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article #6 (not for white audience)

whites are so manipulative that they won't put fairer skin indian on
camera. but they don't mind darker. so they are not supporting a prejudice,
they're building it. why? they don't want competetion. they successfully
built skin colour based racism, after implying it for long time. if it goes
away, they can't easily rebuild it at need.
they really are extra fair, as a woman who stays inside home. so it is simply
by putting their work on africans, others. indians atleast 2% are very fair
skin colour. 25% are light wheatish colour. rest -10% are near dark
wheatish. 10% are near very dark.
it is because india comprises humans from anywhere nearby. ii because
india is basically poor/uncivilized/greedy, so people are a victim of serving
another human. so, they do too much work without anybody caring for the
work environment. with poverty in supporting party; they continue to
suffer. skin colour shows how much work they're doing (generations). if
they get rest, very dark skin colour people, will loose sun's effect a little.
after generations, the difference will be clearly appearant.
people should unite, stop serving others. serve each-others, not rich. own
the land, don't give it to government to sell to rich. if government don't
represent you, it is no government. it is enemy's army.
it starts with demand, then government doing right decision. otherwise
country will break apart. whites, islaam will invade. bigger the government-
safer is population. but if government is enemy; be brave & think. if it truly
is enemy, always be brave, separate yourself, don't fear death. your children
are not worth birthing in this environment. if an adult is sad, it's life feels
not life-worthy. so, by not coperating with rich, worst they will kill you. but
if your revolution leads you to suvive, free from rich's domination, then that
is raavan-burn festival celebration worthy. you'll have land, form a
government of wise, non-selfish people. let them decide while you suggest.
i suggest, have various departments. interested individuals will apply.
leaders will ensure that selfish culture don't establish in any department.
leaders will keep making new worthy leaders, also removing currupt ones.
people must obey present leaders. but leaders should generally give
guidelines, only in harsh times; give orders. people will have choice at
profession. food will be cooked collectively, so various choices there.
individuals can live in own lifestyle. no domination, but responsible lifestyle.
but various departments will allow you to exercise freedom. i'm not saying
no-violence, but not on somebody who might mind it. government won't
interfere in private acts, unless there is a victim, who on deeper
psychological level; wants help. when leaders will be dealing with difficult
thoughts, population can live happily. i also suggest to let people
temporarily act on jobs which are higher than their worthiness. it will make
them happy, fulfilled. this government represents population.

article #7 (multi dates merged)

if you think about "living for body", i've been "living for conscious". i
guess, others have better life then me. there is peace, harmlessness; in my
life. but others have more respect & pleasure obviously.
if there is a soul/magic, then my lifestyle is better. otherwise, unless you
value peace & not hurting others, then others' lifestyle is better.
after you've become decent, others' treatment; phase 1- suspect that you're
a thief. phase 2- exploiting your rights because they are more evil than you.
never stop caution while living among evil. they may seem innocent
occassionally. but their nature is harmful. they will eventually try to
dominate who is innocent unless self's evil is gone before they act. if you're
certain or highly probable, that this person's evil will not leave before death,
then always exercise caution. in your emotion, you can trust occassionally,
but do not trust after that occassion. it will, unfortunately prevent the
chances of you being the source to cure evil from that person. but protect
yourself first. because protect decent before harmful. a female; is generally
a peacemaker. perhaps, consult some female or a wise-woman, about it. i
don't understand much about keeping relation with evil. only method i
understand is to educate them in childhhood. (*2023.07.04)
the things i say, are coming from a path i've formed. some may seem bad
to you, but it is because, the path you live, can't exist, by allowing these of
my conflictings thoughts. it ain't bad, i ain't your enemy either, but it is bad
if you defend the exact path you live, including harmful acts, which i don't
allow. defence is a right though. patiently judge & not publicly if
knowledge source is wiser.

