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IMS Manual IMS Manual IMS Manual

M GSC IMS 01 Quality, Safety, Environment and

Energy, Management System Manual
1 Purpose To define the Quality, Safety, Environment and Energy
Integrated Management System (IMS) leading to
fulfilling customer satisfaction within Schneider
Electric Global Supply Chain (GSC).

2 Field of application ◼ Schneider Electric GSC Central Office (CO)

◼ All Entities of within the Schneider Electric GSC IMS

3 Addressees ◼ All employees of Schneider Electric GSC IMS

4 Scope of application ◼ This manual will be effective since May.1st,2022 in

Schneider Electric GSC IMS Central Office, and those
entities that have signed, submitted and approved internal
agreements to participate in the Global IMS within
Schneider Electric (Entities from other business groups
within the regions will be treated as GSC entities once
signed internal agreements have been submitted and

Drafted by Validated by
Alex Xu Devina RADITYA, Montserrat Gigirey Bill Ryan
Senior Manager Domain Leader Manager Manager
Global Quality System Environment & Sustainability Environment /H&S / Multi country IE-HEALTH AND SAFETY
Digitally signed by Alex Xu
DN: cn=Alex Xu, o=SE, Devina Digitally signed SESA 220087- Firmado digitalmente
por SESA 220087- Bill Digitally signed

Alex Xu ou=SE, email=jing- by Devina Raditya

Montserrat Montserrat Gigirey by Bill Ryan

Raditya 14:20:57 +07'00' Ryan, c=CN Date: 2022.04.28 Fecha: 2022.04.28 Date: 2022.04.28
Date: 2022.04.19 14:45:43
+08'00' Gigirey 10:18:41 +02'00' 11:16:21 +01'00'

Approved by
Olivier Martin Wings Yuen
Director Director
Global Quality System Sustainability Transformation Leader

Digitally signed by MARTIN Digitally signed by Wings
MARTIN Olivier Olivier
Date: 2022.04.28 14:29:58
Date: 2022.04.28 19:08:12
+02'00' +08'00'

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5. Contents • General Requirements
• Responsibility and Authority
• GSC Activities
• List of IMS Procedures and Documents

6. General Schneider Electric Global Supply Chain (GSC) shall establish, document, implement,
and maintain an integrated Quality, Safety, Environment and Energy management
Requirements system and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements
of this manual.

6.1 Subject This Manual describes the Quality, Environment, Energy and Safety Multisite Integrated
Management System (IMS) in Schneider Electric Global Supply Chain (GSC).

The purpose is to ensure that all entities under the GSC have a defined system to
analyze the Customer Requirements, Define the Processes that contribute to the
Achievement of our products and services with zero harm to people and environment,
and minimizing our energy consumption, Identify the needs for Resources to execute
the processes, Provide the necessary Information to the process execution and to
distinguish the required Measurements to demonstrate the process effectiveness. All
these activities are supported by Contemplative Planning from the Management
Team of all GSC entities. Schneider Electric GSC is committed and will constantly
pursue Continuous Improvement in Customer Satisfaction & Quality, Safety,
Environment and Energy performance.

Schneider Electric GSC provides Confidence to its management, its employees and its
suppliers, that it is able to provide products and services with minimal harm to people
and environment, and optimized energy performance.

6.2 Scope ◼ Applicable to these scopes for the GSC Multisite IMS:
Scope of Certificate - Design, Manufacture, Distribution of Products, Services and
Solutions in Automation and Energy Management

◼ The SE GSC IMS covers Schneider Electric GSC IMS Central Office, and those
entities that have signed, submitted and approved internal agreements to participate
in the Global IMS within Schneider Electric (Entities from other business groups
within the regions will be treated as GSC entities once signed internal agreements
have been submitted and approved).

◼ Each entity shall have a scope outlining the coverage of their system for their
respective locations and operations. It shall be described within the Entity Manual or
equivalent document.

◼ SE IMS covers all elements of QMS/SMS/EMS/EnMS which are described in

ISO9001/ISO45001/ISO14001/ISO50001. Product Research & Development
Process is reported and controlled directly by the Corporate R&D department in
France. GSC IMS Central office does not manage these activities at the global level.
However, these activities shall be included and managed in the entity scope within
the entities with design and engineering process (e.g. Equipment, solutions, etc.).

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6.3 General The Integrated Management Systems defined in this Manual complies with the
International Standards ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO50001 and ISO 45001. They conform
to the requirements which required by these standards to ensure the effectiveness of
the entire IMS.
These four Management Systems shall be named as IMS (Integrated Management
* The quality management system is also in-line with the Schneider Electric Quality Manual and
Schneider Electric Quality Management System.

