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Lecture / dr. fides n. rodriguez-ababon, md, fpogs, fiie, mhpeD PRELIMS


Outline: o Cephalad to this border, the aponeuroses invest
Introduction the rectus abdominis bellies on both dorsal and
Adaptations in the Reproductive Tract and Various Organs ventral surfaces.
Changes in the Various Systems of the Body o Caudal to this line, all aponeuroses lie ventral or
Summary superficial to the rectus abdominis muscle, and
INTRODUCTION only the thin transversalis fascia and peritoneum
Profound anatomical, physiological and biochemical adaptations to lie beneath the rectus.
pregnancy for every organ system o This transition of rectus sheath composition can
Begins soon after fertilization throughout the whole gestation (40 be seen best in the upper third of a midline
vertical abdominal incision.
Most occur in response to physiological stimuli provided by the fetus o The paired small triangular pyramidalis muscles
and placenta originate from the pubic rest and insert to the linea alba.
2 types of changes that occur: These muscles lie atop the rectus abdominis muscle but
o Early changes are due in part of the: beneath the anterior rectus sheath.
Metabolic demands brought on by the fetus, placenta and
Increasing levels of pregnancy hormones, particularly The superficial epigastric, superficial circumflex iliac, and superficial
those of progesterone and estrogen external pudendal arteries
o Late changes (starting mid-trimester) are: o arise from the femoral artery just below the inguinal ligament
Anatomical in nature and within the femoral triangle.
Caused by mechanical pressure from expanding uterus o These vessels supply the skin and subcutaneous layers of the
anterior abdominal wall and mons pubis.
ANTERIOR ABDOMINAL WALL o Of these three, the superficial epigastric vessels are surgically
important to the obstetrician and course diagonally from their
SKIN, SUBCUTANOUS LAYER, AND FASCIA origin toward the umbilicus.
The anterior abdominal wall o With a low transverse skin incision, these vessels can usually be
o confines abdominal viscera, stretches to accommodate the identified at a depth halfway between the skin and the anterior
expanding uterus, and provides surgical access to the internal rectus sheath.
reproductive organs o They lie above Scarpa fascia and several centimeters from the
Langer lines describe the orientation of dermal fibers within the skin. midline.
o In the anterior abdominal wall, they are arranged transversely. o Ideally, these vessels are identified and surgically occluded.
o As a result, vertical skin incisions sustain greater lateral tension The inferior "deep" epigastric vessels
and thus, in general, develop wider scars. o are branches of the external iliac vessels and supply anterior
o In contrast, low transverse incisions, such as the Pfannenstiel, abdominal wall muscles and fascia.
follow Langer lines and lead to superior cosmetic results. o Of surgical relevance, the inferior epigastric vessels initially
The subcutaneous layer can be separated into: course lateral to, then posterior to the rectus abdominis
o Camper fascia muscles, which they supply.
a superficial, predominantly fatty layer o Above the arcuate line, these vessels course ventral to the
continues onto the perineum to provide fatty substance to posterior rectus sheath and lie between this sheath and the
the mons pubis and labia majora and then to blend with the posterior surface of the rectus muscles.
fat of the ischioanal fossa o Near the umbilicus, the inferior epigastric vessels anastomose
o Scarpa fascia with the superior epigastric artery and vein, which are branches
a deeper membranous layer of the internal thoracic vessels.
continues inferiorly onto the perineum as Colles fascia. o Clinically, when a Maylard incision is used for cesarean delivery,
anterior abdominal wall muscles the inferior epigastric vessels may be lacerated lateral to the
o found beneath the subcutaneous layer rectus belly during muscle transection.
o consist of the midline rectus abdominis and pyramidalis muscles Preventively, identification and surgical occlusion are
as well as the external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus preferable.
abdominis muscles, which extend across the entire wall. o These vessels rarely may rupture following abdominal trauma
o The fibrous aponeuroses of these three latter muscles form the and create a rectus sheath hematoma.
primary fascia of the anterior abdominal wall.
These fuse in the midline at the linea alba, which normally INNERVATION
measures 10 to 15 mm wide below the umbilicus. The entire anterior abdominal wall is innervated by intercostal nerves
An abnormally wide separation may reflect diastasis recti or (T7-T11), the subcostal nerve (T12), and the iliohypogastric and the
hernia. ilioinguinal nerves (L1).
These three aponeuroses also invest the rectus abdominis o Of these, the intercostal and subcostal nerves are anterior rami
muscle as the rectus sheath. of the thoracic spinal nerves and run along the lateral and then
The construction of this sheath varies above and anterior abdominal wall between the transversus abdominis and
below a boundary, termed the arcuate line. internal oblique muscles. This space, termed transversus
abdominis plane, can be used for postcesarean analgesia


Bartholin glands, minor vestibular glands, and paraurethral

o The vulva receives innervations and vascular support from the
pudendal nerve.
o mons pubis
is a fat-filled cushion overlying the symphysis pubis.
After puberty, the mons pubis skin is covered by curly hair
that forms the triangular escutcheon, whose base aligns
with the upper margin of the symphysis pubis. In men and
some hirsute women, the escutcheon extends farther onto
the anterior abdominal wall toward the umbilicus.
o Labia majora
usually are 7-8 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, and 1-1.5 cm thick.
They are continuous directly with the mons pubis
superiorly, and the round ligaments terminate at their
upper borders.
Hair covers the labia majora, and apocrine, eccrine, and
sebaceous glands are abundant.
Beneath the skin, a dense connective tissue layer is nearly
void of muscular elements but is rich in elastic fibers and
This fat mass provides bulk to the labia majora and
Near the rectus abdominis lateral borders, anterior branches of the is supplied with a rich venous plexus.
intercostal and subcostal nerves pierce the posterior sheath, rectus During pregnancy, this vasculature may develop
muscle, and then anterior sheath to reach the skin. varicosities, especially in multiparas, from increased
o These nerve branches may be severed during a Pfannenstiel venous pressure created by the enlarging uterus. They
incision creation during the step in which the overlying anterior appear as engorged tortuous veins or as small grapelike
rectus sheath is separated from the rectus abdominis muscle. clusters, but they are typically asymptomatic and require
The iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves no treatment.
o originate from the anterior ramus of the first lumbar spinal o Each labium minus is a thin tissue fold that lies medial to each
nerve. labium majus.
o They emerge lateral to the psoas muscle and travel The labia minora extend superiorly, where each divides
retroperitoneally across the quadratus lumborum inferomedially into two lamellae.
toward the iliac crest. Near this crest, both nerves pierce the From each side, the lower lamellae fuse to form the
transversus abdominis muscle and course ventromedially. frenulum of the clitoris, and the upper lamellae
o At a site 2-3 cm medial to the anterior superior iliac spine, the merge to form the prepuce.
nerves then pierce the internal oblique muscle and course Inferiorly, the labia minora extend to approach the midline
superficial to it toward the midline. as low ridges of tissue that join to form the fourchette.
o The iliohypogastric nerve perforates the external oblique The labia minora dimensions vary greatly among
aponeurosis near the lateral rectus border to provide sensation individuals, with lengths from 2-10 cm and widths from 1-
to the skin over the suprapubic area. 5 cm.
o The ilioinguinal nerve in its course medially travels through the The epithelia of the labia minora differ with location.
inguinal canal and exits through the superficial inguinal ring, Thinly keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
which forms by splitting of external abdominal oblique covers the outer surface of each labium.
aponeurosis fibers. On their inner surface, the lateral portion is covered
This nerve supplies the skin of the mons pubis, upper
by this same epithelium up to a demarcating line,
labia majora, and medial upper thigh. termed Hart line.
o The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves can be severed during o Medial to this line, each labium is covered by
a low transverse incision or entrapped during closure, especially squamous epithelium that is nonkeratinized.
if incisions extend beyond the lateral borders of the rectus The labia minora lack hair follicles, eccrine glands, and
abdominis muscle. These nerves carry sensory information only, apocrine glands. However, sebaceous glands are
and injury leads to loss of sensation within the areas supplied. numerous.
Rarely, chronic pain may develop.
o The clitoris is the principal female erogenous organ.
The T10 dermatome approximates the level of the umbilicus. It is located beneath the prepuce, above the frenulum and
o Analgesia to this level is suitable for labor and vaginal birth. urethra, and projects downward and inward toward the
o Regional analgesia for cesarean delivery or for puerperal vaginal opening.
sterilization ideally extends to T4. The clitoris rarely exceeds 2 cm in length and is
EXTERNAL GENERATIVE ORGANS composed of a glans, a corpus or body, and two crura.
The glans is usually less than 0.5 cm in diameter, is
VULVA covered by stratified squamous epithelium, and is richly
MONS PUBIS, LABIA, AND CLITORIS innervated. The clitoral body contains two corpora
The pudenda (commonly designated the vulva) includes all structures cavernosa.
visible externally from the symphysis pubis to the perineal body. Extending from the clitoral body, each corpus cavernosum
o This includes the mons pubis, labia majora and minora, clitoris, diverges laterally to form a long, narrow crus.
hymen, vestibule, urethral opening, greater vestibular or


