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1 .Many of our new words are shorter forms of old ones. We say flu instead of influenza, and
bus instead of autobus. ________ are another way of communicating by using abbreviations.
Scuba comes from( self- contained underwater breathing apparatus), while radar stands for (
radio detecting and ranging).

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Acronym

B. Personification

C. Oxymoron

D. Idiom

2. The quest for knowledge is, to a large degree, a quest for certainty. Institutions such as
courts, universities, and science laboratories are________ to determining the truth.
Individual, too, have a strong desire to find concrete answers to their questions and doubts.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Pleased

B. Dedicated

C. Disloyal

D. Faithless

3. Researchers have found that people who are lying often provide hints about their
dishonesty through their language and body movements. There are two signs of lying that
have been well documented. First, liars tend to _______ in their positions or stories,
indicating that they can’t remember the last lie they told, or that they are telling a lie to cover
another lie that is about to be exposed. They also tend to cover their mouths and avoid direct
eye contact with listeners.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Direct
B. Manage

C. Vacillate

D. Control

4. English woman seemed to have had a special affection for hatpins. At first, the pins were
merely functional items that held one’s hat in place. But in the 1800s, as woman’s hats grew
larger and more opulent, so did the pins that secured them. Handmade, exorbitantly priced
pins, as long as fourteen inches, were fashioned from jade, silver, and gold and decorated
with jewels. Wearing fancy hatpins, like wearing expensive jewelry, soon became a method
of _______ one’s social standing. And like other symbols of grandiosity, they were criticized.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Lower

B. Abhor

C. Minify

D. Aggrandizing

5 . As to why we dream, some researchers believe that dreaming helps us to “ hard- wire”
memories and knowledge, similar to how a computer might record information and “back it
up”. The interpretation is supposed by research showing that people who suffer from sleep
______ often have memory and learning deficits. But researchers still don’t know precisely
what our individual dreams mean. That may always be a mystery.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Deprivation

B. Supply

C. Wealth

D. Gain
6. the Great Depression changed the lives of millions of Americans, many of them teenagers.
The 1920s had been a decade of great prosperity in the United States, and people expected
this good fortune to continue in future decades. Even after the stock market crash of 1929,
many believed that the economic downturn would only be a brief_________.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Recession

B. Depression

C. Wealth

D. Luxury

7. When I pick up my father and his girlfriend at Los Angeles International Airport he stops
short before embracing me, blinks repeatedly in disbelief, smiles or smirks crookedly and
tentatively, judging me, sizing me up through his trademark horn-rimmed glasses and
ultraconservative mud-brown eyes, which cut immedi- ately to the wiry dreadlocks bouncing
around my fore- head, and his glare that screams What kinda weird thing you gone and done
to yourself this time? disturbingly familiar yet intimidating and benevolent at the same time,
reduces me, as it most often does despite my thirty something years, to the little tyke in
dungarees and high-top sneakers I once was, in dire need of my father's love and approval.
For weeks I was preoccupied with and vexed myself over what my father and I would
possibly talk about for seven days and seven nights, constantly being together and sharing
each meal, sleeping in the same house day in, day out, after our years of estrangement sealed
by an impromptu reconciliation. But now that he's here and we move toward one another, I
suddenly acknowledge that seven days might not be sufficient time to encompass all that we
have to say to each other.

What is the main idea of the previous paragraph?

A. description of the long-standing personal dynamic between the narrator and his father.
B. background information about the father's life previous to this meeting.
C. an explanation of the recent events that prompted the father's trip.
D. clarification about which character planned and initiated this family visit.

