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Read the following paragraph and choose the alternative which complete the answer to the questions given below the paragraph Democratic societies fom th eres tines have expected ther governments to protect the weak agains the song. No er of good fing can justify discharging, the police fore or giving up the idea of pubic control over concentrated private wealth. On the other hand, itis obviou that a spit of self-denial and moderation on the par of those who hal economic power wil greatly soften the demand fr absolute equality. Men are more interested in feeiom and security than in an equal distribution of wealth. The extent to which Government must interfere with ‘ousiness, therefore, is not eucly measured by the extent to which economic power is concentrated into a few hands. The required degree of government Interference depends mainly on whether economic powers are pressive used, ! and on the necessity of keeping economic factors ina tolerable sate of balance. ] But withthe necessity of meeting all these dangers and threats to erty, the powers of government are unuvoidably increased, whichever political party my be in office. The growth of government is a necessary result of the growth of technology and ofthe problems that go withthe use of machines and science. Since the government in out nation, must ake on more power to meet robles there ino way to preserve freedom except by making democracy mors powerful tne) Se |) eoaaT | rewey cca. ~ [mam © sonm 1 The advent of science and technology has increased the - i (A) freedom of people () tyranny of the political parties (C) powers of the government (D) chances of economic inequ ty 2° A spirit of moderation on the economically sound people would make the Jess privileged ~ (A) unhappy with the rich people (B) more interested in freedom and security (C) unhappy with their lot (D) clamour less for absolute equality | 3 The growth of government is necessary to ~ (A) make the rich and poor happy (B) curb the accumulation of wealth in a few hands (C) monitor science and technology ©) deploy the police force wisely 4 "Bra of good feeling’ in sentence 2 refers to - (A) time of prosperity (B) time of adversity (C) time with goverament (D) time of police atrocities | (D) clamour less for absolute equality i 3 The growth of government is necessary to - (A) ake the rich and poor happy (B) curb the accumulation of wealth in a few hands (C) monitor science and technology (©) deploy the police force wisely 4 "Bru of good feeling’ in sentence 2 refers to - (A) time of prosperity B) time of adversity (C) time with government (D) time of police atrocities 5S “Tolerable state of balance’ in the last sentence may mean - (A) an adequate level of police force (B) 2 reasonable level of economic equality (©) a reasonable amount of government interference (D) a reasonable check on economic power 3 PTO. Choote the part of sentence im any part, the answer is which there isan error. If there is no error "No error? He was honourably scquited from the charge. No eror $ @ @) © o Of what [know of him Ihestateto trust him. No error 5 ww ®) © ?) My sister iat married and my brother isnt married also. No eror 8 Ty ®) © ) Mi Lim alvays does notleve the office before five Oelock. No eror . @) ®) © ©) ‘Choose the words which are nearest in meaning to the underlined word i (@ ®) © oy ‘Choose the words which are nearest in meaning to the underlined word! p 10 Chauvinism (A) gossiping (B) jingoism (C) gushing (D) patriotism 11 Dosile (A) wilful (B) interactive (C) defiant (D)_malleable 12 Lurch (A) teach B) dive (© dilapidated (D)_ stagger 13. Fastidious (A) sloppy —-(B)_ easygoing (C) stout (D) byperertical Chote the words which are nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined words (A) reach (B) dwe (C) cilapraatea (Wy