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DOI: 10.1111/jpn.



Changes in blood profile in sheep receiving raw garlic, garlic oil

or monensin
E. Anassori1, B. Dalir-Naghadeh1, R. Pirmohammadi2 and M. Hadian1
1 Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran, and
2 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of supplementing a basal diet (CTR) with raw garlic (GAR) or garlic oil
(GAO) on blood profile in sheep. Monensin (MON, 33 mg/kg DM) was used as positive control. Four ruminally
fistulated rams were used in three experiments each arranged in a 4 9 4 Latin square design with 28-day peri-
ods. Experiments 1 and 2 differed in the dose of GAR (75 vs. 100 g/kg DM) and GAO (500 vs. 750 mg/kg DM),
while experiment 3 was designed to compare the two doses of each additive (GAR and GAO). The animals were
fed a basal diet as TMR consisting of 77.83% forage (alfalfa hay and corn silage) and 22.17% concentrate, provid-
ing 10.50 MJ/kg DM (metabolizable energy) and 16.5% crude protein to cover maintenance energy and protein
requirements. Supplementation of monensin decreased (P < 0.05) b-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and non-esterified
fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations in the blood compared with other treatments. There was no significant effect of
additives on serum concentration of glucose, total triglycerides, cholesterol, total protein, albumin and blood
urea nitrogen (BUN). Although the serum insulin concentration was elevated in sheep receiving MON and GAO
(P < 0.01), no change was observed in blood glucose concentration. No significant effect of GAO and GAR was
observed in key energy and protein-related blood metabolites. However, administration of monensin had a posi-
tive influence on energy indices. In conclusion, whereas parameters characterizing the energy balance did not
show a significant effect of GAR supplementation, a higher insulin concentration in GAO-treated animals was
Keywords blood, garlic, garlic oil, monensin, sheep

Correspondence B. Dalir-Naghadeh, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Urmia University, P.O. Box: 57153-1177, Urmia,
Iran. Tel: +98 914 341 2489; Fax: +98 441 277 1926; E-mail:

Received: 3 July 2013; accepted: 6 March 2014

resistance in humans has increased public concern on

the use of antibiotics in animal feeding, leading to
The factors affecting ruminal fermentation using feed their ban in the European Union (Regulation 1831/
additives, such as ionophore antibiotics, have received 2003/EC). For this reason, there is an increasing
much attention as a useful strategy to improve pro- interest in evaluating ‘natural’ alternatives such as
duction efficiency in ruminants (Ipharraguerre and plant extracts to modify rumen microbial fermen-
Clark, 2003; Taghipoor et al., 2011). tation. The essential oils are plant secondary metabo-
Many benefits of the ionophores are due to the lites are responsible for the antimicrobial activity of
improved energy status through increased propionic plants and spices. They are active against a wide range
acid production and a reduced methane production of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi,
(McGuffey et al., 2001; Ipharraguerre and Clark, parasites and viruses (Reuter et al., 1996). Busquet
2003). This generally results in less mobilization of et al. (2005a) showed that these compounds could
body fat, lower levels of blood non-esterified fatty influence rumen fermentation, leading to a decrease
acids (NEFA) and ketone bodies and increased glucose in proportion of acetate, an increase in proportion of
production (McGuffey et al., 2001). Monensin, a propionate and butyrate and inhibition of methano-
polyether ionophore antibiotic, is widely used in rumi- genesis.
nant diets, and its beneficial effects on nitrogen and Few studies evaluated the effect of doses of raw gar-
energy utilization are well known (Tedeschi et al., lic and its essential oil contents on rumen fluid
2003). However, the emergence of antimicrobial (Busquet et al., 2005b; Yang et al., 2007; Hart et al.,

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 1
Blood profile of sheep in response to garlic E. Anassori et al.