8. Since the mid-nineteenth century, postal practices in North America and Western Europe
quite explicitly sought to contain the potential for straying missives by giving senders private
control over their letters and making the address circuitry much more focused. The key
innovations that took place in the two middle - decades of the century made the modern
private letter possible. The first postage stamp appeared in 1840 in Great Britain, bearing a
portrait of Queen Victoria. No longer did one need to see a postmaster to pay for carriage,
marking a key step toward impersonality in access. In the 1840s adhesive postage stamps
appeared in the United States, first as local, private issues, and in 1847 the first national
stamp was authorized by the United States Congress. The first United States patent for
envelopes was issued in 1849. By sealing off con- tents against inspection, envelopes gave
letters an entirely new aura of privacy. In 1851 Congress, perhaps. motivated to secure
linkage with the Pacific Coast in the wake of the 1849 gold rush, passed a flat rate for all
letters, not graded for distance as some early rates were. In 1856 all mail in the United States
had to be. prepaid (as opposed to COD, or cash on delivery), and 60 a registered mail service
was founded to help prevent the loss of valuables, though it was rarely used. In 1858 street
drop boxes, introduced in London in 1855, were first used in the United States. By the late
1850s, then, it was possible to mail a letter sealed in an envelope, 65 paid for with a
prepurchased stamp, and dropped into a public box. "No longer did the sender have to come
under the scrutiny of the receiving postal employees" (Mathew J. Bowyer). No sentinels
guarded the gates to the system. Confidentiality was now possible.

What is the main idea of the previous paragraph?

A. mid-nineteenth-century innovations giving senders more power over the contents and
handling of letter's made the private letter of today possible.

B. the introduction of prepaid mail service in the mid-nineteenth century greatly increased the
popularity and convenience of the U.S. postal system.

C. the increased confidentiality of the personal letter in the mid-nineteenth century made
censorship of letters by postmasters unlikely.

D. because letters sent after the mid-nineteenth cen- tury no longer came under the scrutiny of
post- masters, letters began to carry different information.

9. The aspiration to neutrality finds prominent expression in our politics and law. Although it
derives from the liberal tradition of political thought, its province is not limited to those
known as liberals, . rather than conservatives, in American politics; it can be found across the
political spectrum. Liberals invoke the ideal of neutrality when opposing school prayer or
restrictions on abortion or attempts by certain groups to bring their morality into the public
square. Con- servatives appeal to neutrality when opposing attempts by government to
impose certain moral restraints-for the sake of workers' safety or environmental protection or
distributive justice-on the operation of the market economy.

What is the main idea of the previous paragraph?

A. liberals and conservatives have essentially the same value systems.

B. liberals and conservatives find governmental neutrality appealing for different reasons.

C. conservatives are more interested in the nation's economy than are liberals.

D. liberals are responsible for the idea that the U.S. government should be neutral.
10. Text 1
In writing of Thoreau, I am not conscious of having any criticism to make of
him, l would fain accept him just as be was, and make the most of him, defining
and discriminating him as I would a flower or a bird or any other product of nature-
perhaps exaggerating some features the better to bring them out. I suppose there were
greater men among his contemporaries, but I doubt if there were any more genuine
and sincere, or more devoted to ideal ends. If he was not this, that, or the other great
man, be was Thoreau, and he fills his own niche well, and bas left a positive and
distinct impression upon the literature of his country. He was, perhaps, a little
too near his friend and master, Emerson, and brought too directly under his
influence. But the contour of his moral nature was just as firm and resisting. He was
no more a soft-shelled egg, to be dented by every straw in the nest, than was his
distinguished neighbor.

Text 2
Walden Woods is the 2,680-acre area outside or Boston, Massachusetts, that inspired
Thoreau's book Walden.
Before I get around to saying why I think that Walden Woods absolutely must be
preserved from subdivision and development, let me confess that, much as I admire
Thoreau's bard-mouthed intellectual integrity and his knotty grappler's mind, I
have some reservations about him. There are writings of bis that I admire more than
Walden-the essay "Walking," for example, which is superb from first line to last, and
"Civil Disobedience," though this latter is as explosive as dyna- mite caps, and
should not be left around where children might find ii and play with it Reading
Walden., I am alternately exhilarated and exasperated, as some of the author's
contemporaries were with the man himself. In one paragraph be may say something
that has been waiting a thousand years to be said so well; in the next he is capable of
something so outrageous that it sets my teeth on edge.

Compared to the author of Text 1, the author of Text 2 provides more specific
information about the:
A. opinion Thoreau's contemporaries had of his writing.
B. professional relationship Thoreau bad with Emerson.
C. themes that Thoreau explored in his work.
D. reasons for Thoreau's increasing fame.