6.4 Quality, Environment, The Schneider Electric GSC IMS follows the Corporate Quality, Environment, Safety
Safety and Energy Policy and Energy Policies which can be found at below URL...
Quality Policy:

Environment Policy:
Full Version :
Poster :

Energy Policy:
Full version :
Poster :

Health & Safety Policy:

After the Corporate announcement of a new or updated version, the Central Office
cascades it to the entity organization to reinforce the communication, the Entities shall
then ensure the Policies is communicated and understood within their respective
location(s). Those policies are also available for relevant interested parties.

7. Responsibility and GSC shall ensure that responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated
within the organization through organization charts, procedures, and other proper
Authority methods.

7.1 Introduction of Global The Global Customer Satisfaction & Quality (CS&Q) Team hosts a GSC Integrated
Customer Satisfaction & Management System (GSC-IMS) Central Office Team, consisting of representatives
from each function, to manage the integrated Quality, Safety, Environment and Energy
Quality, Safety, management system across GSC.
Environmental and
Energy The GSC-IMS Central Office(CO) Team is working on the implementation and continual
improvement of GSC-IMS.

This team’s mission is to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the
processes related to customer satisfaction & quality, environment, energy and safety
performance. There are five important elements which the GSC-IMS is looking at:
Customer Satisfaction, Quality, Environment, Energy and Occupational Health & Safety
performance excellence.

The Central Office Team, GSC Management and individual entities shall conjointly
attain process standardization and it shall be accomplished by relevant data,
performance measurements, analyzing, monitoring and commitment to continual

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7.2 GSC Organization

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7.3 Top Management, The Executive Vice President of GSC is the top management in charge of the Quality,
Management Safety, Environment and Energy system. Top management shall demonstrate leadership
and commitment with respect to the management system by:
Representative & Central a) taking overall responsibility and accountability for the effectiveness of the integrated
Office management system, including the prevention of work related injury and ill health;
b) ensuring that the IMS policies and IMS objectives are established for the integrated
management system and are compatible with the context and strategic direction of
Schneider Electric;
c) ensuring the integration of the integrated management system requirements into the
organization’s business processes;
d) promoting the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking;
e) ensuring that the resources needed for the integrated management system are
f) communicating the importance of effective quality, environment, energy and safety
management and of conforming to the integrated management system requirements;
g) ensuring that the integrated management system achieves its intended results;
h) engaging, directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the
integrated management system;
i) promoting continual improvement;
j) supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it
applies to their areas of responsibility;
k) developing, leading and supporting a culture that supports the intended outcomes
of the integrated management system;
l) protecting workers from reprisals when reporting incidents, hazards, risks and
m) ensuring the organization establishes and implements a process for the
consultation and the participation of workers;
n) supporting the establishment and functioning of OHS committees.

Top management shall also ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant
roles are assigned, communicated and understood within the organization. They assign
the responsibility and authority for:
a) ensuring that the integrated management system conforms to the requirements of
ISO Standard;
b) ensuring that the processes are delivering their intended outputs;
c) reporting on the performance of the integrated management system and on
opportunities for improvement, in particular to top management;
d) ensuring the promotion of customer focus throughout the organization;
e) ensuring that the integrity of the integrated management system is maintained when
changes to the management system are planned and implemented.
Workers at each level of the organization shall assume responsibility for those aspects
of the OHS management system over which they have control.

The Global Customer Satisfaction & Quality Sr. Vice President is appointed as the
management representative for Quality Management System (QMS). The Sustainable
Supply Chain & Safety Sr. Vice President is appointed as the management
representative for Safety, Environment and Energy Management System (SEEnMS).

The Management Representative (MR), irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have

responsibility and authority that includes:
a. Ensuring that processes needed for the management system are established,
implemented, and maintained.
b. Reporting to top management on the performance of the management system and
any need for improvement.
c. Ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout GSC.

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GSC IMS Central Office (CO) Manages the GSC-IMS at the global and regional levels.
The CO administrates, establishes and subjects to continuous surveillance and internal
audits for all GSC-IMS entities. This means that the central office has the right to
require the sites to implement corrective actions when needed in any site.
The GSC IMS Central Office is a virtual organization and the structure is shown below:

7.4 Customer Focus GSC IMS Top Management demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to
customer focus by ensuring that:
a) customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are determined,
understood and consistently met;
b) the risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and the
ability to enhance customer satisfaction are determined and addressed;
c) the focus on enhancing customer satisfaction is maintained.

Schneider Electric GSC shall maintain the processes listed below for its customers to
channel their complaints, claims and feedbacks:
› Customer Experience Development (CXD)
› Issue to Prevention (I2P)

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7.5 Functions pertinent to Schneider Electric GSC shall determine and provide the persons necessary for the
IMS effective implementation of its integrated management system and for the operation and
control of its processes for all entities within the scope of the IMS.

