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Highlights of WoG 3.


* Updated WoG Docs! The HTML document describing all the new features of WoG has
finally been updated, and it's bigger and better than ever. It includes colour
pictures, additional artwork, and descriptions of all features new and old,
including stack experience, Commanders, new creatures with entertaining story
backgrounds, new Artifacts, and a brief description of each and every WoGify script
in the game.

* WoG 3.58 has DOUBLE the number of WoGify options that 3.57f had! Many new
scripts have been added and many old scripts have been revised and updated with new
features. To find out what each option does, simply right-click on it in the
WoGify options screen. Some will amaze you, others will dazzle you, and a few may
even annoy the heck out of you (or your opponents).

* Now you can save and load WoG Options files using real file names! This feature
lets you easily create as many different sets of WoG Options as you like, and is
extremely useful for online play against different opponents.

* A New Hard-coded Feature: Stack Experience! With this feature enabled, troop
stacks lead by a hero gain experience from combat, advancing from rank 0 up to rank
10 and gaining bonus stats and special abilities along the way.

* Customizable Stack Experience System! If you don't like our choice of abilities
and bonuses for stack experience, why not create you own? Yes, that's right--we've
made it relatively easy to do just that. If you enjoy tinkering with setup files,
simply consult the documents in the Data\Text Resource Copy folder of your WoG
installation, load the appropriate file into the ERM scripter and customize to your
heart's content!

* Two New Hard-coded Features: Leave Artifacts on the Map, and Troops Rejoin their
Owner! Now you can drop artifacts from your backpack onto any empty map square,
and you can also choose to allow troops left on a map square to rejoin their owner
again rather than fleeing.

* A New Hard-coded Feature: Disable Cheat Menus. This is perfect for online games
where the risk of cheating is in the back of everyone's mind. It's also good for
those of you who want a challenge but find it hard to resist the occasional cheat
code or cheat menu selection.

* New Creatures! WoG 3.58 adds five new creatures to the game: the Sorceress, a
ranged spell caster, the Sylvan Centaur, a Centaur-Elf crossbreed (read the
background story to see how this strange union came about), the fiery and frisky
Hell Steed, the terribly fearsome Werewolf that may transform even the most
dangerous foe into one of its own, and the even more terribly fearsome Dracolich, a
deathcloud-throwing, fire-breathing undead Dragon--yikes!

* New Artifacts! Five exciting new artifacts appear in WoG 3.58: the Warlords
Banner is a special customizable artifact for troop stacks that's used in
conjunction with the new Stack Experience system--if you equip one to a stack, you
can choose the type of bonus the stack receives; the Crimson Shield of Retribution
lets your units retaliate against no-retaliation type attackers (e.g., Vampires,
Hydras); the Dragonheart is an ancient relic that summons dragons to aid your hero
in combat; the mysterious Gate Key lets you temporarily "lock" a town for several
days to protect it against enemy attack; and the Barbarian Lord's Axe of Ferocity
is a new Combination Artifact (created from several standard artifacts), that gives
an additional attack to each unit you control--thus a unit that normally attacks
once, attacks twice, and one that normally attacks twice will attack THREE times
each round with this powerful relic equipped.
* New BLANK Artifacts! You asked for them, you got them. Now ERM script writers
have a set of "blank" artifacts that do absolutely NOTHING on their own, but can be
given exciting abilities through ERM by whatever clever script they can conceive

* New ERM Commands Galore! 3.58 adds a TON of new ERM triggers, receivers, and
extended commands, as well as a new set of temporary "y-" variables designed
specifically for triggers. Some of the more interesting ERM commands include
control over creature banks and customization of Combination Artifacts (create your
own Combo!). Stack Experience is fully supported through ERM as well. Consult the
updated HTML Help, the Scripter ERM Help, or the erm358.txt file for full details.

In the Wake of Gods 3.58--it took a long time to finish, but we think you'll agree
it was worth the wait!

- The WoG Team

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