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English Grammer In Use(Inter-Notes)

Unit 1

1. Presenting continuous = happening at the time of speaking

2. Doing sth = in the middle of doing it.
Present continuous = happening around now long duration)
3. Today/this week/this year = periods around now
4. A change has started to happen (getting, becoming, starting, beginning, changing,
improving, increasing, rising, falling, growing)

Unit 2

1. Present simple (I do, he does)

2. Present simple = things in general (happen all the time or repeatedly or true in
3. Do / does for Q and N
4. How often we do things (adv. Frequency, every, times)
5. Do sth by saying sth (use present simple) (promise, suggest, apologize, advise,
agree, refuse, recommend)

Unit 3

1. Present continuous (temporary) Vs present simple (permanent)

2. I always do = I do it every time / l'm always doing sth = I do it more often than normal.

Unit 4

1. Present continuous = for action (start but not finish yet)

For state verbs - we cant use present continuous form.
2. I think = I believe (state v, cant use present continuous form)
think = consider ( we can use present continuous form - I'm thinking)
3. See hear smell taste look feel - V1
Somebod Looks and feels - can use both form (V1 / Vine)
I usually feel tired (not I'm usuallv feeling)
4. Am is are + being + adj (behaving, doing sth they can control)

Unit 5

1. S + V2 + O. (past simple)
2. Regular V2 + + ed / irregular V2
3. In Qand N - did / didn't + V1
4. Am is are -> past simple (was were)

Unit 6

1. Was/were + Ving (past continuous)

2. I was doing = I was in the middle of doing it. The action started before the time but
not finished.
3. I was doing Vs I did
4. Sth happened (past tense) in the middle of sth else (past continuous)
While + S + was/were + Ving
When + S + V2
5. State verbs (cant use in past continuous as well)

Unit 7

1. Have/has + V3 (present perfect)\

2. Present perfect - new information
The action in the past has a result now.
Been and gone
3. Just - a short time ago (positive)
Already - sooner than expected (positive)
Yet - until now (negative and question)
4. Can both use V2 and V3 (he's gone out = he went out.) without time expression.
Unit 8

1. Present perfect = life experience.

2. Recently, in the last few days, so far, since I arrived etc... (until now)
Present perfect use (today, this evening, this year.) = until now
3. Have has + V3 = first time (second time, third time) sth happened.

Unit 9

1. Have/has been + ving (present perfect continuous) (without time expression) the
action has stopped.
2. How long -since/for (with time expression) the action is still happening and happen

Unit 10

1. Present perfect continuous - thinking of the activity and duration

Present perfect - thinking about the result (the action completed)
2. Where have you been? Have you been playing tennis? (activity)
Have you ever played tennis? (result/life experience)
3. Present perfect continuous - to say how long
Present perfect simple - how much how many how many times (completed actions)
4. For some verbs (know, have)., we cant use present perfect continuous
5. Want and mean - can use with present perfect continuous.

Unit 11

1. How long have you been + Adj/N? (the activity hasn't finished yet)
2. I have known/ I have had / I have lived - present perfect simple.
I have been learning / I have been waiting - present perfect continuous
3. Live and work (can use both present perfect simple and present perfect continuous)
I have always lived / I have always worked (if always, can use present perfect simple
4. haven't done sth... since/for.....

Unit 12

1. For and since to say how long

For + total time /since + started time
2. For positive sentences (have been + adj/N), can leave out for in negative sentences
(can use in instead of for) don't use for + all (not for all my life)
3. When = use for past simple / How long = use for preset perfect)
4. It's / it has + a long time/ six months etc.. since sth happened.

Unit 13

1. Present perfect (sth has happened) is a present.

Past simple (sth happened) is about the past.
2. Present perfect = for new or recent happenings.
Usually, past simple can also use.
Use past simple - for things that are not recent or new.
3. Present perfect - for new information. If we continue to talk - use past simple.

Unit 14

1. Don't use present perfect for finished time. (yesterday, last, ago)
When / what time - past simple
2. Present perfect -for a period of time that continues until now
Past simple - finished time in the past

Unit 15

1. If we want to talk about the things that happened before the starting point (starting
time), use past perfect. (Starting time - When S V2)
2. Present perfect - now / past perfect - past
3. Past / past perfect
One after another - V2 (past)
One before the starting time - had V3 (past perfect)

Unit 16

1. Past perfect continuous

2. Present perfect continuous - now / past perfect continuous - past
3. Past continuous - past perfect continuous
4. Don't use state verbs for continuous. (know and have)

Unit 17

1. Have and have got = for possession, relationships, illnesses, appointments

2. I have = I have got / I don't have = I haven't got / do you have? = have you got?
I don't have = I haven't got = I haven't.
Past tense » I have - I had
3. Cant use have got for things we do or experience.

Unit 18

1.2. Used to = sth we often did in the past but not now.
3. no present in Used to.
4. Did you use to? / I didn't use to..
5. I used to do - I was doing.
6. I used to / l'm used to +ving.

Unit 19

1. Present continuous for future

Am is are + ving. already decided and arranged to do it action (movement v) just before
start to do it)
Do not use Will (if we decided or arranged)
2. Use present simple for future (timetable and programmes)
Use present simple to talk about people if their plans are fixed like a timetable.

Unit 20

1. Going to to sth = already decided to do it, I intend to do it.

2. Iam doing (already fixed or arranged)
I'm going to do = I have decided to do it. Maybe I have arranged to do it or maybe not.
3. Sth is going to happen = about to happen for sure
4. I was going to do sth = intended to do it but didn't do it.

Unit 21

1. l'II = when we have decided to do sth. We announce our decision.

I think I will/ I don't think I will
2. Use I'II = offering to do sth, agreeing to do sth, promising to do sth.
Will you do sth?? = please do it
3. Don't use will for what has been decided or arranged before.
4. Shall mostly in question = shall I? / shall we?
Shall I shut the door? (do you want me to shut it?)
Will you shut the door? (I want you to shut it)

Unit 22

1. Do not use will to say what sb has already arranged or decided.

Use wil to say what we know or believe about the future.
2. Often use will with probably, I'm sure, I think, I don't think, I wonder.
But after I hope - use present simple. (I hope kate passes the test.)
3. Will to talk about the future but sometimes to talk about now. don't phone amy now.
She'll be busy.
4. I shall or I will / we shall or we will

Unit 23

1. Will and (be) going to

Will = to announce a new decision. / going to = when we have already decided to do
2. Use both will and going to for future happenings and situations.
I think the weather will be nice later. / I think the weather is going to be nice later.

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