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Final Examination

Irish Saivien P. Bueno Prof. Abdul Alsafat

BTLED-ICT 1-2 Mathematics Into The Modern World
Part 1 of FE: Mathematics around me!

Give at least 10 pictures of things (or anything) in your surrounding that you think is
related to mathematics. Explain how mathematics is related to it. You can search online
for more information but only submit those that is in your surrounding. If you have any
concerns, kindly comment below. Upload your picture as PDF.

(For example, your fingerprint is an example of golden spiral)

1. Ball is the solid figure bounded by a sphere; it is also called a solid sphere.
2. Lotto is an example of probability.
3. Money is an example of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions,
Decimals, and Percentages.
4. Ruler is a tool to measure the length in both metric and customary units; it is used in
geometry and technical drawing.
5. Pencil is a sample of projective geometry.
6. Clock are used to measure time. It is composed of 360 degrees and divided into 12 equal
7. Frame is an example of linear algebra
8. Mug is an Example of Cylinder.
9. Programming in a Computer is an example of mathematical theorem. It is the study of
development of algorithms and software for manipulating mathematical expressions and
other mathematical objects.
10. Pitcher of water an example of Volume.

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