2008). A recent study by Anassori et al. (2011) dem- were allowed to adapt to the additives. Within each
onstrated that raw garlic and garlic oil resulted in a experiment, there was a 1 week washout interval
range of beneficial effects on rumen fermentation that between periods, during which the sheep were fed
mimic the favourable effects of monensin on rumen basal diet with no additives.
ecosystem in sheep. Although the effects of monensin The basal diet was designed to cover 10.50 MJ of
on blood profile have been studied previously (Duf- metabolizable energy and 16.50% of crude protein
field et al., 1998; Taghipoor et al., 2011), to our per kg of DM to meet the maintenance energy and
knowledge, the effects of raw garlic and/or its ingredi- protein requirements (NRC, 1985 and AFRC, 1992)
ents on blood constituents in ruminants have not yet (Table 1). The basal diet was provided daily as a total
been addressed experimentally. The objective of this mixed ration in two equal portions at 08:00 and
work was to study the effects of dietary supplementa- 16:00. Water was freely available through individual
tion with raw garlic and garlic oil compared with drinking bowl. Additives were administered into the
monensin on blood profile in an in vivo sheep model. rumen through the rumen fistula before their morn-
As garlic has mimicked some beneficial effects of ing feeding. Raw garlic bulb was sliced, and garlic oil
monensin on rumen fermentation, we hypothesize and monensin were mixed with 20 ml of distilled
that similar effects may be induced by garlic supple- water immediately before administration.
Sample collection and analytical procedure
Materials and methods
The diet samples (basal diet and raw garlic) were anal-
Animals, diets, additives and experimental design ysed for dry matter (DM), ash, crude protein (CP),
Details of the experimental animals, feed additives, acid detergent fibre (ADF), calcium and phosphorous
experimental design, treatments and analytical proce- using the standard methods (Association of Official
dures for basal diets, raw garlic and garlic oil have Analytical Chemists (AOAC), 1990). Neutral deter-
been described elsewhere (Anassori et al., 2011). In gent fibre (NDF) content was determined as described
brief, four rumen fistulated mature Makoui male by Van Soest et al. (1991) with the addition of alpha
sheep (55 kg 3 live weight) were used in this study.
The animals were housed in individual metabolic
Table 1 Ingredients and chemical composition of the basal diet
cages during experiments.
Raw garlic bulb (Allium sativum) was harvested from Item Amount
Hamadan County, Iran. Garlic oil was prepared Ingredient, (g/kg DM)
according to Clevenger (1928). Monensin was pur- Alfalfa hay 381.4
chased from Behroodatrak Company (Iran), which Corn silage 396.9
produces this product under a licence by Elanco Soybean meal 85.0
Division, Eli Lilly Canada. Barley grain 109.9
The study was conducted in three experiments with Wheat bran 26.8
Chemical Composition
a resting interval of 4 weeks between them. Each
DM, (g/kg of feed) 719.5
experiment was conducted as a four treatment cross- OM, (g/kg DM) 908.2
over trial with four 21 days periods. The complete set ME, (MJ/kg DM) 10.50
of studies took approximately 1 year to complete. In FME, (MJ/kg DM) 9.60
the first experiment, each of four sheep was randomly MP, (g/kg DM) 86.00
assigned to one of four diets: control diet (basal total ERDP, (g/kg DM) 112
mixed ration with no additive = CTR), control diet UDP, (g/kg DM) 20
CP, (g/kg DM) 165
with raw garlic (75 g/kg DM = GAR75), control diet
NDF, (g/kg DM) 397.3
with garlic oil (500 mg/kg DM = GAO500) and con- ADF, (g/kg DM) 209.3
trol diet with monensin (33 mg/kg DM = MON). In EE, (g/kg DM) 17.6
the second experiment, the diets were similar to Calcium, (g/kg DM) 5.80
experiment 1; however, the dose of raw garlic and Phosphorus, (g/kg DM) 2.80
garlic oil was increased to 100 g/kg DM (GAR100)
DM, dry matter; OM, organic matter; CP, crude protein; NDF, neutral
and 750 mg/kg DM (GAO750) respectively. In the detergent fibre; ADF, acid detergent fibre; EE, ether extract; ME, metabo-
third experiment, each of four sheep was fed the basal lizable energy; FME, fermentable metabolizable energy; MP, metaboliz-
diet with GAR 75, GAR 100, GAO500 and GAO750. able proteins; ERDP, effective rumen degradable protein; UDP,
During the first 7 days of each period, the animals undegradable protein.

