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1. What is the SI unit for measuring length?

A) Kilogram B) Second C) Meter D) Joule E)

2. What is the formula for calculating the area of a rectangle? A) A = l + w B) A = lw C) A =
2l + 2w D) A = l/w E) A = lw/2
3. Which of the following is an example of potential energy? A) A rolling ball B) A swinging
pendulum C) A stretched rubber band D) A moving car E) A running athlete
4. Which of the following is NOT a principle of energy? A) Energy cannot be created or
destroyed B) Energy can be transformed from one form to another C) Energy always
flows from colder to hotter objects D) Energy exists in different forms E) Energy is
conserved in a closed system
5. What is energy efficiency? A) The amount of energy used by an object B) The amount of
energy lost in a system C) The percentage of energy input that is converted to useful
output D) The amount of energy required to start a system E) The amount of energy
required to maintain a system
6. Which of the following is an example of energy transfer by radiation? A) Heat transfer
through a metal rod B) Sound waves travelling through air C) Electric current flowing
through a wire D) Light waves from the sun warming the earth E) Movement of heat
energy by convection
7. Which of the following is an example of misuse of energy? A) Turning off lights when
leaving a room B) Using energy-efficient light bulbs C) Leaving electronics on standby
mode D) Using public transportation instead of driving a personal vehicle E) Leaving the
refrigerator door open for an extended period
8. What is the term used to describe the movement of the earth around the sun? A)
Revolution B) Rotation C) Oscillation D) Vibration E) Recession
9. What is the force that causes all objects to be attracted towards the center of the earth?
A) Friction B) Tension C) Gravity D) Electromagnetic force E) Centrifugal force
10. Which of the following is an example of an unbalanced force? A) A book resting on a
table B) A car driving on a straight road C) A person standing still D) A ball rolling
downhill E) A kite flying in the sky
11. What is a luminous object? A) An object that emits light B) An object that reflects light
C) An object that absorbs light D) An object that refracts light E) An object that does not
interact with light
12. What is the term used to describe the straight-line movement of light? A) Reflection B)
Refraction C) Dispersion D) Scattering E) Rectilinear propagation
13. Which of the following is an example of a non-luminous object? A) The sun B) A candle
flame C) A light bulb D) The moon E) A book
14. What is a shadow? A) A region of darkness created by an object blocking light B) A
region of light created by an object reflecting light C) A region of coloured light created
by dispersion D) A region of distorted light created by refraction E) A region of diffused
light created by scattering
15. What is the angle of incidence? A) The angle between the reflected and refracted rays B)
The angle between the incident and reflected rays C) The angle between the incident
and refracted rays D) The angle between the refracted and dispersed rays E) The angle
between the incident and dispersed rays
16. Which of the following is an example of reflection of light? A) A pencil submerged in
water appears bent B) A rainbow is formed when light passes through a prism C) A
mirror reflects an image of a person D) A diamond sparkles when light passes through it
E) A straw in a glass of water appears to be broken
17. What is the term used to describe the bending of light as it passes from one medium to
another? A) Reflection B) Dispersion C) Refraction D) Scattering E) Absorption
18. What is the primary colour of light? A) Red B) Blue C) Green D) Yellow E) White
19. What is the term used to describe the separation of white light into its component
colours? A) Reflection B) Dispersion C) Refraction D) Scattering E) Absorption
20. Which of the following is an example of a translucent object? A) A mirror B) A sheet of
paper C) A glass window D) A wooden door E) A piece of aluminium foil
21. What is the angle of incidence? A) The angle between the incident ray and the normal B)
The angle between the reflected ray and the normal C) The angle between the refracted
ray and the normal D) The angle between the incident ray and the reflected ray E) The
angle between the incident ray and the refracted ray
22. What is total internal reflection? A) The reflection of light from a rough surface B) The
reflection of light from a smooth surface C) The bending of light as it passes from one
medium to another D) The reflection of light at an angle greater than the critical angle
E) The reflection of light at an angle less than the critical angle