Each crus lies along the inferior surface of its o Anteriorly, the vagina is separated from the bladder and urethra
respective ischiopubic ramus and deep to the by connective tissue-the vesicovaginal septum.
ischiocavernosus muscle. o Posteriorly, between the lower portion of the vagina and the
The clitoral blood supply stems from branches of the rectum, similar tissues together form the rectovaginal septum.
internal pudendal artery. o The upper fourth of the vagina is separated from the rectum by
Specifically, the deep artery of the clitoris supplies the rectouterine pouch, also called the cul-de-sac or pouch of
the clitoral body, whereas the dorsal artery of the Douglas.
clitoris supplies the glans and prepuce. o Normally, the anterior and posterior walls of the vaginal lumen
lie in contact, with only a slight space intervening at the lateral
VESTIBULE margins.
In adult women, the vestibule is an almond-shaped area that is o Vaginal length varies considerably, but commonly, the anterior
enclosed by Hart line laterally, the external surface of the hymen wall measures 6-8 cm, whereas the posterior vaginal wall is 7-
medially, the clitoral frenulum anteriorly, and the fourchette 10 cm.
posteriorly. o The upper end of the vaginal vault is subdivided by the cervix
o The vestibule is usually perforated by six openings: the urethra, into anterior, posterior, and two lateral fornices. Clinically, the
the vagina, two Bartholin gland ducts, and two ducts of the internal pelvic organs usually can be palpated through the thin
largest paraurethral glands - the Skene glands. The posterior walls of these fornices.
portion of the vestibule between the fourchette and the vaginal o The vaginal lining is composed of nonkeratinized stratified
opening is called the fossa navicularis. It is usually observed squamous epithelium and underlying lamina propria.
only in nulliparas. In premenopausal women, this lining is thrown into
The bilateral Bartholin glands, also termed greater vestibular glands, numerous thin transverse ridges, known as rugae, which
measure 0.5-1 cm in diameter. line the anterior and posterior vaginal walls along their
o On their respective side, each lies inferior to the vestibular bulb length. Deep to this, a muscular layer contains smooth
and deep to the inferior end of the bulbospongiosus muscle muscle, collagen, and elastin. Beneath this muscularis lies
(former bulbocavernosus muscle). an adventitial layer consisting of collagen and elastin.
o A duct extends medially from each gland, measures 1.5-2 cm o The vagina lacks glands. Instead, it is lubricated by a transudate
long, and opens distal to the hymeneal ring-one at 5 and the that originates from the vaginal subepithelial capillary plexus and
other at 7 o'clock on the vestibule. crosses the permeable epithelium.
Following trauma or infection, either duct may swell and Due to increased vascularity during pregnancy, vaginal
obstruct to form a cyst or, if infected, an abscess. secretions are notably increased. At times, this may be
In contrast, the minor vestibular glands are shallow glands lined by confused with amnionic fluid leakage.
simple mucin-secreting epithelium and open along Hart line. o After birth-related epithelial trauma and healing, fragments of
The paraurethral glands are a collective arborization of glands whose stratified epithelium occasionally are embedded beneath the
numerous small ducts open predominantly along the entire inferior vaginal surface. Similar to its native tissue, this buried
aspect of the urethra. epithelium continues to shed degenerated cells and keratin. As a
o The two largest are called Skene glands, and their ducts typically result, epidermal inclusion cysts, which are filled with keratin
lie distally and near the urethral meatus. debris, may form. These are a common vaginal cyst.
Clinically, inflammation and duct obstruction of any of the paraurethral o The vagina has an abundant vascular supply.
glands can lead to urethral diverticulum formation. The proximal portion is supplied by the cervical branch of
The urethral opening or meatus is in the midline of the vestibule, 1-1.5 the uterine artery and by the vaginal artery. The latter may
cm below the pubic arch, and a short distance above the vaginal variably arise from the uterine or inferior vesical artery or
opening. directly from the internal iliac artery. The middle rectal
artery contributes supply to the posterior vaginal wall,
whereas the distal walls receive contributions from the
internal pudendal artery.
In adult women, the hymen is a membrane of varying thickness that
At each level, vessels supplying each side of the vagina
surrounds the vaginal opening more or less completely.
course medially across the anterior or posterior vaginal
o It is composed mainly of elastic and collagenous connective
wall and form midline anastomoses.
tissue, and both outer and inner surfaces are covered by
An extensive venous plexus also surrounds the vagina and
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
follows the course of the arteries.
o The aperture of the intact hymen ranges in diameter from
Lymphatics from the lower third, along with those of the
pinpoint to one that admits one or even two fingertips.
vulva, drain primarily into the inguinal lymph nodes.
o As a rule, the hymen is torn at several sites during first coitus.
Those from the middle third drain into the internal
However, identical tears may form by other penetration, for
iliac nodes, and those from the upper third drain into
example, by tampons used during menstruation.
the external, internal, and common iliac nodes.
The edges of the torn tissue soon reepithelialize.
In pregnant women, the hymeneal epithelium is thick and
rich in glycogen. PERINEUM
Changes produced in the hymen by childbirth are This diamond-shaped area between the thighs has boundaries that
usually readily recognizable. mirror those of the bony pelvic outlet: the pubic symphysis anteriorly,
For example, over time, the hymen transforms into ischiopubic rami and ischial tuberosities anterolaterally, sacrotuberous
several nodules of various sizes, termed hymeneal ligaments posterolaterally, and coccyx posteriorly.
or myrtiform caruncles. o An arbitrary line joining the ischial tuberosities divides the
perineum into an anterior triangle (urogenital triangle) and a
Proximal to the hymen, the vagina is a musculomembranous tube that
posterior triangle (anal triangle).
extends to the uterus and is interposed lengthwise between the
bladder and the rectum.


