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This is your travel blog for Colombia. A compilation

of stories, guides and landscapes about my trip
through the best corners of Colombia. In this case
we will sit in Santa Marta, a city located in the
Caribbean Sea

Key points
Before going to San Andrés you
have to take into account where
you are going to stay, how you are
going to move, how much money
you have to bring, have a list of
activities, and have an
appointment to the places you are

going to, etc.

egin with, you can travel on a family plan, friends or alone, I travel with my family,
stayed in a good hotel in the center to be close to any place. all the time I had activities
to do and places to visit, since we rented a chiva, a kind of tuk tuk or you could walk
around the island, bordering the sea.

As for the sea, it is perfect, crystal clear, colorful, clean; there is a wide variety of
beaches that you can visit, some with more rocky areas and others very soft.The tide is
generally calm and the winds are conducive to water sports and diving,excepting for
some times,when the tide rises a lot, activities such as diving and swimming are

Most native people speak Spanish and English, they are friendly and help tourists
enormously. The police are trained to guide and accompany the tourist constantly.

It is a fairly safe island, although like any place it is not advisable to enter the most
vulnerable places where island residents live. You will find Catholic, Christian, Adventist
and Protestant islands in San Andres.

With my family we went to an island, they took us by boat, they told us a little about
San Andrés and when we arrived they treated us very well, we had lunch, we swam
with manta rays and we dived. It was a very nice experience.

My opinion
My recommendation is to enjoy and see everything you can
since this city has excellent beaches, the Tayrona Park where
the imposing Caribbean Sea and the majesty of the Sierra
Nevada de Santa Marta meet. Exotic beaches, Taganga, a
beautiful fishing village, here there are wonderful people with
their charisma, their music, their folklore, their gastronomy.

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