Eng Public Speaking Script

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How to overcome fear

Good morning to teachers and fellow friends. The topic I will be talking about today is
how to overcome fear. Fear is something that everyone feel. Wether it’s children,
teenagers, adults or the elderly, everyone feels it as it makes us human. So, what is
fear? Fear is an unpleasant feeling that causes people to feel alerted and
uncomfortable. Fear is caused by danger, embarressment or pass experinces. Here
are common examples of fear: spiders, heights, the dark and public speaking. But
what is the importance of overcoming fear? Let me tell you a story. When I was
younger I was a people-pleaser. “But,why is that?” you may ask. It is because I
developed a fear of abandonment due to losing friends I cared about deeply. I
believed I had done something to make them abandon me. I tried to make up for it
and avoid it from happening again by changing myself into a more sympathetic
person and to become who others want me to be like. It has gone as far as changing
my personality, likes and dislikes and even attempting to self-isolate from everyone.
However, I met someone who did not understand I wanted to be left alone and
through determination and preserverance she befriended me. Said friend and a few
more friends showed me not everyone would abandon me. Despite still in the
process of overcoming this fear, I have learnt a very valuable life lesson from this
which leads me to my first point: although overcoming fear is a very long and tedious
task to accomplish, it is worth it as not only would you no longer be afraid of this fear,
you can also learn very valuable life lessons similarly to how I did. Other than that,
once you overcome your fear you would feel an euphoric sensation of
accomplishment. You can also feel more relaxed as if a heavy weight has been lifted
off your shoulders. It genuinely makes it all worth it, right? But surely it’ll take more
than that to convince you to take on such a taxing and grueling task of overcoming
fear. So heres my next point, fear sometimes does not allow you to take necessary
risk which in the long run makes you miss many great opportunitiesand creates more
regrets which is why it is important to overcome this. A wise person once said “ don’t
live in regret, if you keep regreting your life will become a never-ending nightmare.”
Therefore, by overcoming your fear you can lead a peaceful and regretless life and
live it to the fullest. So now that I explained a few examples of why it is so important
to overcome fear, how do we overcome it? Firstly, it helps to meditate and take deep
breaths when you’re afraid as it helps you calm down and think rationally on how to
fix the problem at hand. Next off, you should ask trusted loved ones for help. As long
as they are understanding, you may get well needed assistance to aid you in
overcoming fear. Remember it’s okay to ask for help as it doesn't make you weak. If
anything it shows your determination to become a better you. Other than this, you
can also ask said loved ones for advice. Learning from others may also help you
think of how to overcome fear. More importantly, take your time. Like I said before
overcoming fear is a taxing and grueling task that takes a very long time to
accomplish so don’t push yourself and take it step by step and day by day. Finally,
write down your feelings. It may sound insignificant but writing down your feelings
may help you understand it better. If you find the underlying cause behind your fear it
will become easier to overcome it. Remember fear is an emotion that is similar to a
safety precaution meant to keep you out of harms way, so don’t feel bad for being
afraid. It’s okay to be afraid as overcoming fear takes a lot of patience and bravery,
just keep going and I know you will overcome it.

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