L D Transfer in Training

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Running head: Transfer into Training

Assignment #6
Transfer into Training – Audit Checklist and Strategic Alignment between Training Transfer at
Training and Development-HRM 4123
Instructor Melissa Stock
Monday, June 3, 2019

Transfer of training is an extremely important aspect of Training and Development. It

refers to an individual’s ability to apply the knowledge, skills and behaviours that they have

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Running head: Transfer into Training

acquired through training, to on the job activities, over a period of time (Saks and Haccoun,
2016). Transfer of training positively impacts the business in several ways. First, it validates the
resources that the company has put into the training program, ensuring they get a good return
on investment. Second, it drives employee development and knowledge growth; and third, it
contributes to the bottom line; ultimately growing the business by increasing effectiveness and
efficiency. Unfortunately, there are several barriers that can inhibit the transfer of training, the
majority of which are related to the work environment and lack of manager/supervisor support
(Saks and Haccoun, 2016). Fortunately, there are also several strategies to assist in the transfer
of training and these strategies can be used before, during and after training occurs (Heathfield,
An audit checklist is a method that can be used to assess the learning transfer system
within an organization. For this assignment, I spoke to Matt Hand, a District Manager for
Starbucks Canada, to determine how strategically aligned Starbucks is with regards to transfer. I
prepared and used the audit checklist below for this assessment:

Transfer of Training Audit

Potential Barrier Relation to Training and Audit Questions
l Strategy
Manager Support/Follow-up The level of support and  Do managers support transfer
reinforcement managers of training and clarify performance
provide employees to use expectations?
new skills, behaviors and  Do managers identify
knowledge on-the-job to drive opportunities for the employee to
growth. The strategy here is use their new skills?
to ensure trainees are □ Do managers and employees
practicing their new skills and set realistic goals based on their
feel supported by their newly acquired skills? Are action
manager if they are unsure or plans developed for transfer?
if they need assistance.  Do managers provide
employees with recognition when
they successfully apply their
 Do managers assess the
training through interviews and
obtaining feedback from the
trainees during/after the training?
□ Do managers ensure training
satisfaction and training transfer
by following-up and obtaining
feedback from former trainees?
Supervisor Feedback and 360-degree feedback from  Do managers provide
Coaching supervisor and peers to drive constructive feedback and
performance. Providing assistance to employees when
feedback on the employee’s applying a new skill or new
job performance of their newly knowledge?
acquired skills will aid in  Is 360-degree feedback a
development and drive practice? Does the employee

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Running head: Transfer into Training

performance. receive feedback regarding their

performance from their supervisor
as well as peers and coworkers?
Peer/Trainer Support The level of support an  Does the trainer stay involved in
employee receives from their the training and transfer process?
peers. For instance, their help □ Are there “buddy” systems in
and assistance when applying place to drive peer support,
newly acquired skills in the assistance, and feedback?
workplace. The relationship
between the trainer and the
trainee after training.
(Learning Transfer Solutions, 2019).
After speaking with Matt Hand and conducting a transfer of training audit, I can conclude
that transfer of training is an integral part of Starbucks training and development strategy.
Transfer of training is highly supported by management at all levels and is a common practice at
Starbucks (Hand, 2019). All trainees are provided with clear expectations prior to, during and
after training and are provided ample time to practice what they have learned through on-the-job
practice, participating in various activities, or coaching/mentoring their peers (Hand, 2019).
According to Hand (2019), recognition is the core of Starbucks mission statement and is given
by all partners at all levels. The same is true for feedback. Starbucks has integrated a 360-
degree feedback practice that allows all employees at all levels to provide constructive feedback
(Hand, 2019). Hand (2019), being a District Manager Trainer, says that it is an expectation and
consistent practice that trainers stay close with their trainees even after the training process.
Finally, once training is completed, trainees are asked to provide feedback on the training
environment, the content of the training as well as any recommendations they might have to
improve the overall training experience (Hand, 2019).
I would make the following recommendations to improve knowledge transfer within Starbucks:
1. I would recommend that Starbucks gain employee input and involvement in the training
process prior to the start of the training. This will increase engagement, aid in the
retention of knowledge and aid in the transfer of knowledge once the training is
2. I would recommend that Starbucks have their managers and trainees set goals based on
their newly acquired skills. This will aid in the follow-up and ensure that the new skills are
being practiced and used consistently; and
3. I would recommend that a manager meet with employees who participated in a training
session to assess their satisfaction with the training as well as their ability to transfer
their knowledge. Further, follow-up with the trainee’s supervisor can be done to assess
whether the employees are applying their skills on-the-job. This will provide a clear
indication of how effective the training is and whether training transfer is occurring.
4. I would recommend that Starbucks create a “buddy” system for peer support and
assistance. This will aid in the transfer of training and empower employees to be


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Running head: Transfer into Training

Hand, M. (2019, May 28). Phone Interview.

Heathfield, S. (2019). How to Help Employees Transfer Training to the Job. Retrieved from
Learning Transfer Solutions. (2019). Learning Transfer System Audit Checklist. Retrieved from
Saks, A and Haccoun, R. (2016). Managing Performance Through Training and Development.
Toronto, Ontario: Nelson.

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