stagger 13 Fastidious (A) sloppy (B)_easygoing (C) stout (D) hypereritical Choose the words which are nearly oppos og to the underlined words : 14 Bidelity (A) devotion (B) disloyalty (C) fussy (©) constancy 15 Pusillanimous (A) timorous (B)_gutless(C) fearless. (D)_ craven 16 Niggardly (A) miserly (B) stingy (C) generous (D) scanty 17 Exorbitant (A) moderate (B) outrageous (C) monstrous (D) disenchanting ‘ 10. First and (S6). The remaining sentence to four parts labelled (P), (Q), (R) and (S). Arrange these parts so as to form a complete meaningful sentence and accordingly choose the correct combination : 18 (S1) What we would like to judge ©) in this comprehension exercise, (Q) the difficult words, phrases and sentence fragments (R) and also the meaning of (8) is your grasp of the content (86) that constitute the paragraph @® ®, 9), ®, @ ®) @, ©, ® © ®, @, 8) ©) . ®. @. ®) 19. ($1) Western civilisation is () in its character that (Q) national culture by alfecting (R)_is bound to influence every 19. (SI) Western civnsation Is (@) in its character that (Q) national culture by affecting (R) is bound to influence every (8) so powerful and s0 uniform ($6) its external way of lite A ®, ®, 6), @ ®) @.S). ®, @) © ®, QS, ©) ©). @), ®, @ 20. (S1) There is a continuous demand () are formed to train humanity (Q) for destructive purposes, and world organisations (R) in the art of setting their disputes (S) to ban the application of science (S6) by peaceful negotiations @® ®, ®, 9), @ ®) ©.) ®, ®) | © ®, P,Q. ©) ©, O, @. ® SE | (Q) for destructive purposes, and world organisations r (R) in the art of seting their disputes (S)_to ban the application of science ($6) by peaceful negotiations. A ®), ®), (S), Q ®) @,), ®, @) © ®. ©) ©, @, @), ® 21 (S1) The ravine was about ten yards wide @) and as I stepped down int (Q) and four or five feet deep () on which T had (S) a bird flew off a rock (86) put my hand & ®), 8), ®, @ ® ©, ®,), ® © ®. 6. ®) © 8, ®,@ &) PTO. ‘Complete the sentences by choosing the words / phrases from the choices sven 22° Two cars collided cach other near the school. (A) into @) over (© with ©) of 23° By air you, almost half the distance to Mumbai before 1 reach back home’ by my ear (A) will cover @) shall have covered (©) would cover ©) covered 24 He has aptitude such a work @) of @) for © in ©) 25 On my return from holiday, I have to __ with a lot of work (A) catch up (B) make do . (©) make up () catch on In the following paragraph a few words are underlined ‘Choose from among the choices given for each word which may help you to improve the paragraph : (Our body is a wondrous mechanism and when revealed (26) to unusual stress over 2 spell (27) of time, it adapts itself to deal more effectively with that sires. So, if 28) you exert your muscles to (29) resistance, they are forced to adapt and det! with this extraordinary workload. Strands of muscle fibres ‘become thicker and stronger in response to the demands placed over (30) them 26 (A) exposed @) pa (©) rendered () subjected 26 (A) exposed @B) put (©) rendered @) subjected 27) (B) petiod © ©) imterval 28 (A) while ® ss (©) since (©) when 2» (A) (B) towards © ©) fee 30 (A) on B) over © ©) fe 31 Find the largest number of four digits which is exactly divisible by 27, 18, 12, 15, Ce) ®) 910 © 9700 ©) 970 32 Six bells commence tolling together and toll at the intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 seconds resp. In 60 minutes how many times they will tll together ? 