2 Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
E. Anassori et al. Blood profile of sheep in response to garlic

amylase and sodium sulphite, and the values were dropped from the reduced model. For each variable, a
expressed including residual ash. The metabolizable number of covariance structures to model the repeated
energy (ME), effective rumen degradable protein measurements were tested with the repeated state-
(ERDP), undegradable protein (UDP), metabolizable ment for PROC MIXED, and the model that provided
protein (MP) and fermentable metabolizable energy better fit according to minimum Akaike’s information
(FME) were estimated according to AFRC (1992) criterion (AIC) was used. Residuals plotted against the
(Table 1). predicted values showed no departure from assump-
The identification of volatile constituents of garlic tions. Whenever the F-test was significant, differences
oil was performed using a Finnigan gas chromato- between least squares means were determined using
graph (Thermo Finnigan, Somerset, NJ, USA) as the PDIFF option and pairwise Tukey–Kramer multi-
described elsewhere (Anassori et al., 2011). ple comparisons with separate the means. All reported
Blood samples were collected using evacuated tubes values are least squares means and SEM. Results were
from the jugular vein on day 7, 14 and 21 of each considered significant at the P < 0.05. Data were anal-
experiment 3 h after morning feedings. Blood samples ysed using a statistical software package (SAS, Version
were left at room temperature until clotting was com- 9.1.3, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA).
pleted (within 30 min). Tubes were then centrifuged
for 20 min at 2500 9 g. Serum samples were stored at
20 °C until analyses for determination of glucose,
non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), b-hydroxybutyrate The results of the current study indicated that crude
(BHB), insulin, cholesterol, BUN and albumin. fat (EE) content of garlic bulb was 7.1 g/kg on a DM
Β-hydroxybutyrate and NEFA were determined by a basis. Also garlic bulb yielded 0.12% garlic oil on a
D-3-hydroxybutyrate kit and a NEFA Kit (Randox Lab- wet weight basis. The GC–MS analyses of the garlic oil
oratories, Ardmore, UK) respectively. The concentra- revealed that trisulphide di-2-propenyl (32.76%),
tion of serum glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, BUN diallyl disulphide (28.41%) and trisulphide methyl 2-
and total protein was determined using an auto analy- propenyl (14.26%) are the main components of the
ser spectrophotometer (Model RA-1000; Technicon oil.
Instruments Corporation, Tarrytown, NY, USA) using
commercial kits (Parsazmoon, Tehran, Iran). Serum
insulin concentration was determined using ELISA Kit
(kit no. 10-1202-01 Mercodia AB, Uppsala, Sweden). Serum glucose concentrations after 21 days of treat-
ment are shown in Tables 2–4. No main effects
(P > 0.05) of treatment and time or interactions involv-
Statistical analysis
ing treatment and time were observed in concentration
A four-period, four treatment cross-over design in a of glucose throughout the study (Tables 2–4).
randomized sequence, based on a Latin Square design
(Williams Square), was used for each experiment. The
design was pre-arranged to balance for carry-over
affects so that every treatment is represented only In experiment 1, supplementation of MON decreased
once in each column and in each row of the square (P < 0.05) concentrations of BHB on day 14 compared
yielding to a uniform cross-over design. Data for each with GAO500. Also the serum concentration of BHB
parameter were analysed independently for each was influenced by MON and GAO500 within experi-
experiment using a linear mixed model for a cross- mental periods and reduced (P < 0.01) (Table 2).
over design with the REPEATED command and
Kenward-Rogers adjustment for calculation of denom-
Non-esterified fatty acids
inator degrees of freedom. A preliminary analysis
using histograms, box plots and scatter plots was used Overall serum level of NEFA was not altered
to examine the data for errors and outliers. No outlier (P > 0.05) by raw garlic and garlic oil compared with
was detected. The initial model for each parameter CTR; nevertheless, MON decreased (P < 0.01) NEFA
included period, treatment, time and all interactions concentration after 14 days supplementation, without
as fixed effects. Sheep were considered as random further effects at the rest of the study (Tables 2 and 3).
effect. The repeated statement included time, and the There were no differences (P > 0.05) in serum NEFA
subject was sheep 9 period within treatment. The concentration between treatments in experiment 3
interaction terms that were not significant were (Table 4).

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 3
Blood profile of sheep in response to garlic E. Anassori et al.

