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Read the Paragraph, then in Questions 1 to 10 Check the best answer A,B,C or D

Ellen looked great at the party. She was wearing a gorgeous yellow dress . She had it made by a
famous fashion designer and it looked perfect on her but she would have looked better if she had
worn some earrings. I wonder when she is going to have her ears pierced.She had her hair cut by
Jean Jacques at the salón. He trimmed it abouit an inch. And she had her nails done there. They
were bright red. Her hair was red too. The problema is she dyed it herself. Personally. I think she
should have had Jean Jacques do it. Luckily Jean Jacques did her hair very nicely, so despite the
badly- dyed red hair, she was definitely one of the most glamorous people that night.

1. Who made the beautiful yellow dress?

A. It had made by a famous fashion designer

B. It has make by a famous fashion designer

C. It has had by a famous fashion designer

D. It makes by a famous fashion designer.

2. Who cut Ellen’s hair ?

A. She had her hair cut by Roger Moore

B. She had her hair cut by Jean Jacques

C. She had her hair cut by herself

D. She hadn’t her hair cut by anyone

3. Who dyes Ellen’s hair?

A. She dyed it herself

B. She dyed it her mother

C. She dyed it by Jacques

D. She dyed it by someone, her sister.

4. What color was Ellen’s hair dyed?

A. It was black

B. It was red and blue

C. It was white

D. It was red

Hello My name is Robert. I’m a Doctor I’m working at Yale’s University. I’m 47 years old. I live with
my wife. Her name is Ann. She likes to decorated our house. She fixes the house all the time, it
happened 4 years ago. We like to travel a lot by car, and it had repaired 6 months ago. My wife
wants to visit the mall and she cuts her hair once a month. We live in a big house where there are
a lot of police. We installed a burglar alarm a few years ago, yesterday I checked my blood
pressure because I was sick, I went to the hospital and I stayed there for 3 days. I like learning new
things, I studied Chinese at the university the last year I feel very happy.

5. According to the text we can express that

A. I have redecorated my house a long time ago

B. I haven’t redecorated my house a long time ago

C. I was redecorated my house a long time ago

D. I had my house redecorated four years ago.

6. What about the car , we can express that

A. Sometimes I get my car

B. I never get my car serviced

C. I get my car serviced every six months

D. I got my car every four months

7. What about my hair style, we can say that

A. I get my hair cut once a month

B. I can’t get my hair

C. I haven’t had hair

D. I have just cut my hair

8. What about the house’s safety we can say that

A. I have 2 dogs at the door

B. I have a stronger wall near to my house

C. I had a burglar alarm installed

D. I hadn’t a burglar alarm installed

9. What about my health, we can express that

A. I skip breakfast every day

B. I usually go to bed late

C. I have eaten damaged food

D. I had my blood pressure checked last month

10. What about my knowledge studied a few years ago

A. I had my knowledge studied a few years ago

B. I have my knowledge a few years ago

C. I haven’t my knowledge a week ago

D. I have my knowledge a month ago.

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