Nð632 þ 51π Þ − 24N ð1022 þ 81π 2 Þ − 2N 4 ð5156 þ 357π 2 Þ þ 16N 2 ð14228 þ 1707π 2 ÞÞg1 g24
2 3

− ð21N 7 π 2 þ 2N 8 π 2 þ 17280Nð465 þ 41π 2 Þ þ 576N 3 ð433 þ 80π 2 Þ − 432N 2 ð1464 þ 205π 2 Þ
3N 3
þ 4N 6 ð2136 þ 277π 2 Þ − 2592ð9552 þ 971π 2 Þ þ 12N 4 ð28836 þ 2929π 2 Þ þ N 5 ð59568 þ 5281π 2 ÞÞg32
96 6
− ðN ð54 þ 19π 2 Þ þ 4N 5 ð81 þ 19π 2 Þ − 108Nð1264 þ 103π 2 Þ þ 540ð1112 þ 109π 2 Þ þ 15N 2 ð2064 þ 281π 2 Þ
þ 6N 3 ð5540 þ 431π 2 Þ þ 2N 4 ð5655 þ 454π 2 ÞÞg22 g3 − 3 ð2N 6 ð24 þ π 2 Þ þ 24N 2 ð492 þ π 2 Þ þ N 5 ð384 þ 19π 2 Þ
− N 4 ð2952 þ 35π 2 Þ − 1728ð1150 þ 117π 2 Þ − 6N 3 ð4492 þ 271π 2 Þ þ 144Nð3942 þ 367π 2 ÞÞg22 g4
− ð−6 þ 3N þ 2N 2 Þð2N 3 π 2 þ N 4 π 2 þ Nð704 þ 52π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð704 þ 53π 2 Þ þ 4ð3232 þ 309π 2 ÞÞg2 g23
− 2 ð27N 3 ð4 þ π 2 Þ þ 4N 4 ð3 þ 2π 2 Þ − 174Nð104 þ 9π 2 Þ þ 168ð580 þ 57π 2 Þ − 3N 2 ð1720 þ 137π 2 ÞÞg2 g3 g4
− 3 ð4N 6 þ N 5 ð50 þ π 2 Þ − N 4 ð1060 þ 91π 2 Þ þ 16N 2 ð1289 þ 133π 2 Þ − 2N 3 ð3704 þ 339π 2 Þ
þ 16Nð9704 þ 975π 2 Þ − 64ð9968 þ 1017π 2 ÞÞg2 g24 − 144ð3N 5 π 2 þ N 6 π 2 þ N 4 ð848 þ 65π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð1696 þ 125π 2 Þ
þ 4Nð6016 þ 555π 2 Þ þ 24ð6664 þ 711π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð24912 þ 2282π 2 ÞÞg33 − ð−57056 þ 752N − 368N 2
− 5472π 2 þ 84Nπ 2 þ 9N 3 π 2 þ 3N 4 π 2 Þg23 g4 þ ð20N 5 þ 4N 6 − N 4 ð52 þ 9π 2 Þ − 2N 3 ð212 þ 27π 2 Þ
þ 10N 2 ð1580 þ 153π 2 Þ þ 4Nð10064 þ 963π 2 Þ − 16ð17792 þ 1755π 2 ÞÞg3 g24 − 3 ðN 6 ð−8 þ π 2 Þ − 10N 4 ð34 þ 3π 2 Þ
þ N 5 ð−40 þ 6π 2 Þ − 16N 3 ð94 þ 13π 2 Þ − 512ð400 þ 41π 2 Þ þ 64Nð632 þ 71π 2 Þ þ 8N 2 ð1354 þ 163π 2 ÞÞg34 ; ðA19Þ

