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The aim of this research is to analyze the case study which is the meta-horizon workroom and
how in real life it is helping in remote work. The Meta horizon workroom is a virtual reality
based classroom providing all the services in terms of making remote work easy and accessible.
The covid era has changed very much and many businesses and educational institutions are
focusing on remote work which has become the new trend. Whereas, remote work has different
aspects whether it is beneficial for the businesses or not. Furthermore, this case study will
analyze the basis of the question “how can we overcome the present limitations of remote work
throughout virtual reality”. In which we will be focusing on the various limitations that are
present in remote work and how virtual reality is helping to overcome such limitations in real
life. While answering these questions through the analysis we will figure out if the traditional
limitations of the workings can be broken from virtual reality or it is still challenging to
transform the way of working in the future. The study will also focus on some of the basic
frameworks based on some theories, and will analyze their influence on virtual reality. 

Base framework

The study comprises two parts first the case study Meta horizon workroom and then the virtual
reality in today’s world along with the remote working limitations. Meta horizon was launched
in August 2021 after the covid-19 because the world was moving towards remote working. Their
main goal is to provide their customers the virtual, augmented, and mixed reality experience.
Similarly virtual reality is a computer based environment which provides the different scenes and
objects that seem like the real which is felt by the user. Taking this opportunity Meta horizon is
completely providing the same real feeling to the users while working remotely. 

Meta horizon workroom is a totally different experience for the users especially which are
employees and working remotely. Motivation is one of the main sources for the employees to
perform and exhibit productivity through their work. Motivation theory is about the various
factors and aspects that employees can have while their job. Motivation and productivity is a
subject which has been immensely interesting to various researchers. The motivation is
specifically a way in which the group or individual desires to behave with the expectation of
receiving some kind of positive reward from their employer. The most popular theory of
motivation was given by the Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs theory in which he has
different stages of the motivation like basic needs, safety and security, social need, self-esteem,
and self-actualization. According to him, he stated that people have different needs which
motivate them to perform the work so similarly in the remote work people have need of rewards,
self-recognition which lead them towards the working (Emen, 2017). Reinforcement theory has
also focused on the motivation and employees productivity, under this theory employee’s
behavior leads towards the outcome which can be positive or negative and then they can have the
punishment or rewards as the answer of that reinforcement. Many organizations reinforce their
employee’s behavior that ultimately leads towards the employee’s positive behavior (Porter,

Job satisfaction is very important in terms of retention of employees, and job satisfaction is also
linked to the motivation theories. Herzberg’s two factors motivation theory is used in many
studies to analyze the importance of job satisfaction in work life of people, especially in the
remote working. In two factor theories there are hygiene factors and motivators which are
described as per the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the employees (Brommels, 2020). In
remote working the hygiene factors can be work conditions, salary, job security, status and
motivators in remote work can be platform like Meta horizon classroom which have made
remote work possible, recognition and appreciation, flexible working schedules, leadership
styles. All these factors can make an employee satisfied or dissatisfied. With the absence of
hygiene factor job satisfaction in remote working can enhance among the employees and
decreases the ratio of turn over. Meta horizon workroom is satisfying this theory as well by
becoming the motivator for the employees and enhance their working ability. 

During the time of covid-19 many employees become dissatisfied due to the changing trend of
the work from home. Many employee’s expectations related to their job performance, their
salary job security, everything was going down, because of the new experience. In this situation
theory of expectation plays an important role for motivation. Theory of expectation is related to
the people’s expectation that when they work hard they expect that they will be rewarded with
the more rewards in simple terms employee’s input is equal to the output. Working remotely is
the biggest threat to the employee’s expectations when proper sources or platforms are not
available, but Meta horizon workroom improves the expectations level of the employees also
when they are performing their job remotely. Because of the ease of virtual reality it has created
many chances for the employees to communicate, and perform their task more easily (Emen,
2017). Moreover theories like expectation theories, two factor theories, and motivation theories
all are totally satisfied by the initiative of Meta horizon workroom as it satisfies every employee
whenever they are working remotely. Many employees have now gained the experience as well
in remote working so they are somehow eligible to use the Meta horizon workroom and have its
basic knowledge of proper usage, what are its features, what tools it is providing, how can we
communicate easily through the various tools. Employees can first learn about each and every
feature of the Meta horizon workroom through the internet or on their website before starting the
implementation. It gives the best experience in terms of exhibiting virtual reality and making
remote working easier for everyone. Due to this platform many employees can have their access
from home as well (Zenon Pokojski, 2022). 