GSC-IMS Central Office (CO) ◼ Manage the efficient and effective deployment of Quality, Safety, Environment and
Energy Integrated Management systems.
◼ Lead the Integrated Management System including each entity certification to
corresponding standards.
◼ Ensure entities are effectively practicing integrated management programs to
ensure process efficiency and effectiveness.
◼ Manage the integrated management system deployment to ensure conformance to
all internal, external and legislative requirements.
◼ Lead the entities conformance and certification to International Standards’
◼ Drives identification of opportunities for continual improvement, including its
prioritization, resource allocations, improvement methods selection and results

8. GSC Activities To achieve Corporate Mission via the Integrated Management System with defined
scope for the GSC Multisite certification:
Design, Manufacture, Distribution of Products, Services and Solutions in Automation and
Energy Management

8.1 IMS Objectives Based on company strategy, Schneider Electric established relevant objectives at
company, region and entity level. The targets and key performance indicators are
defined every year to monitor the Customer Satisfaction, Quality, Safety, Environment
and Energy performance by management team in GSC.
Refer to O GSC IMS 01 GSC Quality, Safety, Environment and Energy Objectives for
Global KPIs in detail.

The necessary programs, projects and actions are planned, implemented and monitored
at relevant levels to ensure the objectives are achieved. Additional actions will be
planned, implemented and monitored if certain objectives do not meet the target.

8.2 Safety Schneider Electric has implemented safety management systems to reduce the
potential for harm to people in our workplaces or affected by our work practices, and to
continuously improve our safety performance in all of our countries.

A well-designed safety management system (SMS) enables our organization to achieve

its safety commitments, and to demonstrate its commitments toward its stakeholders,
including our employees, suppliers, contractors, partners and any other interested

The main benefit of this program is a contribution to the achievement of our own safety
commitments, through SMS implementation and by ensuring its effectiveness.

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8.3 Environment and Schneider Electric has implemented environment and energy management systems to
Energy foster respect for the earth’s natural resources and to continuously improve our
environmental performance in all of our countries.

We strive to reduce the environmental impact of our products throughout their entire
life-cycle (from cradle to grave), particularly through eco-design and eco-production.

We strive to reduce the energy consumption of our processes and our buildings.

A well-designed environment management system (EMS) and energy management

system (EnMS) enables our organization to achieve its environmental and energy
commitments, and to demonstrate its commitments toward its stakeholders, including
our customers, partners and the communities in which we live and operate.

The main benefit of this program is a contribution to the achievement of our own
environment and energy commitments, through EMS and EnMS implementation and by
ensuring its effectiveness.

9.1 Understanding the Schneider Electric shall determine the external and internal issues that are relevant to its
organization and its purpose and its strategic direction and that affect its ability to achieve the intended
result(s) of its integrated management system.
context Schneider Electric shall also monitor and review information about these external and
internal issues.

Schneider Electric shall utilize various methods to achieve above its purpose. Our
Strategy, Planning and Monitoring process is the major process to ensure it.

9.2 Understanding the Schneider Electric GSC IMS shall maintain an “Interested Parties” list at the central office
needs and expectations level. This list is reviewed at least once per year. Each entity will also maintain an entity
level document of Interested Parties along with their associated needs and expectations
of interested parties as required.

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9.3 IMS processes Schneider Electric GSC IMS shall establish and maintain the processes below based on
needed and their its scope, strategy and the needs of Integrated Management System.
Because of the size and complexity of SE GSC IMS organization, some processes may
interactions not be applicable in certain local entities for various reasons. In that case, the entity shall
describe which processes are not applicable and the reasons in their local manual or
relevant document.

Common Processes:
◼ IMS Management
◼ Strategy, Planning and Monitoring
◼ Human Resource
◼ Schneider Performance System
◼ Offer Creation Process
QMS Processes:
◼ Customer Experience Development
◼ Issue to Prevention
◼ Schneider Supplier Quality Management
◼ Continuous Improvement
SMS/EMS/EnMS Processes:
◼ Global Safety & Environment Alerts
◼ Serious Incident Investigation Process (SIIP)
◼ EHS Assessment

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QMS Processes:

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SEEn Processes:

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9.4 Actions to address Considering scope & complexity of the IMS for GSC, Risks & Opportunities (R&O)
risks and opportunities are managed across 4 main categories:
➢ R&O related to GSC,
➢ R&O related to the IMS,
➢ R&O related to processes,
➢ R&O related to entity.

R&O related to GSC are managed through "Strategy, Planning and Monitoring" process
R&O related to IMS are managed by the IMS Central Office through utilizing “Risk and
Opportunity Management” form. The list is reviewed at least once per year.
R&O related to processes are managed by processes owners through various
methods. The high-level summary of those R&O is presented in the SWOT analysis of
each process.
R&O related to entities are managed by each entity locally.

