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Listening 2.6.

1. Has the fax machine we ordered arrive yet ?
- No, it will take a few more days
- Yes, I fax it immediately
2. Are there any recommendable restaurant nearby ?
- I will recommend her for new position
- Do you like Thai food ?
3. Do you know who left this document in the conference room ?
- It should be some minute before 5 o clock tomorrow
- I have no idea
4. Are you waitting for Mr Bronson from Wasington ?
- Yes, we are supposed to meet here at 3
- Yes, the waiting room is on the second floor
5. Excuse me, Is this seat taken ?
- It will not take very long
- No, you can take it
6. Did you buy this on the subway ?
- How do you know ?
- It’s at the next stop
7. Do you mind if i leave the window open for a while ?
- Not at all
- Mind your step
8. Are you acquainted with those people ?
- Yes, I like to come with them
- I have never seen them before
9. Does this store sell computer game ?
- Please go to the next store
- Yes, this is a very popular game
10. Have you made enough coffee for the meeting ?
- I think i have
- The meeting will start at 3

Listening 2.6.13
1. Do you need a drive to the airport ?
- Yes, you need some rest
- The flight will be delayed
- That will be a big help
2. Are there any letters for me ?
- Yes, he did
- I left them on your desk
- at 9 o clock
3. Do you mind if i borrow this book for a day ?
- No, go ahead
- Where did you borrow the book ?
- Mind your own business
4. Are you going to hire him for the position ?
- He will be here soon
- You can stay here too
- It not has been decided yet
5. Is anyone going to the plan office this afternoon ?
- No, he didn’t
- I am
- That’s okay with me
6. Did you left all the repost on my desk ?
- Yes, i will leave it an hour
- I still have it with me
- He will come back again soon
7. Has the final decision been deferred ?
- Yes, It was the final decision
- Yes, i was though that
- No, It’s not very different
8. Do you mind if I have a look at the report ?
- It slipped my mind
- Never mind
- By all means
9. Is Mr Gomess still in charge of the sales team ?
- He will transfer to the main office
- It with be charged quarterly
- Yes, he is qualified for it
10. Have you figured out what is wrong with your car ?
- That’s very kind of you
- I think the battery is dead
- I will show you the exact figure
11. Does this train stop at Cambridge ?
- Please go to platform number 5
- It take just 5 minute on foot
- We will be there in half an hour
12. Do you know how to use this fax machine ?
- I don’t think it’s useful
- You can send it by email
- Sure, do you want me to show you
13. Have you finished reading the report I gave you last week ?
- I have stayed there since last week
- Yes, i called her last week
- It will be done before this weekend
14. Do you think you can prepare this computer right now ?
- You will find the computer room on the right
- I’m not sure, let me check first
- I should prepare the exam with my computer
15. Are there any question we gathering the new policy ?
- Can i ask one further question ?
- There will be no one here until 2 o clock
- Sorry, we don’t accept any cash

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