Table 2 Blood constituents of sheep-fed basal diet and diet supplemented with raw garlic, garlic oil and monensin (experiment 1)

Treatments P-value†

Variables Days CTR GAR75 GAO500 MON SE TRT Day TRT 9 Day

Serum glucose (mg/dl) 7 69.58 69.58 65.83 64.58 2.62 NS NS NS

14 67.08 66.33 62.08 63.33 2.62
21 66.33 68.33 64.08 62.83 2.62
BHB (mM) 7 0.64 0.47 0.66 0.51 0.07 * ** ***
14 0.64ab 0.36ab 0.70a 0.26b 0.07
21 0.65 0.47 0.42 0.35 0.06
NEFA (mM) 7 0.26 0.28 0.25 0.26 0.02 ** NS **
14 0.26a 0.30a 0.24ab 0.16b 0.02
21 0.24ab 0.27ab 0.31a 0.18b 0.02
Insulin (ng/ml) 7 0.41b 0.38b 0.62ab 0.87a 0.05 *** *** **
14 0.41b 0.43b 0.64b 1.18a 0.05
21 0.42c 0.45c 0.79b 1.23a 0.05
Total triglycerides (mg/dl) 7 33.44 26.19 28.19 31.94 4.45 NS NS NS
14 31.69 25.94 24.94 26.19 4.45
21 31.44 28.94 28.19 27.44 4.45
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 7 58.10 53.35 61.10 53.85 3.45 NS NS NS
14 57.35 53.35 50.60 52.10 3.45
21 55.35 46.35 54.85 55.60 3.45
BUN, (mg/dl) 7 17.06 16.84 16.76 15.76 0.47 NS NS NS
14 16.44 15.46 14.94 16.41 0.83
21 15.34 16.34 16.49 16.39 0.42
T. Protein (g/dl) 7 7.47 7.18 7.20 7.42 0.43 NS NS NS
14 7.40 7.67 7.79 7.00 0.23
21 7.64 7.10 7.52 7.45 0.28
Albumin (g/dl) 7 3.83 3.53 3.66 3.73 0.20 NS NS NS
14 3.73 3.81 4.08 3.34 0.20
21 3.98 3.49 3.81 3.61 0.20

CTR = basal diet. GAR75 = basal diet + raw garlic (75 g/kg DM). GAO500 = basal diet + garlic oil (500 mg/kg DM). MON = basal diet + monensin
(33 mg/kg DM).
TRT, treatment; BHB, b-hydroxy butyrate; NEFA, non-esterified fatty acids; BUN, blood urea nitrogen.
†*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; NS = not significant.
Means within the same row having different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05).

Insulin interactions involving treatment and time were

observed in concentration of total triglycerides, cho-
The addition of GAO500 and GAO750 in experiments
lesterol, BUN, total protein and albumin throughout
1 and 2 promoted higher (P < 0.01) concentrations of
the study (Tables 2–4).
insulin than CTR after 21 days of supplementation,
while MON-treated group had the greatest serum
insulin concentration among treatments (P < 0.01)
(Tables 2 and 3). A similar response was also observed
in experiment 3 with GAO when added at 750 mg/kg Our previous results on rumen fluid parameters
DM; moreover in a differing manner compared with (Anassori et al., 2011) like other in vivo studies (Rich-
experiment 2, GAR100 supplementation increased ardson et al., 1976) showed monensin feeding
(P < 0.001) insulin concentration over the time increased propionate molar percentage while decreas-
(Table 4). ing butyrate molar percentage. However, in the cur-
rent study, in agreement with the others (Raun et al.,
1976; Johnson et al., 1986), MON did not significantly
Triglycerides, cholesterol, bun and total protein
alter blood glucose concentration. This contradicts
Except for the cholesterol, which increased (P = 0.02) with studies of Bergman (1973) and Judson and Leng
with GAO750 compared with GAR75 in experiment (1973) who showed an increase in glucose level pro-
3, no effects (P > 0.05) of treatment and time or portionate to increased ruminal propionate production

4 Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
E. Anassori et al. Blood profile of sheep in response to garlic

Table 3 Blood constituents of sheep-fed basal diet and diet supplemented with raw garlic, garlic oil and monensin (experiment 2).