Organizational innovation is always produced through the motivation of an employee, because

motivation leads employees to work with full passion and enthusiasm. Innovation also comes
with the help of organization, when organizations have proper ways and resources which are
useful for the employees. In remote working and during first experience of remote working it
was not easy for the organization to have innovation through the performance (Lam, 2004).
Because employees were facing many problems in remote working like improper
communication, mismatch of timings, not the proper interaction with co-workers, lack of
resources, and lack of working environment. Remote working on the initial stage was leading
towards the bad performance of the employees. For organizational innovation motivation also
plays a significant role, because due to lack of the resources and other factors it was making
employees' motivation low. Remote work is causing many limitations to the proper performance
of the employees, which ultimately lead towards the decrease of organizational innovation.
Working remotely basically brings organizational change because the way of working changes,
administration changes, performance evaluation change and so on. All these changes needed to
be dealt with other strategies which could compete with these new changes rather than the
traditional way (Hage, 1999). Complex division of labor, complex structure, and high risk
because of remote work triggers the organizational innovation positively and also negatively.
Apart from all these divisions of labor is most important as it taps on the organizational learning,
problem solving, and creative capacities of the organization.

Remote working is very challenging in terms of work efficiency even though after the advanced
technology and internet, remote working also provides the flexible working arrangement to the
employees but somehow it impacts negatively on the work of the employee. Most of the
employees because of the less supervisory, or not the proper working environment does not take
their takes much seriously, or many remote workers in covid-19 were facing internet issues
which was ultimately impacting on their working efficiency (Zenon Pokojski, 2022). The
experience plays the important role in the remote working because during the pandemic
employees were not so much experience working remotely, most of the employees were facing
challenges because they were not much aware about the proper usage of internet, and it was all
causing because of the zero experience. During the covid-19 period the practice of remote
working was very infrequent practice, all these problems were causing decrease the work
efficiency of the employees. In the starting period of pandemic work efficiency, motivation of
employees, and organization innovation was on peak decline which caused many organizations
to shut down. But gradually we can see the trend of remote working which is now emerging in
the organizations, and different industries because it is easier than the traditional way of working
after having some experience. Meta horizon workroom is also one of the initiatives to deal with
such problems and providing the platform where now users can work remotely easily and
without any fear of inefficiency. It is helping to overcome the limitations of remote working and
developing proper ways to perform the work effectively and innovatively (Flores, 2019). 

Overcoming the limitations

Meta horizon workroom is also beneficial in terms of overcoming the limitations which are
arising from the remote work. The top most limitation that remote working was facing and then
it was overcome with the help of Meta horizon workroom is work efficiency. Work efficiency
has been overcome through the real experience of meeting, communication, performing
presentations and much more. Meta horizon workroom is helping to conduct the effective and
time-efficient training sessions. Meta horizon is also providing the facility to keep the privacy in
virtual reality which is an encouraging factor for the employees for work productivity. Because
of the Meta horizon workroom work’s quality and innovation also increases which are the main
factor in the work efficiency in the employee’s performance (Jämsen, 2022). Meta horizon
workroom also helps to organize the data and other files which helps to gather all the needed
work, this also helps to improve the work efficiency of the employees because of the proper
organization. Also work efficiency is enhanced by the time management as well, because remote
working provides the flexibility while doing work so Meta horizon workroom is a platform that
provides time efficiency as well as with the work efficiency. 

Remote working was creating huge hindrances between the communications of co-workers for
the proper group contribution, many employees who used to work as a team were facing
challenges, because they were unable to put them out of view because of the remote work.
Moreover, a proper working environment was not available which helped to communicate their
ideas to their teammates. Because the working environment was not making them realize that
they are meeting in real-life because of the surroundings. Because of the lack of communications
many employees were facing problem for being innovative or perform properly. Meza horizon
workroom is helping to overcome with the issue of lack of communication, because as a virtual
platform is it providing proper platform where employees can have effective meetings and
discussions for their working project. As its features allow to use different boards and markers
which can easily help other to understand the opinion of their other peer. Meta horizon
workroom is providing the real feel of meetings and discussions to the users. Meta horizon also
enables users to ask questions or make the discussion more interesting through their tools, which
helps users to have proper discussion about their workings. With the help of Meta horizon
workroom users are becoming time efficient as well, because of the proper platform where they
are having meetings and discussions which is easier to make other understandable and clearing
the confusion fastly of other peer workers. Because of the clear discussions it is time efficient for
the employees to move towards the other projects rather than stuck with only one project just
because it is not clear to their other peer workers (Aziz, 2021). Lack of communication also
decreases the flow of the knowledge among the employees, and the company's department
becomes unable to coordinate with each other. Because of remote working and due internet
issues, meetings are not held properly as it causes many problems communicating with other
departments also. Emails, and messages are not enough to communicate the proper discussions
or planning about the ongoing projects, or to clear any problem which might be rising due to
remote working. In remote working communication between departments suffers a lot and then it
creates problems for the organization at last. Not a proper flow of knowledge among employees
also leads towards the frustration and conflict between the employees or top managers, and lower
managers. Because the production department does not know about the finance department, the
supply chain department could not coordinate with the human resources department so this
created a huge gap between the employees. Meta horizon workroom is also overcoming this
problem because of the virtual reality it feels everything real whenever any discussion is going
on. Because of the discussion and environment it helps employees to get proper knowledge from
their peers about the on-going project and also helps to build the confidence of employees about
the project and assigned task (Porter, 2017). 

