Maintaining A State of Balance, Homeosta

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maintaining a state of balance, homeostasis, biological rhythm Introduction Maintaining a state of human health is determined by the capacity of individual, This capacity is influenced by the various factors like- Physical, Psychological, Cultural, Social, and Developmental. Mainly our body maintains a state of balance by means of homeostasis and biological rhythms with interacting other various factors Momeostasis ‘ ‘The word is derived from two Greck words, “homeo” and “stasis”, ‘Homeo' means similar or like and ‘stasis’ means standing or stopping. According to this concept, itis the tendency of body to maintain a slate of balance or equilibrium while continuing changing Human homeostasis refers to body's ability to regulate physiologically its inner environment to ensure 's ability in response to fluctuations in the outside environment and the weather. The change may be ‘minor of major as the body adopts (0 maintain the internal and external environment. There is ‘continuous interaction between internal and external environment. Iisa state of relative constancy in the intemal environment of the body maintained naturally by physiologic mechanism. Essentially all organs and tissues of the body perform functions that help maintain these relatively constant conditions. E.g. the lungs provide oxygen to the extracellular fluid to replenish the oxygen used by the cells, the kidney maintains constant ion concentrations and the GI system provides nutrients Homeostasis control Mechanism Homeostatic control mechanisms are devices for maintaining or restoring homeostasis. They involve virtually all ofthe body"s organ and systems. If circumstances occur that require changes or more active regulation in some aspect of the internal environment, the body must have appropriate control ‘mechanisms available that will respond to these changing needs and then restore and maintain a healthy internal environment. Basic components of control mechanism 1. Sensor Mechanisrit- the process of regulation first requires the body to be able to sense or identify the variable being cohtrolled. If deviations from the normal set point range occur the sensor generates a signal from nerve impulse or hormone to transmit that information to the second component of the feedback loop. 2. Integrating or control center- when control center receives input from @ homeostatic sensor that information is analyzed and integrated with input from other sensors and then some specific action is initiated to maintain homeostasis. If significant deviation from the ‘set point’ exists then control center sends its own specialized signal to the third component of the control loop. 3. Effectors Mechanism: Effectors are organs such as muscles or glands that direct controlled physiological variables. The activities of effectors are ultimately regulated by feedback (cither negative or positive feedback control system) of information regarding their own effects on a controlled variable. Scanned with CamScanner Homeostatic Control Mechanisms, Negative feedback control System ‘Negative feedback control systems are inhibitory. They oppose a change by creating a response that is opposite in direction to the inital disturbance. They produce an action that is opposite to the change that activated the system. Negative feedback systems are responsible for maintaining a constant internal cavironment. Cp Mypotnainte iy AS See on Fe ate Se scaeitat eS Tiree epee pba Positive feedback control systems Positive control feedback systems are stimulatory. It does not operate to help the body maintain a stable or homeostatic condition, Positive feedback tends to amplify or reinforce the change that is reoccurring. Following picture is the example of positive feedback mechanism. Scanned with CamScanner Human body system and homeostasis *) + Circulatory, Lymphatic, Nervous system, Endocrine, Respiratory, Digestive and Urinary system Basic characteristics of homeostasis 1. Self regulatory- The homeostasis mechanism automatically attempts to correct any deviations from normal. However, when severe illness occurs, the homeostatic mechanism tends to breakdown and loses their automatic response, 2. Compensatory in nature- It tends to counteract condition and that are abnormal for the person. In this preserve, the integrity of body by counters balancing stressor and compensating change. Peripheral vasoconstriction in shock is an example of compensatory characteristic mechani 3, Negative feedback mechanism- By the negative feedback mechanism, the biological system is directed or adjusted back to normal. For e.g. Temperature control in our body. The hypothalamus monitors and determines even the slightest of variation (increase) in normal body temperature. In response to such variation could be stimulation of glands that produces sweat to reduce the temperature or signaling various muscles to shiver to increase body temperature.” 4, Regulation of physiological signals/ positive feedback- it means homeostatic devices help to correct any variation or deviation from normal. For e.g - temperature regulation- hypoxia in high altitude- RBC increases and heart rate increases in order to transport of oxygen and other values. Biological Rhythms + Cyele-is an event which repeats itself at predictable intervals. E.g,~ menses cycle + Period- the interval of times it takes to repeat itself. E.g. - sleep wake cycle within 24 hrs. + Frequency- is a number of times that a cycle repeats itself within a time period. Scanned with CamScanner + Amptitude- largeness, fullness or extend of rhythm, E,g. - body temperature, Biological rhythm is self sustaining repetitive, rhythmic patterns found in plants, animals and human, All living things are controlled by daily physiology and behavior thythm in order to adapt to changing ‘environment which is ealled biological rhythms. Biological clock changes in the environment including day, night and movement of the season of the year, phases of moon and all living things seem to have internal cycle called biological rhythm. Types of biological rhythms 1 ‘xogenous- they are dependent on the rhythm of external environment events such as seasonal itions, lunar (according to moon) revolutions, night and day eycles. 