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Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

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Are graphemic effects real in skilled visual word recognition? T

Fabienne Chetail
Laboratoire Cognition Langage, & Développement (LCLD), Centre de Recherche Cognition et Neurosciences (CRCN), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Av. F. Roosevelt,
50/CP 191, 1050 Brussels, Belgium


Keywords: In the last decades, repeated evidence for graphemic effects has been reported in skilled readers. For example, a
Visual word recognition letter is more easily detected in a word when it corresponds to a simple grapheme (e.g., A in PLACE) than when it
Graphemes is embedded in a complex one (e.g., A in BEACH). Such effects have been taken as a demonstration that gra-
Graphemic effect phemes are processed as perceptual units by the reading system. However, this conclusion has been recently
challenged by studies using different experimental designs. In the present study, we used four experimental
situations to get a clearer picture of the reliability of graphemic effects. We used four types of tasks: letter
detection (Experiment 1), length estimation (Experiment 2), mixing case lexical decision (Experiment 3), and
primed lexical decision (Experiments 4 and 5). In each task, the processing of words with complex graphemes
(e.g., BEACH) was compared to the processing of words with simple graphemes (e.g., PLACE). Overall, we found
no reliable grapheme effect, supporting the claim that graphemes are not perceptual units in skilled visual word
recognition. An alternative interpretation of ‘grapheme effects’ previously reported with the letter detection task
is discussed.

Some cognitive functions are so central for an efficient behaviour in Meyer, Schvaneveldt, & Ruddy, 1974). In the dual route cascaded
the everyday life that they have been under close scrutiny since the model for example (e.g., Coltheart, Rastle, Perry, Langdon, & Ziegler,
birth of cognitive psychology. Language is indisputably one of them 2001), each hypothesis (lexical access and phonological access) corre-
(see Smith, 2001). Concurrently to the investigation of language pro- sponds to one route of reading aloud. Several debates emerged in re-
cesses, the mechanisms of written language processing (visual word action to dual-route theories, such as the validity of dual-route models
recognition, reading) have been intensively studied. A central question per se (e.g., Glushko, 1979; Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989) or the
in this field has been to understand how readers are able to access the nature of the units used for print-to-sound decoding in reading aloud
phonological form associated with written words. In other words, how (e.g., Coltheart, 1978). The present study deals with the question of the
are we able to produce speech from printed symbols? Two main points nature of reading units, but in skilled visual word recognition. More
of view have been pitched against each other during decades, them- precisely, we tested whether grapheme units have a special status in
selves rooted on two different perspectives of access to meaning from written word processing in adult French speakers.
print (Henderson, 1982). According to the lexical access hypothesis, The grapheme issue has been mostly debated in dual-route-based
visual information directly activates an entry in a mental lexicon, which models (e.g., Coltheart et al., 2001; Diependaele, Ziegler, & Grainger,
gives access to the meaning of words as well as to their pronunciation 2010; Perry, Ziegler, & Zorzi, 2007a,b, 2010), which usually include
(e.g., Green & Shallice, 1976). This supposes that the orthographic form two pathways. One pathway enables sublexical orthographic informa-
of all known words is stored in memory. On the contrary, according to tion to make direct contact with whole-word orthographic representa-
the hypothesis of phonological access, visual information is converted tions (direct route), while on the other pathway, sublexical ortho-
into speech from a set of print-to-sound correspondence rules (in al- graphic information is first translated into a sublexical phonological
phabetic writing systems). This speech code activates the relevant entry code, which then provides access to whole-word phonological re-
in the mental lexicon, which gives access to meaning, and it is used to presentations and semantics (indirect route). These models attribute a
generate the pronunciation of the visual input (e.g., Gough, 1972). key role to graphemes on the indirect route for reading aloud, although
Eventually, it has been put forward that the two proposals could co- the exact nature of this role varies. In CDP+ models for example (Perry
exist since there are not mutually exclusive. This has been formalized in et al., 2007a,b, 2010), mapping between letters and phonemes is
dual-route theories (e.g., Coltheart, 1978; Forster & Chambers, 1973; mediated by a grapheme processing stage whereby a letter string is first

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Received 28 February 2019; Received in revised form 10 December 2019; Accepted 11 December 2019
Available online 17 December 2019
0749-596X/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
F. Chetail Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

parsed and segmented into grapheme units. In DRC models, letter graphemes are central to visual word recognition, the latter prime
strings are analysed serially from left to right and the system looks for a should be less efficient (compared to a control prime) than the former
rule (in a list of grapheme-to-phoneme correspondence rules) which one, and thus should lead to longer reaction times. However, no sig-
letters match the leftmost letters of the string (see Coltheart et al., 2001; nificant difference was found between the two priming conditions. Null
Rastle & Coltheart, 1998). Hence, although it has been defended that effects were also found with other priming conditions (e.g., letter
decoding for reading aloud could rest upon other units than graphemes transposition) breaking or not multi-letter graphemes. The conclusion is
(e.g., Doignon-Camus & Zagar, 2014), the hypothesis that graphemes not that graphemes have no psychological reality (“the claim that the
are the units used for decoding is still central, both to explain the be- reading system represent multi-letter graphemes is uncontroversial”, p.
ginning of reading acquisition and to account for pseudoword reading 2). Rather, the authors concluded that their experiment provided no
in adults. reliable evidence for a central role of graphemes in skilled visual word
At the same time, the issue of reading units has been discussed in recognition, although null effects should be considered cautiously given
skilled visual word recognition. Initially, it was proposed that in adults, the difficulty to interpret them. In other words, it seems that graphemes
access to the mental lexicon operates by the activation of letter re- should not be considered as perceptual units driving word recognition
presentations which activate in turn orthographic word representations via the lexical route. Accordingly, in the length estimation task, Chetail
(see McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981). Gradually, however, it has been and Content (2014) also reported no evidence for graphemic units in a
proposed that this hierarchy of detectors could be more complex and post-hoc analysis. When participants had to represent the physical
include intermediary sublexical representations (e.g., Grainger & Van length of written words, their estimates were influenced by the number
Heuven, 2003; Taft, 1991; Mathey, Zagar, Doignon, & Seigneuric, of vowel-cluster units and by the number of syllables, but a regression
2006). Therefore, a recurrent question in the field has been to de- analysis showed no effect of the number of graphemes.
termine what perceptual units are involved in the early steps of written
word identification. ‘Perceptual unit’ or ‘reading unit’ is taken here as The present study
any element of information for which a detector exists in the hierarchy
of units leading to the activation of orthographic word forms (Chetail, Given this set of results, it seems hard to decide whether or not
Drabs, & Content, 2014; Lupker, Acha, Davis, & Perea, 2012). graphemes are perceptual units in skilled reading. First, the studies
Many perceptual orthographic units have been proposed since the leading to positive effects on the one hand and to null effects on the
1970′s, either constrained by linguistic properties (e.g., graphemes, other hand did not use the same tasks. Second, the absence of sig-
orthographic syllables, rimes) or ensuing from orthographic properties nificant effects in some studies cannot be taken as evidence for the
(e.g., bigrams, vowel-centered units) (see Chetail & Content, 2012 for a absence of graphemic effects. Third, some designs previously used had
review). In this debate, graphemes have occupied a prominent space. confounded factors, especially at the phonological level (see
Indeed, given the role of graphemic units in decoding, it has been Experiment 1). Fifth, despite this unclear picture, the psychological
proposed that graphemes could also be used by skilled readers during reality of graphemic units is still considered (e.g., Kandel & Spinelli,
visual word identification. This proposal has been empirically sup- 2010). The aim of the present study was thus to test the role of gra-
ported by several lines of evidence. phemes as perceptual units by addressing these different shortcomings.
First, Rey, Jacobs, Schmidt-Weigand, and Ziegler (1998) compared We used four tasks typically used to test unit effects in visual word
response latencies in a perceptual identification task for five letter recognition; two deemed to tap into the earliest stages of written word
words with three, four or five phonemes. They found that reaction times processing (letter detection, length estimation) and two deemed to tap
were longer in three phoneme words than in five phoneme words, onto lexical access (case mixing lexical decision, primed lexical deci-
especially if they were of low frequency (see also Rey & Schiller, 2005). sion). Interestingly, two of these tasks led to positive grapheme effects
They explained the delayed reaction times in three phoneme words by in previous studies (letter detection, lexical decision task with case
the additional time needed to group letters into multi-letter graphemes. mixing) and two to non-significant effects (primed lexical decision,
The delay would be less present in high-frequency words because their length estimation).
identification would be performed rapidly via whole word processing. Forty-one participants performed the four tasks in a fixed order
In the letter detection task, Rey, Ziegler, and Jacobs (2000) found that a chosen to maintain the participants’ motivation (letter detection, case
letter such as A was detected more slowly in words when it was em- mixing lexical decision task, length estimation task, primed lexical
bedded in a multi-letter grapheme (e.g., BEACH) than when it corre- decision). To avoid any bias in the analyses and to present the most
sponded to a single-letter grapheme (e.g., PLACE) (see also convincing results, this study was pre-registered on Open Science
Commissaire & Casalis, 2018; Marinus & de Jong, 2011). According to Framework ( Before any data collection, the
the authors, this suggests that ‘graphemes are automatically processed rationale of the study, the design of the experiments, the hypotheses,
by the reading system as perceptual units’ (p. B7). Furthermore, in the the materials, and the planned analyses were declared. Finally, given
lexical decision task with case mixing, Havelka and Frankish (2010) the fair probability of obtaining non-significant effects, we planned to
reported that reaction times were longer when complex graphemes conduct Bayesian analyses in addition to null hypothesis significance
were disrupted by case mixing (e.g., sTeAk) than when only the overall testing (NHST) analyses in case of p values superior to the standard
shape of words was disrupted (e.g., stEAk) (see also Pring, 1981). They threshold .05. In doing so, we expected to be in the position of reliably
took this result as an evidence of the importance of graphemes as visual concluding in favor of the absence of effects, if necessary.
units activated in the early stages of written word recognition.
On the contrary, more recent studies failed to report positive evi- Experiment 1: Letter detection task
dence for graphemes as perceptual units. First, Lupker et al. (2012) used
the masked primed lexical decision task to test whether grapheme units In Experiment 1, participants performed a letter detection task. This
are central to visual word recognition. In one condition, target words task is assumed to tap onto the early stages of visual word recognition
(e.g., AMOUNT) were preceded by primes in which one multi-letter since readers have to identify letters rather than to do lexical or se-
grapheme were replaced by xs (e.g., amxxnt). In that case, four gra- mantic decisions on words. Moreover, this task has been the most used
phemes were still shared between the prime and the target (a, m, n, and to test grapheme effects in print and, to our knowledge, all the studies
t). In the other condition, half of the multi-letter grapheme and a simple published reported positive effects of graphemes (e.g., Brand, Giroux,
grapheme were replaced by xs (e.g., axxunt). In that case, only three Puijalon, & Rey, 2007; Commissaire & Casalis, 2018; Marinus & de
graphemes were still shared (a, n, and t) and one simple grapheme of Jong, 2011; Rey et al., 2000). The typical result is that a letter such as A
the prime was not present in the target (u). The authors assumed that, if is better detected in a word including the letter as a simple grapheme