31 ® 2 © 1s © 0 | — © 1s @ 4 33. The ratio of two numbers is 3:4 and their H.C. is 4, Their L.C.M. is wy 4 @ « © & oo 34 Find the greatest mumber that wil divide 400, 435 and S41 leaving 9, 10 and 14 as remainders respectively w 2 ® 1 ov 9 35 In a group of ducks and buffaloes, the total number of legs is 24 more than twice the number of heads. Find the total number of buffaloes E wu ®) 16 4 © 8 © 2 36 Eighteen years ago, a father was three times as old as his sgn. Now the father is only twice as old as his son. Then the sum of the present ages of the son and the father is (a) 108 ® 106 © 10 D) 105 rare wd, Re oe ge Bee ot ont er hw gH grt ti at gp ote fen tia ong tate t ' & 108 ® © 10 @ 105 8 PTO. BSSSSASE ‘$7 tne age of tamer 10 years ago was thrice the age of his son. fen years hence, father's age will be twice that of his son. The rato of their present ages is @ 13:4 @ 1:2 © 83 O73 lo at gd, Ren Soe gs a ate gm a 0 at a en A Bea got aa toh tae oa wr aqua t wy B4 @ 12 © 83 © 73 38 Out of 7 consonants and 4 vowels, how many words of 3 consonants and 2 vowels can be formed ? (ay 2400 (B) 25200 (©) 24100 (D) 20030 39 In how many different ways ean the letters of the word "OPTICAL be arranged so that the vowels always come together ? a) 40 @) 550 © 600 ©) 720 OPTICAL! a & eH wt fea ware @ fran on wom fe ea wae we me ang) @ 40 @) 350 © 60 ©) 7 40 A coin is tossed 3 times. Find out the number of possible outcomes 6 @7 © 8 9 ‘fenfirr feat orn ti aft Dow fren A & fret @ 5. 1,872 ates 41. By how much is 3/4! of 52 lesser than 2/3% of 99? (A) 66 @ » © 3 oO 7 99% 28 & sow 3/4 few oH 7 a) 66 @ % ows , Oo 7 42 A sum of money is divided among A, B, C and D in the ratio of 3; 5:8:9 respectively, If te share of D is Rs. 1,872 more than the share ofA, then what isthe total amount of money of B and C together? A) Rs. 4086 @ Bs 400 © Rs 4010 © Rs 4on we cin br ABC ott DF me 3:58:98 oT 43. What is the probability of getting a sum 9 from two throws of a dice? v6 ®@ ow © we oe at atone Get 89 wr ats ont A aire aT E 7 v6 ® Ww ow o 44 Ina lottery, there are 10 prizes and 25 blanks A lottery is drawn at random, What is the probability of getting a prize ? @ io © v6 the last? wa ©» wr wt? BSSSESES “ 47 The HCE. of two numbers is 67 and their sum is 670, How many pairs @) 2s o 2 ® 18 ©) 16 @) 18 ©) 16 5% of X is same as 20% of Y, then X: Y is @ 43 ©) 16:17 of such numbers are possible ? 48 Month January February March Aprit May June Jaly August September October November December The table shows the cumulative rainfall by month for one year for Delhi, Cumulative Rainfall (inches) 27, 47 64 10 16 a 1 S21 on 02 703 708 India. Which month had the greatest rainfall ? 5 (A) December et (8) October 45 Mohan ranks 18% in a class of 49 students, What is his rank from 49 ont Bt ww wer A shes wh Isat tw ths a cet te The table shows the cumulative rainfall by month for one year for Deh India. Which month had the greatest rainfall ? 5 (A) Decenber () Onder © say ©) Avgun 49 A man decides to pave with square tiles his hall which is 4.8 metres Jong and 5.38 metres wide. Find the largest size of the tile that he could (&) 36cm ®) 210em © 2m ©) 20m — 50 The difference of two numbers is 1365. On dividing the larger mumbe by the smaller, we get 6 as quotient and the 15 as remainder. What is the smaller number ? om @) 20 © 20 @) 255 — w an ws) 290 © 20 ©) 255 51 In how many different number of ways 4 boys and 3 girls can st on 1 bench such that girs always sit together ? @ 70 B) so40 © 40 (©) 3040 L —==£=_ 2 and bic=34 find a:b:e. 24 ®) 3:6:8 @) 3:12:6 4, @ acbse mer ati) 124 @) 36:8 © 3:86 @) 3:12:6 53 If 123x4 is divisible by 4, then the digit in place of x is wt @) 5 —==£=£—— ©o M3 co s4 the following mumbers is not divisible by 3? @ 13 B) 123456 © 14s ©) 1234 ‘55. Ifa worker in a factory receives one rupee on the first day and from the second day onwards his wage is increased by one rupee everyday. What is the total amount of wage he receives after 40 days ? (A) Rs. 440 @) Rs 20 —_——— © %. 560 ©) ». 