A3 Brief - Leadership

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BUSM4177 Leadership

Assessment 3: Leadership development plan

Assessment type: Development plan

Word limit: 2,500 words (+/- 10%)
Due Date: Friday 02 June 2023, 19:00 (Melbourne time) – Week 13
Weighting: 50%

You are required to reflect on your own leadership using diagnostic tools that will
measure three specific areas of leadership and from what you learnt about the
person you chose as an effective leader in Assessment 2. You will then consider and
plan how to improve your own leadership qualities drawn from the diagnostic tools in
the form of a development plan, which will then incorporate industry feedback before
your final submission.
This is a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) assessment task, the purpose of which is
for you to build on the knowledge and skills gained from Assessment 2 and apply
them in a practical situation through a real workplace context and engaging with
feedback from industry.

Assessment criteria
This assessment will measure your ability to:

 diagnose leadership strengths and weaknesses as a result of self-

 create a leadership development plan based on self-assessment
 describe how to incorporate the feedback into the plan
 identify plan evaluation approach/es and describe how the plan makes an
impact on future lives and careers
 acknowledge sources of information (format, quality and quantity of

Course learning outcomes

This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:
Critically analyse and apply leadership theories and models in various
organisational situations.

CLO3 Use critical self-reflection as a tool for leadership development.

Apply feedback of others to enhance leadership capabilities and to act on

opportunities for leadership development.

Assessment details
This assessment moves from critically analysing and reflecting on the person you
chose as an effective leader in Assessment 2 to reflecting and planning on how to
improve your own leadership qualities and effectiveness. This will be done through
two stages:

1. Leadership development plan

2. Industry feedback

Before you start this assessment, you will need to have nominated a leader to seek
feedback from who has agreed to be involved and must be approved by your teacher
earlier in this course. This leader can be anyone you know who holds a leadership
position in an organisation. This leader could be the same person as Assessment 2
or a different leader.

1. Leadership development plan

For the leadership development plan, you are asked to reflect on your own
leadership based on what you learnt from the person you chose as an effective
leader in Assessment 2, and then consider how your own leadership qualities might
be improved.
Your first step is to assess your current strengths and weaknesses as a leader (or
potential leader). Complete the three (3) leadership diagnostic tools listed in
‘Diagnostic tools’ (see in the Resources section of this document). In this task, you
will need to analyse and explain the results of the tests.
Next, create a draft of your leadership development plan using the ‘Leadership
development plan template’ (see in the Resources section of this document). The
plan must at least maintain or further develop the leadership strengths and improve
on the weaknesses identified in the leadership diagnosis. You must review the
leadership theories and concepts explored in this course and describe how they
relate to you and your leadership development plan. The plan should consist of key
components such as timeframe, activities, goals and measurement indicators etc.

2. Industry feedback
In this stage, you must seek feedback on your plan from the leader you have
chosen. After you have completed the draft development plan, you will need
to submit the plan and provide the ‘Industry feedback checklist’ (see in the
Resources section of this document) to your nominated leader.
After receiving the Industry feedback checklist back from your nominated leader, you
will need to incorporate their feedback into your development plan. As you
update your plan consider the following questions:

 What did the leader have to say about your draft of the leadership
development plan?
 How have you modified your draft because of the feedback? For example,
if the leader you consulted said that your timeframe to achieve your
leadership goals was unrealistically short, did you then extend the
timeframe to achieve these?

Next, you will need to answer the following prompts as part of the industry
feedback task in your assessment:

1. Describe what and how you have incorporated this leader’s feedback into
your plan.
2. Describe how the plan makes an impact on your future lives and careers.

Your assessment must have at minimum 10 academic references from academic

sources such as peer-reviewed journal articles and books. Websites, such as
Wikipedia and blogs will not be accepted, other than for providing general details and
these will not be counted in the minimum references required.
Correct and thorough referencing and the quality of your sources will also be
considered in the evaluation of your assignment. Please ensure that your spelling,
grammar and syntax are correct before you submit your personal reflection. 

Assessment structure
The assessment should use the following structure. A template of the structure is
also provided and can be used as a guide (see ‘Suggested Assessment 3 structure
template’ in the Resources section of this document):

1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Introduction
4. Body with headings and sub-headings (e.g. Leadership development plan;
Industry feedback)
5. Conclusion
6. References

7. Appendices, which will include: 

8. your leader’s feedback in the Industry feedback checklist
9. your Leadership diagnostic tests results
10. initial Leadership development plan (before feedback from chosen leader)
11. final Leadership development plan (incorporating feedback from chosen

Note: Sections 1, 2 (your leader background information part) 6 and 7 are not
included in the word count.

The following resources must be used in this assessment:

 Diagnostic toolsDownload Diagnostic tools

 Leadership development plan templateDownload Leadership development
plan template
 Industry feedback checklistDownload Industry feedback checklist
 Assignment Suggested StructureDownload Assignment Suggested

The following resources may help you in this assessment:

 Management, Human Resources and Entrepreneurship library guideLinks

to an external site.: This library guide provides a list of useful journals and
databases that hold academic articles on leadership.

Referencing guidelines
Use RMIT Harvard referencing style for this assessment. Please refer to
this https://www.lib.rmit.edu.au/easy-cite/Links to an external site. .
You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have used in your
Refer to the RMIT Easy CiteLinks to an external site. referencing tool to see
examples and tips on how to reference in the appropriate style. You can also refer to
the library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials
and referencing guides for printing.
Submission format
Use Word or PDF or similar. The assessment will be submitted in Canvas as a file
Academic integrity and plagiarism
Academic integrity is about the honest presentation of your academic work. It means
acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge
and ideas.
You should take extreme care that you have:
 Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of
others you have quoted (i.e. directly copied), summarised, paraphrased,
discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate
referencing methods
 Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can
locate the source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet

If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of
plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person
without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own.
RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct.
Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:

 Failure to properly document a source

 Copyright material from the internet or databases
 Collusion between students

For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University
website.Links to an external site.