2, Endogenous- they arise within the organisms such as sleep-wake and sleep dream cycles. The major pacemaker (Biological clock) is suprachiasmaticnucleus (SCN) and biologic clock. It causes the sleep- @ wake cycle, skin temperature control and plasma growth hormone level. Biological clock is a rhythmic cycles initiated and sustained within the orga pattern. fernal time Types of rhythmic eyele: 1. Ultradian rhythms- shorter than 24 hrs (sleep cycle) 2. Infradian rhythms- cycle longer than 24 hrs ( menstrual eycle) 3. Circanual rhythm- occurs over a period of year (non-human animals hibernation and waking, pattern ) Cireadian rhythm Iisa cycle which occurs at intervals of approximate 24 hrs within the organisms. It is thought to be adaptive mechanism that enable individual to adjust their temporal environment, @ Ditrerent types of circadian rhythm ‘This rhythm regulates'our physiological functioning, rest and activities, health and susceptibility to disease. . 1. Sleep awakeness rhythm: According to this rhythm, we sleep for certain time. In these stages, body regulates the catabolic and anabolic phases. Sleep awakeness pattems have arising or developed on the basis of night day alternations. A sleep cycle is approximately 90 mins, with most people averaging, about 4 to 6 cycles per night. 2. Performance rhythm: acuity/sharpness, strength and icludes ability to perform task, regulating muscular coordination, mental ing is greater at certain times within 24 hours period. 3. Hormones and enzyme rhythm: Different types of hormones and enzymes come under this rhythm. Concentrations of adrenocortical hormone serum may vary. Levels of hormone correlated alertness, wakefulness and body temperature of individual, Adrenal hormones rise in the morning and decreases in evening. Scanned with CamScanner @ Vv 4, Urine flow Rhythm: Urine outflow is greatest in the morning and mid day and least during ev and night. The rhythmic pattern hold true even when the individuals drink fluids around the clock. Greatest amount of electrolytes that is sodium and potassium being excreted in mid day and during the afternoon. 5. Cell division rhythm: Rates of cell replacement are the same as the rate of cell damage and erosion. Cell division is rapid in certain hours within the 24 hours. The cell division in the skin occurs primary at the night between 12 MN to 4 am, 6. Body temperature rhythm: Body temperature varies approximately 0.5 to I degree C between sleeping and awaking. The body temperature of day in active adult usually rise shortly before or just after awakening, reaches the peak in late afternoon or early evening. It declines to its lowest level during the time‘of usual sleep, regardless of environmental stimuli. 7. Blood pressure rhythm: Blood pressure rhythm with the higher value appears during the day and lower value at night appears in adult. Disruption of circadian rhythm There are certain occasions which interrupt or disturb the rhythm. They are physiological and emotional changes that may disturb biologic rhythm. They are time changes, physical illness, mental illness, drugs, toxin, immobilization, hospitalization, working shift changes, social and environmental changes, jet _ travel, initiation of new work ete. Imbalance of the circadian rhythm is associated with illness and aging. ‘Nursing implication for maintaining biologic rhythm + Help to recognize the influence of circadian rhythm on nature of disease and symptoms of associated illness. Increase the accuracy of diagnostic testing. + Almost all measurable variables are known to be ebb and flow with the body's inner clock so collections of samples for testing in peak flow enhance valid comparison. + Help in the treatment of disease: a number of illnesses, such as certain sleep disorders, depressive conditions or endocrine diseases may be manifestations of circadian rhythm disorder. + So.asa nurse following points to be remembered during plan of patient care. Disruption of system can be-breakdown as a result of extreme stress, reduction of energy and toxin, drugs, surgery and time changes may upset biologic rhythm. Mind Body Interaction + Mind body interaction means the relationship of stress to body function and the emotional reaction to body condition. Scientific research shown that stress can affect illness and disease patter. + In biological view, mind is the product of the brain activities and mind and body are constantly interacting. The response of mind body interaction is psycho-somatic (emotional-physical) and somatic-psychic (physical-emotional) Scanned with CamScanner nal condition resulting in disease e.g. ulcer, hypertension, "ase. + Psycho-somatic means emo diarrhea, amenorrhea, heart + Somatic-psychie means condition of physical illness interferes or disturbs emotionally and cause of depression. E.g. Chronically ill patient becomes very depressive and worry about own disease. Mind body interaction and illness “Mind body interaction plays.a central role in the causation and effect of illness. 4 Psychological factor contribute to physical disease and that physical symptoms have psychological consequences. 4 Prolonged severe stress which cannot be adapted ois identified as influencing the production of Iness. @ Following bodily conditions that affect mental functioning. ‘Autonomic stimulation causes fight or flight response of the body when the person is faced with such situations that demand behavioral adjustment. v > An increase in blood pressure causes mental activity. > Hyperthyroidism causes mental restlessness and over excitability and hypothyroidism leads to dullness of mind or mental tiredness. jon can cause Fatigue of the body serves concentration difficult. Consti v depression. Following mental functions affect bodily functions b. Deep thinking and concentration can cause physical fatigue. @ ©. Meditation produces soothing effect on the body and physiological process. d. Anger, worry and fears cause headache, insomnia, indigestion, peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, migraine headache and asthma, Nursing implication + Holistic nursing requires a mind-body interaction orientation that considers both psychological ‘and physical needs. + Recognized the people as a whole (psyche and some) and their significance are involved in health and illness. is dedicated to helping people to achieve and maintain optimal health. They can provide 1g Support to the terminally ill people. + Nurs service in preventing and reducing illness and also provi Scanned with CamScanner

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