ð4Þ 9
β̃g4 ¼ − ð−13824000 þ 6912000N þ N 8 ð360 þ 22π 2 Þ − 2400N 4 ð448 þ 43π 2 Þ þ 9600N 3 ð395 þ 49π 2 Þ
− 60N 5 ð1672 þ 65π 2 Þ − 3200N 2 ð2352 þ 275π 2 Þ þ N 7 ð6660 þ 489π 2 Þ þ N 6 ð41220 þ 4241π 2 ÞÞg31
− ð172800ð14 þ π 2 Þ − 14400Nð68 þ 3π 2 Þ − 2N 4 ð14844 þ 131π 2 Þ þ N 6 ð1848 þ 191π 2 Þ þ 480N 2 ð2120 þ 243π 2 Þ
þ 5N 5 ð3504 þ 415π 2 Þ − 120N 3 ð3640 þ 423π 2 ÞÞg21 g2 − ð800N þ 20N 3 ð17 þ 3π 2 Þ − 200ð28 þ 3π 2 Þ
þ 3N 4 ð32 þ 5π 2 Þ − 5N 2 ð392 þ 51π 2 ÞÞg21 g3 − 4 ð670N 7 þ 41N 8 þ 38400ð320 þ 27π 2 Þ − 9600Nð467 þ 27π 2 Þ
− 6N 4 ð32878 þ 417π 2 Þ þ N 6 ð14413 þ 801π 2 Þ − 120N 3 ð17800 þ 1731π 2 Þ þ 240N 2 ð22264 þ 2481π 2 Þ
þ N 5 ð95816 þ 8415π 2 ÞÞg21 g4 − ð3N 3 ð−28 þ π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð−4 þ 3π 2 Þ þ 240ð52 þ 5π 2 Þ þ 2N 2 ð−148 þ 9π 2 Þ


− 40Nð152 þ 15π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g3 − ð960ð94 þ 9π 2 Þ − 240Nð262 þ 27π 2 Þ þ 6N 2 ð728 þ 153π 2 Þ
þ N 4 ð1160 þ 153π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð6392 þ 801π 2 ÞÞg1 g3 g4 − 3 ð51840Nð15 þ π 2 Þ − 34560ð57 þ 5π 2 Þ þ N 6 ð48 þ 7π 2 Þ
þ N 5 ð228 þ 43π 2 Þ þ 18N 4 ð346 þ 101π 2 Þ þ 4N 3 ð2526 þ 1579π 2 Þ − 8N 2 ð54528 þ 6997π 2 ÞÞg1 g22
− ð7N 6 ð16 þ π 2 Þ þ 10N 5 ð102 þ 7π 2 Þ − 1920ð296 þ 27π 2 Þ þ 480Nð521 þ 39π 2 Þ þ 8N 3 ð437 þ 221π 2 Þ
þ N 4 ð5556 þ 727π 2 Þ − 4N 2 ð28812 þ 3317π 2 ÞÞg1 g2 g4 − 3 ð2514N 5 þ 318N 6 þ 88N 3 ð−241 þ 18π 2 Þ
− 5120ð289 þ 27π Þ þ 7N ð1084 þ 99π Þ þ 320Nð2350 þ 189π 2 Þ − 16N 2 ð16366 þ 1557π 2 ÞÞg1 g24
2 4 2

þ ð−63504ð10 þ π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð528 þ π 2 Þ þ 324Nð532 þ 53π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð3120 þ 163π 2 Þ þ 8N 2 ð4314 þ 337π 2 ÞÞg32
3N 2
4608 144
þ ð6424 þ 4N 3 þ 2N 4 þ 726π 2 þ 3Nð80 þ 7π 2 Þ þ N 2 ð242 þ 21π 2 ÞÞg22 g3 − 2 ðN 6 ð2 þ π 2 Þ þ N 5 ð12 þ 7π 2 Þ
þ 9408ð88 þ 9π 2 Þ − 6N 2 ð3476 þ 93π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð2134 þ 239π 2 Þ − 48Nð4495 þ 429π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð12708 þ 1351π 2 ÞÞg22 g4
6912 4
− ðN ð4 þ π 2 Þ þ 4N 3 ð6 þ π 2 Þ − 72ð184 þ 21π 2 Þ þ 3N 2 ð308 þ 39π 2 Þ þ Nð2488 þ 306π 2 ÞÞg2 g3 g4
− 2 ð68224 þ 12N 5 þ 2N 6 þ 7104π 2 − 224N 2 ð15 þ π 2 Þ þ N 4 ð126 þ 11π 2 Þ þ N 3 ð644 þ 57π 2 Þ
− 16Nð1043 þ 93π 2 ÞÞg2 g24 − 2304ð−8N 3 − 4N 4 þ N 2 ð384 þ 45π 2 Þ þ Nð388 þ 45π 2 Þ þ 6ð1852 þ 225π 2 ÞÞg23 g4
− ð27N 3 ð8 þ π 2 Þ þ 9N 4 ð8 þ π 2 Þ þ 4N 2 ð808 þ 99π 2 Þ − 32ð2584 þ 297π 2 Þ þ Nð8096 þ 972π 2 ÞÞg3 g24
− 2 ð13N 5 þ 5N 6 þ N 4 ð1198 þ 45π 2 Þ þ 4N 3 ð1723 þ 63π 2 Þ − 8N 2 ð6253 þ 414π 2 Þ − 32Nð5692 þ 459π 2 Þ
þ 128ð6388 þ 675π 2 ÞÞg34 : ðA21Þ