11. The following text is from Emily Dickinson’s 1890 poem ''There is no Frigate like a

There is no Frigate like a Book

To take us Lands away
Nor any Coursers like a Page
Of prancing Poetry –
This Traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of Toll –
How frugal is the Chariot
That bears the Human Soul –
Which choice best states the main idea of the text?
A. boats are unlike books
B. it is better to have a vehicle for the body than for the mind
C. there are more books than boats
D. books are excellent ways to experience the world

As an apple ripens, it undergoes changes in its firmness (the maximum force that can be
applied to the apple without puncturing its skin) and in its production of volatile (readily
vaporized) compounds. A study examined how the storage time at 1°C affected the firmness
and the volatile abundance (the concentration of volatile com- pounds produced) of 4
different varieties of apples. Table 1 shows how the average firmness of each variety changed
over time at 1°C. Suppose that a grocery store wants to purchase a variety of apple that will
retain as much of its initial firm- ness as possible when stored at 1°C for 6 months. Of the 4
varieties tested
____________would best meet the store's selection criterion.
Which choice uses data from the table to logically complete the text?
A. Fuji
B. Gala
C. Granny Smith
D. Red Delicious

Scientists studied soil creep at 3 sites (Sites 1-3) and block glide at 3 other sites (Sites 4-6) in
a particular region. Beginning on March 1, 1995, and every 6 months thereafter until
September 1, 1998, the scientists measured the cumulative distance that material at the
surface had moved since September 1, 1994. The distance that material moved at Site 5 was
greatest between _________.
Which choice uses data from the table to logically complete the text?
A. March 1, 1995, and September 1, 1995
B. March 1, 1996, and September 1, 1996
C. March 1, 1997, and September 1, 1997
D. March 1, 1998, and September 1, 1998

14. Unprecedented industrial growth in the country of Remo has created serious
problems because factories there lack adequate pollution-control systems. Remo is
developing a clean growth plan that includes environmental regulations that will require the
installation of such systems. Since no companies in Remo currently produce pollution-
control systems, the plan, if implemented, will create significant opportunities for foreign
exporters to market pollution-control systems. Which of the following, if true, most
seriously weakens the argument?
A. The clean growth plan will provide tax incentives for local businesses to develop and
manufacture pollution-control devices.
B. Foreign exporters would provide factory-trained technicians to maintain the pollution-
control systems sold to Remo.
C. Industrial lobbyists sponsored by local businesses in Remo are trying to prevent the
implementation of the government regulations.
D. The regulations that Remo plans to implement are much less strict than those in
neighboring nations.

15. Charcoal from a hearth site in Colorado, 2,000 miles south of Alaska, is known to be
years old. Researchers reasoned that, since glaciers prevented human migration south from
the Alaska-Siberia land bridge between 18,000 and 11,000 years ago, humans must have
come to the Americas more than 18,000 years ago. Which of the following pieces of
new evidence would cast doubt on the conclusion drawn above?
A. Using new radiocarbon dating techniques, it was determined that the charcoal from the
Colorado site was at least 11,400 years old.
B. Another campsite was found in New Mexico with remains dated at 16,000 years old.
C. A computer simulation of glacial activity showed that it would already have been
for humans to travel south overland from Alaska 18,500 years ago.
D. Using new radiocarbon dating techniques, it was proved that an ice-free corridor allowed
passage south from the Alaska-Siberia land bridge at least 11,400 years ago.

16. Either food scarcity or excessive hunting can threaten a population of animals. If the
faces food scarcity, individuals in the group will reach reproductive maturity later than
otherwise. If the group faces excessive hunting, individuals that reach reproductive
maturity earlier will come to predominate. Therefore, it should be possible to determine
whether prehistoric mastodons became extinct because of food scarcity or human hunting,
since there are fossilized mastodon remains from both before and after mastodon
populations declined, and ______.

Which of the following most logically completes the reasoning?

A. there are more fossilized mastodon remains from the period before mastodon populations
began to decline than from after that period
B. the average age at which mastodons from a given period reached reproductive maturity
can be established from their fossilized remains
C. it can be accurately estimated from fossilized remains when mastodons became extinct
D. it is not known when humans first began hunting mastodons

17. Researchers recently asked dozens of shoppers, chosen at random coming out of a
FoodBasket supermarket, what they had purchased. The prices of the very same items at
the nearest ShopperKing supermarket were totaled and compared with the FoodBasket
total. The ShopperKing totals averaged five percent higher than the FoodBasket totals.
Nevertheless, this result does not necessarily show that shoppers at ShopperKing would
save money overall by shopping at FoodBasket instead, since ______.

Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

A. shoppers who shop regularly at a given supermarket generally choose that store for the
prices offered on the items that they purchase most often
B. for shoppers with more than 20 items, the ShopperKing totals averaged more than five
percent higher than the FoodBasket totals
C. many shoppers consider factors other than price in choosing the supermarket at which they
shop most regularly
D. there is little variation from month to month in the overall quantity of purchases made at
supermarkets by a given shopper

18. My __________puts me into some interesting situations now and then. Just last month,
for instance, I received a call from a neighbor her plea for my help resulted in a happy
ending for everyone involved.

A. fascination with these little creatures,

B. fascination with these little creatures
C. fascination, with these little creatures
D. fascination, with these 'little creatures,

19. _______________________ also gifted with the ability to make people feel comfortable
in front of the camera. One picture shows a little boy standing on a platform. On either side of
him is a dog that the boy holds the dogs' collars in his hands. He smiles at the camera, and
one has to wonder what made him happy. One art critic commented that it appears as if boy
and dogs alike found it completely natural to stop and pose for McWilliams.

A.It is suggested that McWilliams's photographs were that the boy is holding
C. dog; the boy bolds the boy holds

20. Early in her career, Dr. Cheng became intrigued by the fact that _________ insects are
the earth's most abundant and diverse organisms, they are virtually absent from and
nonexistent in the world's largest habitat, the ocean. To try to solve this riddle, Dr. Cheng
began studying the genus Halobates, the only known open-ocean.

A. Because
A. Though
B. Since
C. Nevertheless
21.There is an ominous feud fighting around my neighborhood, a part of town that was once
a tranquil and idyllic place to live. The cause of the feud is ________, is that we all live on a
dead-end street with a place to turn around its end.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Spaces and the root of the problem

B. Spaces, and the root of the problem,
C. Spaces, and the root of the problem
D. Spaces and, the root of the problem

22. Sugar cane comes _____ contradictions and ambivalence as Toomer weaves the image
into situations and settings that are both nurturing and disturbing

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. To represent
B. From representing
C. With representing
D. Up to represent

23. From the beginning of recorded chinese history until the end of the Ching dynasty, jade
held a significant place in china. China had an abundant supply of jade, which contributed to
the stone’s influence in the culture. The chinese also regarded the physical characteristics of
jade with fascination. Jade _____ it difficult to chip or flake, but once polished, its surface is
smooth and silky to the touch.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Hard; making
B. Hard. Making
C. Hard making
D. Hard, making
24. I started researching and collecting coins in earnest. By the time I learned coin collecting
or numismatics, _____ in the Italian Renaissance, I had developed a habit of checking every
handful or change for a rare or old coin or one that was both.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Had begun
B. Begun
C. Had began
D. Had it;s beginning

25. My family became builders in the woods, establishing our forts on the edge of an apple
orchard. One fort had stone walls and an overhead roof of pine boughs. _______ smelled like
our attic at home

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Another, made from an old blanket,

B. Another made from an old blanket
C. Another made from an old blanket,
D. Another, made from an old blanket

26. a student has taken the following notes

•Calorie restriction, a diet high in nutrients but low in calories, is known to prolong the life of
rats and mice by preventing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases.
•A six-month study of 48 moderately overweight people, who each reduced their calorie
intake by at least 25 percent, demonstrated decreases in insulin levels and body temperature,
with the greatest decrease observed in individuals with the greatest percentage change in their
calorie intake.
•Low insulin level and body temperature are both considered signs of longevity, partly
because an earlier study by other researchers found both traits in long-lived people

which choice best supports students notes

A. Calorie restriction produces similar results in humans as it does in rats and mice.
B. Humans who reduce their calorie intake by at least 25 percent on a long-term basis
will live longer than they would have had they not done so.
C. Calorie intake is directly correlated to insulin level in moderately overweight
D. Some individuals in the study reduced their calorie intake by more than 25 percent.

