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Asked by MagistrateGoat2927

HRM 4123 Assignment #1 - Benefits of Training and Development (5%)...

HRM 4123 Assignment #1 - Benefits of Training and Development (5%)

This assignment relates to the following Course Learning Requirements:

CLR #2 - Apply employee training theories and best practices.

Objective of this Assignment: To present the benefits of training and development within an
organizational context.


Read the scenario below:

"You have recently been hired as the most senior executive in an organization responsible for talent
management, including training and development.

The company did not have someone in this role previously, rather training and talent management was
left up to the discretion of departmental managers."


Prepare material, by creating a screen-cast, which allows you to capture your screen and your voice, on
your viewpoint on the importance of strategic alignment between the company's strategic goals and that
of the training department.

Instructions for this are included in the LMS and entitled "How to Use Screen Cast O Matic".
The material presented must directly address the importance of strategic alignment and include 1-2
direct quotes from the primary materials of the course, and at least 5 additional points that analyze the
direct quotes and explain how the evidence supports your viewpoint.

Cite all your sources of information using APA formatting. Remember, personal communication from a
professional in the field counts as a reference source



Human Resource Management

HRM 4123

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Answer & Explanation


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Answered by ProfWolfPerson780

Your presentation should be no longer than 5 minutes in total.

This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade.

Benefits of Training and Development

Training and development are integral to the success of an organization. Training and development can
help employees to understand the company's strategic goals, and how their individual roles contribute
to the overall success of the organization. Training and development can provide employees with the
skills, knowledge and abilities necessary to successfully perform their job roles. By investing in training
and development, organizations can improve their productivity, reduce employee turnover and increase
employee satisfaction.
Training and development can also help to ensure that employees remain up-to-date on the latest
developments in their field and can be better equipped to handle new responsibilities or challenges.
Training and development can also lead to increased job satisfaction and motivation, as well as improved
team collaboration and communication.

According to the primary materials of this course, "Organizations must ensure that the training and
development activities they implement align with their overall strategic goals" (Noe et al., 2020). Training
and development activities should be designed to support the company's strategic objectives in order to
achieve the best results. For example, if the company's goal is to increase sales, then the training and
development activities should focus on improving the skills and knowledge of the sales team in order to
help them reach their targets.

Training and development can also help to ensure that employees have the necessary skills and
knowledge to effectively handle their job roles. Training and development activities can help employees
to better understand their job roles, how to complete them more efficiently and how to effectively use
the tools and systems available to them. This can help to improve their performance and increase

Training and development can also help to reduce employee turnover. By providing training and
development opportunities to employees, organizations can show that they value their employees and
are invested in their growth and development. This can help to create a positive work environment and
can help to retain employees in the long-term.

Training and development can also help to reduce employee turnover. By providing training and
development opportunities to employees, organizations can show that they value their employees and
are invested in their growth and development. This can help to create a positive work environment and
can help to retain employees in the long-term.

In conclusion, training and development are essential to the success of an organization. Strategic
alignment between the company's strategic goals and that of the training and development activities is
key to achieving the best results. Training and development can help to ensure that employees have the
necessary skills and knowledge to effectively perform their job roles, as well as to reduce employee
turnover and increase employee satisfaction.

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2020). Fundamentals of human resource
management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Step-by-step explanation

Training and development are essential to the success of an organization. Training and development can
help employees to understand the company's strategic goals and how their individual roles contribute to
the overall success of the organization. Training and development provide employees with the skills,
knowledge and abilities necessary to successfully perform their job roles and stay up-to-date on the
latest developments in their field.

By investing in training and development, organizations can improve their productivity, reduce employee
turnover and increase employee satisfaction. Training and development activities should be strategically
aligned with the company's overall strategic goals in order to achieve the best results. For example, if the
company's goal is to increase sales, then the training and development activities should focus on
improving the skills and knowledge of the sales team in order to help them reach their targets.

Training and development can also help to ensure that employees have the necessary skills and
knowledge to effectively handle their job roles. Training and development activities can help employees
to better understand their job roles, how to complete them more efficiently and how to effectively use
the tools and systems available to them. This can help to improve their performance and increase

In addition, training and development can help to reduce employee turnover. By providing training and
development opportunities to employees, organizations can show that they value their employees and
are invested in their growth and development. This can help to create a positive work environment and
can help to retain employees in the long-term. Finally, training and development can help to increase
employee satisfaction. By providing employees with the opportunity to learn new skills and knowledge,
organizations can help to create a positive and supportive workplace. This can help to create a sense of
engagement and motivation among employees and can lead to increased job satisfaction.

In conclusion, training and development are essential to the success of an organization. Strategic
alignment between the company's strategic goals and that of the training and development activities is
key to achieving the best results. Training and development can help to ensure that employees have the
necessary skills and knowledge to effectively perform their job roles, as well as to reduce employee
turnover and increase employee satisfaction.

• In conclusion, training and development are essential to

the success of an organization. Strategic alignment
between the company's strategic goals and that of the
training and development activities is key to achieving the
best results. Training and development can help to ensure
that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to
effectively perform their job roles, as well as to reduce
employee turnover and increase employee satisfaction.
• Strategic alignment is the process of planning and
implementing practices to ensure an organization's
strategies support its general objectives. A strategically
aligned business comprises operations, methods and
prescribed practices that work in unison to achieve long-
term company goals. In a strategically aligned organization,
all departments, projects, decisions and functions
contribute to the fulfillment of the organization's mission,
vision and objectives.

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