o The perineal body is a fibromuscular pyramidal mass found in o They measure 3 to 4 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, and 0.5-1 cm thick.
the midline at the junction between these anterior and posterior o The bulbs terminate inferiorly at approximately the middle of the
triangles. vaginal opening and extend upward toward the clitoris.
A.k.a the central tendon of the perineum, the perineal o Their anterior extensions merge in the midline, below the clitoral
body sonographically measures 8 mm tall and 14 mm body.
wide and thick. o During childbirth, veins in the vestibular bulbs may be lacerated
It serves as the junction for several structures and or even rupture to create a vulvar hematoma enclosed within the
provides significant perineal support. superficial space of the anterior triangle.
Superficially, the bulbospongiosus, superficial transverse
perineal, and external anal sphincter muscles converge on DEEP SPACE OF THE ANTERIOR TRIANGLE
the perineal body. This space lies deep to the perineal membrane and extends up into
More deeply, the perineal membrane, portions of the the pelvis. In contrast to the superficial perineal space, the deep space
pubococcygeus muscle, and internal anal sphincter is continuous superiorly with the pelvic cavity.
contribute. It contains portions of urethra and vagina, certain portions of internal
The perineal body is incised by an episiotomy incision and pudendal artery branches, and muscles of the striated urogenital
is torn with second-, third-, and fourth-degree lacerations. sphincter complex.
SUPERFICIAL SPACE OF THE ANTERIOR TRIANGLE The female urethra measures 3 to 4 cm and originates within the
This triangle is bounded by the pubic rami superiorly, the ischial bladder trigone.
tuberosities laterally, and the superficial transverse perineal muscles The distal two thirds of the urethra are fused with the anterior vaginal
posteriorly. wall.
o It is divided into superficial and deep spaces by the perineal The epithelial lining of the urethra changes from transitional epithelium
membrane. This membranous partition is a dense fibrous sheet proximally to nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium distally.
that was previously known as the inferior fascia of the urogenital The walls of the urethra consist of two layers of smooth muscle, an
diaphragm. The perineal membrane attaches laterally to the inner longitudinal and an outer circular.
ischiopubic rami, medially to the distal third of the urethra and o This is in turn surrounded by a circular layer of skeletal muscle
vagina, posteriorly to the perineal body, and anteriorly to the referred to as the sphincter urethrae or rhabdosphincter.
arcuate ligament of the pubis. o Approximately at the junction of the middle and lower third of
The superficial space of the anterior triangle is bounded deeply by the the urethra, and just above or deep to the perineal membrane,
perineal membrane and superficially by ColIes fascia. As noted earlier, two strap skeletal muscles called the urethrovaginal sphincter
Colles fascia is the continuation of Scarpa fascia onto the perineum. and compressor urethrae are found.
On the perineum, ColIes fascia securely attaches laterally to the pubic o Together with the sphincter urethrae, these constitute the
rami and fascia lata of the thigh, inferiorly to the superficial transverse striated urogenital sphincter complex.
perineal muscle and inferior border of the perineal membrane, and This complex supplies constant tonus and provides
medially to the urethra, clitoris, and vagina. emergency reflex contraction to sustain continence.
o As such, the superficial space of the anterior triangle is a Distal to the level of the perineal membrane, the walls of the urethra
relatively closed compartment. consist of fibrous tissue, serving as the nozzle that directs the urine
This superficial pouch contains several important structures, which stream.
include the Bartholin glands, vestibular bulbs, clitoral body and crura, o Here, the urethra has a prominent submucosal layer that is lined
branches of the pudendal vessels and nerve, and the by hormonally sensitive stratified squamous epithelium. Within
ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, and superficial transverse the submucosal layer on the dorsal (vaginal) surface of the
perineal muscles. urethra lie the paraurethral glands.
o Of these muscles, the ischiocavernosus muscles each attach on The urethra receives its blood supply from branches of the inferior
their respective side to the medial aspect of the ischial vesical, vaginal, or internal pudendal arteries.
tuberosity inferiorly and the ischiopubic ramus laterally. o Although still controversial, the pudendal nerve is believed to
Anteriorly, each attaches to a clitoral crus and may help maintain innervate the most distal part of the striated urogenital sphincter
clitoral erection by compressing the crus to obstruct venous complex.
drainage. o Somatic efferent branches from S2-S4 that course along the
o The bilateral bulbospongiosus muscles overlie the vestibular inferior hypogastric plexus variably innervate the sphincter
bulbs and Bartholin glands. urethrae.
They attach to the body of the clitoris anteriorly and the
perineal body posteriorly. PELVIC DIAPHRAGM
The muscles constrict the vaginal lumen and aid release of Found deep to the anterior and posterior triangles, this broad
secretions from the Bartholin glands. muscular sling provides substantial support to the pelvic viscera.
They also may contribute to clitoral erection by The pelvic diaphragm is composed of the levator ani and the
compressing the deep dorsal vein of the clitoris. coccygeus muscles.
o The bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles also pull o The levator ani, in turn, contains the pubococcygeus,
the clitoris downward. puborectalis, and iliococcygeus muscles.
o Last, the superficial transverse perineal muscles are narrow o The pubococcygeus muscle is also termed the pubovisceral
strips that attach to the ischial tuberosities laterally and the muscle and is subdivided based on points of insertion and
perineal body medially. function.
They may be attenuated or even absent, but when These include the pubovaginalis, puboperinealis, and
present, they contribute to the perineal body. puboanalis muscles, which insert into the vagina, perineal
The vestibular bulbs are almond-shaped aggregations of veins that lie body, and anus, respectively.
beneath the bulbospongiosus muscle on either side of the vestibule.