F. Chetail Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

(e.g., PLACE) than in a word including the letter as part of a complex Table 1
multi-letter grapheme (e.g., BEACH). This effect would arise because Conditions and examples of items eliciting a positive response in Experiment 1
complex graphemes such as EA compete with single-letter graphemes E (letter detection task).
and A, and thus delay letter detection. However, as argued by Rey et al. Phonological overlap
(2000), this grapheme effect can also be interpreted as a phonemic si-
milarity effect. Indeed, most of the time, the pronunciation of a letter Grapheme Phonological confound No phonological confound
Simple A in LAPIN, /a/ in /lapɛ̃/ E in LEÇON, /ø/ in /ləsõ/
embedded in a complex grapheme is different from the name of that
Complex A in PAUSE, /a/ in /poz/ E in JEUDI, /ø/ in /ʃødi/
letter: The name of A (/eɪ/) is included in the phonological form of
PLACE (/pleɪs/) but not in the phonological form of BEACH (/bitʃ/).
Most of the time, this phonological confound was present in previous trial, a letter (e.g., E) was presented in uppercase for 500 ms in the
studies using the letter detection task (Brand et al., 2007, Exp 3; center of the screen. Then, a fixation cross was displayed for 500 ms,
Marinus & de Jong, 2011; Rey et al., 2000), weakening interpretations and immediately followed by the word stimulus in lowercase for a
in terms of grapheme complexity (see General Discussion). Here, on the duration of 50 ms. After a blank of 67 ms, a post-mask (row of hash
contrary, we tested the grapheme effect with a typical design (i.e., with marks) was displayed until the participants responded. Participants had
the phonological confound), but also with stimuli enabling us to rule to decide as quickly and as accurately as possible whether the letter
out any alternative explanation in terms of phonemic overlap (i.e., initially presented was included in the word by pressing one of two
condition ‘no phonological confound’). If graphemes are genuinely ac- buttons on a keyboard. Reactions times were measured from the word
tivated during visual word perception, the target letter should be more onset. Feedback was provided when they fail to respond (red cross,
slowly detected when embedded in a complex grapheme than in a during 500 ms). All the participants performed 10 practice trials before
simple one, independently of the phonemic overlap between the letter receiving the experimental trials in a different random order.
name and the phonological form of the word. A grapheme effect was
thus expected whether the phonological confound was present or not.
Results and discussion
On the contrary, if the grapheme effects previously reported in the
letter detection task was an artifact due to phonological overlap be-
In this experiment and in the following ones, the statistical analyses
tween the letter name and the phonological word form, the target letter
were run with R packages (R Core Team, 2018) under the RStudio
should be more slowly detected when embedded in a complex gra-
environment (RStudio Team, , 2016). All the raw data and scripts for
pheme in case of phonological confound but not when there is no
analyses are available at The mean correct re-
phonological confound.
action times and mean error rates averaged over participants are pre-
sented in Table 2. The data of one participant were not taken into ac-
Method count because of a computer crash during the testing. We excluded the
trials eliciting very long (> 2,000 ms) or very short (< 300 ms) reac-
Participants. Forty-one students participated to the experiment for tion times (2.48% of the data).
course credits. All were native speakers of French with normal or cor- NHST analyses. The data were submitted to separate analyses of
rected-to-normal vision and without any language disorder. They were variance (ANOVA) on the participant and item means for positive re-
recruited at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). sponses with grapheme complexity and phonological overlap as factors.
Materials. Seventeen pairs of words were selected from the Lexique In reaction times, the interaction between the two factors was sig-
database (New, Pallier, Brysbaert, & Ferrand, 2004) so that the two nificant in the participant analyses, F1(1, 39) = 4.42, p = 0.04, F2(1,
words in each pair had the letter A at the same internal position. In one 64) = 2.27, p = 0.14. Simple effects showed that the effect of gra-
word, A corresponded to a simple grapheme (e.g., LAPIN) whereas it pheme complexity was significant only in the participant analysis in the
was part of a complex grapheme in the other one (e.g., PAUSE). The condition ‘phonological confound’, F1(1, 39) = 5.94, p = 0.02, F2(1,
two conditions of words were matched on word frequency, on the 64) = 1.72, p = 0.19, and not significant in the condition ‘no phono-
number of letters, phonemes, syllables, morphemes, and on ortho- logical confound’, F1(1, 39) = 1.36, p = 0.25, F2 < 1. In error rates,
graphic neighbourhood (see Appendix A). In the simple grapheme neither the interaction (Fs < 1) nor the simple effects (phonological
condition, the phonological form of the carrier word included the name confound: F1 < 1, F2(1, 64) = 2.27, p = 0.14; no phonological
of the letter to be detected, but not in the complex grapheme condition. confound: Fs < 1) were significant.2
There was thus a phonological confound with the grapheme manip- Bayesian analyses. Given that we had several p values above the
ulation (see Table 1). Seventeen additional pairs of words, each one threshold 0.05, we decided to quantify the evidence in favor of the
with the letter E at the same position, were selected. They were mat- absence of effects. To do so, we conducted Bayesian ANOVAs with the R
ched with the first 17 pairs on target letter position, word frequency, package BayesFactor (Morey et al., 2018). To test the interaction effect,
and number of letters. In these pairs, one word included a simple gra- a model with the two main effects was compared to a model with the
pheme and the other one a complex grapheme (e.g., LEÇON and JEUDI two main effects plus the interaction. For the two simple effects, models
respectively), but here, the name of the target letter (E) was included in with the factor ‘grapheme’ were compared to a null model. In both
both target words so that there was no phonological variation co- cases, BF10 corresponds to the ratio of the likelihood of the complete
varying with the grapheme manipulation1. Items in these pairs were model to the likelihood of the null model. BF10 > 1 thus corresponded
matched on the same characteristics as the first 17 pairs. Words for to evidence in favor a the model with an interaction or a grapheme
negative responses were devised so that they matched words eliciting effect, whereas BF10 < 0 corresponded to evidence in favor of the
positive responses on number of letters and phonemes, and word fre- absence of effects. To quantify the evidence, we relied on the decision
quency. In the negative trials, the same letters (A and E) were used, in criterion scheme proposed by Jeffreys (1961, in Wagenmakers, Wetzels,
the same proportions as for positive responses. Borsboom, & van der Maas, 2011). As presented in Table 3, all BF10
Procedure. Participants performed a letter detection task. For each were inferior to 1 both in reaction times and in error rates. The only
exception was BF10 in the participant analyses for the first simple effect
(reaction times).
In these pairs, target words entailed the phoneme /ə/, /œ/ or /ø/, all three
being acoustically and phonetically very close, and non-ambiguously associated
with the name of the letter E in French (with slight variations depending on As declared in the pre-registration form, we were interested in the inter-
regional accent). action and in the two simple effects, so we report only those effects here.