Working up to the two-loop order, we find that the F function that enters the gradient flow expression (42) is given by
F ¼ Fð1Þ þ Fð2Þ , where
Fð1Þ ¼ −
576N 3
× ½ð2N 2 ð48g2 ð4g3 N 5 þ ð10g3 þ 3g4 ÞN 4 þ 3ð6g3 þ 5g4 ÞN 3 þ 6ð4g3 − 7g4 ÞN 2
−72ðg3 þ 2g4 ÞN þ 288g4 Þ þ 4g22 ðN 6 þ 6N 5 þ 45N 4 þ 124N 3 − 168N 2 − 720N þ 1296Þ
þ 3ðð16g23 þ 3g24 ÞN 6 þ ð32g23 þ 15g24 ÞN 5 þ 24ð6g23 þ g24 ÞN 4 þ 4ð32g23 þ 48g4 g3 þ 15g24 ÞN 3
þ96ð2g23 þ 4g4 g3 − 5g24 ÞN 2 − 192g4 ð8g3 þ 7g4 ÞN þ 3072g24 ÞÞ
þ 12g1 Nð9g4 N 6 þ ð80g3 þ 63g4 ÞN 5 þ ð272g3 − 42g4 ÞN 4 − 120ð2g3 þ 7g4 ÞN 3
− 240ð4g3 − g4 ÞN 2 þ 4g2 ð2N 6 þ 15N 5 þ 11N 4 − 140N 3 þ 720N − 720Þ þ 960ðg3 þ 4g4 ÞN − 3840g4 Þ
þ 3g21 ðN 8 þ 14N 7 þ 83N 6 þ 46N 5 − 960N 4 þ 4800N 2 − 9600N þ 9600ÞÞ ðB1Þ

and Fð2Þ may be written in terms of the three-point functions in the free theory in d ¼ 3 [24,25]:

Fð2Þ ∼ Cijk gi gj gk ; hOi ðxÞOj ðyÞOk ðzÞi ¼ : ðB2Þ
jx − yj jx − zj3 jy − zj3

Explicitly, we find

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)