Vaginal birth conveys significant risk for damage to the levator ani or Anal Sphincter Complex
to its innervation. Two sphincters surround the anal canal to provide fecal continence -
Evidence supports that levator ani avulsion may predispose the external and internal anal sphincters.
women to greater risk of pelvic organ prolapse. o Both lie near the vagina and may be torn during vaginal delivery.
POSTERIOR TRIANGLE o The internal anal sphincter (lAS) is a distal continuation of the
This triangle contains the ischioanal fossae, anal canal, and anal rectal circular smooth muscle layer. It receives predominantly
sphincter complex, which consists of the internal anal sphincter, parasympathetic fibers, which pass through the pelvic
external anal sphincter, and puborectalis muscle. splanchnic nerves. long its length, this sphincter is supplied by
Branches of the pudendal nerve and internal pudendal vessels are also the superior, middle, and inferior rectal arteries. The lAS
found within this triangle. contributes the bulk of anal canal resting pressure for fecal
Ischioanal Fossae continence and relaxes prior to defecation. The lAS measures 3-
A.k.a ischiorectal fossae, these two fat-filled wedge-shaped spaces are 4 cm in length, and at its distal margin, it overlaps the external
found on either side of the anal canal and comprise the bulk of the sphincter for 1-2 cm. The distal site at which this overlap ends,
posterior triangle. called the intersphincteric groove, is palpable on digital
Each fossa has skin as its supericial base, whereas its deep apex is examination.
formed by the junction of the levator ani and obturator internus o In contrast, the external anal sphincter (EAS) is a striated
muscles. Other borders include: laterally, the obturator internus muscle ring that anteriorly attaches to the perineal body and
muscle fascia and ischial tuberosity; inferomedially, the anal canal and posteriorly connects to the coccyx via the anococCygeal
sphincter complex; superomedially, the inferior fascia of the ligament. The EAS maintains a constant resting contraction to
downwardly sloping levator ani; posteriorly, the gluteus maxim us aid continence, provides additional squeeze pressure when
muscle and sacrotuberous ligament; and anteriorly, the inferior border continence is threatened, yet relaxes for defecation. The
of the anterior triangle. external sphincter receives blood supply from the inferior rectal
The fat found within each fossa provides support to surrounding artery, which is a branch of the internal pudendal artery.
organs yet allows rectal distention during defecation and vaginal Somatic motor fibers from the inferior rectal branch of the
stretching during delivery. Clinically, injury to vessels in the posterior pudendal nerve supply innervation.
triangle can lead to hematoma formation in the ischioanal fossa, and o Clinically, the AS and EAS may be involved in third- and fourth-
the potential for large accumulation in these easily distensible spaces. degree lacerations during vaginal delivery, and reunion of these
Moreover, the two fossae communicate dorsally, behind the anal rings is integral to defect repair.
canal. This can be especially important because an episiotomy Pudendal Nerve
infection or hematoma may extend from one fossa into the other. This is formed from the anterior rami of S2-S4 spinal nerves. It
Anal Canal courses between the piriformis and coccygeus muscles and exits
This distal continuation of the rectum begins at the level of levator ani through the greater sciatic foramen at a location posterior to the
attachment to the rectum and ends at the anal skin. Along this 4- to 5- sacrospinous ligament and just medial to the ischial spine. Thus, when
cm length, the mucosa consists of columnar epithelium in the injecting local anesthetic for a pudendal nerve block, the ischial spine
uppermost portion. However, at the pectinate line, also termed serves an identifiable landmark. The pudendal nerve then runs
dentate line, simple stratified squamous epithelium begins and beneath the sacrospinous ligament and above the sacrotuberous
continues to the anal verge. At the verge, keratin and skin adnexa join ligament as it reenters the lesser sciatic foramen to course along the
the squamous epithelium. obturator intern us muscle. Atop this muscle, the nerve lies within the
The anal canal has several tissue layers. pudendal canal, also known as Alcock canal, which is formed by
o Inner layers include the anal mucosa, the internal anal sphincter, splitting of the obturator internus investing fascia. In general, the
and an intersphincteric space that contains continuation of the pudendal nerve is relatively fixed as it courses behind the
rectum's longitudinal smooth muscle layer. sacrospinous ligament and within the pudendal canal.
o An outer layer contains the puborectalis muscle as its cephalad o Accordingly, it may be at risk of stretch injury during downward
component and the external anal sphincter caudally. displacement of the pelvic floor during childbirth.
Within the anal canal, three highly vascularized submucosal The pudendal nerve leaves this canal to enter the perineum and
arteriovenous plexuses, termed anal cushions, aid complete closure of divides into three terminal branches.
the canal and fecal continence when apposed. Increasing uterine size, o The first of these, the dorsal nerve of the clitoris, runs between
excessive straining, and hard stool create increased pressure that the ischiocavernosus muscle and perineal membrane to supply
ultimately leads to degeneration and subsequent laxity of the the clitoral glans.
cushion's supportive connective tissue base. These cushions then o Second, the perineal nerve runs superficial to the perineal
protrude into and downward through the anal canal. This leads to membrane. It divides into posterior labial branches and
venous engorgement within the cushions - now termed hemorrhoids. muscular branches, which serve the labial skin and the anterior
Venous stasis results in inflammation, erosion of the cushion's perineal triangle muscles, respectively.
epithelium, and then bleeding. o Last, the inferior rectal branch runs through the ischioanal fossa
External hemorrhoids are those that arise distal to the pectinate line. to supply the external anal sphincter, the anal mucosa, and the
They are covered by stratified squamous epithelium and receive perianal skin.
sensory innevation from the inferior rectal nerve. Accordingly, pain The major blood supply to the perineum is via the internal pudendal
and a palpable mass are typical complaints. Following resolution, a artery, and its branches mirror the divisions of the pudendal nerve.
hemorrhoidal tag may remain and is composed of redundant anal skin
and fibrotic tissue.
In contrast, internal hemorrhoids are those that form above the
pectinate line and are covered by insensitive anorectal mucosa. These
may prolapse or bleed but rarely become painful unless they undergo
thrombosis or necrosis.



Nabothian Cysts benign firm, smooth rounded, opaque-yellow or
INTERNAL GENERATIVE ORGANS ground glass gray elevations on ectocervix d/t squamous metaplasia
Uterus (Cervix, Endometrium, Myometrium) blocking and accumulation of endocervical clefts
Ligaments The orifice is converted to a transverse slit divided into: anterior and
Pelvic Blood Vessels, Lymphatics, and Innervaion posterior lips of cervix after childbirth.
Ovaries Chadwick Sign - blue tint increased vascularity
Fallopian Tubes Goodel Sign - softening d/t cervical edema
Hegar Sign - isthmic softening
Pyriform or pear-shaped Myometrium lines most of uterus consists of smc & elastic ct.
Nulligravid ( 6-8 cm); Multiparous (9-10 cm) - marked hypertrophy during pregnancy
Non-pregnant lies in pelvic cavity between bladder and rectum. Endometrium termed as decidua during pregnancy
Posterior wall is covered by serosa. TWO layers:
The lower portion of which forms the anterior boundary of the recto- functionalis layer slough off in menses
uterine cul-de-sac, or pouch of Douglas. basalis layer regenerates
The peritoneum reflects forward onto the bladder to create
vesicouterine pouch incised during CS delivery. LIGAMENTS
Round, Broad, Cardinal, Uterosacral
Two major unequal parts:
1. body or corpus (upper)
2. cervix (lower)

Isthmus - Between the internal cervical os and the endometrial

-Forms the lower uterine segment during pregnancy
Fallopian tubes (oviducts) - emerge from the cornua
Fundus convex upper segment

Round Ligaments
Originates at the origin of fallopian tube, to inguinal canal, to labium
Sampson Artery branch of uterine artery that runs with round ligament
Homologous to the gubernaculum testis of male
3-5mm diameter in non-pregnant women
Composed of smooth muscle
Undergo hypertrophy and increase in length and diameter during
Broad Ligaments
Stroma: collagen, elastin, proteoglycans, few smc.
Fusiform and open at each end by small aperture: internal and external
A two wing-like structures from the lateral uterine margins of the
uterus to the pelvic sidewalls
External os is small, regular, oval opening before childbirth.
Divides the pelvic cavity into anterior and posterior compartments
Ectocervix nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Each consists of a fold of peritoneum termed anterior and posterior
- Exterior to external os
Endocervical Canal simple mucin-secreting columnar epithelium
Drapes over structures extending from cornu
Mesosalpinx overlies the fallopian tube.
Mesoteres round the round ligament.
Eversion endocervix epithelia moves onto ectocervix during Mesovarium over the uterovarian ligament.
enlargement of cervix Mesometrium mesentery of uterus
Squamous metaplasia occurs in everted columnar epithelium d/t Infundibulopelvic ligament or suspensory ligament of the ovary
acidity and healing extends beneath the fimbriae to the pelvic wall.