Treatments P-value†

Variables Days CTR GAR100 GAO750 MON SE TRT Day TRT 9 Day

Serum glucose (mg/dl) 7 71.74 71.74 67.93 66.67 2.80 NS NS NS

14 69.20 67.93 65.15 65.40 2.80
21 68.44 63.62 65.91 64.89 2.80
BHB (mM) 7 0.67 0.57 0.56 0.53 0.06 NS NS NS
14 0.67 0.70 0.63 0.28 0.08
21 0.67 0.69 0.72 0.37 0.09
NEFA (mM) 7 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.01 *** NS **
14 0.29a 0.29a 0.29a 0.17b 0.02
21 0.26 0.28 0.30 0.19 0.02
Insulin (ng/ml) 7 0.42b 0.40b 0.59ab 0.85a 0.06 *** *** **
14 0.40b 0.55b 0.63b 1.10a 0.06
21 0.41b 0.61b 1.06a 1.21a 0.06
Total triglycerides (mg/dl) 7 32.39 21.76 25.46 30.90 3.20 NS NS NS
14 30.66 22.99 27.20 25.22 4.80
21 30.41 24.97 25.71 26.45 2.90
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 7 57.99 48.41 52.10 53.82 3.20 NS NS NS
14 57.26 50.87 54.55 52.10 3.20
21 55.29 55.54 60.45 55.54 3.20
BUN, (mg/dl) 7 16.06 15.91 16.06 14.79 0.50 NS NS NS
14 15.44 14.34 15.30 15.42 0.68
21 14.37 13.78 14.61 15.40 0.32
T. Protein (g/dl) 7 7.67 7.27 7.62 7.62 0.36 NS NS NS
14 7.59 7.41 7.14 7.19 0.36
21 7.85 8.28 7.37 7.65 0.36
Albumin (g/dl) 7 3.92 3.62 3.75 3.82 0.21 NS NS NS
14 3.82 3.54 3.49 3.41 0.21
21 4.08 4.07 3.52 3.70 0.21

CTR = basal diet. GAR100 = basal diet + raw garlic (100 g/kg DM). GAO750 = basal diet + garlic oil (750 mg/kg DM). MON = basal diet + monensin
(33 mg/kg DM).
TRT, treatment; BHB, b-hydroxy butyrate; NEFA, non-esterified fatty acids; BUN, blood urea nitrogen.
†*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; NS, not significant.
Means within the same row having different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05).

or absorption. The results also are in contrast to Duf- No significant differences were observed in serum
field et al. (1998) who reported higher glucose con- glucose concentration. This would imply that, in
centrations in monensin-treated cows during the spite of an expected increased gluconeogenesis (due
post-partum period. to an increased propionate supply), there was also
An increased concentration of blood insulin in an increase in the rate of removal of glucose from
sheep supplemented with MON was consistent with the blood mediated probably by insulin (Brockman
findings in other studies (Raun et al., 1976; Randel and Laarveld, 1986). Another explanation as sug-
et al., 1977). The overall, on day 7 of MON supple- gested by Bishop et al. (1965) could be due to
mentation, concentration of insulin elevated and insulin’s ability to decrease hepatic output of glu-
then increased progressively over the time, while cose via promoting conversion of glucose to glyco-
glucose levels did not change significantly through- gen and so keeping glucose values within normal
out the study. This unpredictable alteration in insu- range.
lin levels may indicate the influence of other Garlic has long been claimed to possess a hypogly-
metabolites than glucose for stimulating insulin caemic effect. However, effects of garlic preparations
release, including propionate as suggested by John- on blood glucose have been controversial (Anwar and
son et al. (1986). These results support the hypoth- Meki, 2003; Baluchnejadmojarad and Roghani,
esis that propionate is an insulin secretagogue in 2003). In the present study, our results confirmed the
ruminants (Hertelendy et al., 1968; De Jong, 1982). findings of Chaves et al. (2008), who reported no

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 5
Blood profile of sheep in response to garlic E. Anassori et al.

