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Puebla, Pue., 15 de Mayo de 2014.


Atención: Arturo Navarro, Thomas Lohs, Ingo Ulbrich

We are submitting this letter for the approval for Gauge (Caliber) of metal Sheet for Square and Round
Duct. Here attached you will find 10 pages (not included this cover letter).

The proposal is based on SMACNA duct construction Norm and its addendum for TDC (Transverse
Duct Connector System) of 1992. We are using more conservative (thicker material) than what strictly
SMACNA norm requires, based on our experience of more than 10 years with this system.

Also important to note is that the TDC system has been installed in the VW Puebla plant based on the
SMACNA TDC information for the last 10 year, just recently we installed 2 systems in Halle 82.
Prol. Diagonal Defensores de la República #930 Col. Obrero Campesina C.P. 72250
Tel. 01.222.2351001 ó 1002 Fax. 01.222.2368242 Puebla, Puebla, México
We have the following NOTES:

Note 1.- TDC system as per Audi Specification is a proprietary system from Lockformer Company and
patented, they requested back in 1992 an special addendum to SMACNA norm to include the sytem.
From 1995 until the latest version of SMACNA norm, the TDC is now known as T25a traverse joint

Note 2.- We are proposing a more conservative use of calibers (gauges) of metals as we know the
performance expected by AUDI, Functional Criteria shows the maximum deflection on ducts, our intent
is to reduce even more those values.

Note 3.- The TDC is a flange made from the same duct material, it is now T25a traverse joint
reinforcement. Our system is based on a 4 ft (4’ or 1200 mm) distance in between flanges (see page 8 and

Note 4.- The table shown in page 3 is a summary of the TDC (t25a) standard, the Yellow line is
CEDINSA’s proposal to use gagues (GA) 24,22,20,18,16 and reinforced with Tied Rod system for larger
ducts, reducing the deflection to an unnoticeable level based in our experience.

Note 5.- For Round Duct, we propose the use of Table 3-2 B for -4” wg (-1016 Pascals) avoiding the use
of gauge 28 (too thin) and instead of reinforcing the gauge 18, use gauge 16, we prefer to use the negative
pressure table as it is more strict and avoids the problem in the field of mixing positive/negative pressure
duct of the same diameter (that will be different gauge in some cases)

Also important to note is that we generated a System in Excel software to select calibers (gauges),
supports and clamps that depends on this definitions we are here presenting ALONG with the
SUPPORTS to building trusses.

We need your prompt response as we have not been able to produce duct yet until this definition is dones.

Best regards
A T E N T A M E N T E.


Augusto Galván
Prol. Diagonal Defensores de la República #930 Col. Obrero Campesina C.P. 72250
Tel. 01.222.2351001 ó 1002 Fax. 01.222.2368242 Puebla, Puebla, México
Referencia: 4730
Número de O.C.: 9800000228
Número de Plano:
Área de la Nave:
Cliente: AKF GROUP-AUDI Fecha: 08/04/2014
Elaboro: Revisión: 0

Notas importantes:
1) SMACNA 3"
2) Longitud de Tramo es de 1107 mm
3) Desperdicio 1.18

R Tramo recto 1107 mm Partida Descripción m2 facturable kg a corte Esquineros Grapas Ml Tesamol Tornillo/tca
1.2.0010 Ducto Calibre 24 56.5 320.0 200 120 48 100
1.2.0020 Ducto Calibre 22 231.4 1692.9 528 530 197 264
1.2.0030 Ducto Calibre 20 216.6 1891.1 400 500 184 200
1.2.0040 Ducto Calibre 18 54.3 628.3 80 124 46 40
1.2.0050 Ducto Calibre 16 348.9 5104.6 352 820 296 176
SUB TOTAL RECTO 907.7        9,636.81              1,560.00 2094 771 780
Partida Descripción m2 facturable kg a corte Esquineros Grapas Ml Tesamol Tornillo/tca
45H Codo 45° gira en alzada  1.2.0060 Ducto Formado 24 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0
45W Codo 45° gira en planta 1.2.0070 Ducto Formado 22 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0
90H Codo 90° gira en alzada  1.2.0080 Ducto Formado 20 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0
90W Codo 90° gira en planta 1.2.0090 Ducto Formado 18 54.3 628.4 24 38 14 12
1.2.0100 Ducto Formado 16 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0
SUB TOTAL FORMA 54.3 628.4 24.0 38.0 14.0 12.0
TOTAL SISTEMA                            962.0           10,265                    1,584            2,132                 785                 792
Partida Descripción kg facturable kg a corte
1.2.0910 Construcciones Perfiles acero galv.                            208.3
1.2.0920 Construcción Perfiles acero RAL                         4,341.1
1.2.0930 Piezas moldeadas a. galv.                            337.7