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9.5 Planning and When Schneider Electric GSC IMS determines the need for changes to the integrated
management of changes management system, the changes shall be carried out in a planned manner. Global level
changes will be managed by GSC IMS Central Office, and the entity level changes will
be managed at entity level.
The below factors will be taken into consideration:
a) the purpose of the changes and their potential consequences;
b) the integrity of the integrated management system;
c) the availability of resources;
d) the allocation or reallocation of responsibilities and authorities.

In addition, each entity shall establish one or more processes to review and evaluate the
impact of planned changes to the SEEn management system and to develop an action
plan to mitigate and control the consequences of these impacts as necessary.

For sites operating with a safety, environmental and/or energy management system,
changes that impact those systems shall be applied within assessments of safety
hazards, environmental aspects and significant energy usage, and evaluated regarding
risks and opportunities within these systems. SEEn risks and opportunities, and
associated safety and environmental risk registers, and energy reviews, shall be reviewed
and revised based on the impact of these changes.
Notably, the site should revise the impacts of planned change on:
a. Hazard assessment: safety risk assessment
b. Evaluation of environmental impacts: environment risk analysis
c. Evaluation of energy consumption: energy review
d. BAT assessment
e. Process or product obsolescence
f. Compliance to applicable safety, environment and energy regulation, at
local, regional, national, and sub-national levels.

Sites shall establish an effective system to manage changes in personnel, with plans to
manage succession and onboarding of SEEn employees.
Sites can consider the following actions:
• New personnel: Orientation training on SEEn awareness topics for all new
• SEEn program management training for new SEEn personnel as necessary
• New Facility management personnel:
o Training on relevant roles and responsibilities regarding facility
maintenance and its impact to SEEn management systems as necessary
o Checking of safety and environment credentials as appropriate

Sites shall review the consequences of unplanned changes and incorporate those
changes impacting SEEn risks or the SEEn management system into the processes
established for planned changes. Sites shall also include an action plan as necessary
to mitigate the impact of the unplanned change. The action plan shall be documented.

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9.6 Documented The IMS Documented Information includes three major sections:
Information a. Global Level: set up and managed by GSC IMS Central Office. The Global Level
document defines the requirement which is applied to all SE GSC IMS entities.
Requirements b. Regional/Country/LoB Level: set up and managed by Regional/Country LoB IMS
Management team as necessary (optional). The Region/Country/LoB Level document
defines the requirement which is applied to certain Region/Country/LoB.
c. Entity Level: set up and managed by entity. The Entity Level document defines the
requirement which is applied to certain entity.
All SE GSC IMS entities shall ensure the Global Level document,
Region/Country/LoB Level document (applicable) and Entity Level document
(applicable) is deployed within their entity.

The IMS Global Documented Information includes:

a. Documented statements of policies and objectives
b. An IMS manual
c. Documented procedures
d. Documents needed to ensure the effective planning, operation, and control of its
e. Records

Quality, Environment, Energy & Safety Policies of Schneider Electric are corporate
documents and are signed by CEO of Schneider Electric.
Global Quality, Environmental, Energy & Safety Objectives are set by the GSC
IMS Management team and these shall also be cascaded down to all entities.
The Global IMS Manual defines the Quality, Safety, Environment and Energy
Integrated Management Systems (IMS) leading to fulfilling customer satisfaction within
Schneider Electric.
IMS Global Procedures:
Document Title Document Reference
1st Control of Documents P GSC IMS 01
2nd Control of Records P GSC IMS 02
3rd Internal Audit P GSC IMS 03
4th Corrective and Preventive Action P GSC IMS 04
5th Multi-Site IMS Control & P GSC IMS 05
6th Control of Non-conforming P GSC IMS 07
products, services, environmental
and safety issues
7th Integrated Management System P GSC IMS 08
Internal Auditor Management
8th Hazard Identification, Risk P GSC S&E 01
Assessment and Environment
9th Incident Notification and P GSC S&E 02
10th Legal & Other Requirements P GSC S&E 05
11th GSC Quality Safety Environment O GSC IMS 01
& Energy Objectives

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9.7 Communications, The Global Customer Satisfaction and Quality team, as well as the Global Safety,
Participation and Environment and Energy team in GSC shall initiate all communications to the GSC-IMS
entities for the deployment of new programs which contribute to process improvements,
Consultation customer satisfactions, environment, energy and safety excellence, as well as the
changes in the GSC IMS documents. The communication processes shall be designed
according to the contents of each subject to be communicated.

The GSC IMS Central Office and all entities shall determine the internal and external
communications relevant to the integrated management system via various
communication channels to ensure persons doing work under the control of the GSC
IMS are aware of:
a) the applicable quality/safety/environmental/energy policies;
b) relevant IMS objectives;
c) their contribution to the effectiveness of the integrated management system, including
the benefits of improved performance;
d) the implications of not conforming with the integrated management system

The GSC IMS Central Office encourages the consultation and participation of workers,
including non-managerial workers, within the GSC IMS. Obstacles or barriers to worker
participation shall be eliminated or minimized. Workers shall be consulted on elements
of the OHS management system, and encouraged to participate throughout the
implementation and operation of the OHS portion of the management system. Worker
consultation and participation shall be documented.