27. a student has taken the following notes

•last january in an attempt to lower the number of traffic fatalities the state legislature passed
its “ClickItor Ticket” law.
•Under the new law, motorists can be pulled over and ticketed for not wearing their seat belts,
even if an additional driving infraction has not been committed.
•Lawyers and citizens’ groups are already protesting the law, saying it unfairly infringes on
the rights of the state’s drivers.
•Law enforcement groups counter these claims by stating that the new regulations will save
countless additional lives.

which best supports students notes

A. Prior to the “Click It or Ticket” law, motorists could not be stopped simply for not
wearing a seat belt.
B. The “Click It or Ticket” law violates current search and seizure laws.
C. Laws similar to “Click It or Ticket” have effectively reduced traffic fatalities in a
number of states.
D. The previous seatbelt laws were ineffective in saving lives.

1.Of all the members of the media, the most vilified are the celebrity photographers, known
as paparazzi. Wherever the rich and famous go, the paparazzi seem close behind, snapping
candid photos to sell to the tabloid press. Like detective on a stakeout, camera- ready
paparazzi watch the homes of stars and follow the stars when they run simple errands. It’s no
surprise that many celebrities have nothing but________ to offer when asked about

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Invective

B. Praise

C. Compliment

D. Accolade

2. what is the name of a well-known ruffian who hid in the forest, robbing the rich and giving
to the poor? If you live in Eastern Europe, the answer would be Juraj Janosik. Not
surprisingly, he is known as the Slovak Robin Hood. Like Robin Hood, Janosik’s story is a
mixture of fact and fiction that casts light on the ____ of the social conditions of the time.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Similarity

B. Wealth

C. Disparity

D. Sameness
3. experts believe that hundreds of thousands of shipwrecks dot the ocean floor. They also
suspect that much of the precious _____ that sank alone with these ships remains intact.
Billions of dollars worth of gold, jewelry, and ancient objects are likely buried in these
ghostly hulks.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Cargo

B. Things

C. Empty

D. Luggage

4. Cliché comes from the French verb Clicher “ to stereotype” and originates in the printing
business. When printers made copies of something, they used to put molds into hot metal,
which made a clicking sound. Thus “ clicking “ became _______ with something produced
over and over again.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Unrelated

B. Different

C. Associated

D. Separated
5. Bears begin preparing for their hibernation during the peak of summer, while berries and
nuts are in abundance. They eat as much as they can to build up their body fat for the winter.
Because hibernating bears don’t eat, all their energy comes from breaking down this stored
body fat. During the period before hibernation, a bear can gain as much as thirty pounds a
week, and its fur doubles in thickness, adding considerable ________.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Unveil

B. Appear

C. Uncover

D. Insulation

6. You would no doubt be incredulous if someone told you that, in England, it sometimes
rains fish, or that in Kansas city, Missouri, a downpour of frogs once pelted the surprised
residents. Most people are not likely to give ____ to such fantastic tales, especially when the
tales travel by word of mouth. After all, credulity is not a trait for which people wish to be

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. Credence

B. Doubt

C. Disbelief

D. Unbelief

7. Central to republican theory is the idea that liberty depends on sharing in self-government.
This idea is not by itself inconsistent with liberal freedom. Participating in politics can be one
among the ways in which people choose to pursue their individual ends. According to
republican political theory, however, sharing in self- rule involves something more. It
involves deliberating with fellow citizens about the common good and helping to shape the
destiny of the political community. But to deliberate well about the common good requires
more than the capacity to choose one's ends and to respect others' rights to do the same. It
requires a knowledge of public affairs and also a sense of belonging, a concern for the whole,
a moral bond with the community whose fate is at stake. To share in self rule therefore
requires that citizens possess, or come to acquire, certain civic virtues. But this means that
republican politics cannot be neutral toward the values and ends its citizens espouse. The
republican concep- tion of freedom, unlike the liberal conception, requires a formative
politics, a politics that cultivates in citizens. the qualities of character that self-government

What is the main idea of the previous paragraph?