Remote working also leads towards the insufficient work intensity i.e. shirking. Because of the
remote working and flexible working hours, employees mostly become lazy and unable to
perform the tasks in the given time as well. Because of insufficient work intensity their
performance and motivation decreases which makes organizations suffer and then organizations
fire such employees if they are not improving. Due to the shirking innovation also suffers
because employee’s performance is not up to the mark. Lack of supervising employees working
remotely become unable to properly manage their takes on time and then create gaps between
their performances and innovation (Antosz, 2020). Meta horizon workroom is helping to
overcome this problem as well because it provides such experience to the users which feel like
the real experience and creates a virtual working environment which triggers the employees to
perform their task on the given time as well, this platform is saving employees from shirking and
increases the organization innovation. Meta horizon work is making possible an innovation from
remote working as well, which is essential for the survival of the company and an employee as
well. The experience of the Meta horizon workroom makes employees feel like they are working
in reality so due to this feeling they try to perform up to the mark. 

Remote working also reduces the personal interaction of employees, for new employees who are
starting their career while doing remote working, this can be a threat to their communication
skills, because lack of personal interaction does not polish the skill of employees so much which
is not good for the future progression of the organization as well. Remote working also hinders
the managerial oversight, the lack of quality assurance, staff supervision, and facilitating
improvements. And all these hindrances arise from the lack of personal interaction, and this
problem is very common in remote working. Remote working also leads towards the physical
proximity and aggregate principal agent. Because of the hindrances of managerial oversight,
non-performers employees become more challenging to get work from them and they become
like the cost of the organization. But the Meta horizon workroom is helping to overcome this
limitation as well. As virtual reality experience helps to interact with other workers as well, and
Meta horizon is providing options for the data and files organization as well through which
supervisors can keep check and balance of the employees work and evaluate them through the
remote working as well. Meta horizon workroom helps supervisors to keep an eye on their
employees and keep updated related to their work and performance which is overcome with the
lack of personal interaction also (nick, 2020). 

This case study first creates the base framework on the various theories of motivation,
organizational innovation, and work efficiency. In different theories of motivation the case study
analyzes how remote working can create challenges for the employees to perform the task and
decrease in their motivation level, through these theories how Meta horizon workroom is helping
to make employees satisfied and motivated by providing the virtual reality platform. Virtual
reality allows users to have real life experience in their workings which can be achieved by doing
discussion, meetings, training sessions, keeping the data files, supervisory and personal
interaction. The case study also focuses on how the Meta horizon workroom is overcoming the
limitations of remote working. Because of the features and tools it is providing which gives the
real feel to the users, helps to overcome these limitations as well and improves the working
quality of the employees also. It enables the proper discussion, training, and meeting among the
employees and improves the flow of communication as well. 
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of work organisation. Ergonomics, 63(12), p. 21.
Aziz, A., 2021. Remote Work: New Normal Communication Challenges. International
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motivation to job satisfaction. 6(9), p. 12.
Emen, J., 2017. EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AND PRODUCTIVITY. International Journal of
Economics, Commerce and Management, v(12), p. 13.
Flores, D. M. F., 2019. Understanding The Challenges Of Remote Working And It’s Impact To
Workers. International Journal of Business Marketing and Management, 4(11), pp. 40-44.
Hage, J. T., 1999. Organizational Innovation and Organizational Change. Annual Review of
Sociology, Volume 25, pp. 597-622.
Jämsen, R., 2022. Employees’ perceptions of relational communication in full-time remote work
in the public sector. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 132, p. 23.
Lam, A., 2004. Organizational Innovation. Research in Organizational Behaviour., 12(4), pp.
nick, j., 2020. Remote Work: New Normal Communication Challenges. journal of mass media
communication , 123(14), p. 12.
Porter, L. E. E. L. E. &. H. J., 2017. Behaviour in Organizations.. Business & Economics, 11(2),
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Zenon Pokojski, A. K. a. M. L., 2022. Remote Work Efficiency from the Employers’ Perspective
—What’s Next?. 14(7), p. 15.

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