F. Chetail Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

Table 2
Mean correct reaction times and error rates in Experiment 1 (letter detection task) according to grapheme complexity and phonological confound (standard de-
viations are presented in brackets).
Phonological confound No phonological confound

Reaction times (in ms) Simple grapheme 718 (81) 830 (90)
Complex grapheme 745 (71) 814 (96)
Error rates (in %) Simple grapheme 8.1 (17.8) 11.6 (13.0)
Complex grapheme 8.1 (17.6) 12.2 (15.0)

Table 3
Summary of statistical results in Experiment 1 (letter detection task).
DV Effect NHST analyses Bayesian analyses (N = 40) Bayesian analyses (N = 74)

P analyses I analyses P analyses I analyses P analyses I analyses

RTs Interaction p = 0.04 p = 0.14 BF10 = 0.81 BF10 = 0.84 BF10 = 2.35 BF10 = 0.88
Simple effect in the condition ‘phonological confound’ p = 0.02 p = 0.19 BF10 = 2.50 BF10 = 0.48 BF10 = 434 BF10 = 0.77
Simple effect in the condition ‘no phonological confound’ p = 0.25 p = 0.42 BF10 = 0.41 BF10 = 0.30 BF10 = 0.28 BF10 = 0.34
Error rates Interaction p = 0.76 p = 0.85 BF10 = 0.24 BF10 = 0.35 BF10 = 0.19 BF10 = 0.37
Simple effect in the condition ‘phonological confound’ p = 0.98 p = 0.98 BF10 = 0.24 BF10 = 0.39 BF10 = 0.37 BF10 = 0.36
Simple effect in the condition ‘no phonological confound’ p = 0.69 p = 0.81 BF10 = 0.24 BF10 = 0.39 BF10 = 0.18 BF10 = 0.32

Notes. DV = dependant variable, RTs = reaction times, P = participant, I = item.

Albeit positive, the evidence for the grapheme effect in the condi- Experiment 2: Length estimation task
tion ‘phonological confound’ is anecdotal and only present in the par-
ticipant analysis. We therefore tested more participants, as declared in Here, we used another task, developed by Chetail and Content
the pre-registration form to test whether we could gain more evidence (2014), to test whether the graphemic structure of words impacts the
in favor of the effect. Thirty-four new participants were enrolled and early stages of written word processing. In the length estimation task,
added to the 40 original ones. At a descriptive level, the difference letter strings are briefly displayed on the screen and participants have
between the two grapheme conditions increased in case of phonological to reproduce the physical length of the items by drawing a line on the
confound (from 27 ms with 40 participants to 34 ms with 74 partici- screen with the computer mouse. This task provides an indirect mea-
pants) but not in the ‘no phonological confound’ condition (from sure of structural effects without directing participants’ attention to-
−16 ms to −11 ms).3 The Bayesian ANOVA conducted on the data of ward word structure or constituents. Furthermore, because the task
the 74 participants led to extreme evidence for an effect of graphemic does not require word identification or access to phonology, it may
structure in the ‘phonological confound’ condition (albeit still only in isolate phenomena related to the earliest stages of orthographic pro-
participants, see Table 3). However, there was still no evidence for a cessing. In previous studies, Chetail and Content (2017, 2014) showed
grapheme effect in the ‘no phonological confound condition. that despite strict matching of words in objective length on the screen,
To sum up, we found some evidence for a grapheme effect in the participants produced shorter lines to represent the length of words
condition ‘phonological confound’. The letter A was more rapidly de- with fewer orthographic units such as vowel clusters (see Chetail &
tected in a word when it corresponded to a single grapheme than when Content, 2012) compared to controls words. It was assumed that this
it was part of a complex grapheme. This result is in line with the effects perceptual bias stems from the smaller number of orthographic units in
reported in previous studies (e.g., Brand et al., 2007; Commissaire & the former words.
Casalis, 2018; Marinus & de Jong, 2011; Rey et al., 2000), typically Based on these results, the rationale of Experiment 2 was that if
taken as an evidence that skilled readers automatically process the readers are sensitive to the graphemic structure of words in the early
graphemic structure of words. However, there is also a substantial steps of word recognition, then the number of graphemes should in-
evidence for H0 in the condition ‘no phonological confound’. In this fluence their length estimates. Despite an identical objective length
condition, A was not more rapidly detected in a word when it corre- (same length on the screen, same number of letters, of vowel clusters, of
sponded to a single grapheme than when it was part of a complex syllables), words with fewer graphemes should be estimated shorter
grapheme. The difference between the conditions ‘confound’ and ‘no than words with more graphemes.
confound’ is that, in the former condition only, the graphemic manip- Participants. The participants were the same as in Experiment 1.
ulation was confounded with a phonemic overlap between the letter Materials. Thirty pairs of six or seven letter words were selected
and the phonological word forms. Therefore, the absence of effect in the from the Lexique database (New et al., 2004) so that one word had at
condition ‘no phonological confound’ suggests that the grapheme effect least three more phonemes than the other one (condition long, e.g.,
obtained in the condition ‘phonological confound’ is not due to the sortir - /sɔʀtiʀ/ vs. condition short, e.g., enfant - /ãfã/, respectively).
graphemic structure of words per se but to the phonemic overlap that Hence, depending on how silent letters are considered, the two words in
co-varies with the graphemic structure of words. We can thus conclude the pairs differed in number of graphemes by at least two. In each pair,
that, in this first experiment, we found no evidence for a genuine gra- the two items had the same number of letters, syllables and vowel
pheme effect in visual word processing4.

(footnote continued)
In the ‘phonological confound’ condition, the mean reaction times for the For the sake of concision, we did not add the details of the experiment here
simple and complex conditions were respectively 737 ms (SD = 81) and 771 ms since first, we found no evidence at all for grapheme effects in Experiment 1b
(SD = 88). In the ‘no phonological condition’, the means were respectively 827 (the phonological confound being present or no) and second, the complex
ms (SD = 96) and 816 ms (SD = 87). graphemes used had a low cohesion, limiting interpretations (see General dis-
A second experiment with a letter detection task was planned in the pre- cussion). However, all the files necessary to understand the design and access
registration form (Experiment 1b) as a conceptual replication of Experiment 1. the results are available at

