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A Critical Self-Reflection


A workshop lets one expand their horizons and develop new skills. It also provides an
opportunity to grow and self-discovery. A workshop is a type of educational or interactive
meeting that's designed to create a specific result. Unlike business meetings, which typically last
for a couple of hours, these sessions are longer and require more preparation. The facilitator or
trainer for a workshop usually works with a set of sponsors to come up with a sequence of
presentations that will lead to the desired outcome. The goal of a workshop is to create a specific
result, and it usually involves hands-on interaction. Usually, planning workshops are conducted
as part of a strategic planning process. Other meetings can also be conducted as workshops.
(Lucid, n.d.). I recently had the opportunity to participate in and plan a workshop activity as part
of an assignment. It was a one-hour workshop. In this Reflective essay, I will be reflecting on my
strengths, limitation, what I would have done differently, and what I have learned. We got the
Topic “Exploring Formal and Informal Learning”.

A critical reflection on your strengths and limitations

Firstly, the most beneficial thing that I learned throughout the workshop was being part of a
group was how it allowed me to work more effectively. Teamwork is very important in order to
successfully complete a design project when there are limited resources and time. According to
Hanaysha (2016), teamwork is regarded as an expression of people's eagerness to collaborate and
achieve a common goal. (O. Samwel, 2019). An interdependent group of individuals is
composed of people who share responsibility for their outcomes and are viewed by others as an
integral part of a larger social system. This type of social entity is usually represented by a
corporation or business unit. (Cohen and Bailey, 1997). Before the workshop started, I realized
the importance of having clear and measurable goals. This helped me determine the impact of the
session on the participants and what I wanted to achieve from the day. Creating achievable and
concise goals allowed me to maintain my focus throughout the planning phase. Though out the
workshop I had a goal to provide an interesting activity for the participants. A goal-oriented
program can help reduce stress and keep people from burnout. It can also help them feel better.
(Meritt, 1998). The goal-setting theory was devised by Locke and Latham in an attempt to
explain how goals affect an individual's performance. It states that an individual's objective is the
object or aim of their actions. (Locke and Latham, 2013). Since I had a clear understanding of
the topic through the preparation of the activities, I was confident enough to do the presentation.
By understanding the impact of your presentation, you can prepare for questions or even brace
for a possible uproar. You can present a new protocol differently from those whose daily tasks
have to change, and this can generate varying reactions from those who are not directly
impacted. In addition to providing details, you can also leave more time for your audience to ask
questions. (Nader, 2018). I am not used to presenting without note cards, but in this workshop, I
was confident enough to talk without using them. Most people have anxiety about public
speaking. Those who have practiced a lot will not be afraid to talk in front of others. (Monarth
and Kase, 2007). The presenter should have a clear and logical flow of information and be well-
equipped with the necessary materials to make his or her presentation successful. One should
also rehearse with a projector and computer several times to reduce anxiety and nervousness.
(Swathi, 2015).

However, during the scenario-based question activity, I encountered unexpected technical issues.
In the activity, some of the online students were supposed to participate. Due to Internet
connectivity and camera problems, we are unable to connect with them on time and we wasted a
lot of time. My ability to handle these challenges was very poor because I was not ready for any
of those issues. Secondly, we had limited time management during the workshop. Students must
have the ability to manage their time to improve their academic performance. This can be
achieved through the use of a time management strategy that involves setting goals and
priorities, as well as being organized in using the available time. Motivation and performance are
the most important factors that can influence a student's ability to achieve this. (Claessens et al.,
2005). Since there was no time, it led to rushing some explanations and most of the participants
were confused about the activity. When I tried to explain the purpose of the activity some
participants had no idea what I was talking about and we had to explain the activity several
Identification and Justification of your next steps

