Topics For Extempore

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Topics for Extempore Competition

Class 6th

1. Difference between a house and a home....*

2. The Impact of Video Games on Children
3. Food and nutrition

Class 7th

1. What is environment ?
2. Global warming
3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

Class 8th

1. Why are resources important ?

2. Microorganisms Friend and Foe
3. The Role of Education in Shaping Our Future

Class 9th

1. Biography of Ustad Bismillah Khan or Evelyn Glennie

2. Why Democracy?
3. Evolution of Cell theory

Class 10th

1. Triumph of surgery?
2. What do you mean by development?
3. Importance of Ozone

Class 11th

1. Biography of Khushwant Singh

2. Forms of business organizations
3. Importance of statistics in daily life

Class 12th

1. How English language plays and important role in ones life

2. How TATA group implemented principles of management in their organization
and what are their impacts
3. Importance of Chemistry in everyday life.
4. Indian banking system.

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