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SUBJECT:Global Perspectives ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ SEC:

TOPIC: ​Improving Communication-Digital World ​ ​ ​ ​ ISSUE DATE:17

DUE DATE:20 September

Are teens and social media a good mix, or does social media use lower teen well-being? This
has become one of the more controversial questions regarding social media’s effects on
teens, with studies showing varied results, including recent research on the use of social
media during the pandemic. On the other hand, the report, titled “Coping with COVID-19:
How Young People Used Digital Media to Manage Their Mental Health,” also showed a
strong association between social media and teen depression. Youth with moderate to severe
depressive symptoms were nearly twice as likely to say they used social media almost
constantly: One-third of teens with depression reported constant social media use, as
compared to 18 percent of teens who did not have depressive symptoms. Furthermore, the
more severe their symptoms were, the more anxious, lonely and depressed they felt after
using social media. Clearly, social media does not help teens who are already feeling
depressed, and seems to contribute to their negative outlook.
On the flip side, a teen social network can inspire teenagers to develop healthy habits. Thus,
seeing peers eating nutritious food, doing something creative, or getting outside in nature can
encourage other teens to do the same. Social networks can create peer motivation, inspiring
young people to try something new, follow their dreams, and speak up about things that
matter to them. Teens can also find positive role models online. Hence, social media’s effect
on teens might actually result in more unplugged time and increased self-care behaviors.

Along with providing ways to seek help and support, social media also provides forums in
which teens can encourage each other in unhealthy and dangerous behaviors. Hence, teens
with eating disorders or those who self-harm can connect with others to talk about their self-
destructive routines. In these online forums, obsessive calorie counting, fasting, or over-
exercising are accepted and encouraged. As a result, teens may learn ways to hide or
intensify the behavior, putting them at greater risk.

According to a report released in 2021 by Common Sense Media on social media’s effects on
teens, about half of the 1,500 young people surveyed said social media is very important for
them in order to get support and advice, feel less alone, and express themselves creatively, as
well as for staying in touch friends and family while social distancing. And 43percent said
that using social media makes them feel better when they are depressed, stressed, or

Refer to the above source and answer the following questions: -

(1) Explain any three positive impacts of social media on teenagers.

Less alone , self care , follow dreams
(2) Why do you think teenagers have experienced social distancing as a result of their
increased participation on social media?

(3) What are the negative impacts of social media on teens according to the author?
Fasting , self harm , bad behaviour
(4) Explain your personal perspective on the impacts of social media on teenagers.
Is bad for teens on obsessive social media
(5) Do you think the above source has enough evidence to support the author’s point of

2) they do not want to leave there phones and interact

with an actual person

Oakridge Bachupally Campus ​ Prepared

by: Manisha Shekhar
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