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Dance aerobics - any physical activity that makes you sweat causes you to breathe harder and gets

heart beating faster than at rest.


1. Basic Step

 Start with your feet side by side, about hip-distance apart.

 Step about two feet forward with your lead or dominant leg.
 Step back two feet with your lead leg and draw the other foot back to meet it.

2. V-Step

 Stand with your feet parallel and hip-distance apart.

 Step your lead or dominant foot 2 to 3 feet forward to the corresponding corner of the floor.
 Step your opposite foot wide to its corner.
 Step back to the original position with your lead leg.
 Bring the opposite leg back to meet it.
 Alternate lead legs and repeat the step on the same leg several times before switching.

3. Step Touch

 Stand with your feet side by side and hip distance apart.
 Step your lead or dominant leg to the side and bring the other foot to meet it.
 Switch the direction as you alternate touching the ground side to side.
 Sometimes, you might do two to four steps to the right, and then an equal number to the left
(or vice versa).

4. Mambo

 Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.

 Leading with your right leg, take a small step forward on your right foot, keeping your left foot
where it is.
 Shift your weight onto the right foot, and then shift your weight onto the left foot as you step
the right foot backward.
 Shift your weight onto your right foot, then to the left.
 Immediately take a step forward with your right to repeat the step.

5. Box Step

 Stand with your feet hip-width distance and parallel to one another.
 For a right leg lead, step your right foot slightly forward and in front of your left foot.
 Step your left foot out to the side.
 Bring your right foot a step back and cross over it with your left foot. Repeat multiple times.

6. Grapevine

 Stand with your feet hip-width.

 To move to the right, step your right foot to the side.
 Cross your left foot behind the right
 Step your right foot again to your right and tap your left foot next to it to switch directions

•proper poise - keeping their shoulders down and back, engaging their core, and keeping their chin up

 Chin up and parallel to the floor

 Even shoulders, pulled down and back
 A neutral spine, not overly arched or flexed
 Abdominal muscles engaged
 Hips even
 Body weight distributed evenly among both feet

•purpose - Aerobic dance strengthens your heart and lungs and trains your cardiovascular system to
manage and deliver oxygen more quickly and efficiently throughout your body.

 Importance

- improved condition of your heart and lungs.

- Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of many conditions.

aerobic exercise does for your health

1. Keep excess pounds at bay

2. Increase your stamina, fitness and strength

3. Ward off viral illnesses

4. Reduce your health risks

5. Manage chronic conditions.

6. Strengthen your heart

7. Keep your arteries clear

8. Boost your mood

9. Stay active and independent as you age

10. Live longer


 are the various dance types that can keep you healthy and active while having fun.
Catering to different styles and genres of dance, this helps stretch your body, tone, your
muscles and improve flexibility overall

o Aerobic exercise also keeps your mind sharp. Regular physical activity may help protect
memory, reasoning, judgment and thinking skills. It can even help prevent the onset of
dementia and improve cognition in people with dementia.


Leaf Group. (n.d.). 6 basic aerobic dance steps and exercises | Livestrong. LIVESTRONG.COM. Retrieved January
27, 2023, from

Comment on this story. 4 Types of Aerobic Dances and Their Benefits - The News Now. (n.d.). Retrieved January
27, 2023, from

Aerobics & Fitness Open Access. Aerobic Dance | List of High Impact Articles | PPts | Journals | Videos. (n.d.).
Retrieved January 27, 2023, from

Boock, S. (2020, September 4). Radiate Excellence: The benefits of good posture in dance, and life. Radiate
Excellence: The Benefits of Good Posture in Dance, and Life. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, February 17). 10 great reasons to Love aerobic
exercise. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from

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