Mr. Reason - Articles (LU 2023.08.01

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article #11 (multi dates merged)

occupy half the resources. then, be harmless. evict any intruder.

difference between good & bad: whoever hurt the innocent is bad.
words don't get your desires fulfilled. it is coperation, that does it. unless,
your desires don't involve other lives. (*2023.05.24)
non-violence is not 1 of human's adopted cultures for advancement.
there is evil culture in the nearby environment. cause of it is violence nature
of life on earth. but due to lack of clear communication between species, it
is not possible to coexist peacefully. it can be communicated about borders
though, a few more instructions. life's concern needs to be on making own
species' lifestyle peacefully coexisting. do not encourage evil. when dieing,
others must prevent this individual/s from supporting evil. evil will create
chaos for life's duration. which needs to be prevented by population.
without evil, population will live civilized. will adapt to required changes of
all population. when resources are less, they will consume less, work more;
to bring the balance back. start with a community, to show world, what
needs to be done. a community; no evil, land where people work to grow
their resources, treat criminals wisely, live in freedom, no greed, all
knowledge allowed, separate hobbies/priorities' groups, harmless be the
only law, right of defence. don't leave changes in the hands of evil.
human civilization's dominators of different times have a thing common:
the leader/s offers population resources to exploit. present's dominator is
usa; great supporter of capitalism, cosumes resources many time more than
other people. previous was britain; built london, the largest priviliged place
on earth. before it was islaam; cruel to all life except islaam men.

article #12 (multi dates merged)

violence should be a thoughtless act.
those who think to do violence, are evil. they, strategically dominate over
everybody possible. others are politically upressed to free self from it. these
victims will be declared thieves to guard a land from these dominators.
dominator only expresses what is beneficial for self. because it is dominator,
everybody believes it to be law/justified. then, victim's benefitting act
becomes a crime. (*2023.01.18)
i hate earth. well, not earth but the way life has evolved on earth. it is
violent unless 1 prevents. pain is the real concern. yet, earth's cruelty; let it
evolve. should earth be destroyed if another planet can carry life? well, no.
but life should be renewed with better supervision to prevent violence in
that round. if life is worthy, then continue it. otherwise, destroy earth. or,
perhaps consult ii opinion. if every hope of worthy life is impractical on
earth, then destroy it. divert your focus on another planet whose nature can
carry a worthy life. it shouldn't be about population but; whether life is
worthy? then, increase population till life remains worthy. worthy means;
individuals like their life or supervisor believes that it should continue.
education is supposed to make people aware, harmless/civilized,
independent. so is religion. but instead these are used to protect self,
become stronger. everything human handles, it starts with a noble, ethical
meaning, but eventually turn into evil, helps to dominate over others.
trust in ethical exercises. within own community, prevent it to be
handled/lead/supervised by evil people. then however wrong/evil/unethical
things are present in your community, but these decent exercises will
continue to defend against evil. i think 1 pure thing can stop all evil,
perhaps. if it remains. eventually, it will succeed to stop evil at that land. as
long as it's legacy remains there.

article #13 (multi dates merged)

power seeking method, category of people remain same. only political
views change. these people remain alert of current political views, on their
target land.
when power is seeked by those who want to redistribute power from 1% to
as many lives as non-destructively possible, atleast such is their goal, then
those people, that era will be worth, for seeking power, instead of staying
away from power. (*2023.05.27)
money defeated all. all can be bought.
well, almost. peace can't be bought. proud living. meditation ability.
do not underestimate meditation ability. when all is bad, meditation is
defence. even hell can be tolerated. but meditation ability can not be
achieved by seeking something else in it. not even; a cure. one must seek to
only achieve inner completeness. when achieved, power can't currupt this
mind again.
hope your god exists. to give you eternal life. so greedy. soul concept don't
make sense. if magic/ghost is real, then soul is likely to be true.
winners rule. losers crime. by/for winners. who wins? obidient. law of land is
most strong. countries is a bad system. communities would be a right
lifestyle. every community is independent. if a community invades, 3rd+ can
offer defence. but no future debt. (*2023.06.20)
i used to think that i don't need to say anything, i'll just live ideally, that is
all the lesson they need & i'll get my need's resources.
the talking/influencing it is still not my believe. i only do this for resources. i
still respect only being quiet, minding own life. (*2023.07.14)
you can't feel 1 thing but expect another. won't succeed.
want their support, be vulnerable. want independence, be capable enough,
then express distance from others.

article #14 (multi dates merged)

discipline, unity, motivation. these are needed to be strong. (*2022.12.0x)
if somebody comes to me, in need for help. ain't aware of my humility.
then, i could behave cruely, intimidate that life. demand; high prize, respect.
such way, people become assholes. trouble others & become rich. from
humility act; in assholes-mixed cummunity, people will hurt your feelings &
you will be naturally required to take trouble (by rushing, stressing), when
many people are waiting. but you remain decent. from others, there are
more benefits; in being an asshole, over decent. but you constantly live with
your mind. if it is an asshole, it don't connect with NATURE well. leaves the
life, to not feel, as much. in each moment, a bendable body lives much
more than a proud mind.
such is the way to feel. however, becoming god, requires to not feel
attachment with life. i'm not sure yet, that wheather a god has passed the
desire to live, ever. but this last information is too advanced for life-willing
minds. (*2022.12.31)
human's business at present: #1 weapon, #2 hot girl.
not food/land. it is a capitalist civilization. most important things are
unnecessary. to uphold an unnecessary thing as capitalism. (*2023.01.0x)
being smart, educated, disciplined, practical; will allow a human to do big
popular rich activities. but being ethical too, will make that act, done by
such smart human; safe. (*2023.02.07)
the benefit of working with thugs, without doing violent things with
equal/stronger, is that; one can enjoy the exploits which normal acts can't
achieve. the loss is; none in this life. this is the truth of lifestyle here. if evil is
percieved cleverly, one is luckiest. it is the possible afterliife where it will
suffer consequences. (*2023.05.26)
way to succeed on earth: work hard, be spoiled.

article #15 (multi dates merged)

sad that the world idealize power. (*2023.02.02)
other people get ahead by working hard, i do by being smart.
in a company i worked, they held a common test for all employees, to
check effeciency. i came ii. not first because there were questions about
company's history too. so normally, people prove their worth by staying for
years in a company, but when a company presented opportunity to prove
people's worth, i did came ahead. i ain't a loser in competetion in the world.
i just, don't coperate with their games/system. they require slavery;
ofcourse in modern termonologies. i don't support of working more than i
need/wish to earn the resources of earth which worthy would get if system
was justiceful or evil was blocked on that land.
do not consider university exams, a test of effeciency. more you
study/remember the books by that university, better you perform in that
exam. it still upholds domination that our values are more powerful than
others'. a justiceful group do not occupy more resources than it's
population's need, plus a little extra. if you want life free from domination
that another can't force it's wish on you, then do not contribute; in
dominating-groups' stability. if separation is possible, then never help
them. if their victim ask for help, add them in your population, then seek
more land to live. if unclaimed is not avail, then patiently invade those
groups' land who occupy too much land. do not fear. a cowardly decision
can not lead an ideal life. do not present punishment. just, make your
government justiceful. then, as population, live under freedom & harmless.
freedom is a choice though. an individual may not adopt it. (*2023.06.01)
i won't save them if they didn't help me to be free, back with nature.

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