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An Alphinist from an alphine culture bronzeage guy who climed the steepest, highest

mountains to explore and in search search for the legendary place that the dragon
go to, legend says the dragons hatched from the legendary glacier lake up in the
highest moutain ranges .The peaks, however, were mostly ignored except for a few
notable examples, and long left to the exclusive attention of the people of the
adjoining valleys. The mountain peaks were seen as terrifying, the abode of dragons
and demons, to the point that people blindfolded themselves to cross the Alpine
passes. The glaciers remained a mystery and many believed the highest areas to be
inhabited by dragons.

The Legendary Glacier lake that the old legends and stories told from ancient
times said the water from the lake can cure all Illness and some say if you dip
yourself in the lake you will become invincible or become immortal, the surrounding
plants and herbs hold special properties and might be able to be use for medicines
and potions that cannon be found anywhere else because of its approximates to the
Legendary lake "magic".

The settlement under the steep valley sponsored an expedition to explore these
rumors and find out wether or not these legends are true.

The Alpinist Scout, resiliant, stoic, climber, mountaineer, guide scout

( embodiment of a person who truly loves the mountain and its surrounding nature)

The Hunter/tracker,ranger cunning, patient, intuitive and in tune with the

surrounding nature, vast knowledge of animals, trappings, expert survivalist , hunt
Boars for fun, can track down and hunt any animals, but dragons? will see. ELF
hunting bow, traps, butcher knife

flat-land dwellers warrior from the lowlands, Son of a minor official, sted-fast,
ready, some what of an foreigner, carry a halberd/spear, and a sword, eating knife.
he is a fighter, his job is to help the team to defend themselves if they encounter
any thread that might put them and the mission in jeopardy and confirm the exisence
of the Legendary Lake, war strategy/ General of the group guy. comes from
civilization, castle, forts mass production and such. Mediterranean ish

Young Elven naturalists (Sunbeam elf?) who interested in the properties of the
Legendary lake and the herbs in the surrounding lake, a SCHOLARY a learned person
Alchemist, Potter (Very serious about her work). timid, nervous. Not comfortable
with the mountains.

The Alphine Dwarf, stable on the ground and steep stoney mountains, tough headed,
stoney, live in old mines in the steepest side of the mountain, and seldom interact
with the people down the valleys. Master blacksmiths, weaponsmiths, craftsman,
worker of workers. Make magical cheese from Chamois.

Crimson King ( Vain, Pride, Ego, Tyrant, Will to power )

-Based on Federik 2, crimson robe, crimsone hawk/falcon, falconeer, king of

Sicily, emperor of central europe, conqouror of jerusalem, the first "modern" man,
spoke 6 languages, very tolerant to the moslems and jews, really like being in

- stupor mundi (the wonder of the world)

Dragonrider champion

Court Jester

Frost Gigant, Alphine trolls


Gryphon Champion


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