Since this was my first workshop plan, I encountered several limitations. Next time I will focus
more on time management. Benjamin Franklin stated that time is money. A person who doesn't
manage their time effectively will not be able to accomplish their goals. Time management has
various operational and defined ways. There are many things that require a lot of effort and time
to accomplish. For most people, the amount of time they spend each day is fixed. They have the
same number of minutes, seconds, hours, and minutes in a year. (Chaudhari, 2022). Students
should learn how to manage their time, as some of them get frustrated when they run out of time
while carrying out a certain task. This skill can help them improve their grades and productivity.
(Nasrullah and Khan, 2015). This will involve setting realistic time frames for each segment so
that I can plan the content delivery and allocate the necessary time for discussions and activities.
This will allow for more balanced and interactive learning experiences. People need to develop
time management skills in order to be productive and efficient. This skill is defined as the ability
to utilize one's time effectively. Having the necessary skills to manage time is very important for
people to be successful in their work. It can help them feel satisfied and productive. One of the
Time Management skills which I will focus more on is Planning skills. The ability to plan helps
people understand the various activities and tasks that need to be completed in a day. It can be
done either daily or weekly. Usually, people follow a schedule after planning. Leaders usually
get this task done by their assistants. They create a schedule based on the various tasks and
activities that they need to complete. After forming one, the tasks that are most important are
listed first, followed by those that are less important. People can put their time management
skills and operation into action by planning. They are able to take care of their various tasks and
activities since they have an adequate amount of time. This skill is regarded as an essential part
of their overall time management. (Kapur, 2020). I encountered unexpected technical challenges
too. Next time I will make sure that I have backup plans in place in case something goes wrong
during an intervention. Doing so will help minimize disruptions and ensure that the program
continues smoothly.

The workshop taught me how important teamwork is in projects, as it can help achieve common
goals and reduce stress. The goal-setting theory of Latham and Locke explained how objectives
can affect a person's performance. By understanding the subject, I was able to confidently
convey my ideas without notes, overcoming my fear of public speaking. The experience has also
helped me improve my confidence in my ability to speak in front of a crowd. In order to improve
their performance, students need to effectively manage their time. In addition to being able to
focus on their tasks, performance, and motivation are also important factors that can be
considered when it comes to achieving this. Through this workshop, I will focus on improving
my time management skills. Having realistic time frames will allow for interactive and balanced
learning experiences. One of the most important skills that people should have is planning. This
helps them understand the various tasks and activities that they have to complete in a day. A
schedule is typically created by leaders based on their daily tasks and activities. Planning helps
individuals get the most out of their time. It allows them to prioritize their tasks and take action
when needed. I will also ensure that there are backup plans in place to handle unforeseen
technical issues.
Chaudhari, T. (2022) Time management Essentials and Importance. nternational Journal of
Commerce and Management Research 8(5), pp. 6-8. [Accessed 29 July 2023].

Claessens, B.J.C., Eerde, W.V., Rutte, C. and Roe, R. (2005) A review of the time management
literature. 36(2), p.22. [Accessed 28 July 2023].

Cohen, S.G. and Bailey, D.E. (1997) What Makes Teams Work: Group Effectiveness Research
from the Shop Floor to the Executive Suite. Journal of Managemnet 23(3), pp. 239-90.
[Accessed 28 July 2023].

Kapur, R. (2020) Time Management Skills: Fundamental in taking out Time for all Job Duties.
p.12. [Accessed 23 July 2023].

Locke, E.A. and Latham, G.P. (2013) Goal setting theory: The current state. New Developments
in Goal Setting and Task Performance pp. 623-30. [Accessed 28 July 2023].

Lucid. (n.d.) Lucid [Online]. Available from:

Meritt, E.A. (1998) The Vallue of Setting Goals. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration
Quarterly 39(1), pp. 40-49. [Accessed 23 July 2023].

Monarth, H. and Kase, L. (2007) The Confident Speaker. Beat your nerves and communicate at
your best in any situation p.335. [Accessed 28 July 2023].

Nader, R. (2018) A Guide to Successful Presentations. p.34. [Accessed 29 July 2023].

Nasrullah, S. and Khan, M.S. (2015) The Impact of Time Management on the Students’
Academic Achievements. Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics 11, pp. 66-71.
[Accessed 28 July 2023].


– EVIDENCE FROM SELECTED MANUFACTURING. International Journal of Economics,
Business and Management Research 3(5), pp. 1-13. [Accessed 23 July 2023].

Swathi, T. (2015) The Importance of Effective Presentation for Organizational Success. p.15.
[Accessed 29 July 2023].

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