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Q1. create the following table named TEACHER

2. Insert 5 record
3. List the names in capital of the male teachers who are in Science or commerce
Department in the descending order of their salary.

4. Calculate the total salary given department wise.

5. Increase the salary of all those teachers who have joined before 10-jan-2007 by 20%

6. Display the average salary given for computer dept.

7. Display the department names where the total salary disbursed is more than 500000.

8. Display the teacher name, age and salary rounded off to hundredth place.

9. Display the teacher name along with the length of each name.

10. Display those department names where the number of teacher’s working is more
than 5.
11. Display the position of the occurrence of ’a’ in all the teacher names.

12. Display the highest and lowest salary value for each department.

13. Display the total number of records in the table.

14. Display those department names where the maximum bonus given is more than
15. Display a report showing the average bonus given to every department.

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