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However, the growth in the tourism and hospitality industry is not very spectacular compared lo our neighbouring countries in terms of tourist arrivals. Records show that the Philippines is still in the tail-end of anivals compased to other Asian destinations, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan The National Tourism Organization (NTO) of the Philippines or the Department of Tourism has embarked on several plans and programs to ensure the pleasant and the hospitable entry, stay, and departure of toursts, as well as to assure a harmonious, positive, and constrictive development of the tourism and hospitality industry, Among these are: 12, 45 13. 14 Increase visitor arrivals expecially from nearby markets Hike Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan and high spending markels like Germany. Increase tourism and hospitality receipts through longer stays (now set at 11 days) and higher spending per day (estimated at 110 per day), which can be accomplished by ‘tore attractive destinations and tours, more shopping and dining, and getting not jnstthe budget traveller, but also the upscale markets, Expand domestic tourism and hospitality through more promotions, cheaper tour packages, and new facilities, especially for the lower income segments, Expand the capacity for tourism and hospitality by promoting more private seclor investments, Improve the standards of service (hrough the expansion of training programs for the professionalization of the tonrism and hospitality management and labor force: Program major tourism and hospitality infrasimeture projects; Enguge in major tourisn and hospitality estate aud sesort development, Classify facilities in tourist sites according to international standards, Strictly enforce the tour facility standards; Promote self regnlation within the different seotors of the tonrism and hospitality industry Complete the national tourism plan and a destination tourism plare Encourage consumer advertising in selected markets; Self Instructional Module In Macro Perspective of Tourism ‘Work closely with the private sector in product development, Develop and strengthen linkages with the local government, the private sector, and the general public thrangh tourism and hospitality councils 44 vigorous cooperation of the private sector. Thus the Philippines became a “ bargain destination” to foreign visitors. As several tour groups arrived in the Philippines, more accommodations, food and boverage facilities and moro airline frequencies wore established. A temporary “tourist boom” existed in the Philippines in the early 70s ‘The Philippine tonrism industry flonrished in the 1970s and early 1980s but declined in the mid 1980s, with the average length of tourist stay falling from 12.6 days in earlier years to 8.9 days in 1988. In 1987, tourism growth was slower in the Philippines then in other Southeast Asian Countries About 1.2 millions tourists visited the Philippines in 1992, which was arecord high in the mumber of tourist visits since 1989 In 2000, the Philippines? tonrist arrivals totalled 2.2 million. in 2003, it totalled 2,838,000, v growth of almost 29%, and was expected to grow as muchas 3.4 snillion in 2007, In the first quarter of 2007, the tourist arrival in the Philippines grew as much as 20% in same period last year. In 2011, the Department of Tourism revorded 3.9 million tourists visiting the country, 11.2 percent higher than the 3.5 million registered in 2010. In 2012, the Philippines revorded 4.27 million touristarrivals, after the Department of Tourism launched a widely publicized tourism marketing campaign titled “It's More Fun In The Philippines” The tousiem industry employed 3.8 million Filipinos, or 10.2 per cent of national employment in 2011, according to data gathered by the National Statistical Coordination Board. Ina greater thrust by the Aquino administration to pump billions of dollars into the sector, tourism is expected to employ 7.4 million people by 2016, or about 18.8 per cent of the total workforce, contributing 8 per cent to 9 per cent to the nation’s GDP. ‘Tourism and hospitality in the Philippines at present is the result of the continuous development and promotion of tourism and hospitality from 1950 to the present. Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 43 In the 1900°s steamship and the airline pioneers, the “China Clipper” and the “Manila Clipper” brought some passengers to Manila via Hong Kong. The introduction of more comfortable and faster means of transportation gave the early jimupetus for Louzisim in the Philippines. Travelers fiom the US, Chins, Japan and Europe were provided inland tours by entrepreneurs with their unregistered private curs and coaches called “coforum”. Cotorum means illegal tour handling and the illegal use of private vehicles for public use. It-was tolerated by the government authorities at that time since tourism at this time was aot yet developed In 1952, the first tourism association in the Philippines was organized. This was the Philippine Tourist and Travel Association (PTTA) ‘The Philippine Tourist and Travel Association (PTTA) which was organized to put together all existing travel establishments serving both domestic and international travellers. ‘The PTTA was funded by the government to promote the country’s toutism industry. Later, the government organized the Board of Travel and Tourist Industry (BITD to regulate, supervise and control the tourism industry and to subsidize the PITA as its promotional arm. ‘The Philippines has undergone economic, social and political crises starting in the 19608 up to the 