Consultation and participation arrangements may include involvement in various teams

or committees, safety opportunity reporting process, communications and involvement in
the EHS Assessment process, SPS, internal audits and/or external audits.

Employees are responsible for following all safety rules and procedures.

Each location shall define and establish participation and consultation processes (for
example: a safety committee, SIM meetings) to represent the employees in safety-
related issues, giving employees a voice in the development and improvement of the
safety system and to consult with employees concerning safety when changes to the
facility or the program could impact their OH&S.

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9.8 Management Review The Management team in GSC IMS shall meet at least yearly to review their
performance, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and alignment
with the strategic direction of Schneider Electric. Relevant SEEn outputs shall be
communicated to workers and workers’ representatives throughout the organization.
The review inputs include:
› The status of actions from previous management reviews;
› Changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the integrated
management system, including the needs and expectations of interested parties,
legal & other requirements, and risks and opportunities;
› Customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties;
› The extent to which integrated objectives have been met;
› Process performance and conformity of products and services;
› Incident (injury or ill health) reporting, including trends (SMS);
› Consultation and participation of workers, including trends (SMS);
› Nonconformities and corrective actions, including trends;
› Monitoring and measurement results, including trends;
› Audit results, including trends;
› The performance of external providers;
› The adequacy of resources;
› The effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities, (per the
items related to SEEn, should include trends);
› Opportunities for improvement.
› Review of the policies (QMS/EMS/SME/EnMS)
› Relevant communication(s) from external interested parties, including
complaints (S&EMS)
› Evaluations of compliance with applicable legal requirements and with other
requirements, including trends (SEEnMS)
› Projected Energy performance for the following period (EnMS)
› Changes that could affect the Multisite IMS
› Recommendations for improvement
› Others
The review outputs include:
› Opportunities for improvement
› Any needs of change to the Integrated Management System
› Resource needs
› Determine if system is suitable, adequate and effective
› Changes in the energy performance (EnMS)
› Changes to the policies (If it is necessary)
› Changes to the objectives, targets or other elements of the MSs (EMS & EnMS)
› Others
Each entity shall conduct entity level management review at least once per year.

9.9 Resource SE GSC determine and provide the resources needed:

Management a. To implement and maintain the IMS and continually improve its effectiveness.
b. To enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.

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People, training and awareness:
SE GSC determine and provide the persons necessary for the effective implementation
of its integrated management system and for the operation and control of its processes.
The training needs for the CS&Q, Environmental, Energy and Safety team shall be
defined during the annual appraisal period or during the year when needs arise. The
records of such trainings are kept.

Each GSC Entities shall be fully equipped with the necessary infrastructure at each of
their operations under their management discretion.

Process equipment:
Each GSC Entities shall be fully equipped with the necessary process equipment at
each of their operations under their management discretion.

Supporting devices:
Each GSC Entities shall be fully equipped with the necessary supporting devices at
each of their operations under their management discretion.

Monitoring and measuring resources:

Each GSC Entities shall determine and provide the resources needed to ensure valid
and reliable results when monitoring or measuring is used to verify the conformity of
products and services to requirements.
When measurement traceability is a requirement, or is considered by the organization to
be an essential part of providing confidence in the validity of measurement results,
measuring equipment shall be:
a) calibrated or verified, or both, at specified intervals, or prior to use, against
measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement standards;
when no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be
retained as documented information;
b) identified in order to determine their status;
c) safeguarded from adjustments, damage or deterioration that would invalidate the
calibration status and subsequent measurement results. The entity shall determine if the
validity of previous measurement results has been adversely affected when measuring
equipment is found to be unfit for its intended purpose, and shall take appropriate action
as necessary.

Environment for the operation of processes:

Each GSC Entities shall be fully adapted for the suitability of their work environment at
each of their operations under their management discretion.

Organizational knowledge & Information:

SE GSC determine the knowledge necessary for the operation of its processes and to
achieve conformity of products and services.
This knowledge shall be maintained and be made available to the extent necessary at
relevant department and level via various methods, such as subject matter experts,
database, library, training materials, etc.
When addressing changing needs and trends, the organization shall consider its current
knowledge and determine how to acquire or access any necessary additional
knowledge and required updates.
Useful information is communicated to the employees via various methods, such as
Management Meetings, Short Interval Mgmt. (SIM) meetings, Webinars, Intranet Spice,
and Emails.

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9.10 Environment & Entities shall identify OHS hazards and environmental aspects, assess the risks
Safety Aspects/Impacts, associated with the identified hazards/aspects, and develop plans to eliminate, mitigate,
control, and monitor all identified hazards/aspects associated with all equipment, tasks,
Hazards/Risks, substances, products, and services provided, relatively at each facility.
Objectives & Programs
A systematic approach is advocated to ensure that all foreseeable hazards and aspects
are identified during all operational, including routine and non-routine situations,
maintenance and repair conditions.