F. Chetail Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

clusters, and overall, the two conditions were matched on word fre- Experiment 3: Case mixing lexical decision task
quency, number of morphemes and orthographic neighbourhood (see
Appendix A). No word had a letter doublet. As fillers, we included the In the two next experiments, we tested the influence of graphemes
80 experimental trisyllabic words and 46 fillers (words of 3 or 9 letters) during lexical access. First, we used the case mixing lexical decision
from Chetail and Content (2014). task (e.g., Havelka & Frankish, 2010; Pring, 1981). Using this task,
Procedure. Participants performed a length estimation task. On Havelka and Frankish (2010) showed that visual disruption of the
each trial, a fixation cross appeared for 500 ms, immediately followed graphemic structure of words delayed word recognition. More pre-
by a 33 ms mask (string of #). The stimulus was then presented during cisely, when five letter words were presented with case mixing, reaction
100 ms followed again by the mask during 33 ms. Words were dis- times were longer if complex graphemes were disrupted by case mixing
played in lowercase using the Courier New fixed-width font. After the (e.g., sTeAk) than if only the overall shape of words was disrupted (e.g.,
mask, the mouse cursor appeared on the screen and participants had to stEAk). On the other hand, the pattern of case mixing had no significant
draw a line representing the physical length of the stimulus. They used effect on response times for words with single letter vowel graphemes
the mouse to lengthen or shorten the line and clicked to validate their (e.g., gRuNt vs. grUNt). A similar design was used here to test whether
estimation. Length estimates were recorded in pixels. All participants this effect could be replicated.
performed eight practice trials before receiving the experimental trials Participants. The participants were the same as in Experiment 1.
in a different random order. In the practice trials only, feedback in- Materials. Forty-two pairs of five letter words were selected from
dicated how much (in percentage) the estimate differed from the real the Lexique database (New et al., 2004) so that one word had a complex
length. vowel grapheme (e.g., veine) and one had only simple graphemes (e.g.,
tarte). The two conditions were matched on word frequency, number of
syllables, morphemes, and orthographic neighbourhood (see Appendix
Results and discussion A). In the complex grapheme condition, 38 words had the critical
grapheme at position 2–3 (e.g., veine) and four at the position 3–4 (e.g.,
Extreme values deviating from the real length by 90% or more were scout). The words were presented on the screen according to two con-
discarded from the analyses (0.07%). Overall, the estimated length was ditions of case mixing (Table 4). In the disruptive condition, only one
close to the real length (131 vs. 122 pixels respectively). The estimated letter of the complex grapheme was in uppercase (e.g., vEiNe, sCoUt).
length for short and long words (i.e., words with fewer graphemes and Uppercase was applied at the same positions in the simple grapheme
words with more graphemes, respectively) was 132 and 130 pixels re- condition (e.g., tArTe and tRaMe respectively). In the non-disruptive
spectively. condition, the whole grapheme was in uppercase in the complex gra-
NHST analyses. Following Chetail and Content (2014) analyses, we pheme condition (e.g., vEIne, scOUt), and uppercase was applied at the
fitted a linear mixed-effect regression model using the lme4 package in same positions in the simple grapheme condition (e.g., tARte and trAMe
the R software (Baayen, Davidson, & Bates, 2008) on the estimates for respectively). For negative responses, 84 pseudowords were devised.
the experimental items. The model included word condition (short, They were matched with words on number of letters, type of graphemes
long) as a fixed factor, and random intercepts for both participants and and mixing case. Two counterbalanced lists of materials were created so
items. As words varied overall in number of letters, syllables and vowel that each participant saw a given word only once in one of the case
clusters, these three variables were added as covariates. In addition, conditions and all the words were presented in both conditions of
given that most of the time readers are exposed to words written in mixing case across participants.
proportional fonts and might thus rely on a memory representation Procedure. Participants performed a lexical decision task. For each
incorporating letter size variations (e.g., the fact that ‘w’ takes more trial, a fixation cross was displayed for 500 ms, and immediately fol-
space than ‘i’), we also included a proportionality correction as a cov- lowed by a stimulus which remained on the screen until the participants
ariate (see Chetail & Content, 2014). The covariates were centered. responded. Participants had to decide as quickly and as accurately as
There was no significant difference between the estimated length of possible whether the stimulus was a French word or not by pressing one
short and long words, b = −0.04, t = −0.04. On the contrary, letter of two buttons on a keyboard. Feedback was provided when they failed
length, b = 14.92, t = 13.32, p < 0.001, proportionality correction, to respond (red cross for 500 ms). All participants performed eight
b = 0.19, t = 2.93, p = 0.005, and number of vowel clusters, b = 6.70, practice trials before receiving the experimental trials in a different
t = 5.00, p < 0.001, significantly contributed to the final model. random order.
Bayesian analyses. We used a Bayesian version of the linear mixed-
effect regression model analyses (lmBF() function in the BayesFactor Results and discussion
package). We tested whether the alternative model (including the word
condition –short, long words–, and the four covariates) had a higher The mean correct reaction times and mean error rates averaged over
likelihood than the null model (i.e., without word condition). The re- participants are presented in Table 5. We excluded the trials eliciting
sults showed a strong evidence for the latter model, BF10 = 0.06. very long (> 2,000 ms) or very short (< 300 ms) reaction times (0.87%
Hence, the data showed no effect of graphemic length. Short words of the data). Three words were also excluded due to error rates higher
(e.g., with 2 graphemes) were not estimated shorter than long words than 33% (faste, salve, plouc).
(e.g., with 5 graphemes). Participants’ estimates were thus not im- NHST analyses. The data were first submitted to separate ANOVAs
pacted by the number of graphemes whereas previous studies found on the participant and item means for positive responses with grapheme
that they were influenced by other orthographic or phonological sub- complexity and case mixing condition as factors. In reaction times, the
lexical units (see Chetail & Content, 2014, 2017).5 interaction between the two factors was significant, F1(1, 40) = 6.87,
p = 0.01, F2(1, 79) = 4.44, p = 0.04. However, simple effects showed
that the effect of case was significant neither in the condition ‘simple
grapheme’, F1(1, 40) = 3.63, p = 0.06, F2 < 1, nor in the condition
5 ‘complex grapheme’, F1(1, 40) = 2.39, p = 0.13, F2 < 1. In error
The performance for the 80 fillers corresponding to the experimental tri-
syllabic words of Chetail and Content (2014) was analysed. The hiatus words rates, neither the interaction nor the simple effects were significant (all
(entailing fewer vowel cluster units) were estimated shorter than the control Fs < 1).
words, which was confirmed by both NHST (β = −5.75, p < 0.001) and Bayesian analyses. To test the interaction effect, a model with the
Bayesian (BF10 > 1000) analyses. This replicated the effect of number of vowel two main effects was compared to a model with the two main effects
cluster units. plus the interaction. For the two simple effects, models with the factor