23. What is the refractive index of a medium? A) The ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to
the speed of light in the medium B) The ratio of the angle of incidence to the angle of
reflection C) The ratio of the angle of incidence to the angle of refraction D) The ratio of
the critical angle to the angle of refraction E) The ratio of the wavelength of light in
vacuum to the wavelength of light in the medium
24. What is the angle of deviation? A) The angle between the incident ray and the normal B)
The angle between the reflected ray and the normal C) The angle between the refracted
ray and the normal D) The angle between the incident ray and the reflected ray E) The
angle between the incident ray and the refracted ray, after passing through a prism
25. What is the complementary color of blue? A) Red B) Green C) Yellow D) Purple E)
26. What is the color of an object that absorbs all colors of light? A) White B) Black C) Red
D) Green E) Blue
27. What is the color of an object that reflects all colors of light? A) White B) Black C) Red D)
Green E) Blue
28. What is the color of an object that appears red under white light but appears black
under red light? A) Red B) Black C) Yellow D) Green E) Blue
29. What is the primary color of light? A) Red B) Green C) Blue D) Yellow E) Magenta
30. What is the secondary color of light? A) Red B) Green C) Blue D) Yellow E) Magenta
31. What is the definition of sound? A) A form of energy produced by a body in motion B) A
form of energy produced by a body at rest C) A form of energy that travels through
space D) A form of energy that travels through a medium E) A form of energy that
travels at the speed of light
32. What is the speed of sound in air? A) 343 m/s B) 300 m/s C) 280 m/s D) 330 m/s E) 320
33. What is the unit of measurement for the loudness of sound? A) Decibels (dB) B) Hertz
(Hz) C) Meters per second (m/s) D) Newtons (N) E) Joules (J)
34. What is the relationship between amplitude and loudness? A) Amplitude and loudness
are directly proportional B) Amplitude and loudness are inversely proportional C)
Amplitude and loudness are not related D) Amplitude and loudness are linearly related
E) Amplitude and loudness are logarithmically related
35. What is an echo? A) The reflection of sound waves from a smooth surface B) The
reflection of sound waves from a rough surface C) The refraction of sound waves
through a medium D) The diffraction of sound waves through a small opening E) The
interference of sound waves from different sources
36. What is the range of human hearing? A) 20 Hz to 20 kHz B) 1 Hz to 100 kHz C) 1 kHz to
10 kHz D) 10 Hz to 100 Hz E) 20 kHz to 100 kHz
37. What is the difference between pitch and frequency? A) Pitch is a measure of how high
or low a sound is, while frequency is a measure of how many sound waves pass a point
in a second B) Pitch is a measure of how loud or soft a sound is, while frequency is a
measure of the wavelength of a sound wave C) Pitch is a measure of the duration of a
sound, while frequency is a measure of the number of vibrations per second D) Pitch is a
measure of the speed of a sound wave, while frequency is a measure of the amplitude of
a sound wave E) Pitch and frequency are the same thing
38. What is the phenomenon of sound interference called? A) Refraction B) Reflection C)
Diffraction D) Superposition E) Dispersion
39. What is the Doppler effect? A) The change in pitch of a sound wave due to the motion
of the source or the observer B) The reflection of sound waves from a smooth surface C)
The refraction of sound waves through a medium D) The diffraction of sound waves
through a small opening E) The interference of sound waves from different sources
40. How can the speed of sound be measured? A) By measuring the wavelength of a sound
wave B) By measuring the frequency of a sound wave C) By measuring the amplitude of
a sound wave D) By measuring the time it takes for sound to travel a known distance E)
By measuring the temperature of the medium through which sound is traveling
41. What is the unit used to measure the frequency of a sound wave? a) decibel (dB) b)
hertz (Hz) c) meter per second (m/s) d) watt (W) e) pascal (Pa)
42. Which of the following
43. materials is the best sound insulator? a) concrete b) steel c) rubber d) wood e) air
44. Which of the following is an example of a forced vibration? a) a guitar string vibrating
after being plucked b) a tuning fork vibrating when struck c) a speaker vibrating to
produce sound waves d) a flag flapping in the wind e) a bell ringing when struck
45. Which of the following is a characteristic of a high-pitched sound? a) high amplitude b)
low frequency c) low amplitude d) high frequency e) no wavelength
46. What happens to the speed of sound when the temperature of the medium increases?