Cardinal Ligament

[OBSTETRICS 2] lecture/chapter #: title

Transverse cervical ligament or Mackenrodt ligament. PELVIC LYMPHATICS

Densest portion. Drains into internal iliac nodes and paraaortic lymph nodes.
Thick base of the broad ligament continuous with the ct of the pelvic
Composed of ct that medially united firmly to the supravaginal portion Hypogastric Nerve Sympathetic from T10-L2
of the cervix. Splanchnic Nerve Parasympathetic from S2-S4
Runs downward in sidewalls giving rise to
Uterosacral Ligament Pelvic Plexus (3 divisions):
Vesical bladder
Extends from an attachment posterolaterally to the supravaginal portion Middle Rectal rectum
of the cervix and inserts into the fascia over the sacrum Uterovaginal (Frankenhäuser) fallopian, uterus, vagina
Composed of connective tissue, small bundles of vessels and nerves,
and some smooth muscle OVARIES
Covered by peritoneum and forms the lateral boundaries of the pouch Rests on ovarian fossa of Waldeyer.
of Douglas TWO PARTS:
Cortex outer layer, smooth, dull white, simple
cuboidal, supported by tunica albuginea,
PELVIC BLOOD SUPPLY, LYMPHATIC, AND INNERVATION - conatins oocyte and developing follicles
Medulla inner layer composed of ct, bv, and few
Derived from uterine and ovarian arteries, runs alongside with veins. Reproductive Age size:
2.5-5 cm length
1.5-3 cm width
0.6-1.5 cm thickness

8-14 cm length
3 Layers in Cross Section:
Mesosalpinx single mesothelial layer
Myosalpinx smc arranged in ICOL
Endosalpinx or Tubal mucosa- simple columnar epithelium,
Tubal peristalsis is important in ovum transport
4 Parts (according to book excluding fimbriae)
Interstitial portion communication between uterine cornu and
fallopian tubes
UTERINE ARTERY Isthmus 2-3mm wide, narrowest; common site of ectopic
Branch of internal iliac artery pregnancy
Branches into: Ampulla - 5-8mm wide, common site of fertilization
Cervicovaginal artery supply lower cervix and upper vagina Infundibulum funnel-shaped opening at distal
Main Utrerine Artery Arcuate Arteries Radial Arteries: - Spiral Fimbriae small, finger-like projections connected to ovaries
arteries (functionalis layer)
- Straight arteries (basalis layer)
- Sampson Artery of the round ligament
- 3 terminal branches:
Ovarian branch -anastomoses with the terminal branch
of the ovarian artery
Tubal branch -supplies part of the fallopian tube
Fundal branch -distributed to the uppermost uterus

Drains into internal iliac vein then common iliac vein

Enters and traverses broad ligament. Ureter and Bladder
Anastomoses with ovarian branch of uterine artery function as vascular
reserve preventing ischemia. Bladder
Lined by transitional epithelium
OVARIAN VEINS Wall consists of detrusor muscle (smc)
Right drains into vena cava Divided into:
Left drains into left renal vein Dome - thin-walled and distensible

[OBSTETRICS 2] lecture/chapter #: title

Base - thicker and less distensible diagonal conjugate - distance from the fingertip to the point
at which the lowest margin of the symphysis strikes the
Pelvic Bones, Joints, Planes and Diameters, Shapes (1) Transverse Diameter
- constructed at right angles to obstetrical
PELVIC BONES conjugate representing distance of linea terminalis
FOUR bones composed of sacrum (1), coccyx (1), innominate bones - Usually intersects obstetrical conjugate at 4cm
(2) front of promontory
Innominate bones are fused ilium, ischium, and pubis; connected at (2) Oblique Diameter
sacroiliac joint and symphysis pubis - from sacroiliac joints to iliopectineal eminence of
opposite side about 13cm

Measured at the level of the ischial spine- the midplane, or the plane of
PELVIC JOINTS least pelvic dimensions.
Interspinous diameter, 10 cm or slightly greater, is usually the smallest
Relaxation of pelvic joints during pregnancy in first trimester and pelvic diameter.
regress after parturition for 3-5 months The anteroposterior diameter through the level of the ischial spines
Symphisis Pubis increases width during pregnancy, but returns to measures at least 11.5 cm.
normal after delivery.
Sacroiliac Joint marked upward gliding movement of pelvis at term. PELVIC OUTLET
Consists of two triangular areas that are not in the same plane.
PELVIC PLANES AND DIAMETERS A common base- a line drawn between the two ischial tuberosities.
1. Pelvic Inlet - the superior strait Posterior triangle- the apex is at the tip of the sacrum, lateral
2. Pelvic Outlet - the inferior strait boundaries are the sacrosciatic ligaments and the ischial tuberosities.
3. Midpelvis - the least pelvic dimensions Anterior triangle-formed by the area under the pubic arch at angle of
4. Greatest Pelvic Dimension - no obstetrical significance 90-100 degrees.

Caldwell- Moloy Classification
Based on measurement of the greatest transverse diameter of the inlet
and its division into anterior and posterior segments.
Classified as: Gynecoid, Anthropoid, Android, and Platypelloid

Superior plane of true pelvis
Posterior- promontory and alae of sacrum
Lateral- Linea terminalis
Anterior- Horizontal pubic rami, and symphysis pubis

FOUR Diameters of Pelvic Inlet

(1) Anteroposterior Diameter (3 conjugates)
true conjugate uppermost margin of pubis and
obstetric conjugate - shortest distance between
promontory and pubis
- 10 cm or more, estimated indirectly by
subtractiong 1.5-2 cm from diagonal conjugate



Uterus is a pelvic organ (non-pregnant state). When a woman
INTRODUCTION becomes pregnant, the uterus will grow, as it grows bigger, it will
Profound anatomical, physiological and biochemical adaptations to go up from the pelvic cavity to the abdominal cavity. As it goes up
pregnancy for every organ system
Begins soon after fertilization throughout the whole gestation (40 weeks The uterus will now rotate to the right and then it will go up as it
Most occur in response to physiological stimuli provided by the fetus when it becomes an abdominal organ from a pelvic organ.
and placenta
Early changes are due in part of the: Uterine Contractility
Metabolic demands brought on by the fetus, placenta and uterus Early pregnancy - uterus contracts irregularly, may be perceived
Increasing levels of pregnancy hormones, particularly those of as mild cramps.
progesterone and estrogen Second trimester - contractions detected by bimanual
Late changes (starting mid trimester) are: examination. (1872, J. Braxton Hicks first brought attention to
Anatomical in nature these contractions, which now bear his name.)
Caused by mechanical pressure from expanding uterus - Appear unpredictably & sporadically, nonrhythmic
Near term infrequent Braxton Hicks contractions, but their
REPRODUCTIVE TRACT number rises during the last week or two (at this time,
contractions are as often as every 10 to 20 minutes, with some
UTERUS . degree of rhythmicity)
Main organ in pregnancy - uterine electrical activity is low and uncoordinated early in
Increase weight: from 70 grams (non-pregnant) to 1100 grams at term gestation, but becomes progressively more intense and
Volume of capacity is 10 ml or less in non-pregnant women: Increase synchronized by term (this synchrony develops twice as fast in
to 5 20 liters in pregnant women (growing fetus, amniotic fluid, multiparas compared with nulliparas)
placenta) Late in pregnancy - contractions may cause some discomfort
Enlargement mainly due to stretching and marked hypertrophy of and account for so-called false labor.
muscle cells, production of new myocytes is limited.
Accumulation of fibrous tissue in the external muscle layer + rise in Uteroplacental Blood Flow
elastic tissue content. Delivery of most substances essential for fetal and placental
Corpus wall thicken and strengthen during the first few months of growth, metabolism, and waste removal requires the placental
pregnancy then gradually thin. By term, the myometrium is only 1 to 2 intervillous space to be adequately perfused
cm thick, fetus can be palpated through the soft, readily indentable Placental perfusion - depends on total uterine blood flow, but
uterine walls. simultaneous measurement of uterine, ovarian, and collateral
Uterine hypertrophy early in pregnancy - stimulated by the action of vessels is not yet possible, even using magnetic resonance (MR)
estrogen & progesterone; similar uterine changes in ectopic pregnancy. angiography
- uterine growth is related predominantly to Using ultrasound to study the uterine arteries, uteroplacental blood
pressure exerted by the expanding products of conception. flow increase progressively during pregnancy 450 mL/min
Uterus enlargement - most marked in the fundus (midtrimester) to 500 - 750 mL/min (36 weeks), [similar to uterine
Extent of uterine hypertrophy - influenced by the position of the artery blood flow estimates ascertained indirectly using clearance
placenta. Myometrium surrounding the placental site grows more rates of androstenedione and xenon-133]
rapidly than does the rest Using invasive methods: 500 to 750 mL/min
Increased venous caliber and distensibility can result in uterine
Myocyte Arrangement vein varices that in rare instances may rupture
uterine musculature during pregnancy is arranged in three strata: First from animal studies: uterine contractions, either spontaneous
o Outer hoodlike layer - arches over the fundus and extends into or induced, lower uterine blood flow proportionally to contraction
the various ligaments. intensity (A tetanic contraction yields a precipitous fall in uterine
o Middle layer - dense network of muscle fibers perforated in all blood flow)
directions by blood vessels. Three-dimensional power Doppler angiography (in humans):
o Internal layer, with sphincter-like fibers around the fallopian tube o reduced uterine blood flow during contractions
orifices and internal cervical os. o resistance to blood flow in both maternal and fetal
Most of the uterine wall is formed by the middle layer. (each vessels was found to be greater during the second stage
myocyte has a double curve so that the interlacing of any two cells of labor compared with the first
forms a figure eight, this arrangement is crucial and permits Given that baseline uterine blood flow is diminished in pregnancies
myocytes to contract after delivery and constrict penetrating blood complicated by fetal growth restriction, these fetuses may tolerate
vessels to halt bleeding) spontaneous labor less effectively.