F. Chetail Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

Table 4 and the target is identical in the two priming conditions (four, in the
Conditions and examples of items in Experiment 3 (mixing case lexical decision example). On the contrary, if the graphemic structure of words plays a
task). role during word recognition, the position of – should be critical in
Case mixing condition words with complex graphemes. When a complex grapheme is broken
(e.g., grapheme CH, as in s–het – SACHET), the prime should be less
Grapheme Disruptive Non-disruptive efficient than when the complex grapheme is kept intact (e.g., sa–et –
SACHET) because in the former condition, the prime disrupts the gra-
Simple tArTe tARte
Complex vEiNe vEIne phemic structure, and primes and targets share one grapheme less than
in the latter condition. Longer reaction times are therefore expected for
disruptive primes compared to non-disruptive primes, but only in the
Table 5 complex grapheme condition.
Mean correct reaction times and error rates in Experiment 3 (mixing case lexical Participants. The participants were the same as in Experiment 1.
decision task) according to grapheme complexity and case mixing (standard Materials. Forty pairs of six or seven letter words were selected
deviations are presented in brackets). from the Lexique database (New et al., 2004). One word had a complex
Disruptive case Non-disruptive medial consonant grapheme in position 3–4 (e.g., SACHET) and one
case had simple graphemes at the same position (e.g., CACTUS). The two
conditions were matched on word frequency, on the number of letters,
Reaction times (in Simple grapheme 716 (86) 732 (72)
ms) Complex 731 (69) 715 (68)
syllables, morphemes, and on orthographic neighbourhood. We used
grapheme consonant graphemes (e.g., CH, GN) because we wanted words to have
Error rates (in %) Simple grapheme 7.4 (14.0) 7.9 (13.9) the same consonant–vowel pattern (e.g., CVCCVC for sachet and cactus).
Complex 8.1 (14.1) 7.4 (15.6) In doing so, the number of consonants shared by primes and targets
were balanced in the two conditions (see Duñabeitia & Carreiras, 2011;
New, Araújo, & Nazzi, 2008). For each word, two related primes were
‘case mixing’ were compared to a null model. As presented in Table 6, devised (Table 7). In the disruptive priming condition, primes were
none of the BF10 was positive in both the participant and the item formed by replacing two letters of the target word with ‘–’ such that the
analyses, be it in reaction times or in error rates. Of particular interest, critical grapheme in the complex grapheme condition was disrupted
BF10 were inferior to 1 for the simple effect in the condition ‘complex (i.e., the prime included a broken grapheme: e.g., sac–t – SACHET). The
grapheme’. letters at the same position were removed in the simple grapheme
Although there is positive evidence neither for the interaction effect condition (e.g., cac–s – CACTUS). In the non-disruptive condition, letter
nor for the simple effects, one could argue that at a descriptive level, the replacement was done so that neither the critical grapheme nor any
difference between the disruptive case and the non disruptive case other complex grapheme in the word was affected (e.g., sa–et – SACHET
conditions is in the expected direction for the complex grapheme con- and ca–us – CACTUS). For negative responses, 80 pseudowords were
dition (delay of 16 ms). We therefore tested more participants, as de- devised, matched with words on number of letters, type of graphemes
clared in the pre-registration form, to test whether we could gain more and structure (see Appendix A). Two priming conditions were also
evidence in favor of the effects. The same participants additionally devised for pseudowords. Finally, two counterbalanced lists of mate-
enrolled in Experiment 1 were added to the 41 original ones, leading rials were designed so that each participant saw a given word only once
eventually to a set of 73 participants6. At a descriptive level, the dif- in one of the conditions and all the words were presented in both
ference between the two case conditions for the simple grapheme priming conditions across participants.
condition remained stable (716 and 731 ms respectively). More im- Procedure. Participants performed a primed lexical decision task.
portantly, the 16 ms difference in the complex grapheme condition For each trial, a fixation cross was displayed for 500 ms, followed by a
disappeared, with a mean of 718 ms in case of disruptive case and a mask for 500 ms (same number of # as the prime). After the mask, the
mean of 719 ms in case of non disruptive case. Accordingly, the prime was displayed in lowercase for 50 ms and immediately followed
Bayesian ANOVA conducted on the data of the 73 participants led to by the target in uppercase which remained on the screen until the
evidence for a null effect both for the interaction and for the simple participants responded. Participants had to decide as quickly and as
effect in the complex grapheme condition (see Table 6). As in the two accurately as possible whether the target was a French word or not by
previous experiments, we did not find any reliable evidence in favour of pressing one of two buttons on a keyboard. Feedback was provided
the influence of graphemic structure in visual word recognition. when they failed to respond (red cross for 500 ms). All participants
performed eight practice trials before receiving the experimental trials
in a different random order.
Experiment 4: Primed lexical decision task
Results and discussion
In this experiment, we assessed the influence of graphemic structure
during lexical processing with a priming procedure close to the one The mean correct reaction times and mean error rates averaged over
used by Lupker et al. (2012). The rationale was similar to the previous participants are presented in Table 8. We excluded the trials eliciting
experiment. Words were preceded by partial primes sharing all the very long (> 2,000 ms) or very short (< 300 ms) reaction times (0.65%
letters but two (e.g., ca–us – CACTUS)7. When target words have no of the data). Three words were also excluded due to an error rate higher
complex graphemes (e.g., CACTUS), the time to process them should be than 33% (jucher, dolmen, cagnard).
similar whatever the position of the – in the prime (e.g., c–tus, ca–us) NHST analyses. The data were submitted to separate ANOVAs on
because the number of shared letters and graphemes between the prime the participant and item means for positive responses with grapheme
complexity and case mixing condition as factors. In reaction times,
6 neither the interaction between the two factors, F1(1, 40) = 1.01,
We added the data of 33 new participants (and not 34) due to a data loss for
one of them. Additionally, during the analyses, one of the 74 resulting parti- p = 0.32, F2(1, 75) = 2.18, p = 0.14, nor the simple effects (all
cipants was excluded a priori since he/she was exceptionally long (mean re- Fs < 1) was significant. Similarly in error rates, neither the interaction
action times superior to the mean by 3 standard deviations). nor the simple effects were significant (all Fs < 1).
Here, the two letters were replaced by – rather than by xs as in Lupker et al. Bayesian analyses. The analyses were similar to Experiments 1 and
(2012) to avoid any confusion with the letter X. 3. As presented in Table 9, all the BF10 were inferior to 1, and half of

F. Chetail Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

Table 6
Summary of statistical results in Experiment 3 (mixing case lexical decision task).
DV Effect NHST Bayesian ANOVA (N = 41) Bayesian ANOVA (N = 73)

P analyses I analyses P analyses I analyses P analyses I analyses

RTs Interaction p = 0.01 p = 0.04 BF10 = 1.55 BF10 = 0.45 BF10 = 0.37 BF10 = 0.26
Simple effect in the condition ‘simple grapheme’ p = 0.06 p = 0.39 BF10 = 1.01 BF10 = 0.53 BF10 = 1.11 BF10 = 0.50
Simple effect in the condition ‘complex grapheme’ p = 0.13 p = 0.38 BF10 = 0.62 BF10 = 0.54 BF10 = 0.17 BF10 = 0.40
Error rates Interaction p = 0.49 p = 0.47 BF10 = 0.28 BF10 = 0.24 BF10 = 0.22 BF10 = 0.24
Simple effect in the condition ‘simple grapheme’ p = 0.61 p = 0.78 BF10 = 0.26 BF10 = 0.41 BF10 = 0.21 BF10 = 0.40
Simple effect in the condition ‘complex grapheme’ p = 0.61 p = 0.94 BF10 = 0.26 BF10 = 0.41 BF10 = 0.19 BF10 = 0.40

Notes. DV = dependant variable, RTs = reaction times, P = participant, I = item.

them indicate substantial evidence in favor of the null hypothesis. since in the former condition, the related prime has a broken grapheme.
Consistently with the three previous experiments and with Lupker If, as demonstrated by the four first experiments, the graphemic
et al. (2012), we found no evidence supporting any impact of the gra- structure of words does not impact visual word processing, a priming
phemic structure in the lexical decision task. Reaction times and error effect should be found, but without any interaction with the type of
rates were similar for primes that did not preserve the graphemic words (simple vs. complex).
structure of the target (e.g., s–het – SACHET) and primes that did (e.g., Participants. Forty new volunteer participants were enrolled in this
c–tus - CACTUS). experiment. All were native speakers of French with normal to cor-
rected-to-normal vision and without any language disorder. They were
recruited at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium).
Experiment 5: Primed lexical decision task Materials. We used the same word and pseudoword targets as in
Experiment 4. In one condition, the word had a complex medial con-
In Experiment 4, one could argue that the fact that the priming sonant grapheme in position 3–4 (e.g., SACHET) and in the other
effect (difference between disruptive vs. non-disruptive primes) did not condition the word had simple graphemes at the same position (e.g.,
differ between words entailing a complex grapheme and words with a CACTUS). For each word, two primes were devised (Table 10). In the
simple grapheme simply ensues from an ineffective priming manip- related priming condition, we used the same primes as in Experiment 4.
ulation. Indeed, the design of the experiment did not enable us to test As a reminder, primes were formed by replacing two letters of the target
the presence of a mere priming effect because we did not include a word with ‘–’ such that the critical grapheme in the complex grapheme
control priming condition. We therefore ran a fifth experiment, fol- condition was disrupted (i.e., the prime included a broken grapheme:
lowing the same logic as in Experiment 4 but with control primes. e.g., s–het – SACHET). The letters at the same position were removed in
The same target words were used, with two priming conditions. In the simple grapheme condition (e.g., c–tus – CACTUS). The second
the first condition (related condition), we used the disruptive primes of priming condition consisted of unrelated partial primes, which entailed
Experiment 4 (e.g., cac–s –CACTUS). In the second condition (unrelated two hyphens at the same position as in the related primes, and with no
condition), we used partial primes including two hypens (–) at the same letter overlap with targets at the other positions (e.g., oin–r – SACHET
position as in the related prime while at the other positions there was and tur–e – CACTUS). Primes for pseudowords were adapted accord-
no letter overlap with the target (e.g., tur–e – CACTUS). We expected a ingly.
main effect of priming, with related primes leading to shorter reaction Procedure. The procedure was the same as in Experiment 4.
times than unrelated ones. If the graphemic structure of words plays a
role in visual word recognition, this effect should be smaller in words
with a complex graphemic structure than in words with a simple one, Results and discussion

Table 7 For the analyses, we used the same procedure as in Experiment 4.