Table 4 Blood constituents of sheep-fed basal diet supplemented with raw garlic and garlic oil (experiment 3)

Treatments P-value†

Variables Days GAR75 GAR100 GAO500 GAO750 SE TRT Day TRT 9 Day

Serum glucose (mg/dl) 7 70.75 70.75 67.00 67.00 2.60 NS NS NS

14 67.50 67.00 63.25 64.25 2.60
21 69.50 62.75 65.25 65.00 2.60
BHB (mM) 7 0.48 0.56 0.68 0.55 0.08 NS * NS
14 0.37 0.69 0.73 0.63 0.09
21 0.48 0.68 0.43 0.71 0.10
NEFA (mM) 7 0.29 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.01 NS NS NS
14 0.31 0.28 0.25 0.28 0.01
21 0.27 0.27 0.32 0.28 0.01
Insulin (ng/ml) 7 0.39 0.41 0.64 0.61 0.06 ** *** ***
14 0.45 0.50 0.65 0.65 0.06
21 0.47c 0.63bc 0.80ab 1.07a 0.06
Total triglycerides (mg/dl) 7 25.50 22.00 27.50 25.75 2.90 NS NS NS
14 25.25 23.25 24.25 27.50 2.90
21 28.25 25.25 27.50 26.00 2.90
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 7 54.25 49.25 62.00 53.00 2.80 NS NS *
14 54.25 51.75 51.50 55.50 2.80
21 47.25b 56.5ab 55.75ab 61.50a 2.80
BUN, (mg/dl) 7 16.15 16.22 16.07 16.37 0.50 NS NS NS
14 14.77 14.62 14.75 15.60 0.50
21 15.65 14.05 15.80 14.90 0.50
T. Protein (g/dl) 7 7.25 7.15 7.27 7.50 0.34 NS NS NS
14 7.75 7.30 7.87 7.02 0.24
21 7.17 8.15 7.60 7.25 0.36
Albumin (g/dl) 7 3.57 3.57 3.70 3.70 0.18 NS NS NS
14 3.85 3.50 4.12 3.45 0.18
21 3.52 4.02 3.85 3.47 0.18

GAR75 = basal diet + raw garlic (75 g/kg DM). GAR100 = basal diet + raw garlic (100 g/kg DM). GAO500 = basal diet + garlic oil (500 mg/kg DM).
GAO750 = basal diet + garlic oil (750 mg/kg DM).
TRT, treatment; BHB, b-hydroxy butyrate; NEFA, non-esterified fatty acids; BUN, blood urea nitrogen.
†*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; NS = not significant.
Means within the same row having different letters are significant different (P < 0.05).

difference in serum glucose concentration of growing BHB concentrations in MON-treated sheep decreased
lambs fed with diets supplemented with garlic compared with basal diet over the time, suggesting
compared with the control. The hypoglycaemic effect that MON favoured a positive energy balance com-
of garlic has been attributed to an increase in the pared with the control group. This is in agreement
serum insulin level (Sodimu et al., 1984). In the pres- with our previous published work, which showed
ent study, no significant change was observed in glu- MON (to a greater extent) and the raw garlic and gar-
cose level throughout the study; however, the serum lic oil (to a lesser extent) increased propionate in the
concentration of insulin elevated after 21 days of rumen fluid in sheep while at the same time they
GAO supplementation. The discrepancy between the decreased acetate and butyrate molar concentrations
findings might be due to the dose, chemical composi- (Anassori et al., 2011).
tion of essential oil and experimental conditions. In In ruminants with positive energy balance, circulat-
addition, in ruminants, it has been proved that propio- ing hydroxybutyrate is largely derived from the
nate rather than glucose is the major promoter of metabolism of butyrate during absorption across the
insulin secretion (De Jong, 1982). rumen epithelium (Pethick and Lindsay, 1982). In
Whitaker (1997) suggested that glucose was not a contrast to Quigley et al. (1992), we previously
good indicator of energy balance compared with showed that the increased ruminal butyrate concen-
NEFA or BHB. In the present study, blood glucose tration in GAO500-treated sheep (Anassori et al.,
concentration did not change, but blood NEFA and 2011) was associated with decreased blood BHB con-