Fð2Þ ¼
13271040N 5 π 2
× ½ð3N 12 þ 93N 11 þ 1717N 10 þ 13103N 9 þ 15072N 8 − 227572N 7 − 326400N 6
þ 2596800N 5 − 758400N 4 − 12288000N 3 þ 29952000N 2 − 40704000N þ 29184000Þg31
þ Ng2 ð27ð6N 10 þ 109N 9 þ 878N 8 þ 1885N 7 − 10882N 6 − 28000N 5 þ 122880N 4 þ 28800N 3
− 672000N 2 þ 1411200N − 1094400Þg21 þ 9NðN 10 þ 15N 9 þ 405N 8 þ 3493N 7 þ 8634N 6
− 30684N 5 − 102504N 4 þ 351168N 3 þ 408960N 2 − 2194560N þ 1969920Þg2 g1
þ 8N 2 ð26N 8 þ 219N 7 þ 1446N 6 þ 5399N 5 − 714N 4 − 57456N 3 þ 30240N 2 þ 343440N − 443232Þg22 Þ
þ 192N 2 g3 ð2ððN 8 þ 7N 7 þ 181N 6 þ 757N 5 þ 1990N 4 þ 3832N 3 − 7296N 2 − 27504N þ 49248Þg22
þ 12Nð6N 6 þ 21N 5 þ 118N 4 þ 253N 3 þ 270N 2 þ 348N − 1368Þg3 g2 þ 4N 2 ð3N 6 þ 9N 5
þ 71N 4 þ 127N 3 þ 402N 2 þ 340N þ 456Þg23 ÞN 2 þ 12g1 ðð2N 8 þ 17N 7 þ 174N 6 þ 773N 5
þ 162N 4 − 6176N 3 þ 240N 2 þ 28080N − 27360Þg2 þ 2Nð15N 6 þ 66N 5 þ 196N 4 þ 421N 3
− 570N 2 − 2100N þ 2280Þg3 ÞN þ 3ð29N 8 þ 310N 7 þ 997N 6 − 1612N 5 − 10020N 4
þ 15600N 3 þ 38400N 2 − 112800N þ 91200Þg21 Þ − 18Nð−N 2 − 2N þ 8Þg4 ððN 8 þ 6N 7 þ 47N 6
þ 198N 5 þ 1428N 4 þ 7416N 3 − 32512N 2 − 121344N þ 311296Þg24 N 2 þ 32ððN 6 þ 7N 5 þ 113N 4
þ 629N 3 − 1470N 2 − 7920N þ 16416Þg22 þ 24NðN 4 þ 4N 3 þ 41N 2 þ 114N − 456Þg3 g2
þ 48N 2 ð3N 2 þ 3N þ 38Þg23 ÞN 2 þ 96ððN 6 þ 6N 5 þ 46N 4 þ 225N 3 − 728N 2 − 3192N þ 7296Þg2
þ 2Nð5N 4 þ 15N 3 þ 86N 2 þ 228N − 1216Þg3 Þg4 N 2 þ 192g1 ðð7N 6 þ 65N 5 þ 52N 4 − 964N 3 − 650N 2
þ 7680N − 9120Þg2 þ þ2Nð27N 4 þ 141N 3 − 190N 2 − 1140N þ 1520Þg3 ÞN þ 3ð3N 8 þ 24N 7
þ 325N 6 þ 2364N 5 − 100N 4 − 41712N 3 − 10240N 2 þ 318720N − 389120Þg1 g4 N þ 3ð21N 8 þ 294N 7
þ 1599N 6 þ 30N 5 − 27920N 4 þ 209600N 2 − 499200N þ 486400Þg21 : ðB3Þ

The metric Gij is given by

G11 ¼ ðN 8 þ 14N 7 þ 83N 6 þ 46N 5 − 960N 4 þ 4800N 2 − 9600N þ 9600Þ;
192N 3
G12 ¼ G21 ¼ ð2N 6 þ 15N 5 þ 11N 4 − 140N 3 þ 720N − 720Þ;
24N 2
G13 ¼ G23 ¼ ð5N 4 þ 17N 3 − 15N 2 − 60N þ 60Þ;
G14 ¼ G41 ¼ ðN − 2ÞðN þ 4Þð3N 4 þ 15N 3 − 20N 2 − 120N þ 160Þ;
32N 2
G22 ¼ ðN 6 þ 6N 5 þ 45N 4 þ 124N 3 − 168N 2 − 720N þ 1296Þ;
G23 ¼ G32 ¼ ð2N 4 þ 5N 3 þ 9N 2 þ 12N − 36Þ;
G24 ¼ G42 ¼ ðN − 2ÞðN þ 4ÞðN 2 þ 3N − 12Þ;
G33 ¼ N 3 ðN 4 þ 2N 3 þ 9N 2 þ 8N þ 12Þ; G34 ¼ G43 ¼ ðN − 2ÞN 3 ðN þ 4Þ;
G44 ¼ ðN − 2Þ2 ðN þ 4Þ2 ðN 2 þ N þ 16Þ: ðB4Þ


At this order it is independent of the couplings gi and is proportional to the matrix of two-point functions (43) in the free
theory in d ¼ 3.


In this Appendix we compute the Hopf constant a at two loops. Introducing rescaled couplings gi ¼ 720ð8πÞ2 ϵgi , the
beta functions at the critical value N ¼ N crit ¼ 4.475 in units of ϵ become

βg1 ¼ −2g1 þ ð2339.99g1 þ 4273.55g2 þ 3840:g3 þ 4325.08g4 Þg1 þ 2768.04g22 þ 2592:g24 þ 4608:g2 g4 ;
βg2 ¼ −2g2 þ ð509.966g1 þ 2962.93g2 þ 6748.16g3 þ 113.519g4 Þg1 þ ð3456:g3 þ 360.299g4 Þg4
þ ð2308.94g2 þ 11232.3g3 − 421.438g4 Þg2 ;
βg3 ¼ −2g3 þ ð42g1 þ 221.912g2 þ 576:g3 − 241.337g4 Þg1 þ 10704.4g23 − 209.942g24 − 772.278g3 g4
þ ð629.906g2 þ 4074.01g3 − 135.923g4 Þg2 ;
βg4 ¼ −2g4 þ ð226.417g1 þ 73.3524g2 þ 1708.55g4 Þg1 − 618.547g22 þ ð1583.3g2 þ 3840:g3 þ 1066.11g4 Þg4 :