Conditions and examples of items in Experiment 4 (primed lexical decision However, given that Experiment 5 was specifically designed to ensure
task). the presence of a general priming effect, we reported the results of
Priming condition inferential statistics for the main effect of priming, in addition to the
interaction and simple effects.
Grapheme Disruptive prime Non-disruptive prime The mean correct reaction times and mean error rates averaged over
participants are presented in Table 11. We excluded the trials eliciting
Simple cac–s – CACTUS ca–us – CACTUS
Complex sac–t – SACHET sa–et – SACHET very long (> 2,000 ms) or very short (< 300 ms) reaction times (0.30%
of the data). Applying the criterion of three standard deviations, two
participants were excluded, one because of a high percentage of errors
and one because of an overall high mean of reaction times. Finally, four
Table 8
words were also excluded due to an error rate higher than 33% (jucher,
Mean correct reaction times and error rates in Experiment 4 (primed lexical
dolmen, cagnard, bagnard).
decision task) according to grapheme complexity and priming (standard de-
viations are presented in brackets).
NHST analyses. The data were submitted to separate ANOVAs on
the participant and item means for positive responses with grapheme
Disruptive prime Non-disruptive complexity and prime type as factors. In reaction times, there was a
main effect of prime type, with related primes leading to shorter re-
Reaction times (in Simple grapheme 699 (57) 695 (63) action times than unrelated primes, F1(1, 37) = 37.59, p < 0.001,
ms) Complex 702 (49) 709 (72) F2(1, 74) = 24.85, p < 0.001. There was no significant effect of in-
grapheme teraction (all Fs < 1), while consistently, the two simple effects were
Error rates (in %) Simple grapheme 6.1 (16.0) 6.1 (15.1)
significant (see Table 12). There was no significant effect on error rates.
Complex 7.7 (15.3) 7.4 (15.2)
grapheme Bayesian analyses. The analyses provided evidence for a main ef-
fect of priming (BF for the model with the priming factor compared to

F. Chetail Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

Table 9
Summary of statistical results in Experiment 4 (primed lexical decision task).
DV Effect NHST Bayesian analysis

P analyses I analyses P analyses I analyses

RTs Interaction p = 0.32 p = 0.14 BF10 = 0.37 BF10 = 0.31

Simple effect in the condition ‘simple grapheme’ p = 0.54 p = 0.47 BF10 = 0.27 BF10 = 0.48
Simple effect in the condition ‘complex grapheme’ p = 0.43 p = 0.67 BF10 = 0.32 BF10 = 0.42
Error rates Interaction p = 0.84 p = 0.87 BF10 = 0.24 BF10 = 0.23
Simple effect in the condition ‘simple grapheme’ p = 0.99 p = 0.97 BF10 = 0.23 BF10 = 0.38
Simple effect in the condition ‘complex grapheme’ p = 0.77 p = 0.86 BF10 = 0.23 BF10 = 0.39

Notes. DV = dependant variable, RTs = reaction times, P = participant, I = item.

Table 10 General discussion

Conditions and examples of items in Experiment 5 (primed lexical decision
task). The study was conducted to test whether or not graphemes are
Priming condition sublexical units influencing the processes of visual word recognition in
skilled readers. Overall, no reliable evidence for such an influence was
Grapheme Related prime Unrelated prime found over five experiments, each using different tasks taping onto
different processes of word processing. This was confirmed by both
Simple cac–s – CACTUS tur–e – CACTUS
Complex sac–t – SACHET oin–r – SACHET NHST and Bayesian analyses.

Table 11 Alternative explanations

Mean correct reaction times and error rates in Experiment 5 (primed lexical
decision task) according to grapheme complexity and priming (standard de- One could put forward several alternative explanations to the ab-
viations are presented in brackets). sence of grapheme effects in the current experiments. First, grapheme
Related prime Unrelated prime
effects would emerge only for low-frequency words (e.g., Rey et al.,
1998). However, we used low- to medium-frequency words in the four
Reaction times (in ms) Simple grapheme 714 (39) 743 (53) experiments (mean: 7.55, 13.32, 17.47, and 11.29 occurrences per
Complex grapheme 722 (61) 750 (54) million, respectively), with frequency means and ranges more or less
Error rates (in %) Simple grapheme 5.9 (16.2) 6.6 (14.3)
similar (or even lower) to those used in previous studies reporting
Complex grapheme 6.0 (14.1) 7.3 (13.6)
significant effects (e.g., 144 in Commissaire and Casalis, Exp. 1; 11.3 in
Rey et al., 1998; 5.1 in Rey et al., 2000, Exp. 1A; 4.00 in Rey et al.,
the null model). Critically, the evidence was in favour of the null hy- 2000, Exp. 1B; 139 in Rey et al., 2000, Exp. 2).
pothesis for the interaction. In the two conditions of words, the analyses Second, recent studies showed that grapheme cohesion could in-
for the simple effects led to the same results: an extreme evidence of fluence the presence of graphemic effects. Grapheme cohesion refers to
priming effect in the participant analyses, but much weaker in the item the systematicity with which a bigram (i.e. two adjacent letters) cor-
analyses. responds to a grapheme unit in print. In French for example, AU and CH
This additional experiment clearly suggests that the absence of are highly cohesive because they systematically correspond to a single
modification of the priming effect according to the graphemic variable grapheme made of two letters (AU = > /ɔ/, CH = > /ʃ/). On the
in Experiment 4 was not due to an overall absence of priming effect. contrary, EN has a weak cohesion because it corresponds either to two
First, we report here a clear priming effect on reaction times. Second, simple graphemes (e.g., EN corresponding to /ən/ in TENIR, /təniʀ/) or
this priming effect was not affected by the graphemic structure of items: to a single complex grapheme (e.g., EN corresponding to /ẽ/ in TENTE,
The graphemic structure being preserved or not between primes and /tẽt/). In the letter detection task, Spinelli, Kandel, Guerassimovitch,
targets, the primes have the same impact on targets. This fifth experi- and Ferrand (2012) showed that graphemic effects were found with
ment therefore leads to the same conclusion as in other experiments: highly cohesive complex graphemes but not with low cohesive ones.
The graphemic structure of words does not influence visual word re- However, in the letter detection task conducted in Experiment 1, the
cognition. complex graphemes used in both conditions of phonological overlap
were highly cohesive, thus supposed to lead to positive grapheme ef-
fects. More generally, we used only graphemes of high cohesion in the

Table 12
Summary of statistical results in Experiment 5 (primed lexical decision task).
DV Effect NHST Bayesian analysis

P analyses I analyses P analyses I analyses

RTs Prime type p < 0.001 p < 0.001 BF10 = 20,122 BF10 = 3.03
Interaction p = 0.93 p = 0.93 BF10 = 0.21 BF10 = 0.23
Simple effect in the condition ‘simple grapheme’ p < 0.001 p = 0.08 BF10 = 104 BF10 = 1.38
Simple effect in the condition ‘complex grapheme’ p < 0.001 p = 0.08 BF10 = 233 BF10 = 1.41
Error rates Prime type p = 0.22 p = 0.28 BF10 = 0.29 BF10 = 0.22
Interaction p = 0.79 p = 0.59 BF10 = 0.24 BF10 = 0.25
Simple effect in the condition ‘simple grapheme’ p = 0.58 p = 0.48 BF10 = 0.27 BF10 = 0.40
Simple effect in the condition ‘complex grapheme’ p = 0.35 p = 0.80 BF10 = 0.38 BF10 = 0.50

Notes. DV = dependant variable, RTs = reaction times, P = participant, I = item.