Partida Descripción mtr. facturable mt. a corte Tornillo/tuerca Accesorios

1.2.0830 Perfil 41/41/2.5 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 93.0
1.2.0840 Perfil 41/52/2.5
1.2.0850 Perfil 41/62/2.5 P 5500 2‐7/16" 12.0
1.2.0860 Perfil 41/62/2.5D P 5501  4‐7/8" 17.0
1.2.0870 Perfil 41/75/75/3.0 D P 5001  6‐1/2" 0.0 TABLA SELECCION DE CALIBRE DE LAMINA PARA DUCTO RECTANGULAR 750 Pa
mm DUCTO mm


Tubo y 
Kg sin 
Posición Tramos Lado Mayor CALIBRE Kg/m2  para  Peso Tubo Longitud  doble  Varilla  0.55 26 4.42
TRAMO W H TIPO DE  Area Kg refuerzo y varilla Ducto  Accesorios perfil soportería Angulo Roscada 300
 Recto o Codo en mm en mm REFUERZO m2 fact a corte ml kg Metros Esquineros Grapas Ml tesamoTornillo/tca tipo de Mtr fact Kg Kg 350
1 R                     8 1000 500 1000 22 CTR 6.2 28.2                 175                       207                 4.0                 4.4 9.4                 64              64 24                   32 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 5.0 0.0 18.4 400
2 90w                     1 1500 1000 1500 18 CTR 9.8 19.3                 189                       223                 1.2                 1.3 1.0                    8              14 5                     4 P 5500 2‐7/16" 1.0 40.8 9.0 450
3 R                     1 1500 1000 1500 18 CTR 9.8 5.9                   58                         68                 1.2                 1.3 1.2                    8              14 5                     4 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 1.0 45.1 3.2 500
4 R                   15 500 300 500 24 SIN 4.8 28.2                 136                       160                 ‐                ‐ 17.7               120              60 24                   60 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 5.0 360.9 17.2 550
5 R                   10 750 450 750 24 SIN 4.8 28.2                 136                       160                 ‐                ‐ 11.8                 80              60 24                   40 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 4.0 225.5 11.9 600
0.70 24 5.64
6 R                   18 775 450 775 22 SIN 6.2 51.9                 322                       380                 ‐                ‐ 21.2               144           126 44.1                   72 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 8.0 406.0 21.4 650
7 R                   15 400 800 800 22 SIN 6.2 42.4                 263                       310                 ‐                ‐ 17.7               120              90 36                   60 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 4.0 360.9 23.3 700
8 R                   25 950 900 950 22 SIN 6.2 108.9                 675                       797                 ‐                ‐ 29.4               200           250 92.5                 100 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 13.0 541.3 36.8 750
9 R                   40 1050 800 1050 20 CTR 7.4 174.2              1,289                    1,521               37.8              41.5 47.1               320           400 148                 160 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 22.0 857.1 55.4 800
T24, T25a, T25b
10 R                   10 1200 600 1200 20 CTR 7.4 42.4                 314                       370                 7.1                 7.8 11.8                 80           100 36                   40 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 6.0 225.5 13.0 850 Se debe de utilizar
11 R                     8 1260 1000 1260 18 CTR 9.8 42.6                 417                       492                 9.4              10.4 9.4                 64              96 36.16                   32 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 6.0 180.4 12.9 900 0.85 22 6.86 empaque libre de
1200 silicon continuo para
12 90H                     2 750 1500 1500 18 CTR 9.8 35.0                 343                       405                 3.5                 3.9 2.0                 16              24 9                     8 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 1.0 40.8 11.1 950 SIN
garantizar un sellado
13 R                   10 1550 1000 1550 16 CTR 12.4 60.0                 744                       878               11.8              13.0 11.8                 80           140 51                   40 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 8.0 225.5 16.1 1000 efectivo de bridas y
14 R                   11 1500 1800 1800 16 CTR 12.4 85.5              1,060                    1,250               23.4              25.7 12.9                 88           198 72.6                   44 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 9.0 270.6 26.7 1050 esquinas