These beta functions have a fixed point at

g ðN crit Þ ¼ 10−4 · ð3.48916; −4.64792; 3.04945; −1.08745Þ: ðC1Þ

Letting V ¼ ðv1 ; v2 ; v3 ; v̄3 Þ be the matrix of eigenvectors vi of the stability matrix ð ∂ggji Þ evaluated at this fixed point,
V V ¼ diagð2; −1.57495; −0.153965i; 0.153965iÞ: ðC2Þ

One can check that these eigenvalues change on varying N. In particular, the real parts of the complex eigenvalues change
linearly with N for N close to N crit . Changing to variables t1 ¼ v1 · g, t2 ¼ v2 · g, t3 ¼ ℜ½v3 · g, t4 ¼ ℑ½v3 · g, we get the

βt1 ¼ 2t1 − 3006.27t21 − 635.361t22 − 4.22379t23 þ 4.22379t24 þ 7.65924t3 t4 ;

βt2 ¼ −1.57495t2 þ ð−638.903t1 þ 1471.36t2 − 96.8862t3 þ 72.0709t4 Þt2
þ 1.0131t23 − 0.34628t24 − 1.37241t3 t4 ;
βt3 ¼ −0.153965t4 þ ð231.430t4 − 3006.27t3 Þt1 þ ð−31746.2t2 þ 1284.37t3 − 347.122t4 Þt2
− 49.5972t23 þ 492.731t24 þ 178.686t3 t4 ;
βt4 ¼ 0.153965t3 þ ð−231.43t3 − 3006.27t4 Þt1 þ ð638.003t2 þ 730.144t4 − 82.7131t3 Þt2
þ 8.73689t23 þ 823.772t24 þ 153.731t3 t4 : ðC3Þ

We wish to study the RG flow in the manifold that is tangent the t23 , t24 , and t3 t3 terms in βu1 and βu2 cancel out. While βu1
to the center eigenspace. We cannot simply set t1 and t2 to and βu2 do couple to t3 and t4 at third order, one can introduce
zero, since this plane is not invariant under the RG flow: the new variables yet again and shift u1 and u2 by cubic terms in
t23 , t24 , and t3 t3 terms in βt1 and βt2 generate a flow in t1 and t2 . t3 and t4 to remove this third order coupling. This procedure
But by introducing new variables with t1 and t2 suitably may be iterated indefinitely to obtain a coordinate expansion
shifted, of the center manifold to arbitrary order, in accordance with
the center manifold theorem. We will content ourselves with
u1 ¼ t1 − 1.77501t23 þ 4.3762t4 t3 þ 1.77501t24 ; ðC4Þ the cubic approximation of the center manifold, which
consists of the surface u1 ¼ u2 ¼ 0, since this approximation
suffices to determine the Hopf constant. Eliminating t1 and t2
u2 ¼ t2 − 0.709414t23 þ 0.676770t4 t3 þ 0.286027t24 ; in favor of u1 and u2 in the equations for βt3 and βt4 , setting u1
ðC5Þ and u2 to zero, and discarding unreliable quartic terms gives

JEPSEN, KLEBANOV, and POPOV PHYS. REV. D 103, 046015 (2021)

βt3 ¼ −49.5972t23 þ 178.686t4 t3 þ 492.731t24 − 0.153965t4

− 4425.01ð1:t33 − 2.81386t4 t23 − 0.947101t24 t3 þ 0.0703961t34 Þ;
βt4 ¼ 8.73689t23 þ 153.731t4 t3 þ 0.153965t3 þ 823.772t24
− 469.468ð1:t33 þ 7.98654t4 t23 − 27.8962t24 t3 − 10.9216t34 Þ: ðC6Þ

From these equations the Hopf constant can be directly obtained by the use of equation (3.4.11)* in [51] or by the equivalent
formula in [52]. We find that

a ≈ 6204790 ðC7Þ

so that Hopf’s theorem guarantees the existence of a periodic orbit that is IR attractive in the center manifold, implying that if we
fine-tune the couplings in the vicinity of N crit , there is a cyclic solution to the beta functions that comes back precisely to itself.

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