a) it increases b) it decreases c) it remains the same d) it becomes zero e) it depends on
the frequency of the sound
47. When sound waves reflect off a smooth surface, what happens to the angle of incidence
and the angle of reflection? a) they both decrease b) they both increase c) they both
remain the same d) the angle of incidence decreases and the angle of reflection
increases e) the angle of incidence increases and the angle of reflection decreases
48. Which of the following is an example of refraction of sound waves? a) a person hearing
a sound that is louder when standing in front of a wall b) a sound wave bouncing off a
hard surface and returning to the source c) the distortion of sound waves when passing
through a medium with different densities d) the creation of echoes when sound waves
reflect off a hard surface e) none of the above
49. Which of the following factors affects the loudness of a sound? a) the frequency of the
sound wave b) the amplitude of the sound wave c) the temperature of the medium d)
the medium through which the sound wave travels e) the distance between the source
of the sound and the listener
50. What is the wavelength of a sound wave with a frequency of 400 Hz and a speed of 340
m/s? a) 0.85 m b) 0.85 cm c) 0.85 mm d) 85 m e) 85 cm
51. What is the unit used to measure the intensity of a sound wave? a) decibel (dB) b) hertz
(Hz) c) meter per second (m/s) d) watt (W) e) pascal (Pa)
51. Which of the following is a source of sound? A) A bookshelf B) A pencil C) A tree D) A
rock E) A guitar
52. What is the phenomenon in which sound waves change direction after passing through
a narrow opening? A) Reflection B) Refraction C) Diffraction D) Interference E)
53. Which of the following statements is true about the speed of sound? A) Sound travels
faster in solids than in liquids B) Sound travels faster in liquids than in gases C) Sound
travels faster in gases than in solids D) Sound travels at the same speed in all materials
E) None of the above
54. Which of the following materials would most likely reflect sound waves? A) A soft, fluffy
pillow B) A smooth glass surface C) A rough brick wall D) A cotton T-shirt E) A feather
55. What is the unit of measurement for sound intensity? A) Joule B) Decibel C) Hertz D)
Watt E) Newton
56. Which of the following is not a property of sound? A) Frequency B) Wavelength C)
Amplitude D) Velocity E) Mass
57. What is the term for the bending of sound waves as they pass through different
mediums? A) Reflection B) Refraction C) Diffraction D) Interference E) Absorption
58. Which of the following is an application of echoes? A) SONAR B) Seismic imaging C)
Echolocation in bats D) All of the above E) None of the above
59. What is the speed of sound in air at room temperature? A) 331 m/s B) 343 m/s C) 355
m/s D) 367 m/s E) 379 m/s
60. How can the speed of sound be measured? A) By using a stopwatch to time the delay
between the production of a sound and its echo B) By measuring the frequency of a
sound wave C) By measuring the wavelength of a sound wave D) By measuring the
amplitude of a sound wave E) By measuring the distance between the source of sound
and the receiver
Checkpoint Question 1:
a) Explain the difference between a sound wave and an electromagnetic wave.
b) Describe the process of sound production and propagation.

Checkpoint Question 2:
a) Define the terms "loudness" and "pitch" as they relate to sound.
b) How is the loudness of a sound related to its amplitude?
c) How is the pitch of a sound related to its frequency?

Checkpoint Question 3:
a) Explain how sound energy can be converted into electrical energy.
b) Describe some of the ways that sound is used in modern technology.

Checkpoint Question 4:
a) Explain how the pitch of a sound can be altered.
b) Describe the properties of sound that are used to distinguish different musical instruments.
c) How does the human ear distinguish between different sounds.

BECE Question 1:
a) Explain how sound travels through different mediums.
b) Describe the process of sound detection in the human ear.
c) How does the brain interpret the signals sent by the ear to allow us to hear?

BECE Question 2:
a) Describe the factors that affect the speed of sound in a medium.
b) How can the speed of sound be measured?
c) Explain how the properties of a material can affect the transmission of sound through it.

BECE Question 3:
a) Explain what is meant by the terms "reflection," "refraction," and "diffraction" as they relate to
b) Describe some of the ways that echoes are used in real-world applications.
c) How can the principles of sound reflection and refraction be applied to improve the acoustics
of a room?

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