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Animals are using by humans as experimental objects for many years.

have used for humans medicational experiments or self-care industry. I
know that as a psychlogy student, experimenter psychologists are using
animals for searcing the human behaviors. And all this experinces with
animals were quite painful. They had separated from their family as babies
and durgs were drunk to them and  this has had painful consequences. But
they didn't deserve these thing what we have happend to them. They are
the living creatures like us. İf we think we are important then the animals
are important for this planet too. We can't take their living chances with their
families like us. On the other hand if animals weren't used by humans in
their experines we would be arriving too late for important discoveries in the
feild of healt. For example Pasteur's Vaccine. He found the rabies vaccine
from his animal experiments. Or Wundt's Classical Conditioning
experiences. He studied with dogs for their "saliva level" in biolocigal ways
but he acidentally made a very important discovery for psychology.
We know that the animals were used for non-pain experiments either. For
example rats were being used in labyrinth experiences for experimental
psychology. They were helping psycology researhing and taking very useful
topics from this searchings.  

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