F. Chetail Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

four experiments. overall, even if the influence of the graphemic structure has been tested
Furthermore, still in the letter detection task, it has been argued that a lot in the letter detection task, leading to positive effects which are
the position of the letter to be detected would be critical since effects taken as the evidence that graphemes are perceptual units, these effects
were reported only when the letter was at the second position of seem to be artifactual.
complex graphemes (e.g., Brand et al., 2007, Exp. 3). For example, U
was detected more slowly in BOULE than in BRUNE, but there was no Implications for models of visual word recognition
difference between the detection of A in GLAND versus in GLACE.
However, although it was not possible to have a look at the stimuli since Nobody would question the special status of graphemes in alpha-
they were not available, one can wonder –based on the example– betic scripts. They are the basis of the correspondence code between
whether this interaction between graphemic structure and letter posi- print and speech. This intermediate level of representation between
tion was not confounded with graphemic cohesion. No effect could letter units and phonological-based units is therefore fundamental in
have been obtained for A in GLAND not because the letter to be de- reading acquisition. A basic explicit knowledge of one-to-one gra-
tected was at the first position, but because the letter to be detected was pheme-phoneme correspondences is most of the time enough for de-
embedded in a low-cohesion grapheme. Furthermore, it should be veloping readers to activate the phonological form associated with
noted that other studies reported graphemic effects in the letter de- regular words, and thus access the corresponding meaning (Share,
tection task even when all or part of the letters to be detected were in 1995). However, the question addressed here is whether this special
the first position of the complex grapheme (e.g., Commissaire & Casalis, status of graphemes still exists beyond explicit decoding. Reading
2018; Marinus & de Jong, 2011; Rey et al., 2000). models offer different answers to this question.
During data collection, a new study dealing with the same issue was The major current models can be grouped into two main frame-
published (Commissaire & Casalis, 2018). This work is interesting be- works: Those using localist representations and those using distributed
cause it also tested graphemic effects with different tasks, in adults. The representations. In the former ones, individual units stand for familiar
data showed a significant graphemic effect in the letter detection task elements such as letters or words, whereas in the latter ones, each such
but not in the primed lexical decision task with a similar design as in elements are represented by particular patterns of activity over many
Lupker et al. (2012) and in Experiment 4. According to the authors, this different units rather than by the activity of a single unit (Plaut, 2004).
demonstrates that graphemes play a role as orthographic units and that The graphemic issue has been mostly discussed in localist representa-
they are used within a sub-lexical route to reading only, not during tion models (e.g., Coltheart et al., 2001; Diependaele et al., 2010;
more direct lexical access. Our results in the lexical decision task (Ex- Grainger & Ziegler, 2011; Perry et al., 2007a,b, 2010) because it di-
periments 3 and 4) are consistent with those of Commissaire and Casalis rectly influences the need to incorporate graphemic units and a gra-
(2018) but not those obtained in the letter detection task, since we phemic parsing process to simulate visual word recognition and reading
found no effect (Experiments 1). Indeed, given that we found a see- aloud. Most of these models endorse a dual-route approach, although
mingly grapheme effect only when there was a phonemic overlap be- the term “dual route” does not always refer to the same things. DRC-like
tween the letter name and the phonological word form, we can rea- models such as DRC models per se (e.g., Coltheart et al., 2001), the BIA
sonably conclude that this effect was due to the phonological confound model (Diependaele et al., 2010), and CDP + models (e.g., Perry et al.,
per se and not to the graphemic manipulation. In Commissaire and 2007a,b, 2010) include two pathways. One –usually referred to as the
Casalis (2018), the few examples given suggest that the graphemic direct route or the lexical route–, enables sublexical orthographic in-
manipulation co-varied with the phonological overlap between target formation to make direct contact with whole-word orthographic re-
letters and carrier words. In the condition ‘simple grapheme’, which led presentations, which in turn provide access to whole-word phonology
to shorter reaction times, the name of the letter was present in the and rich semantic information. This route is usually based on the
phonological form of the carrier word (e.g., A /ɑ/ in PHARE /fɑʀ/), principles of the interaction activation (IA) model (McClelland &
whereas in the ‘complex grapheme condition’, the carrier word did not Rumelhart, 1981). In the other route –referred to as the indirect or
include it (e.g., A /ɑ/ in CHAUD, /ʃo/). Once again, the presence of the sublexical route–, sublexical orthographic information is first trans-
effect may therefore be due, not the graphemic structure of the words formed into a sublexical phonological code, which then provides access
per se, but to this phonological confound. to whole-word phonological representations and semantics, or directly
More generally, it seems that almost all the experiments which in- drives articulatory execution.
vestigated the grapheme effects in the letter detection task exhibited the The dual-route model of orthographic processing (Grainger &
same phonological confound (e.g., Brand et al., 2007, Exp 3; Marinus & Ziegler, 2011) also includes two routes but both pathways account for
de Jong, 2011; Rey et al., 2000, Experiments 1A, 1B).8 To our knowl- the orthographic processing of letter strings (i.e., lexical access). On the
edge, the only experiment that directly addressed the confound was the first route, a coarse-grained orthographic code is computed in order to
Experiment 3 in Rey et al. (2000), but a closer look shows that only half rapidly make contact with whole-word orthographic representations
of the data are conclusive. When the letter name was included in both and their corresponding semantic representations. On this route, the
the targets with and without complex graphemes (e.g., O in FLOAT vs. most visible combination of letters that best constrain word identity are
O in SLOPE), the letter was significantly more slowly detected when it primarily coded. On the second route, a fine-grained orthographic code
was embedded in a complex grapheme than in a simple one. This is computed and provides more precise information about the ordering
supports the hypothesis that graphemes are perceptual units. The other of letters in the string compared to the code generated on the “coarse-
half of the materials was devised so that, that time, the letter name was grained route”. The fine-grained code makes it possible to code for co-
not included in both the targets with and without complex graphemes occurring contiguous letter combinations which in turn leads to the
(e.g., O in CLOUD vs. O in PROVE). However, in that case, there was no activation of the corresponding whole-word phonological and semantic
significant difference between the two grapheme conditions. This result representations.
contradicts a potential role of graphemes as perceptual units. Hence, As presented in Table 13, these models differently envisage the need
to include grapheme units on the different routes. In DRC-like models
such as DRC, CDP+ or BIA, direct lexical access is simulated as pro-
Marinus and de Jong (2011) indicated that, to control for the phonemic posed in the IA model (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981), that is with
similarity of the letter names and the word phonological forms, they took letters letter units that make direct contact with whole-word orthographic
which name was different from the pronunciation of the letter within the carrier units. Graphemes are therefore not assumed to influence processing. On
word in the simple grapheme condition. In most cases, however, the pro- the indirect route, two different proposals have been put forward. In
nunciation of the vowels remains phonetically very close (e.g., /i/ and /ɪ/). CDP+ (e.g., Perry et al., 2007a,b, 2010) and BIA (Diependaele et al.,