article #8 (multi dates merged)

women are such a piece of shit.
other species are obviously better than human. "men" is biggest monster
on earth. but men also prevent/save earth from irreversible damage.
women save/prevent nothing. but share human's exploitation of earth,
other species.
if a woman saves a man, if he is decent, he'll become head over heal in love
with her. will dedicate his life to make her happy. because, it is that
exceptional, that a woman saving a man.
be decent. (*2023.01.03)
women; instead of freeing self from men's domination, carry the same
nature as men; to own as max as possible. so women fight men to have
their domination which men achieved by becoming the strongest group of
life on earth. since men & women need each other, they live in a
complicated state of fight with each other. women are wrong, men are not.
men accepted women's freedom. yet, women continue fighting men. if men
share domination with women, then another group can demand it. not
freedom, the domination over other groups. women need to be strong as
men or not seek shared domination. physically, women can't compete with
men, so they can develop in mind. when they're smarter than men, then
they can expect shared domination. otherwise, thugishly/unjusticefully
demading, suffers both groups' lifestyle, because they need each other.
better would be to free life from domination. but human population is not
that wise yet. (*2023.05.26)
men supporting women on their journey to become powerful is praise-
worthy. but shouldn't be expected. politics is selfish, not ideal.
article #9 (multi dates merged)
reality of india:
rich > beautiful > government officer > government employee > temp rich
> educated > religious guru > friends of rich > thugs > middle class female
> middle class male > poor people > other species (*2022.12.0x)
if india was not successfully invaded by foreigners, what would india be?
in 1200s india had state kings. they were regularly fighting over land.
people were dieing in wars. instability was causing thugish behaviour,
civilians were getting harmed/killed.
invasion happened. bad things changed. now, dominator was
foreigner/supporters. resources kept getting outsourced. minerals as jewels
included. india became a poor in world countries. became dependent on
other countries, for peace & development.
without invasion, india would have changed as rest of the world would
change. but india would not have been poor/chaotic. (*2022.12.2x)
classism is normal in india (*2023.02.21)
reason behind modi's success:
people generally know that modi supported hindu side in 2001 gujrat riots.
since india is a developing, not developed country, people care about
survival more than ethics. also, modi has general reputation of not being
currupt. india has a majority population of hindus. they concluded, if modi
is elected, they as hindus will get their religion-specific demands fulfilled.
also, they as people will get resources, not the currupt politician keep them
for self. (*2023.03.01)
india, china, africa, europe, arab
these are majority races of human.
india: farm, shop, music audience
china: community, animal exploiter, traditional, engineering, advancement
africa: farm, animal eater, europe's dominated, united but dislike own race
europe: domination seeker, evil, thinker, champion, manipulative
arab: violent, allah's agent, animal exploiter, clean, no development,
respectful speech
article #10 (multi dates merged)
few humans have confident character. that, others fail to make them
miserable. only enemy left for them is their own evil choices. when you
do something bad, if you realise it's evilness, then don't continue that
choice. it is difficult even for confident character human, to always reject
evil. if you can succeed, then you will not create any scenario yourself, to
feel misery. others are out of your control. you can only control self's action.
weak minded humans, when are ambitious, choose a goal which is
achievable, not truly the best. then, when they pursue it, they lack
confidance, therefore they adopt to evil, the tricks/shortcuts.
it is those people, who are ambitious but don't have faith in self. they
choose such goals which world will respect, not self desired. they should
instead concentrate on what is right/justified by self's deep thinking. with
confidance, they can change self's goal when another fits better with self's
understanding. but it requires faith in self, freedom to learn/experience.
in an evil dominating community, ambitious individuals need to privately,
not help evil domination. (*2023.05.21)
crime: damaging life-carrier (earth)/supporter (sun) planet > distant-
damage (in future) to them > suffer an innocent > distant-suffer
/manipulate an innocent > hurting (polluting) the environment > suffer a
life without survival need > suffer a life > manipulating others >
irresponsible act.
amount of impact on victim matters. more=bigger crime.

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