Uterine Shape and Position

Shape: pear shaped (1st few weeks) to globular to almost
spherical (12 weeks) to ovoid shape
DEXTROROTATION (rotation to the right) due to the rectosigmoid
on the left side of the pelvis

Codename: 1
[OBSTETRICS 2] dr. ababon/chapter 4: Maternal Physiology

Uteroplacental Blood Flow Regulation OVARIES .

The vessels that supply the uterine corpus widen and elongate No maturation of new follicles and no ovulation during pregnancy
yet preserve their contractile function Single corpus luteum in pregnancy
Spiral arteries - directly supply the placenta, vasodilate but Single corpus luteum in pregnancy
completely lose contractility; presumably results from Maximal function during 1st to 6-7 weeks of pregnancy in
endovascular trophoblast invasion that destroys the intramural progesterone production
muscular elements early part of pregnancy, placenta is still immature, it would not be
Vasodilation allows maternal placental blood flow to able to produce progesterone and other hormones so the fetus
progressively rise during gestation. would need or the body itself need the progesterone coming from
Blood flow increases proportionally to the fourth power of the the corpus luteum during the 1st 6-7 weeks of pregnancy for it to
radius of the vessel, small increases in vessel diameter result in be able to sustain the pregnancy. I
tremendous augmentation of uterine artery blood flow. If a pregnant woman undergoes surgery (i.e. abdominal procedure
The downstream fall in vascular resistance is another key factor = corpus luteum cyst), The corpus luteum should not be removed
that accelerates flow velocity and shear stress in upstream because it is very important to stay there during 1 st 6-7 weeks of
vessels. (shear stress leads to circumferential vessel growth, pregnancy because it produces the hormones to maintain
regulated by nitric oxide [potent vasodilator]) pregnancy in place.
Endothelial shear stress and several hormones [estrogen, Removed corpus luteum out of the pregnant patient during those
progesterone, activin] and growth factors [placental growth factor weeks can end up to having abortion. If there is lacking of
(PlGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)] all augment hormones during that time, obstetricians would give synthetic
endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and nitric oxide hormones just to maintain the pregnancy
production Relaxin secreted by the corpus luteum, the decidua, and the placenta
VEGF and PlGF signaling - attenuated in response to excess in a pattern similar to that of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
placental secretion of their soluble receptor soluble FMS-like Expressed in brain, heart, and kidney.
tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1). An elevated maternal sFlt-1 level Aid many maternal physiological adaptations, (remodeling of
inactivates and lowers circulating PlGF and VEGF concentrations, reproductive-tract connective tissue to accommodate labor)
important in preeclampsia pathogenesis Initiates augmented renal hemodynamics, lowering serum
Normal pregnancy - vascular refractoriness to the pressor effects osmolality, and increasing arterial compliance, (all are associated
of infused angiotensin II, raises uteroplacental blood flow with normal pregnancy)
Factors that augment uteroplacental blood flow: Serum relaxin levels do not contribute to greater peripheral joint
o Relaxin laxity or pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy
o Adipocytokines Theca-Lutein Cysts
Chemerin - secreted by several tissues i.e. the Benign ovarian lesions reflect exaggerated physiological follicle
placenta, concentration rises as gestation advances stimulation (hyperreactio luteinalis)
and serves to increase human umbilical eNOS activity, Bilateral cystic ovaries, moderately to massively enlarged, linked
mediates greater blood flow. to markedly elevated serum hcg levels.
Visfatin raises VEGF secretion and VEGF receptor 2 Found frequently with gestational trophoblastic disease,
expression in human epithelial cells derived from the placentomegaly (accompany diabetes, anti-d alloimmunization,
placental amnion and multifetal gestation [hyperreactio luteinalis - associated with
Leptin Resistin, and Adiponectin - enhance human preeclampsia and hyperthyroidism, elevated risks for fetal-
umbilical vein endothelial cell proliferation growth]
MicroRNA species - mediate vascular remodeling and uterine Encountered in women with otherwise uncomplicated
blood flow early in placentation pregnancies (exaggerated response of the ovaries to normal
o Members of the miR-17 92 cluster and miR-34 are levels of circulating hcg)
important in spiral artery remodeling and invasion Asymptomatic, hemorrhage into the cysts can cause acute
o Abnormalities of micro-RNA function have been abdominal pain
reported in preeclampsia, fetal-growth restriction, and Maternal findings that include temporal balding, hirsutism, and
gestational diabetes. clitoromegaly are associated with massively elevated levels of
CERVIX . androstenedione and testosterone; diagnosis based on sonographic
Marked softening and cyanosis as early as 1 month post conception are findings of bilateral enlarged ovaries containing multiple cysts in the
due to: appropriate clinical settings; self-limited and resolves following delivery.
Vascularity and edema
Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the glands FALLOPIAN TUBES .
Mucus plug rich in cytokines and immunoglobulins Myosalpinx undergoes little hypertrophy during pregnancy
Immunological barrier Epithelium of the endosalpinx flattens.
Collagen rich connective tissue rearrangement Decidual cells develop in the stroma of the endosalpinx, but a
Maintenance of pregnancy to term continuous decidual membrane is not formed.
Dilatation of cervix to aid delivery Rarely, a fallopian tube may twist during uterine enlargement, more
Repair after parturition (goes back to non-pregnancy state, it wont common with comorbid paratubal or ovarian cysts
stay 10cm dilated, after delivery it will start to contract but not that
much, until 6 weeks of puerperium that it will be back to normal
Arias Stella reaction
Endocervical gland hyperplasia and hypersecretory appearance