15 R                   12 1800 900 1800 16 CTR 12.4 76.3                 946                    1,116               12.7              14.0 14.1                 96           180 64.8                   48 P 5500 2‐7/16" 11.0 270.6 18.4 1100
1.00 20 8.08
16 R                     1 2500 1500 2500 16 CTR/JTR 12.4 9.4                 117                       138                 5.3                 5.8 1.2                    8              22 8                     4 P 5501  4‐7/8" 2.0 40.8 5.7 1150
17 R                   10 3000 2000 3000 16 CTR/JTR 12.4 117.7              1,459                    1,722               70.8              77.9 11.8                 80           280 100                   40 P 5501  4‐7/8" 15.0 204.1 34.1 1200
18 R                     1 1500 1000 1500 18 CTR 9.8 5.9                   58                         68                 1.2                 1.3 1.2                    8              14 5                     4 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 1.0 45.1 3.2 1250
19 R                  ‐ 0 0 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1300
20 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1350
1.31 18 10.52
21 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1400 CTR
22 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1450
23 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1500
24 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1550
25 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1600
26 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1650
1.61 16 12.96
27 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1700
28 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1750
29 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 1800
30 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0
31 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 CALIBRE KG REFUERZO
32 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 16 12.4 CTR/JTR
33 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 18 9.8 CTR
34 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 20 7.4
35 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 22 6.2
36 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 24 4.8
37 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 26 4.04
38 R                  ‐ 0 0 SIN 0 0.0                  ‐                        ‐                 ‐                ‐ 0.0                ‐            ‐ 0                  ‐ NA 0.0 0.0 0.0
L carga Max
Diámetro  Diámetro 
 en KG con  Peso por 
varilla  varilla  carga Max Peso tramo
Factor de  metro con 
roscada  roscada     en KG  3m
seguridad del  ajuste
Pulgadas mm
Estructura de Edificio 50%
5/16" 8 175 2.3 116.67 0.77
3/8" 10 275 3.3 183.33 1.10
Angulo doble de 2"X2"X1/4" Doble ángulo típico VW 1/2" 13 535 6.4 356.67 2.13
I= 29.14 cm4
Nave 50 NPT 23.0  1.202 m
NPT 9.0 2.00 m
KGf Kilogramos Fuerza (1 KGf= 10 Newtons)
E= módulo elast. Acero         2,100,000 KGf/cm2
W Carga uniforme total en KGf (no confundir con w ancho ducto)
L distancia entre apoyos simples en cm (centímetros)
I=móudulo de inercia dado por la sección (en cm4) H
Dmax en cm 0.6 Deflexión máxima aceptable, en este caso serán 4‐6 mm (o 0.4cm‐0.6cm)

Perfil I= mod. Inercia
P 1000T  1‐5/8" 7.68 cm4   L en cm (w en el 
Distancia entre soportes en 
P 5500 2‐7/16" 21.71 cm4 ducto)
P 5501  4‐7/8" 116.76 cm4
P 5001  6‐1/2" 259.17 cm4


"W" como 
I = Módulo 
Carga  W como  Varilla 
de inercia  L del doble  Peso a  Peso de 
Distancia  Uniforme  peso dado  CUMPLE  Doble  Selección  Metros de  Galvanizada 
w como ancho  requerido  perfil cantidad de  ángulo dado  Nivel de la  cargar por  Varilla por  Número de 
Posición L Pesos total entre  dada  distancia  Deflexión Máxima Deflexión  ángulo  Varilla  varilla por  y mordaza a 
de ducto para la   recomendado perfil por joist de  nave varilla  metro dado  Soporte
soportes distancia  entre  máxima necesario Roscada soporte facturar en 
Dmax  estructura roscada diámetro
entre  soporte Peso 