6 Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH
E. Anassori et al. Blood profile of sheep in response to garlic

centrations. In addition, in spite of the effects of (Tedeschi et al., 2003). Similarly results from previ-
GAR100 and GAO750 on increasing the butyrate ous studies showed decreased ruminal NH3-N con-
proportion in rumen, the blood levels of BHB centration due to garlic supplementation (Kongmun
remained unchanged. This could result from the fact et al., 2010; Anassori et al., 2011). It is probable that
that the forestomach epithelium utilizes BHB as an serum concentrations of BUN is not sensitive enough
energy source and hence modulating the effects of in detecting differences in protein metabolism
increased ruminal production of BHB on its blood between the treatments. Furthermore, a discrepancy
concentrations. Relationships between BHB, NEFA between serum and rumen ammonia-N has been
and insulin and insulin responsiveness and sensitivity reported (Martineau et al., 2007). Duffield et al.
warrant further investigation. (1998) suggested that the improved energy status
In the present study, GAR and GAO did not affect with MON might reduce fatty infiltration of liver,
blood NEFA concentration. However, monensin sup- improving its function and enhancing its ability to
plementation was associated with low levels of NEFA, synthesize urea. The same mechanism of action
which may have been caused by a lesser degree of fat could be supposed for garlic.
mobilization in monensin supplemented sheep as sug- Overall, the current results on the effect of garlic
gested by others (Grummer, 1993). We did not find and monensin on blood metabolites should be inter-
any effect of MON on serum concentration of triglyce- preted with caution because the values remained
rides and cholesterol. Taghipoor et al. (2011) also within or close to normal ranges in sheep fed within
reported no changes in serum cholesterol concentra- their maintenance requirements. It has been illus-
tion in pre- and post-parturition period in sheep sup- trated that the beneficial effect of monensin on
plemented with monensin. Some studies energy metabolism indicated by lowering of NEFA
demonstrated the hypocholesterolaemic effect of gar- levels and reduced ketones production (Stephenson
lic in human and animal (Silagy and Neil, 1994; et al., 1997; Duffield et al., 1998) is more pro-
Chowdhury et al., 2002). Based on these studies, gar- nounced when there is a negative energy balance
lic has a potential to reduce lipid accumulation in the (early lactation or late pregnancy). The present study
liver and triglycerides level in the plasma by inhibiting was conducted without inducing negative energy bal-
hepatic fatty acid synthesis (Gofman et al., 1966). In ance; this could partially explain unremarkable
the current study, there were no differences in serum changes on blood constituents.
cholesterol concentrations among additives compared
with CTR. However, there was an unexpected eleva-
tion of cholesterol for GAO750 vs. GAR 75. Horton
et al. (1991) reported that garlic had no effects on Garlic oil contains a variety of active ingredients,
plasma cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations. capable of improving the nutrient utilization and
Lau et al. (1987) suggested that the suppression of productivities in ruminants (Busquet et al., 2005a;
lipid biosynthesis by garlic might be accompanied by Anassori et al., 2011). Our previous work showed
an initial mobilization of tissue lipids into circulation garlic’s beneficial impact on rumen fermentation.
increasing blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides However, in the present study, GAO did not cause
during the early phase of garlic feeding. This might any drastic changes in the concentrations of blood
explain the higher cholesterol values for GAO750 vs. metabolites in the sheep fed within their mainte-
GAR 75. Alternatively, GAO750 may facilitate choles- nance energy and protein requirements. On the
terol absorption from gastrointestinal tract leading to other hand, monensin supplemented sheep had bet-
its elevated blood level. ter energy status compared with garlic oil and raw
No differences in BUN concentrations were garlic supplemented sheep as indicated by signifi-
detected between treatments. The reason for cantly lower BHB and NEFA concentrations in
unchanged BUN with MON is uncertain. In theory, blood. This study corroborates the earlier findings of
the pattern of serum urea-N concentration over time monensin efficacy in animals with a negative energy
should reflect the ruminal NH3-N concentration balance can also be observed in animals fed at their
because the liver essentially removes all net portal maintenance levels.
absorption of NH3-N, which can account for 70 to
80% of urea-N released by the liver when the hepa-
tic function is not impaired (Huntington, 1990).
Monensin usually reduces protein degradation and Financial support from the Faculty of Veterinary Med-
lowers the accumulation of NH3-N in the rumen icine (Urmia University–Iran) is fully appreciated.

Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 7
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