70s which hindered the development and promotion of tourism. Accommodations were inadequate and airline industries were not given much incentive to promote the Philippines as a visitor destination, Due to the turbulent conditions in the country, the tourist industry was denied the peace and order, sanitation, financial support, and otker important factors for tourism development Itwas only in 1972, after the declaration of martial law when tourism in the Philippines prospered. This was due to favourable conditions such as safety of tourists, better services and sanitation facilities, more financial support ftom the government and the Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality Seasons Regent Hotels is largely due to the drive determination, and personal taste and style of Isadore S harp. Ruth Fertel Ruth Fertel was the founder of Chris Steak House, the largest upscale restaurant chain in the United States. Ithas 59 operations- 54 in the US and Puerto Rico and five internationally. It sells amore than 11,000 steaks daily with a gross incorae of two hundred million dollars a year. Recanse of thse volume, Ruth Fertel is the most successfl woman restauratent at present Topic 3 Origin of Tourism in the Philippines AT the end of this topic, students will he able to: 1. Explain the start of tourism in the country. 2. Know the different individuals and itr contribution to the growth oftourism and ntry. hospitality: in the oo Tourism and hospitality in the Philippines begat when the original inhabitants of tie countey: roamed around in search of fhod = Tourism in the Philippines began when the original inhabitants of the country roamed. around in search for food © Inter-tibe wavel occurred although mnode of avel was crude. © Amore recognizable form of tourism appeared sn the Philippines when the country was discovered by Ferdinand Magellan aud when galfeons or wooden boats sailed between Mexico und the Philippines during the ge eon trace © The Philippines were claimed in the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain, who same the islands aller King Philip Wef Spain, “They were then called Las Felipinas = During the American occupation of the Philippines, American were able to reach Manila afer two weeks on boad he Pan American Airways au-chppers. 42 Self Instructional Modul In Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality Conrad Hilton Conrad Hilton was once recognized as “the biggest hotel man in the world.” He was deseribed by the New York Times as the “master of hotel finance.” He was careful not to over finance and had a flawless sense of timing. In 1954, he formed the first major chain of American Hotels- a group of hotels which followed standard operating procedures Thomas Cook ‘Thomas Cook is recognized as the first professional travel agent. He was the founder of the world’s first travel agency. He is credited for making world travel possible for middle class. The phrase “Cook tour” is still nsed at present to refer to a tour that goes to many places and stops ‘briefly at each place. Howard Dearing Juknson Howard Dearing Johnson was the pioneer of brand leveraging. He was one of the first to introduce franchising in the 1930s, Atpresent, Howard Johnson is one of the famous names in the restaurant and hotel business. J. Willard Marriott J. Willard Marriott founded the Marriott Co:poration whiei has continues to be an important asset of the hospitality industry. Through his strong faith and determination, J, Willard Marriott began with a mot beer stand which was founded hy necessity and built it into a multibillion: dollar industry, Ray Kroc Ray Kroc has been the mest financially successfill of all hospitality entreprenenrs. He founded the McDonald’s Corporation, a multibillion dollar industry, through his sirong dedication, organizational skills, perseverance, and incredible aptitude for marketing. Kroe developed several operational guidelines such av Quality Service Cleanliness and Value or QSC&V Kroo’s motto “Never be idle a moment” was also incorporated into the business. Isadore Sharp Isadore harp, a first generation Canadian, was a founder of Four Seasons Regent Hotels, the world’s largest hotel chain and a multimillion dollar global hetel empire. The success ofthe Four 39 Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality Topic 2 Pioneers in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry Learning Objectives: Al the end of this topic, students will be able to: L. Know the famous individuals ané its contribution in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry 2. Appreciate their contribution in the growth and development of the Industry The Pioneers of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry There are several outstanding individuals who have made a significant contribution to the growth and development of the tourism and hospitality industry, They are Cesar Ritz, Ellsworth Milton Statles, Conred Hilton, Thomas Cook, Howard Dearing Iohason, J. Willard Marriott, Ray Kroe, Isadore Sharp, and Ruth Fertel. Cesar Ritz Covar Ritz became the general manager of Savoy Hotel in London, one of the most famous and luxurious hotels in the world. He made the hotela cultural center for high society, The Ritz name is synonymous with refined, elegant hotels and service. At present, the Ritz-Carlton hotels bear his name. Elisworth Milton Statler Ellsworth Milton Statler is considered to be the premier hotel-man ofall time. He brought a high standard fcomfort and convenienee to the middle class traveller at an affordable prive. He was the first to put telephones and radios in every guest room together with full-length mirrors, built- in