New To The Game-DHA Internees

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New to the Game

Developing Leadership Skills as a Young Professional

Wednesday 5th April 2023

Shahzad Akhtar
Strateasy Consulting
+92 307 646 0008

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Shahzad Akhtar
Leadership | Business Growth | Project Management | Coachsulting | Sales & Marketing

Shahzad Akhtar, has served the corporate sector for more than 28 years at
C level positions. He is known for being a leadership breakthrough
transformation coach and sales leadership professional. He is a distinguished
professional with experience in delivering business results through engaging
and motivating teams. Some of his achievements are:
• Certified Business Strategy Management System Professional by Dr. P.
Norton, Harvard University
• An implementation expert of Jack Welch Leadership Management Program
• Certified Execution expert by Dr. Ram Charan (Art of Execution, leadership
• Master Class Sales & Marketing Professional by Dr. Philip Kotler
• Master Trainer TEVTA - Technical Education and Vocational Training
• Senior Consultant with SMEDA: Small and Medium Enterprises Development
• Fellow member of association of strategic planning (USA): Institute of
change management (USA): institute of Operational Management (UK) : Founder & CEO
Member Marketing Association of Pakistan. Strateasy Consulting
Introduction of Participants
• Name
• Role / Responsibility

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

New to the Game
Developing Leadership Skills as a Young Professional

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Developing Leadership Skills as a Young Professional

Action Planning
Purpose &


Common Q&A

Understanding Challenges
Purpose & Objectives

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility


Leadership is the ability to inspire, motivate, and guide individuals or

groups towards achieving a common goal.

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Effective Leadership
• Visionary thinking and strategic planning
• Strong communication and interpersonal skills
• Emotional intelligence and empathy
• Decision-making and problem-solving abilities
• Accountability and responsibility
• Adaptability and flexibility

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Myths about leadership
Myth #1: Leaders are born, not made.
Myth #2: Leadership is only for people in positions of authority.
Myth #3: Leaders have all the answers and always know what to do.
Myth #4: Leaders must be charismatic and outgoing.
Myth #5: Leadership is a solo act and requires individual effort.
Myth #6: Leaders are infallible and don't make mistakes.
Myth #7: Leaders are always in control and never show vulnerability.
Myth #8: Leaders are always the most knowledgeable and skilled individuals in
their organizations.
Myth #9: Leadership is a one-size-fits-all approach.
Myth #10: Leaders are only concerned with achieving results, not developing their
Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility
Demystifying Leadership

• Leadership can be demonstrated at all levels of an organization, from

entry-level positions to executive roles.
• Leadership is not limited to formal positions of authority, but can also
be demonstrated through informal influence and mentorship.
• The practice of leadership is an ongoing process that requires ongoing
learning, growth, and development.

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

The Traits Of Effectives Leaders
• Visionary thinking and strategic planning
• Strong communication and interpersonal skills
• Decision-making and problem-solving abilities
• Accountability and responsibility
• Adaptability and flexibility
• Integrity and ethical behavior
• Coaching and mentorship
• Continuous learning and self-improvement

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Developing Leadership Skills

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

How a Young Professional Start Developing
Leadership Skills?
• Seek out mentorship opportunities with experienced leaders in your field
• Take on leadership roles in student organizations, volunteer groups, or other extracurricular activities
• Develop strong communication and interpersonal skills through practice and feedback
• Identify areas where you need to develop new skills or knowledge and seek out opportunities to learn
• Practice making decisions and solving problems, even if it's in a non-leadership role
• Look for opportunities to take on new challenges and stretch beyond your comfort zone
• Focus on building relationships and demonstrating empathy and emotional intelligence
• Embrace feedback and seek out opportunities to receive constructive criticism
• Develop a growth mindset and view mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow
• Find ways to demonstrate accountability and take responsibility for your actions
• Seek out opportunities to coach and mentor others, even if it's in a non-official capacity
• Be open to learning from both successes and failures.

