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With the advancement in technology, technology merchandises like robots have played
a critical part of life. Some people believe that robots will make our future better while
others oppose this and think that robots are harmful to humans. Both views are
justifiable, but I tend towards the latter..

To begin with, it is indisputable that robots are of great importance. Firstly, robots can
work in unsanitary and hazardous environments, which can impact human health - in
the nuclear or chemical industries for example. Therefore, the robot may remove the
risk from humans and protect them from harm. Moreover, until robots wear out, they can
complete tasks 24 hours a day without relaxing, even with high-repetition jobs. Though,
they are still accuratewith high level of accuracy. By using robots, companies and
factories would achieve higher productivity and save unnecessary extra money, which
helps ; secure global supply chains.

On the other hand, taking advantage of robots may have more drawbacks than benefits.
Robots can only do what they are told to do and they cannot’t improvise. This warns us
about the dystopian future where people must pay the price for the dependence on
technology. For instance, in February, a South Korean woman was sleeping on the floor
when her robot vacuum ate her hair, forcing her to call for emergency help. Besides,
when straining robots, we will lose basic skills and become passive and, thoughtless.
Furthermore, the use of robots can create economic problems if they replace human
jobs. There would be more people becoming unemployed. Consequently, this leads to
bigger problems such as poverty, more crime and so on.

In conclusion, although robots can be beneficial in a number of ways, I would contend

that they remain a serious threat to every individual and society.

While some individuals suppose that robots would become a vital part of future
societies, others contend that they would exert an adverse impact on society. From my
perspective, I hold the belief that both views are justifiable and I lean towards the latter.

It is irrefutable that there are pitfalls underlying the utilisation of robots. First and
foremost, robots might render a multitude of people in the workforce jobless. This can
be attributed to their ability to replace humans in terms of carrying out repetitive and
physically demanding tasks and cheap operation cost compared to an average worker's
salary. As a result, a number of problems stemming from unemployment such as
impoverishment and higher crime rate might emerge. Moreover, since robots have
appeared in multitudinous households and alleviated an individual's burden of doing
domestic chores, people abusing robots can become more lethargic and over-reliant on

Nevertheless, robots can bring about a myriad of benefits to society. Firstly, the
implication of robots in many industries has speeded up the manufacturing process no
end. This is because of the fact that unlike human employees, robots are able to work
continuously and restlessly with high productivity. They do not suffer from lack of
motivation or require holiday entitlements. Moreover, robots are capable of working in
environments with extreme conditions where humans cannot reach. For instance,
robots are sent to the moon to investigate the characteristics of it. (đoạn này em cần
viết dài thêm 1 chút, phan tích sâu hơn 1 chút)

In conclusion, while robots have their merits and downsides, I contend that their
advantages can definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

In the future, robots areSome people believe that robots expected towill become
necessary things that help us do other jobs in the future, while . Some people believe
thatothers argue that these intelligent machinesrobots will have negative influences on
for our society. , however, I think thatIn my opinion, the benefits of robots dowill
outweigh the disadvantages.

On the one hand, it must be ackowledged that the use of robots have a number of
drawbacks. Firstly, I think it is true thatthat creating a Al robot requires huge costs with
complex machines. The repair and maintenance also requires high costs. For example,
many programs have to be upgraded regularly to meet the needs of adapting to new
situations and machine improvements to meetfor human’s requirements. Moreover, the
ability of machines to replace humans may result in widespread unemployment or other
societal problems. When robots are used to replace human’s jobs, people will start to be
lazy, lose their creativity or not afford to pay up their expenditures. For instance, a robot
wasere bought to replace my uncle’s position for his job in a restaurant, so he could
notn’t earn enough to pay for his house rent.

On the other hand, using robot for helping human in jobs which demand strength or
danger is also a benefit.the utilization of robots can also bring scores of benefits. First,
robots can replace people in highly risky jobs. For example, in production lines, each
person needs to contact and manipulate heavy machinery, or work in places with high
temperatures and many sharp objects. By leaving dangerous jobs to the robot, you
canhuman laborers can be saved from eliminate unnecessary risks and protect the
health of yourself and those around youor even life-threatening situations. Furthermore,
with their unrivalled The benefit of robots shows not only in safety but also in extreme
speed and accuracy and speed,. rRobots can help to boost productivity in the
workplace. Unlike humans, are not like humans because they are not distracted by
emotional factors, or unfavorable working environments. Most of allMoreover, they are a
work tool which never complains, asks for early leave or takes time off. Therefore,
robots can work with higher level of efficiency than human workers.
In conclusion, some people say that robots are beneficial to humans, but otherssome
have a contrasting view and believe that robots have negative effects on humans. I do
strongly support the opinionidea that the benefits of using robots outweigh its


Opinions are divided whether robots will play a crucial part in our future societies or they
will do harm to us. While robots may have some negative impacts, I still believe that
they would be prominent for mankind.

On one hand, it is obvious that robots are adverse in some ways. Firstly, robots may
make the unemployment rate increase since they can replace employees in some
repetitive or dangerous jobs. Secondly, robots can make humans overreliant on robotic
help, which may lead to loss of human capabilities and activeness. For instance, now
we have many robots that can help people do their household chores such as washing
up or vacuuming. However, if we overuse them, we may live a sedentary lifestyle, which
can be harmful to our health.

On the other hand, however, robots can be advantageous in many ways. Firstly, robots
are infallible (cái này chưa hẳn đúng em nhé vì chúng vẫn có thể mắc lỗi) , they can
help people with some works that require precision and exactness. For instance, the
invention of robot-assisted surgery allows doctors to perform many types of complex
procedures with more flexibility and control. Secondly, robots can work in environments
that are unsafe for humans, so we can use them to get the information we need without
being at risk. (For example?) Moreover, robots are faster and more efficient than
humans., they can work all day without taking breaks or making mistakes as they never
feel stressed out. Consequently, they boost productivity, produce higher quality
products, and save time.

In conclusion, despite some mere drawbacks, I still firmly believe that robots will play a
vital role in our future societies.

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