closets, aud a special fiueet fbr ice water, 38 Self Instructional Module In Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality © 1925- Howard Johnson opened his original restaurant in Wollaston, Massachusetts. In 1934, the Rainbow room opened, This art deco restaurant supported the re-emergence of New York as the center of power and glamour. In 1937, Trader Vie's restaurant opened. ‘The social elite was attracted to the Polynesian- themed restaurant which served exotic drinks including the Mai Tai that Vie invented. © 1927- Marriott's Hot Shoppe and root beer stands opened. Atabout this time, the drive- in and fast food also sprang up in America. © 1939- A restaurant called Le Pavillon de France opened inNew York. By the end of 1930, every eity had a deluxe supper club or night club, The Four Seasons also opened in 1930. It was the first restaurant-to offer seasonal menus (summer, spring, fall, winter) with ‘its modern architecture and art as a theme. © 1950s-The emergence of fast food restanrants © 1960s- ine dining became popular because businessmen liked to eat well. © 1970s- Now ostablishments wore introduced such as the Tseo Bell, TGI Friday, Honston’s, and Red lobster in the restaurant industry. © 1990s-Started with recession which began in 1989. The hospitality industry experienced a downtrn due to the Gulf War. Organizations strived for profitability, hence, they downsized and consolidated, © 1993- The economic recovery was very strong. Thus, several mergers and azquisitions have taken place. Many corporations have expanded overseas. Eastem Europe and Chima have opened up, a Activity Discuss carly Tourism 36 Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality gastronomy or the art of good eating, It is also known for its bilingual menus-Baked Alaska, Chicken la king, and lobster newberg. The Delmonico steak is named after the restaurant. © Other American cities hed their own hotel palaces suchas the Palmer House in Chieago, ‘St Clarke in New Orleans, and the Planters Hotel in St Louis. ‘The Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego became fhmons because of its unique architectural style. © Although the modern hotel was a American invention, the Enropeans contributed the European Plan which meant that a gnest need not pay for both room and meals in one lump sum, but could pay for only the room and order the meals separately from an a la carte memu of eat elsewhere © More innovations in Hospitality occurred in the nineteenth century such as the custom of dining out, better methods of preserving food through canning and vecuum packing, mass feeding for school children, and the establishment of ice cream perlors Twentieth Century © After World War IL trevel started in many parts of the world. © In 1958 there was an advent of eross continental flights © In 1958 trans-Atlantic flights developed. First motel in California began during this period. © Resurgence of inner city lodging properties © Interest in ernises increased. ‘Twentieth Century Restaurants ¢ 1921- Walter Anderson and Billy Ingham began the White Castle Hamburger Chains ‘The name White Castle was chosen becanse white stood for purity and castle for strength. 35 Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality The French Revolution © Changed the course of culinary history © Escoffier brought the brigade system ¢M Botlanger, father of modem restanrant, called the soup he sold “resorantes” Revolution caused some of the che® to come to the new werld Philippine Touristand Travel Association (PTTA) Nineteenth Century © Inthe last quarter of the nineteenth century, public dining was not popular. © Many hotels were constructed without dining facilities Hotel guests took their meals in their rooms © In 1875, adining facility was opened in the Albermarle Hotel in London. By this time, the term restensrant referred to the dining room ofa hotel. In London, more Inxurious hotels began to appear. Some were known for their excellent guest accommodation and superior food. One of the best known hotels was the Savoy which was opened by Richard d’Oyly Carte in 1889 @ Inthe Savoy, d’Oyly Carte employed two men who became famons thronghout the world-Cesar Ritz and Auguste Escoffier. The general manager was the renowned Cesar Ritz and The Chef de cuisines was Auguste Esco flier. © Auguste Excoffier was ons of the greatest chefs of all time. He is known for his classic book, Le Guicle Culinaire. He also installed the Kitchen Brigade System. © The Americans used theiringenuity to ereate something for everyone. Delmonic the only expensive and aristocratic restaurant in the United States. It was famous for its fine food. Delmonico’s served Swiss-French cuisine and became the center of American 'e wag 34 Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality © In hter year of Roman Empire taverns and inns provided shelter for travelling merchants, actors and scholars, The high spot of that era in terms of hospitality was the development of ‘posthouses” by the Persians along the caravan routes Renaissance Period During this period there were high demand for inns and tavems © Hotel de Heary, the first hotel, was build on 1788. © It was build at a cost of $17,500 © There were 60 beds © Coffee houses came during this period. The Eighteenth Century «Eating and sleeping places developed during the period. © ‘Taverns started to appear in New York/New England. © Inns started to function in Pennsylvania e Ordinaries developed in southern colonies © Coffee houses became extremely popular in Europe and were incorporated in many of the inns 33 Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality Governments of many