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A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard
work written by Collin Powell

Good morning honourable jury, respected principals, dear teachers, friends and fellow
competitor I, Ashveena malghalarah am honoured to have the opportunity to be speaking
for the topic hard work superior than talent


. I am ‘Ashveena Malghalarah' and i shall be taking the following 3 minutes to compel you
why hard work is superior than talent

Everybody has various talents from maths to soccer to technology. You can create talent
with hard work but without hard work talent is meaningless.

If you do not practice what you have already learned you will soon forget this is why many
people say practice makes perfect.

Talent is something that is a natural gift but easy to lose.  Talent is a dreadfully
cheap commodity, cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the
successful one is a lot of hard work and study; a constant process of honing. Talent is a dull
knife that will cut nothing unless it is wielded with great force. Some talent over hard work
arguments say that profoundly gifted individuals have an edge. No doubt but how many are
profoundly gifted, not many utmost according to you which tool is more useful, the one that
everyone can use for every purpose or the on that only a few can use for a few purposes

The answer is clear, hard work is that same tool that can be used to achieve success in
different form whether they be in the form of science technology or sports

I would like to end this debate by saying I can is a hundred times more important than IQ

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