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Clinical Reasoning

1. Write about inductive and deductive approach? How does most cases expert clinician
inductive and why?

2. Define knowledge, meta-cognition and cognition. Discuss the types of metacognition

3. Mrs. X is a 40-year-old female has been suffering disc herniation at level L5 and SI. This
client continually shows up 15 minutes late for her appointments and it causes disruption to
physiotherapy schedule. How will you deal with this? Will any framework help her to take
the schedule in time?

4. What are the differences between Narrative and interactive reasoning?

5. Why domain based knowledge is important component for Pattern recognition? How can
develop domain based knowledge in clinical practice?

6. Conceptualize pattern recognition. Disses the characteristics of pattern recognition

7. What is clinical reasoning? Write the process of clinical reasoning. What are the steps of
patient involvement in clinical reasoning process?

8. How would you evaluate hypothesis in hypothetico deductive reasoning in relation to

adhesive capsulitis cases Mention two factors that influence decision making process.

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