nations are encouraging the growth of both domestic and international tourism as a means of job creation, economic civersification, and source of ‘foreign exchange. Beyond its economic rignificance, there is a growing realization of the role of international travel in promoting world peace and prosperity. History of Hospitality Industry Hospitality Industry in arly Days The concept of hospitality industry is extremely old. Itis mentioned in writings dating back to Ancient Greece, Rome and Biblical Times. In ancient times people felt the zequixement of hospitality because they believed that hospitality to strangers was necessary to their religious well being Hospitality in Ancient Greece is missionaries, priests and pilgrims formed a very large part ofthe travelling public. They travelled understandable that certain elements of religion were intermingled with the idea Visit to holy places, perhaps oracles or temples that had a dominant position in their relation. Medieval Period 32 During medieval period the travellers wore English people Inns were actually private homes. Nobilities stayed in monasteries Stageconch became favored transportation. In ancient Persia accommodation known as “khans” were constructed Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 31 ‘Travelers switched to the use of private cars and this change affected both coach and rail services, ‘The private car provided flexible transportation which fived people from the schedules and fixed routes of public transport. It encowaged the growth of excursions and short stay holidays Resorts near major centers of papniation benefited considerably. Road improvements brought more distant resorts closer te the major cities The resourceful tour operators devised flexible packages Hotels devised theit own programs cf short stay holidays ‘The demand for hired cars on holidays overseas also increased substantially. The post war economic recovery provided an increase in discretionary income and leisure which many people converted into increased recreation and travel Due to labor negotiations and social legislation, the length of official and paid holidays increased. Governments have created more vacation time by incorporating isolated public holidays into the familiar long “weekends” throughout the year, As business and trade prospered in the developed countries, business travel also flourished, leading to the demand not only for individual travel but also for conference and incentive travel on a world wide scale. ‘The 1970 have also seen the emergence ofnew patterns of tourism, As economic power has shifted between countries, new tourism generating countries arose, notably the oil rich Arab countries and Japan. Europe as well as the developing tourist based economies of Asia have benefited from this influx, The Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia have strengthened their tourist attractions to appeal to new markets ‘Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality Tourism in the 20% Century 30 At the beginning of the 20” century, pleasuze tavel continued to expand, encouraged by the increasing wealth, curiosity and outgoing attitudes of the people as well as the increasing ease oT such movement. World War [brought about many changes which influenced the volume of tourism. Early post war prosperity, coupled with large scale migration boosted the demand for international travel. Interest in foreign travel was further enhanced by the first hand experience of foreign counties. New forms of mass communications stimnlated curiosity about other countries. In addition to the influence of posters and the press, the cinema, radio and television widened knowledge and interest in travel, Afler world war, forms of travel began to change radically. ‘The railways a¢ a means of travel declined with the introduction of the motor car. Motorized public road transport and improved road conditions led to the pepularity of seaside tours. World War Il also led to the increased interest in travel. The war had introduced combatants not only to new countries but to new continents, generating new friendships and an interest in different cultures. Another outcome of the war was the progress in aircraft technology. Air travel had. bevome more comforiable, safer, faster and cheaper in comparison with other forms of transport. With the introduction of the Boeing 707 in 1958, the age of air travel for the masses arrived, lustening the decline of sea travel Afar the post war recovery yeats, there was au increase in private car ownership. Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 29 ‘Two technological developments in the early part of the 19" century: Introduction of the raibvay and the; Development of steam power The railroads created not only more business by providing reliable and cheap transportation but also more competition as various private companies invested heavily in hotels, resorts, and entertainment facilities. ‘Thus tourism was transformed fiom a small business catering to the elite into the start of a mass market thatis travel by 2 large number of individuals The nse of steam power provided the increased mobility needed by the tonrism bnsiness Steamers on the major rivers provided zeliable and inexpensive transportation that led to the pogular day trip cruises and the growth of coastal resorts nea: large industrial towns As tourism became organized in the later years of the 19” century. the organization of travel became an established institution. Tmvel organizers emerged. ‘The first and most famous of these was Thomas Cook. His first excursion train trip was between Leicester and Loughborough i passengers ata