Codename: 2
[OBSTETRICS 2] dr. ababon/chapter 4: Maternal Physiology


Metabolic rate increased by 10 to 20 percent compared with that of the
INCREASE vascularity and hyperemia of the perineum (during nonpregnant state.
pregnancy, sometimes those fair skin would have pinkinsh to reddish Weight gain: average gain is 12.5kg to 27.5 lbs
perineum) Placenta: 0.7 kg
Softening of underlying connective tissue Uterus:1.6 kg
Acidic ph (3.5-6) -normal ph in pregnancy, important Baby: 3.5 kg
Why is it important to be acidic: Vaginal canal is near the anus, if the ph Amniotic fluid: 1-1.5 kg
is alkaline, fungal infection is very fond of alkaline environment, Extra blood volume and fluid: 4 kg
vulvovaginal candidiasis, abortion might be one of the problems, oral
meds for antifungal is not safe for pregnancy, topical or intra vaginal WATER METABOLISM .
one of presumptive signs of pregnancy Increase water retention
Pitting edema of ankles and legs at the end of the day (usually in mid
and late trimester; because the uterus becomes bigger there would be
venous occlusion, thus, veins in the lower extremities would not be able
to go back upwards from the lower extremities, because of the
occlusion brought about by the growing uterus)
pregnant patients esp the ones always sitting and
standing for long periods of time that when they go home, Lie on the
back and elevate legs 1-3 pillows up so the circulation would be better
then edema would
something wrong (pathologic edema assoc. with hypertension and
VARIOUS ORGANS other cvd diseases)
Chloasma or Melasma Gravidarum (Mask of pregnancy) PROTEIN METABOLISM .
Linea Nigra (discoloration in the tummy of pregnant patient)
The products of conception, the uterus and maternal blood are relatively
rich in protein.
By term, the fetus and placenta together weight about 4 kg and contain
approximately 500g of protein


VASCULAR CHANGES Mild fasting hypoglycemia (because of fast metabolic rate)

Angiomas (vascular of spider) face Post prandial hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia (normal if it just

Increased lipids
Increased lipoproteins and
Increased apolipoproteins

- peptide produced primarily in maternal fat but not in the placenta
- inversely correlate with adiposity, potent insulin sensitizer
Palmar erythema due to hyperestrogenemia
- directed assays are not useful for predicting diabetes development
despite reduced adiponectin levels in women with gestational diabetes
- peptide secreted principally by the stomach in response to hunger
- cooperates with other neuroendocrine factor
Increased lipids
Increased lipoproteins and
Increased apolipoproteins
Increase in size
Veins more visible
Because of the stretching because of the enlargement due to the
Larger, deeply pigmented, more erectile nipples
Colostrum expression (sometimes even before delivery)
Broader pigmented areola
Elevation of glands of Montgomery

Codename: 3
[OBSTETRICS 2] lecture/chapter 1: Overview of obstetrics

ELECTROLYTE AND MINERAL METABOLISM_________________________ - Take note of other signs and symptoms before you say she has
During normal pregnancy, nearly 1000 mEq of sodium and 300 mEq of infection (ex. Presence of fever or history of infection prior to
potassium are retained delivery like UTI) Note also if the breast is tender because of milk
- GFR of sodium & potassium is increased, the excretion of these this can also cause fever
electrolytes is unchanged during pregnancy as a result of Decreased platelet count
enhanced tubular resorption - due to hemodilution and platelet consumption
Although total accumulations of sodium and potassium are elevated, Hypervolemia associated with normal pregnancy averages 40-45%
their serum concentrations are diminished slightly above non-preganant blood volume after 32 to34 weeks
- Low levels of: Begin to increase at 1st trimester, most rapid in 2nd trimester and slower
Potassium- possibly involves the expanded plasma rate in 3rd trimester
volume of pregnancy. Increase due to increase plasma and RBCs secondary to increase
Sodium- osmoregulation is altered and the erythropoietin
threshold for arginine vasopressin release is
lowered. This promotes free water retention and IRON METABOLISM .
diminished sodium levels. Total iron content of normal adult women ranges from 2.0-2.5g or
Total serum calcium levels, which include both ionized and nonionized approximately half that found normally in men
calcium decrease during pregnancy - Most of this is incorporated in hemoglobin or myoglobin, and thus,
- This reduction follows lowered albumin concentrations and in turn iron stores of normal young women only approximate 300mg
a consequent decline in the amount of circulating protein bound Lower iron levels in women may be partly due to menstrual blood loss
nonionized calcium - Hepcidin- a peptide hormone that function as a homeostatic
The developing fetus imposes a significant demand on maternal calcium regulator of systemic iron metabolism
homeostasis Hepcidin level rise in inflammation, but drop with
- To help compensate, dietary intake of sufficient calcium is iron deficiency and several hormones, including
necessary to prevent excess depletion from the mother. testosterone, estrogen, vitamin d, and possibly
Serum magnesium levels also decline during pregnancy prolaction
- Pregnancy- is actually a state of extracellular magnesium depletion Lower hepcidin levels are associated with greater
Serum phosphate levels lie within the nonpregnant range absorption of iron via ferroportin in enterocytes
- Calcitonin is an important regulator of serum calcium and IRON REQUIREMENTS .
phosphate, the importance of calcitonin as it related to npregnancy Iron requirement in pregnancy is 1000 mg= 27mg elemental Fe
is poorly understood everyday
Iodine requirements increase during normal pregnancy for several Iron requirement in latter half of pregnancy not available from body
reasons stores
- First, maternal thyroxine production rises to maintain maternal Iron in diet and iron mobilized from body stores are not enough to meet
euthyroidism and to transfer thyroid hormone to the fetus prior to demands of pregnancy
fetal thyroid functioning.
- Second, fetal thyroid hormone production increases during the IMMUNOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS .
second half of pregnancy Coagulation cascade is activated during pregnancy
- Third, the primary route of iodine excretion is through the kidney - Pregnancy is a thrombogenic event
With respect to most other minerals, pregnancy induces little change in - Increased clotting factors and plasma fibrinogen
their metabolism other than their retention in amounts equivalent to - Decreased platelet due to increase consumption and hemodilution
those needed for growth. - Decreased fibrinolytic activity
Suppression of immunological functions to accommodate the foreign
BLOOD . Decreased cell-mediated immunity
Increased blood volume (40 to 45%) - Decrease in Th1 and Tc1 activity such that IL-2, INF-gamma and
- Increased in plasma and RBC volume TNF-beta also decrease
Hgb and hct concentration slightly decreased - Th1 suppression needed in pregnancy continuation
- With vasodilation, if the blood volume will not increase, mother will - Th2 on the other hand is upregulated
have decreased preload: peripheral pooling of the blood > Peak levels of IgA and IgG in cervical mucus to protect against
decreased preload > compensation by increasing heart ascending infection
contractility > heart failure Increase WBC count (normal for pregnanat woman= up to 16),
- Done by resetting induced resetting of osmotic threshold for thirst granulocyte, CRP, ESR, plasma globulins, C3 and C4
and vasopressin causing water retention
- Functions of increased blood volume: CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM
Meet the demands of the uterus
Protect mother and fetus against the deleterious HEART .
effects of impaired venous return (due to dilation
and superior vena cava compression by enlarging Displaced to the left upward
uterus) - Results to left axis deviation on ECG
Safeguard mother from blood loss during delivery - What is the reason behind this? Organs will grow specifically the
Blood viscosity decreased uterus making the diaphragm go up and compresses the thoracic
- Because there would be increase in plasma (More water than heart is also pushed
blood) Cardiac output is increased
Markedly elevated WBC during labor and early puerperium (25, 000/Ul) Heart and circulation undergo remarkable physiologic adaptations
- This is not necessarily due to infection. during pregnancy