All Risk Assessment activities are to be recorded and maintained by each entity.
Each entity within scope shall keep a register of the safety hazards/risks/opportunities
and environmental aspects and impacts for their location. This shall be regularly
reviewed and revised as necessary to reflect any new and modified processes or

Each entity shall establish a program to define, track and achieve objectives and
targets, at relevant levels and functions, and schedules.

Refer to P GSC SE 01 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Environment

Aspects for details.

9.11 Environmental, Each entity within scope shall maintain a register that identifies the compliance
Energy & Safety obligations to legal and other requirements applicable to the entity, and access to
those requirements. This register shall be periodically reviewed and updated to
Compliance Obligations conform to local, state/provincial and federal safety and environment regulatory and
other requirements. Each entity is responsible to ensure that legal and other
requirements are monitored for applicability, either at the local or regional level. In
addition to the legal register, entities are required to perform the EHS Assessment
each year to assess their maturity on EHS programs/SE other requirements, develop
and implement improvement plans. Each entity shall communicate relevant information
on legal and other requirements to persons working under their control and other
interested parties.

Refer to P GSC SE 05 Legal & Other Requirements for details.

EHSA tool:https://schneider-

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9.12 Operation Schneider Performance System (SPS) is SE framework of operation management.

Operational planning and control - QMS:

Each GSC IMS Entity shall ensure that the process of planning of product or service
realization exist and are deployed. The output of this planning shall be in a form that
suitable for the entity’s method of operations to ensure its effectiveness, quality and
customer satisfactions.

Operational planning and control - SEEnMS:

The facility shall establish and maintain documented procedures and/or operating
criteria for activities associated with 1) identified significant environmental aspects
where their absence could lead to deviations from the environmental policy, objectives,
or targets, 2) identified hazards where the implementation of controls is necessary to
manage the OH&S risks, and 3) identified significant energy uses where their absence
could lead to significant deviation from effective energy performance. These
procedures shall stipulate operating criteria for the activity, including the adaption of
work to workers.

At multi-employer workplaces, the entity shall coordinate any relevant parts of the OHS
management system with other organizations, including plans related to potential
emergency situations.

Requirements for hierarchy of controls – SMS

Improvements for the elimination of hazards or the reduction of OHS risks shall follow
the hierarchy of controls which includes:
a) Eliminate the hazard
b) Substitute with less hazardous processes, operations, materials or equipment
c) Use engineering controls and the reorganization of work
d) Use administrative controls, including training
e) Use adequate personal protective equipment

Requirements for products and services:

SE GSC IMS’s major focus is purchasing, manufacturing and delivery, the
requirements for products and services are mainly provided by other SE organizations,
such as Business Unit and Front Offices.
Each GSC IMS Entity will also implement processes to communicate with customer
and ensure requirements for products and services are determined, reviewed and
controlled at necessary extent.

Design and development of products and services:

Product Research, Design & Development Process is reported and controlled directly
by the Corporate R&D department in France. GSC IMS Central Office do not manage
these activities at global level. However, those activities shall be included in the entity
scope within the entities with design and engineering process for equipment (e.g.
Equipment, solutions, etc.). Whenever it is applicable, Offer Creation Process (OCP)
shall be applied to manage the design and development activities.

Control of externally provided processes, products and services:

Purchasing process shall be maintained in each entity to demonstrate that the process
is available and consistent for planning, purchasing, inspection to confirm the
purchasing requirements and validation of product.
There shall be a process for evaluation of suppliers to detect potential non-conformity
on services or products supplied to the entity.
Each entity shall set up necessary processes to control the outsourced processes as
External suppliers shall be evaluated using proper KPIs.

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Schneider Supplier Quality Management (SSQM) process is the major SE process to
manage the supplier performance of Production Purchasing. Each responsible
department defined the proper management processes to manage Non Production
Purchasing supplier performance.

Production and service provision, Release of products and services, Control of

nonconforming outputs:
Product and service provided by the GSC entities shall be defined by each entity
depending on its scope. According to the scope of the IMS, each entity shall have a
definition of product and service within such defined scope:
Design, Manufacture, Distribution and Provision of Products, Services and Energy
Management Solutions.

Customer-related processes:
The GSC Entities shall determine all requirements depending on the suitability of the
customer needs and use. If applicable, the statutory and regulatory requirements
related to the product or service as well as any additional requirements shall be
determined by the entity.

Global and Regional CS&Q team shall monitor the above process effectiveness with
the result of the Quality performance of the entity or from the Customer Satisfaction
Processes. If necessary, Global and Regional CS&Q team shall propose for any
improvement actions to improve the operation process.

