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Course By IElevate
We Will Learn
1. App Planning
2. App Creation
3. App Publishing
4. App Monetization
App Planning
1. UI = User interface (UI) design is the process designers use to build interfaces in
software or computerized devices, focusing on looks or style. Designers aim to
create interfaces which users find easy to use and pleasurable. UI design refers to
graphical user interfaces

2. UX = User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create
products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This
involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the
product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function.
2. Preview Screen
Functions Show
3. Sign up &
Sign in Screen
Sign up Screen Sign in Screen

● Name ● Username
● Email Id ● Password
● Mobile No. ● Mobile No.
● Country ● Otp
● DOB ● Forget Password
● Password
● Sign up with
Facebook & Google
4. Home

Menu Bar
Front Banner
Main Service or Main Products
Footer Menu
Search Bar
What should be the look and feel of the app

What Are the Different Types of Mobile Apps?
Types of Mobile Apps by Technology
There are three basic types of mobile apps if we categorize them by the
technology used to code them:

● Native apps are created for one specific platform or operating

● Web apps are responsive versions of websites that can work on any
mobile device or OS because they’re delivered using a mobile
● Hybrid apps is one that combines elements of both native and web
applications. Hybrid app are popular because they allow developers to
write code once and still accommodate multiple platforms.
Native App
Hybrid App
Hybrid App Example
Diffrences Hybrib VS. Native
Web App

1. AppsGeyser (Free)
2. Super Progressive (WP Plugin)
3. AppyPie (Paid)
Publishing your Android App on Google Play Store:
What you need to know?

After spending endless hours on design, development and testing your first
ever Android application, you are all set to launch it on the Google Play
store. Having user base of more than 1 billion in more than 190 countries
across the globe, Android dominates the mobile app market and with your
mobile app, you are into the right direction of getting closer to your target
audience. Publishing your Android app on Google Play store is a simple and
easy process so here we bring you a “how to” step-by-step guide on
publishing your first Android app on the Google store. So let’s get started.
1 Create a Developer account:
Before getting your app launched on Google Play store, you need to
get your developer/publisher profile registered on Google Play
Developer Console – a dedicated dashboard for developers that lets
you manage your apps in the Play store. For registration, you need
to pay small one-time registration fees of $25 which you need to
pay before uploading an app. Once the payment is completed, you’ll
get a verification email to your registered email address and that’s
all, you are done and ready to get hold of your app publishing.
2 Complete the Account details:
To complete the developer profile and account details, log in to the
Developer Console with your email address and password and
proceed by filling the basic account details along with Developer
name, which will be displayed on the Google store. After filling the
complete information, your account will be in review status and it will
be live in approximately 48 hours (the official time frame given).
3 Get familiar with Developer Console:

Till the account is in review status, in the meanwhile, get yourself

accustomed to Google Developer Console which is a focal point and
primary dashboard for complete management of your apps. Here,
you need to get familiar with the list of developer and merchant
countries. The developer countries list will give you an idea about all
the locations where distribution to Google Play users is supported
whereas the merchant countries are those locations wherein you
can sell your apps or have in-app purchases.
4 Link Google Payments Merchant account:

If you want to sell apps or have subscriptions or have in-app

purchases, then it is required to link your Google Payments
merchant account with your developer profile. This linked payments
account will be used for releasing monthly payouts from sales as
well as for financial and tax identification.
5 Alpha & Beta testing the app:
Testing your Android app thoroughly before making it live on the Play store
is very important as this will act as a catalyst in the success of your app.
Google Play store gives you the option of testing the app. In the “APK”
section, you will see the options of “Beta Testing” & “Alpha Testing”. Once
you’ve uploaded the app’s “.apk” files, you will get the test URL which you
can share with your testers for further testing and be resolving bugs (if any).
This testing phase is vital for the success of your app as testers will share
their feedback by downloading the app’s alpha or beta versions. So before
making it live, your app gets ready to rock the word without having any flaws.
6 Uploading of the app:
So once the app is tested rigorously for all the features, it’s time to upload it
on the Play store. To start with,
• Click on “Add New Application” in the “All Applications” tab
• Select the correct “Default Language” from the drop-down menu
• Write the “Title of the app” which is app’s name displayed on the Play
• After this, the final step is to upload the “.apk” file of your app by clicking
on the “Upload APK” button which will then redirect you to the app’s
7 Store listing details & information:
After uploading the “.apk” file of your app, it’s time to add the most important part of
publishing app which is adding the app details like short description, full app
description, app screenshots, app promo videos, contact details, app type, app
category, content rating & other such important information. To add this information,
click on the “Store Listing” tab, add the above information and proceed ahead with
the high-resolution app icon, a feature graphic and a promo picture which will further
enhance your app’s page. Once you’ve updated all the information, click on the
“Save” button and you are done. Please note that this store listing information can be
updated anytime so even if you’ve added some wrong information by mistake or
missed any field, do not panic and just relax.
8 App pricing & Distribution information:

This is the step where you need to register your app pricing and distribution.
So you need to select whether your app is “Free” or a “Paid” app. Along
with this, you also need to select the distribution countries wherein you want
your app will be distributed. After this, select the check mark stating that your
app complies with the content guidelines. Please note that these settings
cannot be changed later so choose them appropriately as per your target
audience requirements.
9 Publish the app:

After filling all the required information in all 3 tabs – “APK”, “Store Listing” &
“Pricing & Distribution”, a green checkmark will appear beside them which is
an indication that your app is ready for publishing. The next step is to click
on “Publish this app” button under the “Ready to Publish” drop-down menu.
After hitting the Publish button, you will be getting a confirmation message
saying that your app will be available shortly on the Google Play store.
Monetize, promote and analyze your app
with Google AdMob
Unlock the
power of
Solutions for all of your
business goals
We’re cross platform,
with plugins for specialist
app development tools

3 Google Confidential and Proprietary Source: Ads served on high end mobile devices on Google’s mobile app network, 1Ja3n2012-Dec 2012
You operate in a rapidly shifting market

Users Revenue Developers

Google Confidential and Proprietary 35

You can leverage the massive global reach of
AdMob to drive more mobile app installs
● AdMob reaches more than
● 900 million mobile devices each month

● Show your ads to

● users in more
than 200

Google Confidential and Proprietary 36

Understand your audience

How analytics can help you

Discover your high value
users when you build
custom segments

Data loads instantly, Understand the

so you can take journey users take
action immediately in your app

Measure in-app
purchase revenue

Google Confidential and Proprietary 37

Understanding your users is
more important than ever.
In today’s app world it’s
the very definition of

Google Confidential and Proprietary 38

Maximize Ad Revenue

Smart banners

“Smart” detection of
device width and
orientation consistently
deliver ads that fit the

Understand your audience

The power of Google Analytics in AdMob

Hundreds of thousands of developers use Google Analytics
to analyze their apps

Free and easy-to-use,

and now available directly
from within AdMob

40 Google Confidential and Proprietary

Maximize Ad Revenue

Powerful filters that give you control over ads

URL Application Category/site Text

filters filters filters filters

• Easy to configure and flexible controls to choose categories

• Deliver only the most relevant ads to users
• Avoid showing competitor ads
• View ads which ran in your app
41 Google Confidential and Proprietary

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