A. liberal and republican theories each demand that citizens take part in politics.

B. liberal and republican theories each have their good points and their bad points.

C. republican politicians tend to be more virtuous and compassionate than liberal politicians.

D. republican theory requires that citizens demonstrate a concern for the common good.

8. Economists usually define fiscal policy as the deliberate use of government's spending and
taxing powers to influence economic activity. When the government raises or lowers taxes, or
changes its spending levels, in order to bring about a desired change in the level of total
spending, and thus the performance of the economy, it is practicing fiscal policy. Fiscal
policy can also be defined more generally as simply the govern- ment's taxing and spending
policies regardless of whether or not it is trying to bring about changes in the level of total
spending in the economy.

What is the main idea of the previous paragraph?

A. define fiscal policy in both specific and general terms.

B. portray fiscal policy as a vague concept.

C. argue for the adoption of an unconventional definition of fiscal policy.

D. present two contradictory definitions of fiscal policy.

9. The objectives of deliberate fiscal policy are to minimize unemployment and inflation by
using the government's taxing and spending powers to assure the correct level of total
spending, and thus the proper level 40 of Gross Domestic Product. The principal determinant
of the level of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the level of total spending in the
economy. If the GDP is too high, the economy will experience inflation, and if it is too low,
the economy will suffer from unemploy- 45 ment. Therefore, in order to have a healthy
economy, it is important to have the proper amount of total spend- ing so the GDP will be
neither too high nor too low..

What is the main idea of the previous paragraph?

A. the total amount of spending in an economy is determined entirely by its GDP.

B. deliberate fiscal policy ought to focus more on unemployment than on inflation.

C. inflation and unemployment are both caused by a GDP that is too high.

D.the GDP of a healthy economy results from a proper amount of total spending.

10. Text 1

Miniatures offer changes of scale by which we measure ourselves anew. On one hand,
miniatures posit an omniscient onlooker, able to take in the whole at once. Consider your self
in relation to dollhouses, snowglobes, frog spawn, aquariums, souvenir key- chains you look
through to see a picture of the very spot you're visiting, stilled. You are large enough to hold
such things fully in hand. On the other hand, miniatures issue invitations to their realm, and
suggest we forget or disregard our size. In dollhouse land, you can walk through the kitchen,
livingroom, bedroom with your three inch high friend and, face pressed to the window, feel
the cushions of the thumbnail loveseat hold you. Fit inside the miniature, we experience cer-
tain states of being or belief: worlds in a grain of sand; eternities in wildflowers. Regions
beyond our normal- sized perception. Whether we are, in relation to them, omniscient or
companionably small beings, miniatures invite us to leave our known selves and perspectives

Text 2

It was with such convictions that I rushed over to the Morgan to see the tiny commodity in
question. What a waste of time! Not because the object is lacking in worthiness, but because
the Morgan's own Web site offers a means of examining the book that, in this case, far
surpasses any direct encounter. Every page of the manuscript is there in living color, and the
zoom mech- anism is so powerful and so precise that you can get in closer than if you were
hunched over the real thing with a strong magnifying glass. Zoom in to one of the fig- ures,
scarcely the size of a fingernail, and you see the tiny head in perfect focus. Zooming in
deeper, you see the beard on the head, then the hairs on the beard, then the point at which the
whole thing dissolves into abstract art, as the strokes of the artist's single-hair brush merge
with the warped and mottled surface of the vellum

Which of the following statements best captures a main difference in the focus of the two

A. Text 1 focuses on the appeal of miniatures in general, while Text 2 focuses on the
experience of viewing a single miniature object.

B. Text 1 focuses on the author's memories of miniatures from her childhood, while Text
2 focuses on a famous collection of miniatures.
C. Text 1 focuses on the historical significance of miniatures, while Text 2 focuses on
how miniatures influence contemporary art.

D. Text 1 focuses on miniatures as an art form, while Text 2 focuses on the practical uses
of miniatures.

11. The following text is from William Rose Benét’s 1921 poem ''Madman's Song.”

Better to see your cheek grown hollow,

Better to see your temple worn,

Than to forget to follow, follow,

After the sound of a silver horn.

Better to bind your brow with willow

And follow, follow until you die,

Than to sleep with your head on a golden pillow,

Nor lift it up when the hunt goes by.