Procurement – SMS
GSC IMS entities shall establish, implement and maintain a process to control the
procurement of products and services to ensure their conformance with the
management system.

Outsourced processes - SEMS:

GSC IMS entities shall ensure that outsourced processes are controlled or influenced
as applicable. The type and extent of control or influence shall be defined within the
entity SEMS.

Contractors – SMS
GSC IMS entities shall coordinate with their contractors to identify hazards, and to
assess and control OHS risks arising from:
a) Contractors’ activities and operations that may impact the entity workers,
b) The entity’s activities and operations that may impact the contractor workers, and
c) Contractors’ activities and operations that may impact other interested parties in
the workplace.
Entities shall ensure that OHS management requirements are met by contractors and
their workers, and the entity shall define and apply OHS criteria for the selection of

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9.13 Emergency Emergency Preparedness and Response differs between entities and countries with
Preparedness & respect to its local requirements as well as the entities operations. Each entity shall
have a plan for emergency preparedness & response to enable the entity to react in
Response case of such situation.
The plan shall be compliant with Global Security guidelines: i.e.
Crisis Management policy and Business Continuity Plan Industrial.

Exercises or drills shall be planned for all site-specific scenarios to enable the
employees and personnel on-site to be familiar with and able to respond in case of
emergency. A record of such exercise/drill shall be maintained.

Emergency plans shall be reviewed, and revised if needed, on a scheduled basis and
as a result of deficiencies found during an exercise, drill or actual event.

9.14 Internal Audit SE IMS CO and each individual entity has their process of internal audit to ensure its
system efficiency and effectiveness. The entities shall also upload their internal audit
activities documents into the GSC IMS database.
The internal audit for CS&Q, Safety, Environment and Energy in the GSC IMS is
defined in P GSC IMS 03 Internal Audit.
The internal auditor management is defined in P GSC IMS 08 Integrated Management
System Internal Auditor Management

Each entity shall conduct entity level internal audit at least once per year.

9.15 Monitoring and Global and Regional CS&Q, Safety, Environment and Energy shall regularly monitor
Measurement of the GSC IMS entities performance based on the Key Performance Indicators defined
in Section 8.1 for processes, services, environment, energy and safety. As necessary,
Performance, Processes, the GSC IMS Global and each region CS&Q, Safety, Environment and Energy shall
Services and have a meeting to review the result and the action plans to address the deficiency, if
Environment/Energy/Saf any.
EHS Assessments shall be scheduled by region to evaluate the overall effectiveness
of the S&E programs. The results of the assessment shall be documented and shared
with the regional S&E staff.

9.16 Evaluation of Entities shall periodically evaluate their compliance to Legal and Safety, Environmental
Compliance to Legal & and Energy requirements. Refer to P GSC E&S 05 Legal & Other Requirements for
more details of the process.
Other Requirements for
safety and environmental

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9.17 Control of Non- SEGSC organization shall ensure that outputs that do not conform to their requirements
conforming Products, are identified and controlled to prevent their unintended use or delivery. SE GSC
organization shall take appropriate action based on the nature of the nonconformity and
Services & Safety, its effect This can be addressed using the problem solving methods to resolve such non-
Environmental and conforming cases.
Energy issues
Regional CS&Q, Environment, Energy & Safety may propose action plans to any
current or potential non-conforming safety process and practice, products, services, or
safety and environmental issues. These action plans shall be reviewed and monitored
regularly to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of action plans.

Refer P GSC IMS 07 Control of Non-conforming products, services environmental and

safety issues for more details of the process.

9.18 Analysis of Data SE GSC IMS shall determine, collect, and analyze appropriate data. This shall include
data generated as a result of monitoring and measurement and from other relevant
SE GSC IMS Central Office shall review and analyze the data with each region and
entities to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the integrated management
system and to evaluate where continual improvement of the effectiveness of the
integrated management system can be made.

9.19 Corrective & The SE GSC IMS Central Office, and/or Regional CS&Q, Safety, Environment and
Preventive Action Energy teams and entities shall utilize an analysis process to identify root causes of
non-conformities and to identify corrective and preventive actions. The Issue to
Prevention (I2P) process is established and maintained for this purpose within SE.
Variances can also be resolved by using Lean, Six Sigma methodologies.
NOTE: Preventive Action will continue to be required within the systems and tools that
require it.

Records of such analysis and reports shall be kept by SE GSC IMS Central Office,
and/or Regional CS&Q, Safety, Environment and Energy teams and Entities
depending on origin of non-conformances, for further references.

Refer P GSC IMS 04 Corrective and Preventive Action for more details of the process.

9.20 Incident Services and contingency plans for the swift attention of plant emergency, accident
Management & and employee health requirements shall be maintained. See section 9.13.
Response GlobES, the Schneider Electric database for safety and environmental EHS
management, shall be used for reporting safety and environmental related incidents.
This system is used to report, document, investigate and analyze injuries, illnesses,
releases and other safety and environmental incidents.