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Examples of Young Leaders
• Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, who became a billionaire and one of the most influential
people in tech before the age of 30.
• Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate, who
started speaking out for girls' education at the age of 11 and survived an assassination attempt by the
Taliban at age 15.

• Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, who was elected to office at age 43 and is known for his
progressive policies and emphasis on diversity and inclusion.
• Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and Tesla, who started his first company at age 24 and has gone on to become
one of the most successful and innovative entrepreneurs of his generation.
• Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, who was elected to office at age 37 and is known for
her compassionate leadership style and progressive policies on issues such as climate change and social

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Young Leader from Pakistan

• Malala Yousafzai, as mentioned earlier, is a well-known Pakistani activist for female education and the
youngest Nobel Prize laureate.
• Shiza Shahid is a social entrepreneur and co-founder of the Malala Fund, which focuses on empowering girls
through education.
• Nida Hasan is the founder and CEO of Goats for Water, a social enterprise that provides clean drinking water
to communities in Pakistan through the sale of goat milk.
• Hassan Akbar is the co-founder of Amal Academy, an organization that provides training and mentorship to
help young people in Pakistan build leadership and professional skills.
• Hafsa Shorish is a journalist and editor-in-chief of The News on Sunday, a weekly news publication in
• Sara Saeed Khurram is the founder and CEO of Sehat Kahani, a telemedicine platform that connects
underserved communities in Pakistan with female healthcare providers.

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Overcoming Common Challenges

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Common Challenges for Becoming a
Young Leader
• Lack of experience: Many young professionals may struggle to find leadership opportunities early in their
careers due to a lack of experience or seniority.
• Imposter syndrome: Some individuals may doubt their own abilities or feel like they don't belong in
leadership roles, which can hold them back from pursuing leadership opportunities.
• Resistance from others: Some people may face resistance or pushback from colleagues or superiors who are
skeptical of their leadership potential, or who may not want to see them succeed.
• Difficulty balancing tasks: As individuals move into leadership roles, they may need to juggle a wider range
of responsibilities and tasks, which can be challenging to manage.
• Building credibility: It can take time for individuals to establish themselves as credible leaders, and they may
need to work hard to build trust and respect among their colleagues and followers.
• Managing conflict: As a leader, individuals may need to navigate conflicts and disagreements between team
members or other stakeholders, which can be stressful and challenging.

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Action Planning

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Action Plan To Become a Great Leader
1. Identify your goals: Define what you want to achieve as a leader, whether it's leading a project,
managing a team, or pursuing a specific career path.
2. Assess your strengths and weaknesses: Conduct a self-assessment to identify your strengths and
areas for improvement. This could involve soliciting feedback from colleagues or mentors, or
reflecting on your own experiences and skills.
3. Set specific, measurable goals: Once you have identified your strengths and weaknesses, set
specific, measurable goals that will help you build the skills and experience you need to become a
great leader. For example, you might set a goal to take on a leadership role in a project, or to
develop a specific skill like public speaking or conflict resolution.
4. Seek out mentorship and guidance: Look for opportunities to learn from more experienced
leaders, whether through mentorship programs, networking events, or informal conversations.
Seek out feedback and guidance on how to improve your leadership skills.

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Action Plan To Become a Great Leader
5. Build your skills and knowledge: Take advantage of professional development opportunities,
such as training programs or courses, to build your skills and knowledge in areas like
communication, problem-solving, and strategic thinking.
6. Practice leadership in everyday situations: Look for opportunities to practice your leadership
skills in everyday situations, whether it's taking on a leadership role in a project or volunteering
to lead a team-building activity. Build your confidence and experience by taking on increasingly
complex and challenging leadership roles.
7. Continuously evaluate and adjust your action plan: Regularly assess your progress and adjust
your action plan as needed. Seek out feedback from others and be willing to adapt and change
course as needed to achieve your goals.

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility
Shahzad Akhtar
+92 307 646 0008
Integrity Excellence Innovation Agility

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