round trip fare of one shilling. The success of this vonture encouraged him to arrange similar excursions using chartered trains. In 1866, he organized his first Ametican tour. In 1874, he introdneed “cirenlar notes” which. were accepted by banks, liotels, shops and restaurants. ‘These were in effect the first travelers” checks Other tonr companies which appeared in Britain at this time were Dean and Dawson in 1871, the Polytechnic Touring Ascociation in 1872 and Frames in 1881. In the United States, American Express was founded by Henry and William Fargo, As the 19" century drew to a close, photography and guide books became popular, A huge variety of guide books which dealt with both local and overseas travel were sold to tourists. The most popular af these was Baedecker, first published in 1839, which became the leading guide for Enropean comntries at the end of the century. Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality In time, it beeame recognized that the edneation ofa gentleman should be completed by a “Grand tour” of the cultural centers of the continent which lasted for three years, The term was nsed 2s easly av 1670. While apparently educational, the appeal became soviall Pleasure seeking young men of leisure travelled predominantly thronghout Franee and ltaly to enjoy the cultures ard social life of Europe, with Venice, Florence and Paris as the key attractions. By the end of the 18" century, the practice had become institutionalized for the upper class of society. As younig men sougiit intellectual improvement in the continent, the sick sought a remedy for their illness in “spas” or medicinal baths. The term “spa” is derived from the waloon word “espa” meaning fountaia. ‘Travelers immersed themselves in the healing waters, Soon Entertainment was added and dozens of watering places became resort hotels, Tourism during the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution brought about major changes in the scale end type of tourism development Itbrought about not only technological changes but aiso essentiat social changes that made travel desirable as a recreational activity. The increase in productivity, regular employment, and growing urbanization gave more people the motivation aud opportunity to go on olidey. ‘The emerging middle class combined higher incomes end growing education into annual holidays. To escape from their responsibilities and the crowded city envionment, they travelled to the conntryside ot seashore for their holidays, ‘This lod to the creation of working class resorts nesr major industrial confers. Tonrism in the 19 Century 28 Self Instructional Module in Macro Perspective of Tourisin and Hospitality Travel for religious reasons ‘Took the form ofppilerimages to places of worship. Pilurimages were made to felfil a vow us in case of illness or of great danger or as penance for sins Besides Rome and Jemsalem, St, James of Galicia was the foremost destination of English pilgrims in the 14" century. Beginning in 1388, English pilgrims were requised to obtain and carry permits, the forenmner of the moder passport. ‘Tourism in the Medieval Period During the medieval period, tavel declined. Travel, derived fiom the word ¢ravaif, became burdensome, dangerous and demanding dung this time. After the decline of the Romen Empize in tive 5* century, roads were not maintained and they became unsafe, Thioves inflicted harm on those whe dared to travel. ‘No one during this time travelled for pleasure, Crusaders and pilgrims were the only ones who tevelled. Tourism during the Renaissance and Hlizabethan Eras 27 With the Renaiscance, a few renowned un ‘was introduced largely by the British sities developed so fhat travel for education ‘Travel tor education hecame popular in the 16” century, Under Blizabeth 1, young men seeking positions in coutwere encouraged to travel to the continent fo widen their education ‘This prectice was gradually adopted by others in the lower social scale Self Instructional Module In Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality Unit 2 The History of Tourism and Hospitality piv iteasannch ef elisa eurttcsrenaet stititon exbibacee: 3. adhe the international t@avel patterie woot PBiLippines iter to teuts ‘Travel and exploration are basic to human nature. Mant hag traveled since the earliest times although the term rourism was used only in the 19" century. “Tourism is derived from Hebrew word sore# which means studying, learning, or searching, ‘Tourism ean trace its ancestry in the Old Testament. Noah with his Ark must have been the first large-seale operator even thongh his passengers were mostly animals. There are nu references to caravans and tmders in the Old Testaments. Chapter 26 and 27 of the Book of Ezekiel describe trade and commerce in ancient ‘Tyre and recount the travels abroad made by merchants arly Tourism Early Tourism has two forme: 1. Travel ft business 2. ‘Travel for religious reasons Travel for Business © ‘Thronghont the history, merchants have tmvelled extensively in order to trade with other nations or tribes. 2 The invention of money, writing and wheel by the exchange of goods. Sumerians facilitated travel and ©The early Phoenicians toured the Mediterranean as traders = Both the Greeks and Romans were well known traders and ag theit respective empires increased, wavel became necessary. © At this time, there was also travel for private purposes, + Roman traveller was largely aided by improvement in communications, first class roads and inns (Orerunners of moder hotels) 26 Self Instructional Module In Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

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