Better to see your cheek grow sallow

And your hair grown gray, so soon, so soon,

Than to forget to hallo, hallo,

After the milk-white hounds of the moon.

The poet is most likely addressing the poem to someone

A. who has lost touch with what is important

B. who is ashamed of her background

C. who has become very wealthy

D. who is about to die

12. A sample of 50 dried chickpeas with similar sizes and masses was selected. The total
mass of the sample was measured, and the average initial mass per chickpea (CM) was
calculated. The sample was immersed in 200 mL of distilled H2O at 20°C. After 20 min, 5
chickpeas were- removed from the distilled H2O and gently patted dry with a paper towel,
and their total mass was then measured. The average final mass per chickpea (CM) was
calculated. At each of 6 different times thereafter, another 5 chickpeas were removed from
the distilled H2O and gently patted dry with a paper towel, and their CM, was determined.

If a 2.0 M NaCl solution had been tested, the CMU at 90 min would most likely have been:

A. less than 0.20,

B. between 0.20 and 0.25.

C. between 0.25 and 0.28.

D. greater than 0.28.

13. Torrent frogs (Staurois guttatus) can cling to wet sur- faces, even when the surfaces are
at an angle of 90° (vertical) or greater. At specific platform rotation angles during the trial,
the camera was used to determine each frog's contact area (the surface area of the frog that
was in contact with the platform), in millimeters squared (mm2). The average contact area
was determined for each angle.

As the platform rotation angle was increased, the average contact area:

A. increased only.
B. decreased only.

C. increased and then decreased.

D. decreased and then increased.

14. Scientists are discussing ways to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by
increasing the amount that is absorbed by plant life. One plan to accomplish this is to
establish giant floating seaweed farms in the oceans. When the seaweed plants die, they
will be disposed of by being burned for fuel. Which of the following, if true, would
indicate the most serious weakness in the plan above?
A. Some areas of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere do not contain sufficient nutrients to
support large seaweed farms.
B. When a seaweed plant is burned, it releases an amount of carbon dioxide comparable to
the amount it has absorbed in its lifetime.
C. Even if seaweed farms prove effective, some people will be reluctant to switch to this new
D. Each year about seven billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere but
only about five billion tons are absorbed by plant life.

15. In general, jobs are harder to get in times of economic recession because many businesses
cut back operations. However, any future recessions in Vargonia will probably not reduce
the availability of teaching jobs at government-funded schools. This is because Vargonia
has just introduced a legal requirement that education in government-funded schools be
available, free of charge, to all Vargonian children regardless of the state of the economy,
and that current student-teacher ratios not be exceeded. Which of the following, if
true, most strengthens the argument?
A. The current student-teacher ratio at Vargonia’s government-funded schools is higher than
was during the most recent period of economic recession.
B. During recent periods when the Vargonian economy has been strong, almost 25 percent of
Vargonian children have attended privately funded schools, many of which charge
substantial fees.
C. Nearly 20 percent more teachers are currently employed in Vargonia’s government-funded
schools than had been employed in those schools in the period before the last economic
D. Teachers in Vargonia’s government-funded schools are well paid relative to teachers in
most privately funded schools in Vargonia, many of which rely heavily on part-time

16. A significant number of Qualitex Corporation’s department heads are due to retire this
The number of employees other than current department heads who could take on the
position of department head is equal to only about half of the expected vacancies. Oualitex
is not going to hire department heads from outside the company or have current
department heads take over more than one department, so some departments will be
without department heads next year unless Qualitex ______.

Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

A. promotes some current department heads to higher-level managerial positions
B. raises the salary for department heads
C. reduces the number of new employees it hires next year

D. reduces the number of its departments

17. Aroca County’s public schools are supported primarily by taxes on property. The county
plans to eliminate the property tax and support schools with a new three percent sales tax
on all retail items sold in the county. Three percent of current retail sales is less than the
amount collected through property taxes, but implementation of the plan would not
necessarily reduce the amount of money going to Aroca County public schools, because
Which if the following, if true, most logically completes the argument?
A. many Aroca County residents have already left the county because of its high property
B. a shopping mall likely to draw shoppers from neighboring counties is about to open in
Aroca County
C. at least some Aroca County parents are likely to use the money they will save on property
taxes to send their children to private schools not funded by the county
D. a significant proportion of parents of Aroca County public school students do not own
homes and consequently do not pay property taxes

