Portafolio Ingles Quimestre 1

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Colegio de Bachillerato “Beatriz Cueva de Ayora”


Subject: Ingles

Teacher: Lic. Roberto Carrion S

Student: Yustyn Andy Lima Ponce

Course: 3BGU

Paralle: M

AÑO LECTIVO 2020-2021

TASK ONE: Answer this question
When do we use the simple past and the past continuous? Write an example.

(La respuesta la encuentra al final del video basado en el link dado. (number 1)

The simple past:

I traveled last week at Zamora city

Past continuous;

I was going to high school but I remember there is not school because there is a pandemic

TASK TWO: Look for on Internet and write a short definition about the main problems in
terms of discrimination against women.

Main problems of discrination against women Definition

Women are less likely to be employed than

1. Inequality in employment and labour rights men and those who work typically earn less
than their male counterparts.

Gender Inequality & Domestic Violence

2. The lack of women in positions of power in today there are women's in the power

3. Patriarchy. Predominio o mayor autoridad del varón en

una sociedad o grupo social.

4. Sexism, racism and economic inequality the racism never finish in the world
TASK THREE: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the best movie genre to see in the movie theater? Why?

I saw the movie ´´ a quiet place ´´ her genre is horror, because her edition is very good

2. Can a movie belong to more than one genre? Explain your opinion.

Yes .it can, cause there is movies with mix of horror and comedy for example the movie
´´scary movie´

3. Did you go to the cinema with your parents last month?

No I did not, cause the pandemic

4. What were you doing when your friends went to the cinema?

I was looking a movie in houses




TASK ONE. Read the information below and complete. Then write into English a
minibiography about an actor or actress you really like.

Think of an actor or actress you really like. He or she can be from any part of the
world. Write down his or her name and anything you know about this celebrity.
Robert Downey Jr. he is small and he is 55 years old. and he is IRON MAN.

• Now do some research and add more interesting facts about the person you have
chosen. Continue your list.

He is prohibited from entering Japan due to his long criminal record

Has 2 Oscar nominations for Best Actor
He has won two Golden Globes, one for Best Actor

Take your ideas and write them in a short 100-120 words minibiography. Be sure to
write all the events in chronological order. You must use at least FIVE-time
expressions, for example: before, after, during, as soon as, while, then, later, at the same

he borned on April fourth 1965 in New York

her father is from Irish and her mother is from Germany
. he have a sister her name is Allyson.
her work started when he was childlike actor but papers not so important then
in 2006 started her famous movie. her name is IRON MAN
TASK TWO: Matching the time expressions with the correct meaning.

before - al mismo tiempo

after - despuès
during - luego
as soon as - tan pronto como
while - mientras
then - durante
later - luego
at the same time - antes

TASK THREE: Listen to the following recording about Steven Spielberg. As you listen,
fill in the time line with years and important events in his life.

Was born Makes tv

series Makes IT
Catch Me If You Working a new film and
Can music

1946 1969 1982 2002 2012

1960 1981 1993 2005

He want
write the
first movie
I like and write the meaning.
TASK FOUR: Find the new vocabulary in this puzzle
He Makes
b r e indieajones t h Makes
He t a k i
c s c r i p
jurassic t
park n n n
o n n n p n n n n g
l s d s r s s m s s
o s e s o s s a s s
s y v y f y y k y y
s u i t a b l e w w
a w s s n w w u w w
l r e r e r r p r r
t t d t t q t t t t
m m a t c h u p t t
b l o c k b u e o o
s p l p
p p p p p p t p p p
m m m m m m e m m m
a s d f g h r j k l
Blockbuster = películas muy exitosas
Breathtaking = asombroso

Colossal = Extremadamente grande

Luxury =artículo caro
Script = Guion
Match up= Coordination
Breathtaking extremadanete hermoso
Sequel = continuación de una película
Make up = creación o invento

Devised = ideado
Suitable = Apropiado
Profane = profane

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