Codename: 1
[OBSTETRICS 2] lecture/chapter 1: Overview of obstetrics

- Increase cardiac output Inspiratory capacity, the maximum volume that can be inhaled from
- Increase heart rate and stroke volume FRC, rises by 5-10% or 200-350ml during pregnancy
- Decrease systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance Total lung capacity, the combination of FRC and inspiratory capacity, is
- Increase plasma volume causing increase preload unchanged or decreases by <5% at term
- Decrease colloid osmotic pressure
Adjust to the physiologic demands of the fetus while maintaining RENAL SYSTEM
cardiovascular integrity
PERIPHERAL VASCULAR SYSTEM . Kidneys increased in size (1.5 cm) and weight
Resting pulse rate increases about 10 beats/ min Dilation of ureters
Elevated Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) about 50%
normal Renal plasma flow increases by 75% in early pregnancy and decreases
Decreased peripheral vascular resistance during the late pregnancy
- If you take a B Primarily as a consequence of this elevated GFR, approximately 60% of
when you became women report urinary frequency during pregnancy
physiologic changes
- On the other hand, if the BP is high because of the increase Stomach and intestines are displaced by the enlarging uterus
peripheral vascular resistance there would already be a problem. Pyrosis or heartburn is common
Hemorrhoids are common
is your usual for other LIVER .
signs & symptoms or do history taking like ask for family history Hepatic blood flow increases
of hypertension or maybe she has a history of kidney problems GALLBLADDER .
before she got pregnant that would be a part of good history taking
that you would be able to diagnosis a problem associated with Contractility is reduced leading to stasis and gallstones formation
pregnancy because of progesterone
BP falls during 2nd trimester and returns to normal then Progesterone impairs gallbladder contraction by inhibiting
cholecystokinin- mediated smooth muscle stimulation
Respiratory rate (RR) remains constant Pituitary gland enlarges by 135%
- Do not forget this! Increase production of thyroid hormones 40-100%
constant Prolactin levels markedly increased 10x at term
Increased Tidal volume
Enlarged thyroid gland due to glandular hyperplasia and increase
Increased Resting Minute Ventilation vascularity
- These are what changes in the respiratory system during Thyroid hormones increase
pregnancy parathyroid hormone plasma concentration increases
Physiological changes of pregnancy cause the thyroid hormones by 40
to 100 percent to meet maternal and fetal need
Rises 4 cm from non pregnant woman, increase transverse diameter
Maternal plasma levels of prolactin increase markedly during normal
of thoracic cage, increase thoracic circumference
pregnancy and concentrations are usually 10 fod greater at term about
- resulting to decreased functional residual capacity and residual
150 ng/ml compared with nonpregnant women.
volume (because the lungs will not be able to expand properly
dyspnea would be pathologic)
Nausea and vomiting
- As the uterus enlarges, diaphragm rises > lungs will be
decompensated Constipation
The respiratory rate is essentially unchanged, but tidal volume and Decreased motility due to influence of progesterone
resting minute ventilation increase significantly as pregnancy advances. Headaches and backache
The increase in minute ventilation is caused by several factors including Lower extremity edema is very common
enhanced respiratory drive primarily due to the stimulatory effects of Problems with attention, concentration and memory throughout
the progesterone, low expiratory reserve volume, and compensated pregnancy
respiratory alkalosis Difficulty going to sleep, frequent awakenings, fewer hours of night sleep
The functional residual capacity and the residual volume are decreased and reduced sleep efficiency
as a consequence of the elevated diaphragm.

Of physiologic changes, functional residual capacity (FRC) decreases by
approximately 20-30% or 400-700ml during pregnancy
- The capacity is composed of expiratory reserve volume (drops 15-
20% or 200-300ml) and residual volume (decreases 20-25% or
FRC and residual volume decline progressively across pregnancy due
to diaphragm elevation

Codename: 2


o Elevated pressure in rectal veins below the level of the enlarged
Increased Tidal Volume exceeds oxygen requirements imposed by Gums may become hyperemic and softened
pregnancy. LIVER .
Increased Total hemoglobin mass, oxygen-carrying capacity, and Hepatic arterial and portal venous blood flow increases.
cardiac output. GALLBLADDER .
Maternal arteriovenous oxygen difference is diminished. Contractility is reduced and leads to greater residual volume.
Oxygen consumption grows o leading to stasis and gallstones formation because of
o 20% during pregnancy progesterone.
o 10% higher in multifetal gestations Progesterone impairs gallbladder contraction by inhibiting
o 40% - 60% during labor cholecystokinin- mediated smooth muscle stimulation.
ACID-BASE EQUILIBRIUM . Increased prevalence of cholesterol gallstone
Greater awareness of a desire to breathe is common in pregnancy. o Impaired emptying
o this may be interpreted as dyspnea, which may suggest o Subsequent stasis
pulmonary or cardiac abnormalities when non exist. o Increased cholesterol saturation of bile.
RENAL SYSTEM Pituitary gland enlarges by 135%
o Compress the optic chiasma to reduce visual fields.
ANATOMIC RENAL CHANGES . o Primarily caused by estrogen-stimulated hypertrophy and
Kidneys increased in size (1.5 cm) and weight hyperplasia of the lactrotrophs.
Dilation of ureters Enlarged thyroid gland
HEMODYNAMIC RENAL CHANGES . Increase production of thyroid hormones 40-100%
Elevated Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) about 50%. Prolactin levels markedly increased 10x at term
o 25% by the second week after conception o due to glandular hyperplasia and increase vascularity
o 50% by the beginning of the second trimester Parathyroid hormone plasma concentration increases
o Results from: Physiological changes of pregnancy cause the thyroid hormones by 40
Hypervolemia-induced hemodilution lowers the to 100 percent to meet maternal and fetal need
protein conc. and oncotic pressure Maternal plasma levels of prolactin increase markedly during normal
Renal plasma flow increases by 80% before the end pregnancy and concentrations are usually 10 fod greater at term about
of first trimester. 150 ng/ml compared with nonpregnant women.
Renal plasma flow increases by 75% in early pregnancy. OTHERS
o Decreases during the late pregnancy
Primarily as a consequence of this elevated GFR, Nausea and vomiting
o 60% of nulliparas report urinary frequency during third trimester o Due to hormone Beta hCG.
o 80% experience nocturia. Constipation
During First Trimester, increase urine formation and uterus is enlarged. Decreased motility due to influence of progesterone
o The uterus will start as a pelvic organ and become abdominal Headaches and backache
organ. o Progressive Lordosis is a characteristic feature.
During third trimester, the head of baby impinging the bladder. The Lower extremity edema is very common
baby is going back down and it is now going back to the pelvic cavity. Problems with attention, concentration and memory throughout
Getting ready to be delivered. pregnancy
RENAL FUNCTION TEST. . Difficulty going to sleep, frequent awakenings, fewer hours of night sleep
Serum creatinine levels declines. and reduced sleep efficiency.
Creatine clearance in pregnancy averages 30% higher than nonpregnant o
women. o These are due to fetal movements.
During the day, pregnant women tend to accumulate water as o Sleep apnea common In pregnancy especially in obese px.
dependent edema o May contribute to postpartum blues or frank depression.
At night, while recumbent, they mobilize this fluid with diuresis.

Stomach and intestines are displaced cephalad by the enlarging uterus
Pyrosis (heartburn) is common
o Most likely caused by reflux of acidic secretions into the lower
o Decreased LES tone
o Decreased intraesophageal pressure
o Increased intragastric pressure.
Hemorrhoids are common
o Caused by Constipation due to increased progesterone that
makes the peristalsis of the intestine slower.

Codename: 1

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