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Human rights: is it the government’s job or function to uphold human rights? If so,
what, for you, are the 2 most important human rights that must not be violated
under any circumstances?

The issue of human rights is a complex and important topic of discussion, especially here in the
Philippines. The question of whether it is the government's job or function to uphold human rights is a
matter of debate, but for me, the government has a clear responsibility to respect and protect human

As a signatory to numerous international human rights treaties and conventions, the Philippine
government is obligated to uphold human rights standards and prevent human rights violations. This
includes protecting civil and political rights, such as freedom of speech and assembly, as well as
economic, social, and cultural rights, with the right to life and liberty alongside the right to equality and

Apart from this obligation, history has always played a pivotal role in the human rights narrative of our
country. For every colonizer or invader that comes, our vigorous, unrelenting fight for freedom has been
told and retold many times. This shows how our government, through its people asserts freedom as a
right with a fight to bring up and uphold an independent republic that is led autonomously.

This “historical accountability” is made manifest by what I believe are the two most important human
rights that must not be violated: the right to life, liberty and security of person, as well as the right to
equality and non-discrimination. These rights are what I consider the tenets of human existence and
must always be upheld for the proper perpetuation of life as it deserves to be. Unfortunately, these
rights have been repeatedly violated in the Philippines, particularly in the context of our colonization
history and the various levels of inequality in our society that remains even up to now.

What is/are the most effective public policy tool to address the incidences of
human rights violation.

To address the incidences of human rights violations in the Philippines, the government should
implement active and efficient public policy tools. One of the most important tools is to strengthen the
justice system and ensure that perpetrators of human rights violations are held accountable. This

AIDA C. RODRIGUEZ Public Policy and Development


includes the timely investigation and prosecution of individuals responsible for human rights abuses and
providing justice and redress for victims.

Additionally, the government should also promote public awareness and education campaigns on human
rights to promote a culture of respect and tolerance in our society. This includes educating the public on
their rights and how to report human rights violations, as well as sensitizing law enforcement personnel
and other government officials on the importance of human rights. Social media can be utilized as it has
proven to be an indispensable tool in immediate, widespread information campaigns for change.

In conclusion, the Philippine government has a crucial role in upholding human rights and preventing
their violations. The right to life and the right to equality are critical human-defining rights that must
always be protected. The government should use effective public policy tools, such as strengthening the
justice system and promoting public awareness, to address human rights abuses and promote


Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (1948). United Nations General Assembly.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. (1966). United Nations General Assembly.

International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. (1966). United Nations General

AIDA C. RODRIGUEZ Public Policy and Development

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