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Unit 8 Patient discharge

Word Definition Spanish

ambulation (n) getting around on foot ambulación (n)

apply (v) to put something such as paint or a aplicar (v)

cream onto a surface
bandage (n) a long piece of cloth that you tie vendaje (n)
around a wound or injury
bath lift (n) a device to help people get in and out ayuda para bañera
of the bath (n)
book in (phr v) to arrange an appointment for concertar (v)
cancellation (n) a decision that an event that was cancelación (n)
planned will not happen
capsule (n) a very small tube of medicine that you cápsula (n)
careful (adj) giving a lot of thought and attention to cuidadoso (adj)
check-up (phr v) a routine examination by a doctor someter a
(loc verb)
confirm (v) to tell someone that an arrangement is confirmar (v)
now definite
crutches (n pl) a pair of sticks that you lean on to help muletas (n pl)
you walk
discharge (n) to officially allow someone to leave a alta (n)
dropper (n) a short glass tube with a hollow rubber gotero (n)
part at one end, that you use to
measure liquid one drop at a time
drowsiness (adj) what you experience when you are somnolencia (n)
tired and almost asleep
drug (n) a medicine or a substance for making fármaco (n)
exceed (v) to go beyond a particular amount or exceder (v)
eye drops (n) special liquid which you put into your colirio (n)
eyes because they are sore or dry, or
as a medical treatment
fit in (phr v) to arrange what you do in a way that is adaptar (v)
convenient for other people
follow up (phr v) something that is done to make sure realizar un
that earlier actions have been seguimiento (loc
successful or effective verb)

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Word Definition Spanish
frail (adj) thin and weak débil (adj)

grab bar (n) used to hold on to for support and can barra de apoyo (n)
be installed in the home
heat up (phr v) to make cooked food hot again after it calentar (v)
has become cold
install (v) to put a piece of equipment instalar (v)
somewhere and connect it so that you
can use it
leg brace (n) used to strengthen or support the leg in férula para la
order to aid mobility pierna (n)
lift (v) to move something or someone to a levantar (v)
higher position
mat (n) a piece of thick material that covers alfombrilla (n)
part of a floor
mealtime (n) the usual time that you eat a meal hora de comer (n)

neighbour (n) someone who lives next to you or near vecino (n)
you [= neighbor American English ]
non-slip (adj) a piece of rubber that prevents slipping antideslizante (adj)
in the bath or shower
occupational therapy the job of an occupational therapist [to terapia
(n) help people get better after an illness ocupacional (n)
by giving them activities to do]
ointment (n) a substance that you rub into your skin pomada (n)
as a medical treatment
orthopaedics (n pl) relating to the medical treatment of ortopedia (n)
problems that affect people's bones or
outpatient (n) someone who goes to a hospital for paciente externo
treatment but does not stay there all (n)
over-the-counter (adj) over-the-counter drugs can be sin prescripción
obtained without a prescription (= a médica (loc prep)
written order) from a doctor
physiotherapy (n) a treatment that uses special fisioterapia (n)
exercises, rubbing, heat, etc. to treat
medical conditions and problems with
raised toilet seat (n) an attachment for a toilet that makes barra de apoyo
the toilet seat higher and helps a para el inodoro (n)
person get on and off the toilet
reschedule (v) to arrange for something to happen at cambiar de fecha
a different time from the one that was (loc verb)

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Word Definition Spanish
shot (n) especially American English when a inyección (n)
doctor puts medicine into your body
using a needle [= injection, jab British
side effect (n) an additional effect that a drug has on efecto secundario
your body as well as treating illness or (n)
slip (v) to move accidentally and almost fall resbalar (v)

spoonful (n) the amount that a spoon can hold cucharada (n)

stiff (adj) if someone or a part of their body is rígido (adj)

stiff, their muscles hurt and it is difficult
to move
supplement (n) something that you add to something suplemento (n)
else to improve it
support group (n) a group of people who meet to help grupo de apoyo (n)
each other with a particular problem
syrup (n) a thick sticky liquid made from sugar jarabe (n)

tablespoon (n) a large spoon, or the amount it holds cuchara sopera (n)
(15 ml)
tablet (n) a small round piece of medicine that pastilla (n)
you swallow
transfer (v) to move from one place to another or transferir (v)
to make someone or something do this
tube (n) a container for a soft substance that tubo (n)
you press between your fingers to
make the substance come out
wheelchair (n) a chair with large wheels, used by silla de ruedas (n)
people who cannot walk

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