F. Chetail Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

Table 13 On the other hand, Commissaire and Casalis (2018) obtained a

Assumptions regarding graphemic coding in a set of major models of visual seemingly graphemic effect in the letter detection task, even if explicit
word recognition and reading aloud. resort on subvocalisation was blocked. Based on this result, they con-
Sublexical grapheme units cluded that “grapheme units are activated independently of phonology
and can be considered as sublexical orthographic units per se in expert
Yes No readers” (p. 1335). The authors reasoned that the letter detection task
does not require mandatory lexical processing, but necessarily relies on
Direct access/lexical Dual-route model of orthographic CDP+ models
route processing (via the fine-grained BIA model sublexical processing. Thus, finding a graphemic effect in this task
orthography route) DRC models would support a status of functional “orthographic sublexical unit” for
IA model and graphemes. If one endorses a dual-route approach and conclude
otherwise that graphemes do not influence the access to whole-word
Indirect access/ CDP+ models DRC models
orthographic representations (lexical route), the results in the letter
sublexical route BIA model detection task necessarily lead one to consider graphemes as ortho-
graphic units involved on the indirect route. This is indeed the con-
clusion of the authors, and this is compatible with the way CDP+ and
2010) models, mapping between letters and phonemes is mediated by a BIA models simulate word recognition and reading aloud on this route.
grapheme processing stage whereby a letter string is first parsed and In such models, the explanation of the seemingly graphemic effect in
segmented into grapheme units so that the resulting units are compa- the letter detection task is straightforward: When a letters string is
tible with the graphemic buffer. Since graphemic parsing occurs before presented, graphemic parsing occurs based on letter information,
any phonological sublexical activation, the grapheme units activated leading to the activation of the relevant grapheme units. Delay in de-
can be considered as orthographic units per se in this framework tecting A in BEACH would arise because units coding for complex
(Commissaire & Casalis, 2018). In DRC models on the contrary, the non- graphemes such as EA compete with single-letter units E and A, and
lexical route operates letter by letter, and not grapheme by grapheme. thus delay letter detection.
Letter strings are analysed serially from left to right and the system However, our study throws new light on this issue, besides con-
looks for a rule (in a list of grapheme-to-phoneme correspondence firming that graphemes play no particular role during lexical access. We
rules) which letters match the leftmost letters available in the process. did not find any evidence for a reliable grapheme effect in Experiment
Rules with larger graphemes are tested before rules using smaller gra- 1, which led us to a re-interpretation of the ‘grapheme effects’ pre-
phemes, so that the route is able to correctly read items with multiletter viously reported in terms of phonological confound. In Experiment 2,
graphemes (see Coltheart et al., 2001; Rastle & Coltheart, 1998). Hence, we also found no evidence for a grapheme effect in the length estima-
contrary to the indirect route in CDP+ models, there is no local gra- tion task, while this task successfully led to an influence of other units
pheme units in the DRC model of Coltheart et al. (2001). Finally, in the (see Chetail & Content, 2014). Hence, taken together, the results de-
model of Grainger and Ziegler (2011), the presence of graphemes as monstrate that graphemes do not play a special role at a sublexical
orthographic units is envisaged during direct lexical access, through the level, in addition of not playing a special role during lexical access. This
fine-grained orthography route. This pathway operates via a process of conclusion goes against models that integrate graphemes in their ar-
chunking of letter strings into contiguous multiletter clusters corre- chitecture at a sublexical level, such as CDP+ (Perry et al., 2007a,b,
sponding to multiletter graphemes and small morphemes. If this theo- 2010) and BIA (Diependaele et al., 2010) models. On the contrary, the
retical model is combined with the principles of the BIA model present results are compatible with the DRC model (e.g., Coltheart
(Grainger & Ziegler, 2011, Fig. 4), a three-route model of reading is et al., 2001) which does not include a sublexical level of grapheme units
obtained, with graphemes shared by two out of three pathways. This while acknowledging the special status of graphemes when simulating
proposal is consistent with the hypothesis that the largest common units the access to phonology via a set of grapheme-to-phoneme correspon-
shared by the lexical and sublexical routes could be grapheme units dence rules.
(Lupker et al., 2012; Reggia, Marsland, & Berndt, 1988), conferring to
graphemes a status of perceptual units: They would serve both to make
direct contact with whole-word orthographic representations and to
activate phonology.
Our initial question was: Are graphemes perceptual units activated
Even if only a few proposals would assume that the lexical route
during skilled visual word recognition? The answer is no. As already
incorporates a level of graphemic units (Table 10), claims according to
underlined by Lupker et al. (2012), this conclusion does not mean that
which grapheme units are “perceptual units” or “reading units” playing
graphemes are not central for print-to-sound recoding in alphabetic
a role in the early stages of visual word recognition are present in the
scripts. This simply means that, in the complex hierarchy of detectors
literature (e.g., Havelka & Frankish, 2010; Kandel & Spinelli, 2010;
activated during written word processing (e.g., Dehaene, Cohen,
Marinus & de Jong, 2011; Rey et al., 2000; Royer, Spinelli, & Ferrand,
Sigman, & Vinckier, 2005; Tadt, 1991), bigrams corresponding to
2005). Lupker et al. (2012) seriously challenged such claims. Their four
complex grapheme have no special status at a lexical and sublexical
experiments failed to provide evidence in favour of an influence of the
levels in skilled readers. This conclusion is consistent with several lines
word graphemic structure in the primed lexical decision task. In the
of research demonstrating that orthographic factors drive the perception
present study, we replicated this absence of graphemic effects in the
of written words at first in skilled readers such as word clustering in
primed lexical decision (Experiments 4 and 5), but the use of Bayesian
bigrams (e.g., Grainger & Van Heuven, 2003), the organization of vowel
analyses enables us to draw stronger conclusions than the ones from
and consonant letters within words (e.g., Chetail & Content, 2012;
non-significant effects in the NHST framework. Moreover, we failed to
Chetail et al., 2014), or orthographic regularities of words (e.g., Chetail,
replicate the grapheme effect in the mixing case lexical decision task
(Experiment 3) reported by Havelka and Frankish (2010). Taken to-
gether, these data confirm Lupker et al. (2012) and Commissaire and
Casalis (2018)’s conclusion that the graphemic structure of words does CRediT authorship contribution statement
not play any particular role during direct lexical access in skilled
readers. This challenges any model that would postulate that grapheme Fabienne Chetail: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal ana-
units are activated during direct lexical access, such as the dual-ap- lysis, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources,
proach to orthography proposed by Grainger and Ziegler (2011). Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing.

F. Chetail Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

Authors notes it was asked during the reviewing process. We thank Stessie Toumani
for contributing to data collection.
This study was pre-registered the 02/22/2017 on Open Science
Framework (OSF). The pre-registration is available at Supplementary material
6dpbm/. The data collection occurred from 02/03/2017 to 20/09/2017
for Experiments 1 to 4, after OSF approval of the pre-registration. Data All the materials, raw data, and scripts for the analyses are available
collection for Experiment 5 occurred after OSF pre-registration because on Open Science Framework:

Appendix A. Characteristics of the words used in the five experiments

Traditionally, researchers test the quality of stimulus matching in running t-tests. In doing so, paired t-tests lead to p > 0.10 for all the following
parameters. However, given the inappropriateness of this procedure, we rather computed Cohen’s ds. For the majority of the parameters, the effect
size was small or negligible.
Word frequency comes from the subtitle count in Lexique (New et al., 2004).
Means per condition are provided with standard deviations in brackets.
Experiment 1:

Phonological confound No phonological confound

Complex Grapheme Simple grapheme Cohen’s d Complex grapheme Simple grapheme Cohen’s d

Word frequency 5.4 (8.9) 4.4 (7.8) 0.13 3.9 (6.3) 6.0 (10.6) 0.24
Number of letters 6.4 (0.8) 6.4 (0.8) – 6.4 (0.8) 6.4 (0.8) –
Number of phonemes 4.6 (0.8) 5.1 (1.0) 0.53 4.9 (1.3) 5.4 (1.2) 0.39
Number of syllables 1.8 (0.6) 1.8 (0.5) 0.11 2.0 (0.6) 2.3 (0.5) 0.54
Number of morphemes 1.2 (0.4) 1.1 (0.4) 0.50 1.1 (0.2) 1.0 (0.4) 0.50
OLD20 1.8 (0.2) 1.8 (0.4) 0.07 2.2 (0.4) 2.2 (0.4) 0.05

Experiment 2:

Long words Short words Cohen’s d

Number of phonemes* 6.6 (0.8) 3.6 (0.7) 4.98

Word frequency 14.1 (54.0) 14.4 (54.1) 0.01
Number of letters 6.4 (0.8) 6.4 (0.8) –
Number of syllables 2.1 (0.4) 2.1 (0.4) –
Number VC 2.1 (0.5) 2.1 (0.5) –
Number of morphemes 1.1 (0.3) 1.1 (0.3) 0.22
OLD21 2.1 (0.3) 2.0 (0.3) 0.38

*Factor manipulated.

Experiment 3:

Complex grapheme Simple grapheme Cohen’s d

Word frequency 17.8 (21.3) 17.2 (22.0) 0.03

Number of letters 5.0 (0.0) 5.0 (0.0) –
Number of syllables 1.0 (0.0) 1.0 (0.2) 0.22
Number of morphemes 1.0 (0.2) 1.0 (0.2) –
OLD21 1.5 (0.2) 1.5 (0.2) 0.04

Experiments 4–5:

Complex grapheme Simple grapheme Cohen’s d

Word frequency 11.2 (17.7) 11.4 (18.3) 0.01

Number of letters 6.3 (0.5) 6.3 (0.5) –
Number of syllables 2.1 (0.3) 2.1 (0.3) –
Number of morphemes 1.1 (0.2) 1.1 (0.3) 0.09
OLD21 1.8 (0.2) 1.8 (0.3) 0.33

Appendix B. Supplementary material

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

F. Chetail Journal of Memory and Language 111 (2020) 104085

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