780 56 A bell in a clock rings once at 1 O'clock, twice at 2 O'clock, thrice at 3 Otdock and so on then how many times it rings in a day ? a 46 ®) 136 © 136 © 185 ‘57 What is the largest 4 digit number exactly divisible by 88 ? (A) 9984 @) 9954 ©) 9966 @) 9900 ——_E=£{_{_—— ‘58 What least aumber should be added to 1056, so that the sum is completely divisible by 237 wi ®3 ©2 4 1056-8, et apron etm abet a fe aie 23: oie: sree at a 7 | wl @ 3 { ©2 4 1 | 59 Arumber when divided by 44 gives 432 as quotient and 0 as remainder | What will be the remainder when dividing the same number by 31 ? zc 6 . "y “w @3 SSS A umber when divided by 44 gives 432 as quotient and 0 as remainder What will be the remainder when dividing the same number by 317 ws @ 3 o4 60 If the product of two mumbers is $4942 and their H.C. is 33, their LOM is (A) 2700 @) 2500 © 1368 ©) 2574 61 If BAD is writen as YZW and SAME as HZNY, coded as then LOVE will be (a) ROWN ®) onc © o1ey © NoPL (62 If BELIEF is written as afkkdi, how is SELDOM written in that code? a ® © © sffpn rfkfnp rilkpp tfhnpa In each ofthe following questions (63-72) a number series is given with ove term missing. Choose the correct altersative that will contiaue the same pattern and replace the question mark in the given series fren ei (63-72) & arte ee farm EF fr ow ve Ta HI oe tel five wa ma he Qf fe A rae & eT Te ot oh freer ort ry 63 20, 19, 17,2, 10,5 @ 1s @® 4 on OB E 646, 11, 21, 36, 56,7 o « 6 “ %6, 56,7 40, 40, 27, 27,7 6, 11, 21, “9 oa w 2 ow 10, 14, 26, 14 © 12 5.9, w © 2613 a 6 F2, ?, DS, C16, B32, a Pa 17, 29, 45, %0 2, 20, 42 2 70,7 6, ® © ® © ® O) ® @n os @ 15 © 16 ® 14 © 16 @ 6 ©) 0 6 80 Gs ES 46 wa @ 0 © #2 o 4 13, 35, 57, 79, 911, 7 (a) 1055 (8) 100s © 140 o m3 In each of the sre given with one term missing as shown by (2). Choose the missing term ‘out of the given alt refs wei (73-77) ete, ee eter ren FER We fee, fh (2) ae wear we ger 1 ee eee a a ae Pre: 73 BAS, ?, DEQ, DDP. FEO (A) BBA @) BBR ©) Bet © BLD 74 BYW, DUX, FOY, ? HM @) HAB © Hez ©) HM 75 IO, TYD, INS, XCH, 7 (a) MRW @) MRA © Mw ©) NRW 76 QAR, RAS, SAT, TAU, 7 (a) YUA @) vav © vA ©) TAs 77 CMM, £00, 6QQ, », KUU @) Iss @) BRR © 18 (©) RP 20 Pro. In cach af the following qusins (7-87, iad out which ofthe answer figures (1, (2) @) and (4) completes the figure matt ¢ free ne (4-87) wate wee A, eA Sg (1), 2), (2) she (@) 48 Aer SB pi ach t 78 Select » sutble figure fom the four aieratives that would complete the figure matrix vere ewe & amphi eee oh we sega op TT wife Rye IO} ele WD ]a 090 wt ® 2 ©3 © 4 79 Selecta suitable figure from the four alternatives that would complete the figure matrix cae Peer mph Ake wh yeh wet Suge ong er eet (SATE 08 0 @ wd ® 2 ©3 o 4 a Pro. aR aa © sae Select suitable figure fom the four alernatves that would complete the figure matrix a Reet aR opt ees eh at wet art cages ong wT eo Shr, ODa® wt @ 2 ©3 @ 4 Select a suitable figure from the four alternatives that would complete the figure matrix tle Anis Al? AA O®2O@ wo @ 2 O34 Os Select 4 table igure tom the four ateratves that would complete the figure matrix ae Pewrit 8 onpty Aaa at oot wet art sega ange at ee Sry FF on § ce eel 2 Se 08 OY “ ‘exec a sutaoe ngure from te Your alternatives that would complete oa the figure matrix cae Perea @ ong Aken wh ge ech ah sega ong wt et Sm @e) : aA 089 0O@ wt @2 = © som Select 4 suitable figure from the four alteratives that would complete the figure matrix care Rear pth fer st eh ct et eg ont eT eT sire 1 — t [tp] 2 oo i T ? 