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Basic Legal Terminology (A):

 Accused: person who charged with committing crime.

 Administrative Law: rules and regulations framed by administration
 Affidavit: statement on oath for use as evidence in legal process
 Alibi: elsewhere a legal plea that the a person was not presented at the
time and place of occurrence
 All Rights Reserved: intimation notifying that the owner is legally
protected his rights against infringement.
 Amnesty: general pardon granted by a nation
 Anticipatory bail: bail granted by a court in advance even before to a
person who apprehends that he might be arrested
 Arbitration: settlement of a dispute by someone chosen to hear both
sides and come to a decision.
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Common Legal Terms (B):
 Bail: something given as security effect the release of one arrested or
imprisoned, on the understanding that he shall appear for trail at a fixed
time and place
 Bonafide: in the good faith
Legal phrases (C):
 Certiorari: a writ to transfer a law suit from a lower court to a higher
 Circumstantial evidence: evidence based on the circumstances of a
case and sufficiently strong to establish the guilt
 Contempt of Court: disobedience of the judgement / orders of the
 Convict: one who is founded guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court
 Code: classified laws and regulations
 Coup d’etat: sudden removal or change of Government by force
 Copyright: the exclusive right of the owner of a work on it
 Court martial: trial of defence force personal for the breach of military
discipline rules / laws
 CPC: Civil Procedure Code
 Cr.PC: Criminal Procedure Code
 Curfew: order to people to stay indoors
Common Legal Words (D):
 Defendant: a person required to answer in a court
 Defamation: attack on reputation
 Dejure: lawful
 Detenue: person detailed by a state authority
 Double jeopardy: prosecuting a person more than once for the same
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Glossary of Legal Terms (E):
 Extradition: delivering a accused to another country for legal trial
 Ex.gratia: by way of grace
 Exhibit: presentation of legal document / facts
 Facsimile: exact copy of a document
 FIR: First Information Report of an offence / crime to law department
 Forgery: counterfeiting with intention of fraud
 Genocide: repressing / killing people of a particular community
 Habeas Corpus: a writ refers to the right of an arrested person to be
produced before the court of law for trial
 Indemnity: security against any kind of damage / loss
 Inquest: judicial enquiry to find out how somebody died
 Indictment: document which have information about  charges against a
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 Lease: a contact which defines / outlines terms of renting property by
one party to another
 Legacy: something (mostly money or property) left to a person by will
 Life imprisonment: Long term imprisonment (duration can different in
different country)
 Limited Company: a company where shareholders have limited
responsibility to the extent of
their shares in it
 Locus stand: right to interfere
 Malafide: with bad faith
 Modus operandi: mode of working
 Moratorium: order to postpone payment of dues without any imposition
of punishment
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 Ordinance: rule / order / law made by authorised body / government
Legal Terms (P):
 Patent: document that gives a person exclusive privilege of something
 Parole: release of prisoner before completion of sentence (mostly in
condition of good behavior)
 Public Notary: a lawyer / appointed person to certify / attest
 Perjury: making false statement on oath
 Prima facie: at the first sight
 Penology: study of crimes punishments, prison and reformations of
 Postmortam: medical examination of a dead body to find cause of
 Power of Attorney: document authorising granter of the power in
relation to matters specified in the documents
 Probono Publico: for the public good
 Prohibition: banning something / some activity
 Proxy: when a person acts for another person to perform some action
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Commonly Used Legal Terms (S):
 Sine die: without date, indefinitely
 Sub judice: under judicial consideration
 Sedition: use of speech / action to act against government
 Status quo ante: the previous position
 Summons: a writ of a court commanding the attendance of a witness at
a specified time and place
 Vox populi: voice of the people
Law Student Glossary (W):
 Warrant: legal order issued by court / authorised person to permit a
particular action which otherwise an illegal act
 Writ: written order by court to act in a particular way

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