18. Advocates supporting noise pollution controls are concerned about the noise from
construction equipment and airplanes. They are also targeting the noise of snowmobiles and
all-terrain_____________ leaf 'owers and loud car sound systems. Some of the effects of
excessive noise are already known. The most obvious one is premature hearing loss.
A. vehicles, of
B. vehicles;
C. vehicles and,
D. vehicles of

19. Talk to friends and neighbors, and you'll have a hard time finding anyone who claims to
be in favor of air and water pollution.Our environment is a common resource, something we
all enjoy during exciting weekends in the park. We don't tolerate those _____________ the
public lands we use for recreation, the water we drink, or the air we breathe.
A. who exploit or abuse,
B. who exploit, or abuse
C. who exploit or abuse
D. who, exploit or abuse,
20. Studies indicate a fairer clear
link between noise and stress, which experts believe 68 there's a connection between noise
and violence.
__________, there's evidence that noise affects not only humans but animals as well. For
these reasons, there's increasing agreement with the view that "good neighbors keep their
noise to themselves."
A. Therefore
B. Namely
C. On the other hand
D. In addition

21.A place has been stripped of all its seats, so everyone is kneeling on the bare metal floor on their
knees. The gigantic _____ on either side catch and roar into action.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A. Engines, which
B. Engines, where
C. Engines
D. Engines that

22. For as long as I can remember, it is true that I have wanted to play the harmonica. My father
played a few tunes marginally well. I often asked him to teach me to play, but i quickly grew

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Impatient, with the wheezing, tinny notes

B. Impatient with the wheezing, tinny, notes
C. Impatient with the wheezing, tinny notes
D. Impatient, with the wheezing tinny notes,

23. It’s usually hard to determine who first _______ a given work and almost as hard as to know who
first wrote it down originally.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Uttered out loud

B. Spoke
C. Said verbally
D. Gave vocalization to
24. To the surprise of many, it was a college ________ who won the 1981 competition design the
Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Student, Maya Lin

B. Student, Maya Lin,
C. Student maya lin
D. Student Maya Lin,

25. The Harlem renaissance author Zora Neale is well known for her novels, especially their Eyes
Were Watching God, however, she was also a devoted chronicler ___ African American Folklore.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Of
B. With
C. For
D. On

26. a studnt has taken the following notes

• The public often protests when an unregulated service industry is found to be corrupt
• .However,regulation often leads to increased costs for the consumer. Fewer companies
survive in a regulated market, leading to decreased competition and higher prices.
• The public then responds negatively to the increased costs of these services.

which can be supported by students notes

A. Service industries should not be regulated.

B. The public should not protest unregulated services.
C. Only unregulated services are subject to public protest.
D. The public is sometimes the cause of its own complaints.
• a certain medicine used to treat megraine headaches acts by blooking pain receptors in the
• When a person takes the medication within one hour after ingesting grapefruit or grapefruit
• However, the effectiveness of the medication is significantly diminished.
• Researchers have determined that the grapefruit contains a compound that alters the shape of
the pain receptors, with the result that the medication can no longer bind with them

Which of the following conclusions could be most properly drawn from the notes above
A. If one takes the medication more than an hour after ingesting grapefruit, its effectiveness is
not diminished.
B. Ingesting grapefruit after taking the medication does not diminish the effectiveness of the
C. There is only one type of pain receptor in the brain.
D. The medication is fully effective only when it properly binds with its target pain receptors
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. D
14. A
15. D
16. B
17. A
18. B
19. C
20. B
21. C
22. A
23. D
24. A
25. A
26. D
27. A

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. C
13. A
14. B
15. B
16. D
17. B
18. A
19. D
20. C
21. C
22. C
23. B
24. B
25. A
26. D
27. D

1-6 ( MARYAM) Great source fourth
7- 9 ( NORAH)
10- 13 (MAI) act.. june 2020 (C02) ..June 2019 ( B02)
14- 17 ( RANEEM TAREK ) Gmat
18-20 ( NORAH)
21-27 ( RWAN BIBERS) April act 61 F …Act 60 E

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