4 Select suitable figure from the four alternatives that would complete the figure matrix care Reweat -& onpte Aces eh eh eet ar evga ong wT eT the figure matrix care Remeat & onpth Aces Sh eh we a oye ong wT wa sr ) 028 a) Biv 3 4 446 Selecta suitable figure fom the four alternative that would complete the figure matrix swe Pweg Aa at oh eh at se orp aT wat sir ~ (Ole) @ eee +lelo » @ @ @ v c 87 Select « suitable figure from the four akernatives thet would complete the figure: matrix the figure matic vee Peoria ong ees at et we et sega ong fr | NN ANIA NZ NNNIN O27 oO “mt ®) 27 © 3 os {8 Idemify the figure that completes the pattern wet ant angie waa @ 2 4 39° Select the figure which satisfies the same conditions of placement of the dots in figure X 5 mpfr eer arg at omg x fe Ag arr ag gt Sige wt a © som 89 Select the figure which satisfies the same conditions of placement of the dots as in igure X 1 omg reat arg at om x fue fg are wae geet 8 age at an = een wt 2 © 3 © 4 90 Select a suitable gure fom the four alternatives that would complete the figure matrix vere Rrra 38 opi Aces wh ph we aw segs one wT ee ‘srg wt @) 2 ©3 4 91 Tick the one which is not « chemical reaction (A) Burning of paper ©) Digestion of food (© Conversion of water into steam (©) Buring of coat 92 In one of the following processes light energy is converted into chemical energy (A) Respication (®) Fermentation (©) Photosynthesis ©) Photorespiration | Prefs wine @ ew & erat ooh cera wat afefte ot ont : | ® ee @) Peres | © wen deter ©) ven eer 93 Which of the following is used in pencils ? (A). Graphite ®) Silicon (© Charcoal (©) Phosphorus 94 The Slament of an eectic bulb is made up of (A) Tungsten 8) Mercury © tea © Zine fage eee fownte en viet t & eer e @ wa © waa © we 98 Insirument used for pressure messurement is (A) Ammeter @) Manometer (©) Saccharimeter (©) Lactometer a a — 96 Light your refers to (8) nery ®) Speed ©) tmensiy ©) Distance vet of a one w oa ma © tam owe 97 Angstrom is the measure of (A) Length of wires (B) Liquid. quantity (© Length of light wave (D) Speed of submarines 98 The unit of current is \ | (A) Wart ousAbeas | © Ohm ©) vot fage ora yet t @ ae. Neary © ates © we 99 There is a change of 0.1% in radius of a wire in the form of a solid Fight circular cylinder when itis stretched by 10% of its intial length If the initial radius and height of the wire are equal, then change in its | total surface area is | (A) 551% @) 515% © s @ s15% ter swam aa 100 Input used by an antenna/cable v le fae to TVs hich of he ty frequencies ? aes On © oie ©) sap | 101 Which one of the following is high ftequency band ? | (a) 1 Gh (B) 30 10 300 Miz | (©) 100 ute (D) 3530 Mite Prete 1-8 ata ar see angie te 7 (a) 1 ateeger (B) 30 1 300 Smee (©) 100 swinger (@) 3-30 ameger 102. The heavy chains and light chains of an antibody molecule are linked with each other through (B) Disulphide bonds (A) Peptide bonds (©) areeteew ate (ond) 8D) wrestereTET Ws (Bond) 103 Air falls in which category ? | sapien a ear sa ae | (A) IgA @) IM atte ot “ton feet @ qe eT We aH wT ret @) eA @) i © © 4G | 105 One of he fovng is he best contr of leicy (A) Ordinary water ® se Oe Ome 105 One of the following is the best conductor of Electricity (A) Ordinary water @) Sea water © Boiled water (©) Distiled water Proofer & ew ge or mines ques (A) HFT oe ©) eh ww © sen om ©) ovata 3H 106 Balloons are filled with which of the folowing gases 7 (Helium (B) Oxygen (Nitro == © se 107 Which of the following is the most abundant metal inthe earth's crust? (A) Zine ®) Copper © Atuniniom © tron rates a we og oe we eee myE IT oh 87 A) wet @ ta © shire © wa 108 Fire extinguisher uses which of the folowing gases ? (A) Neon, 8) Nitrogen © Carbon dioxide (©) Carbon monoxide attains 3 Presta 4 fom te or ue frm aren 7 109 All acids have one of the following elements as common one (A) Oxygen ©) Hydrogen (©) Nitrogen (©) Sulphur woh ret Ho nt art Pretrirs F-qw arr ae (A) ter @) reer ©) Teer (©) weer 110 Gobar gas is mainly (A) Methane () Carbon diowide (©) Butane (©) Carbon monoxide sie ts gore «er (©) ont mites IML The most malleable meta is () Siver ® Go (©) Alwsiium ©) Sodium afew amare arg & w «a ® an (©) oreghifre D) sien 112 One of the following is a non-metal that remains liquid at room temperature (A) Bromine (B) Chlorine Ome 113 Tick which one is laughing (A) Carbon dioxide ®) Sulphur dioxide (© Nitrogen dioxide (D) Nitrous oxide OLE 114 One of these materials is used for making protective windows in space probes (A) Steet ®) Graphite (© Tungsten ©) Diamond tafe aren caw fare er fy EY aw Me wt se feat en ne wy me - 1S Stainless stel is an alloy of which of the following combinations ? (A) Iron, Carbon and Nickel ) Tron and Manganese (©) tron, Chromium and Zine (©) Iron, Chromium and Nickel Fe sag ceva eer Proves WS ate ar ecto verb 7 (A) aim, orbs te rr (@) im ate Arte (©) vim, wiras she ore (©) Ae, wifes ste Pee 16 Ope of the listed metas forms an amalgam with other metals (A) Lead ® Tn © Zine ©) Mercury 117 Mik fills in one of the following. categories (A) Solute (8) True solution © Emulsion ©) so ae Profits Wa ye ah onan (a) feta 8) a Peers © v8 (©) fewer 118 Cholera disease is due to infection by (A) vibrio cholera (B) salmonella © uv ©) Ecolt 119 One of the following processes describes Photosynthesis 1 | (A) Exotherni process (B)_Endothermic process (© Nevirl process ©) Thermostatic proces | Protea ¥ 8 ge sfirar wee deter cud & (eee re ©) ete wir (© 7ER vem © wie arn 120 One of the following is a physical change (A) Oxidation (B)_ Reduction (©) Sublimation (©) Decomposition 121 Which state launched estamping project in January 2015 2 (A) Haryana ©) Pari © Caja ©) Matwastire few cea 4 wera 2015 feerfetn tat WA qeare wt? eae © wm © m0 ©) woe, 122, European giant Airbus Helicopters has teamed up with which business ‘soup to establish a joint venture for manufacturing helicopters in India for military requirements ? (A) Tata group @) Mahindra group © Bi group (©) Adan’ group 123 The Supreme Court recently issued 2 slew of guidelines on regulation of public advertisements that the advertisements can carry pictures of certain dignitaries. Who is/are the personality(s) 2” (A) Tho President (B) The Prime Minister (©) The Chief Justice of India (D) All of the above 124 Recently, hich county in Africa has been declared Ebola-iee by WHO? (A) Guinea @) Nigesia (©) Kenya ©) Liberia ve fee error ras A eu ones tet at ten ga ee fem t 7 ym @) Teter | © a ©) mer 12S The image of a striped hyena captured by a camera in Kaval Tiger Reserve (KTR) has delighted the conservationist. KTR is in which State ? | (A) Telangana (B) Karmataka (© Andhra Pradesh (©) Odisha 126 What is the theme of World Water Day (WWD) of 2015 7 (A). Water and Inclusive Growth (B) Disseminate Climate Change (©) Water and. Sustainable Development (©) Climate Knowledge for Climate Action 127 What is the name of NASA's spacecraft that released the fist ever photos fof Pluto planet recently ? (A) New Horizons B) Appolo-9 (©) Columbia ©) Sputinie ver a, ot oe at cect Sel orth wet A eT & fatten wT ome? (a Hoge 8) srii-9 © Seer ©) eater 128 Who has been appointed as the Vice Chairman of newly constituted NITI Aayog ? (A) Ve, Saraswat (B) Arvind Pangariya (©) Bibek Debroy (©) Radha Mohan Singh rove HRY omer gerard Page fle wert (A) &. %. ore (B) setts efter 129 The words Sttyameva Jayate inscribed below the base plate of the Emblem of India are taken from (A) The Rig Veda (@)_ Ramayana (©) Mahabharata (©) Mundaka Upenishad ares crea Row AY wT Be aa ate fet er @ wee ©) THe t © wwe & ©) Feat 130 Which country became the frst county in the world to allow the creation Cf babies with DNA from three people after MPs voted for the controversial procedure ? (A) Britain (8) Germany (©) Greece (D)_ Sweden 131 Who represented India in United Nations on Intemational Yoga Day in June 2015 7 (A) Arun Jaitley @) Babs Ramdev © Sushma Sway (©) Amit Shah 9G 2015 ¥ atertete ate fee we ges we Free or fiir fest fom 7 ce (A) stom a (®) ww te © wr wae ©) ser an 132 Facebook embraced e-commerce after it acquired shopping search engine, ‘what is the search engine called ? (A) The Find ®) Bing 133, In March 2015, Supreme Court rejected to include which community in OBC category ? (A). Guijars ) Abie © ma () None of these 134. Who ffom the following has been conferred wit Phalie Award 2014 (A) Gulzar ith prestigious Dadasaheb (B) Shashi Kapoor (©) Shyam Benegal (©) Manoj Kumar “fom ma? (ware © oh ox (© eam de © a yar 138 Which European country's voters. backed referendum? = (A) Scotland ® France 135 Which European country’s. voters backed same-sex marriage in a referendum ? (A) Scotland B) France (©) orcs 136 As per budget 2015-16, Permanent Account Num ris maniaoy er Purchase more than = A) Rs 1 he ® Rs 15 tee © Rs 2 te ©) Rs 3 hee 137 Who thas been appointed asthe first president of BRICS promoted New Development Bank ? (A) De 8. Christopher (B)-K.V. Kamath (©) Chanda Kochhar (©) Michael Hi fee vere eh eer ts mr were me lt Pree frm ar? &) 4, freter © & & wma © wa ae ©) aren fem 4138 Recently, an Indian Airforce 2000 fighter aircraft safely landed on (A) Nasik - Pune Expressway (B) Pune ~ Mumbai Expressway (©) Delhi-teipuc Expressway (D) Yamuna Expressway ‘We a, area erg 2000 wen fers os sarc @) ieee wate toe) Egat wee ae (© Revt-wage qwuie 8 ee (O) TEM RE ae ———s = = cen! 139 Which state has appointed tenis legend Stefi Graf as brand ambassador a to promote ayurveda tourism of the sate ? (A) Himachal Pradesh @) Haryane (©) Kerala (©) Kernaake fou wre 9 coe A ange widen wt ere 3H fre from 2h famnd Oo me et ats ture figer frm #7 (A) fesree at ® team © *m ©) wee 140 In Women’s Singles Wimbledon 2015 Cup, the final was played between (A) Serena Wiliams and Martina Hingis (@) Serena Wiliams and Gerbine Muguruza (©) Marid Sharapova and Garbine Muguruza (©) Serena Wiliams and Venus Wiliams after am fewer 2015 ee ot were Ger Tat (A) Pats ote itn fra & ate 141 For the protection of Asiatic lion and its habitat, with which of the following organisations the forest department of lndia has signed a memorandum of understanding. ? (A) The Woodland Trust (B) Zoological Society of London (©) The Welsh Wildlife Trust (©) Ulster willfe Trust @) ower mares Ze | 142 How many counties are the members of Euro Zone, as on January 2015 ? wi ® 18 ©» @ 2 | 149 Wt is ove about income ta in th ba 2015-16 7 (A) Tex exemption limit is rated by Ra, $0,000 | CB) No change in tax sibs y (©) Surcharge on tax is removed ; (D) All of above are true | = we Sine 144 Manu Prakash, who amazed the world lat year by building a paper | microscope, has now come up with a computer that works by (A) moving water droplets (B) organic wastes (©) moving, navigation signals (D) geo-thermal energy corn & gered ere ghar at onredafieg we BA ay eT 3 fea’ wor ech a deer ett? , ) vin ow aw) Aa eR a (© trite tees ses BD) awa wat B 145 "Lee Kuan Yew", who died in March 2015, was the frst Prime Minister of (A) Thailand (B) South Korea (©) Indonesia (©) Singapore M6 Khoya-Paya web portal is related to (A) exchanging information on missing and found children () lost articles of railways (© lost anicles during port transport (©) lost vebicles in diferent states 147 Which of the following batsmen has scor red four consecutive hundreds in World Cup 2015 2 (A) AB de Viliees ® a i Gayle (©) Michael Clarke (©) Kumar Sangakkara Prot 3 & feu neteen§ fee 2015 % wre wr ee wey ? A) eh, Bieter @) few ta (©) eH wn ©) Fr eee MB The book ‘Kashmir - The Vajpayee Year’ is written by (A) Atal Bihari Vajpayee © AS. Dalat ®) Dr Karan Singh (©) Gulam Nabi Azad 149 Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi is associated with which of the following NGO ? (A) Bandhua Mukti Moreha ) Moki Carvin (©) Backpan Bachao Andolan (©) None of these 150 In October 2014, India has been re-elected for three years as a member to the (A) UN Economic and Soci! Council (8) UN Security Counc (©) UN Gener Asemtly ©) World Bank reget 2014, 3 sree at wd fre wee we ge Ter: (A) 80 (ON) flee et rai afte ®) SUN) ge ae © 8. 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