Corrective and preventative actions will be implemented as part of incident


All Incident Reporting and Investigation activities are to be recorded and maintained.

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9.21 Energy Review An Energy Review shall be developed, recorded, and maintained for entities with a
certified EnMS. The review shall be managed at the individual entity level. The
methodology and criteria used to develop the energy review shall be documented. To
develop the energy review, the organization shall:
a. analyzes energy use and consumption based on measurement and other data;
b. based on the analysis, identify SEUs;
c. for each SEU, determine relevant variables and current energy performance; as well
as identify the person(s) doing work under its control that influence or affect the SEUs;
d. determines and prioritize opportunities for improving energy performance;
e. estimate future energy use(s) and energy consumption.

9.22 Continuous Continuous improvement projects are comprised of projects identified via:
Improvement › Continuous Improvement (CI) projects identifications in entities
› Value Stream Mapping in each entity
› Day-to-day short interval management (SIM) and/or problem-solving method
› Feedbacks from Customer surveys and complaints
These projects shall be monitored at GSC IMS entities.
SE GSC IMS Central Office and/or Regional CS&Q, Safety, Environment and Energy
teams shall ensure that the entities have implemented the necessary continual
improvement programs.

10. List of IMS

Procedures and
10.1 IMS Manual M GSC IMS 01 - GSC Quality, Safety, Environment & Energy Manual
10.2 Quality, O GSC IMS 01 - GSC IMS Objectives
Environmental and
Safety Objectives &
10.3 Procedures Control of Documents
Control of Records
Internal Audit
Corrective and Preventive Action
Multi-Site IMS Control & Monitoring
Control of Non-conforming Products, Services and Environmental Issues
Integrated Management System Internal Auditor Management
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Environment Aspects
Incident Notification and Investigation
Legal & Other Requirements
GSC Quality Safety Environment & Energy Objectives

10.4 Forms & Multisite IMS - Internal Agreement

Checksheets/ Support Interested Parties
Documents Risk and Opportunities Management for QMS.

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11. Abbreviations SE: Schneider Electric
GSC: Global Supply Chain
IMS: Integrated Management System
CO: Central Office
QMS: Quality Management System
EMS: Environment Management System
EnMS: Energy Management System
SMS: Safety Management System
S&EMS: Safety and Environment Management System
SEEn: Safety, Environment, Energy
MR: Management Representative
CS&Q: Customer Satisfaction & Quality
EAJP: East Asia, Japan, Pacific
NAM: North America
SAM: South America
KPI: Key Performance Indicator
OCP: Offer Creation Process
SSQM: Schneider Supplier Performance Management
SPS: Schneider Performance System
CI: Continuous Improvement
I2P: Issue to Prevention
CXD: Customer Experience Development

12. Reference Document ◼ ISO 9001:2015

◼ ISO 14001:2015
◼ ISO 50001:2018
◼ ISO 45001:2018

13. Document revisions

Revision Date Drafted by Validated by Approved by Type of revision
00 Apr., 2014 A. Xu P. Spurlock, A. X. Houot, B. Pesso, R. Creation
Psenica,Y. Jin Eftekhari
01 Feb., 2015 A.Xu P. Spurlock, A. X. Houot, B. Pesso, R. Modify section4, 6.2,
Psenica,Y. Jin Eftekhari 7.3, 11 to include
SAM into the scope.
02 May.2016 A.Xu P. Spurlock, A. X.Houot, I. Tribotte Extend the scope to
Psenica,Y. Jin all GSC Regions, and
various modification

03 Nov.2016 A.Xu P. Spurlock, X.Houot, I. Tribotte Modify to add EnMS,

M.Redfield,Y. Jin and general update to
meet ISO9001:2015
and ISO14001:2015
04 Jun.2018 A.Xu P. Spurlock, X.Houot, I. Tribotte Update Quality
M.Redfield, O. Martin Manual & Quality
Policy link

05 October 2018 P. Spurlock A.Xu, Liziane Rocha X.Houot, T. Cosentino Modify to add
Freitas, O.Martin transition elements
from OHSAS 18001
to ISO 45001:2018

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06 June 2019 A. Xu P. Spurlock, Liziane X. Houot, S. Grugier Yearly revision to
Rocha Freitas, align with most
O.Martin current status.

07 Jul. 2020 A. Xu D. RADITYA, Liziane F.Rosado, X. Houot, S. Yearly revision to

Rocha Freitas, Grugier align with most
O.Martin current status.

08 Jul.2021 A. Xu D. RADITYA, M. O. Martin, X. Houot, S. Yearly revision.

Gigirey, B. Ryan Grugier

09 Apr.2022 A. Xu D. RADITYA, M. O. Martin, W.Yuen Yearly revision.

Gigirey, B. Ryan

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