en mm en cm en KGf en Metros en KGf en cm4 ml en m en KGf en cm ML KG KGF KG KG
1 1000 100 175.1 2.5 46.5 0.48 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 5.00 0 46.5                                    ‐ OK 0 0.0 23 23.3 5/16" 0.77 3 4 18.40
2 1500 150 189.2 2.5 473.1 16.50 P 5500 2‐7/16" 1 1.202 473.1                                  0.28 OK 3.8 40.8 9 236.5 1/2" 2.13 2.1 1 8.96
3 1500 150 57.7 2.5 122.5 4.27 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 1 2 122.5                                  0.33 OK 4.2 45.1 9 61.3 5/16" 0.77 2.1 1 3.22
4 500 50 135.6 2.5 19.2 0.02 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 5 2 19.2                                  0.05 OK 33.6 360.9 9 9.6 5/16" 0.77 1.4 8 17.17
5 750 75 135.6 2.5 28.8 0.13 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 4 2 28.8                                  0.08 OK 21 225.5 9 14.4 5/16" 0.77 1.55 5 11.88
6 775 77.5 321.8 2.5 38.0 0.18 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 8 2 38.0                                  0.10 OK 37.8 406.0 9 19.0 5/16" 0.77 1.55 9 21.39
7 400 40 262.7 2.5 37.2 0.02 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 4 2 37.2                                  0.10 OK 33.6 360.9 9 18.6 5/16" 0.77 1.9 8 23.31
8 950 95 675.0 2.5 57.4 0.51 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 13 2 57.4                                  0.16 OK 50.4 541.3 9 28.7 5/16" 0.77 2 12 36.80
9 1050 105 1289.1 2.5 68.5 0.82 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 22 2 68.5                                  0.19 OK 79.8 857.1 9 34.2 5/16" 0.77 1.9 19 55.35
10 1200 120 313.6 2.5 66.6 1.19 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 6 2 66.6                                  0.18 OK 21 225.5 9 33.3 5/16" 0.77 1.7 5 13.03
11 1260 126 417.1 2.5 110.7 2.29 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 6 2 110.7                                  0.30 OK 16.8 180.4 9 55.4 5/16" 0.77 2.1 4 12.88
12 750 75 343.3 2.5 429.2 1.87 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 1 1.202 429.2                                  0.25 OK 3.8 40.8 9 214.6 1/2" 2.13 2.6 1 11.09
13 1550 155 744.3 2.5 158.1 6.08 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 8 2 158.1                                  0.43 OK 21 225.5 9 79.1 5/16" 0.77 2.1 5 16.10
14 1500 150 1059.6 2.5 204.6 7.14 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 9 2 204.6                                  0.56 OK 25.2 270.6 9 102.3 5/16" 0.77 2.9 6 26.68
15 1800 180 945.7 2.5 167.4 10.09 P 5500 2‐7/16" 11 2 167.4                                  0.46 OK 25.2 270.6 9 83.7 5/16" 0.77 2 6 18.40
16 2500 250 116.8 2.5 248.0 40.04 P 5501  4‐7/8" 2 1.202 248.0                                  0.15 OK 3.8 40.8 9 124.0 3/8" 1.10 2.6 1 5.72
17 3000 300 1459.5 2.5 310.0 86.50 P 5501  4‐7/8" 15 1.202 310.0                                  0.18 OK 19 204.1 9 155.0 3/8" 1.10 3.1 5 34.10
18 1500 150 57.7 2.5 122.5 4.27 P 1000T  1‐5/8" 1 2 122.5                                  0.33 OK 4.2 45.1 9 61.3 5/16" 0.77 2.1 1 3.22
19 0 0 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.00 NA 0 2 0.0                                    ‐ NA 0 0.0 0.0 NA NAperfil NA 0 0.00
20 0 0 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.00 NA 0 2 0.0                                    ‐ NA 0 0.0 0.0 NA NAperfil NA 0 0.00
21 0 0 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.00 NA 0 2 0.0                                    ‐ NA 0 0.0 0.0 NA NAperfil NA 0 0.00
22 0 0 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.00 NA 0 2 0.0                                    ‐ NA 0 0.0 0.0 NA NAperfil NA 0 0.00

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