Assessment declaration
When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration.Links
to an external site.
Before making the final submission, please read:
Please make sure that you answer ‘YES’ to the following statements before making
the final submission:
1) I am submitting the correct version of your Assignment
2) I have checked the Turnitin score for this assignment. Please note that for this
Course, if your Turnitin score is above 20%, your assignment will automatically be
checked for plagiarism by your Tutor and the Course Coordinator. Plagiarism is a
very serious offence, and plagiarism cases will be referred to the Deputy Dean
Learning and Teaching. So it is absolutely important that you are familiar with the
policy on plagiarism, and fully understand the consequences of plagiarism.
3) I have listed all references at the end of your Assignment. 
4) If there is any inequity of contribution issue, students must inform their tutor
BEFORE making the final submission. Once you make the final submission, you
agree with the Equity of Contribution Policy.
5). Submission format. Only a Word or PDF file is accepted. 

1. On the Course Menu, select the Assignments menu.
2. Click the provided links for submission
3. Upload your Assignment.




a file upload

Due For Available from Until

2 Jun at 19:002 Jun at 19:00 Everyone -N/A -N/A

Assignment 3: Leadership development plan (AoL)
Assignment 3: Leadership development plan (AoL)

Criteria Ratings Pts

Leadership - Job
Ready) Self-
assessment 11 to >8.8 Pts 8.8 to >7.7 Pts 7.7 to >6.6 Pts 6.6 to >5.5 Pts 5.5 to >0 Pts
Diagnose High Distinction Credit Pass Fail
leadership Distinction Strong grasp Competent Some Lack of
strengths and Exceptionally of understanding appreciation of understanding
clear understanding and ability to understanding and ability to
weaknesses as understanding and ability to evaluate and ability to evaluate
a result of self- and ability to evaluate strengths, evaluate strengths, 11 pt
assessment evaluate strengths, weaknesses strengths, weaknessess
strengths, weaknesses and challenges weaknesses and
weaknesses and challenges as a result of and challenges challenges as
and as a result of self-diagnosis. as a result of a result of
challenges as self-diagnosis. self-diagnosis. self-
a result of diagnosis.
Assignment 3: Leadership development plan (AoL)

Criteria Ratings Pts

Leadership plan
Create a
leadership 11 to >8.8 Pts 8.8 to >7.7 Pts 7.7 to >6.6 Pts 6.6 to >5.5 Pts 5.5 to >0 Pts
development High Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Distinction Strong grasp Competent Some Lack of
plan based on Exceptionally of understanding appreciation of understanding
self-assessment clear understanding and ability to understanding and ability to
11 pt
understanding and ability to create a and ability to create a
and ability to create a leadership create a leadership s
create a leadership development leadership development
leadership development plan. development plan.
development plan. plan.

Describe how to 11 to >8.8 Pts 8.8 to >7.7 Pts 7.7 to >6.6 Pts 6.6 to >5.5 Pts 5.5 to >0 Pts
incorporate the High Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Distinction Strong grasp Competent Some Lack of
feedback into Exceptionally of understanding appreciation of understanding
the plan clear understanding and ability to understanding and ability to
11 pt
understanding and ability to describe how and ability to describe how
and ability to describe how to incorporate describe how to incorporates
describe how to incorporate the feedback to incorporate the feedback
to incorporate the feedback into the plan. the feedback into the plan.
the feedback into the plan. into the plan.
into the plan.
Assignment 3: Leadership development plan (AoL)

Criteria Ratings Pts

Evaluating plan
describe how
the plan makes 11 to >8.8 Pts 8.8 to >7.7 Pts 7.7 to >6.6 Pts 6.6 to >5.5 Pts 5.5 to >0 Pts
an impact on High Distinction Credit Pass Fail
future lives and Distinction Strong grasp Competent Some Lack of
Exceptionally of understanding appreciation of understanding
careers clear understanding and ability to understanding and ability to
understanding and ability to describe how and ability to describe how 11 pt
and ability to describe how the plan make describe how the plan make s
describe how the plan make an impact on the plan make an impact on
the plan make an impact on future lives an impact on future lives
an impact on future lives and careers. future lives and careers.
future lives and careers. and careers.
and careers.
Assignment 3: Leadership development plan (AoL)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is
linked to a
outcomeResear 6 to >4.8 Pts 4.8 to >4.2 Pts 4.2 to >3.6 Pts 3.6 to >3.0 Pts 3 to >0 Pts
High Distinction Credit Pass Fail
ch and Distinction Integrates Generally Integrates Fails to use
referencing Consistently research and integrates relevant theory relevant
Acknowledge integrates ideas from relevant theory from a number theory / or
sources of research and relevant and from a number of mostly number of
information ideas from appropriate of mostly appropriate sources
relevant and sources. Clear, appropriate sources but indicates
(format, quality appropriate well-integrated sources. with occasional lack of
and quantity of sources. evidence using Paraphrases irrelevant research.
references) Consistently accurate adequately to information. Does not
clear, well- paraphrase avoid Generally paraphrase
integrated and summary. plagiarism. paraphrases correctly. 6 pts
evidence Uses mostly References adequately to References
using accurate generally avoid positioned
accurate references, accurately plagiarism . incorrectly or
paraphrase appropriately positioned. References used
and positioned. generally inaccurately.
summary. accurately
Consistently positioned.

Total points: 50

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