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*First cell*

The first cell should contain the list of information about what is known in the problem and what is
asked to be calculated. Also, the introduction part should not contain the rephrased text from the
problem because students already have their books in front of them, and they don't need to read the
question again.

*Second cell*
A short original description should be written about the approach that is taken for the problem,
assumptions etc. Here they should also list main equations used in the calculation steps.

If the data from the first cell and the description in the second cell are not too long, you can merge them
together in one introductory step. It is on the ECs judgment to decide in which way to start the solution.
In the first case, the introduction spans across two cells, and in the second case the whole introduction
is in the first cell.

*The rest of the solution

• Every step, calculation, diagram, plot or table should be introduced with a sentence or two
describing it.
• Solution subparts should always be marked so it will be clear where each part of the solution
begins and ends. This is important because when developers will be separating solutions by
subparts, they have to know where each part begins.
• Final answers inside of the solution must be framed, it is best to use \boxed{} for it.
• Page numbers, equation numbers and figure numbers from the book should not be written
inside of the solution because these solutions will appear in other editions of the book and they
will not match up.
• If appendices or tables are used for collecting data, it must be written where the data has been
taken from.
• Text should be written as normal text, no formatting required. All the formatting will be done
automatically when you render the step.
• Numbers inside the text have to be in a math environment. This is best achieved with $ $, but be
careful, the units must be in text and separated from the numerical value. For example: “In this
problem we will use the acceleration $a=4\,\text{m/s}^2$ to calculate…”

*Result cell*
• If the problem is a multiple choice question, you should write the letter of the correct answer as:
• If the problem asks for a numerical value as the answer, then you should write it in a math
environment and unformatted (no bold, color etc.). Avoid using single $ signs here because they
do not scale the fractions correctly. Here is an example of correct result step: $$
a=2.5\,\frac{\text{m}}{\text{s}^2} $$
• If the problem requires you to calculate the value and explain the result, only write the value in
the result step as shown above.
• If a problem requires a simple answer, then provide the answer. This can be simple yes/no,
true/false, higher/lower…
• If the problem requires a textual answer, you must write "See the explanation.", because long
sentences are not allowed in the Result cell.
• If the problem requires you to prove something, draw something, or it is a conceptual problem
and you just can’t think of something to put in the Result cell, then you can resort to writing
“See the explanation.”, but this should be avoided as much as possible.
• If the problem has subparts, and some of them just require explanations, while others require a
concrete answer, for those that require concrete answer you write one, and for those that
require explanation you should write “See the explanation.”. Here is the example:

a) F=10 N
b) See the explanation.
c) See the explanation.
d) L=10 m

*Calculations and math environment*

• For single row calculations use \begin{equation} \end{equation} or the $$ $$ environment.
• For more than one row of calculation use the align environment with sign ‘&’ in front of the
equality sign (‘=’) for correct centering. When you frame the final answer inside the align
environment, you have to write \boxed{} only after the sign ‘&’.
• Trigonometric and logarithmic functions are written as \ln{}, \sin{}, \cos{}… If the arguments are
in fractions, then use brackets, for example: \ln{\left(\dfrac{}{}\right)}
• For double fractions use \dfrac{}{} for correct scaling.
• For fractions in exponents, use \tfrac{}{} for correct scaling.
• Use \qty() or \left( \right) when writing parenthesis for correct scaling.
• Units must be written in \text{} or \mathrm{} and separated from the value. If a unit is a
fraction, then the fraction must be separated from the value.
• Use \cdot for multiplication and for scientific notation use \times.
• There should not be too many steps in calculations, unless the book requires it. Once you plug in
the numbers, the next step should be the final solution, because we assume that our users have
a calculator or some software where they can plug in the numbers themselves.
• The number of decimals should be in accordance with the numbers in the book.
• The notation used should be the same as in the book.

*Step form*
As we all know, step form means that a single step goes in a single cell. But it is not always that simple.
Here are few examples when step form can't be preserved:
• If the solution has more than 15 cells, it is important to minimize the total number of cells in a
way to combine some steps into a single step.
• Textual solutions shouldn't have a lot of cells, 1-3 cells would be perfect, unless it is some kind of
a long design or open-ended problem.
• It is important that the solution has the amount of information and steps appropriate for the
book the contributor is solving. Do not encourage your contributors to have too many steps
where they are not necessary, or to overexplain concepts that are too elementary for the topic
at hand.

Every sketch must be made with a software. Pictures drawn by hand on paper should be rejected. Every
graph or plot must be detailed, which means that they must have defined and named axes with units of
measurement, clear numbers and, where applicable, there should be values on it or displayed in a table.
Every uploaded picture must be original!
*Copyright issues*
• Text of the problem should never be copied from the book.
• Text from any online source must be very well rephrased.
• It is not allowed to use any picture from the internet or a book.
• If a software is used for pictures, there must not be a logo on it since we do not pay for

• Directly copying solutions from a solution manual, Chegg or any other website with solutions is
strictly forbidden.
• Copying the form and the solution structure from the solution manual, Chegg or any other site
with solutions is strictly forbidden.
• Copying text from an internet source or book for any kind of solution is forbidden.

*How to avoid copyright issues with a solution where you have to put a word inside of the sentence
on a blank line?*
Let's be clear about one thing here, if the whole sentence is copied from the book and then the answer
is written on the blank line, there are copyright issues there. If you rephrase the sentence, it might lose
its meaning. So, here is the perfect example for writing that kind of solution:

"The answer that should go on the blank line is rolling.

The metal rolling technique allows the pipe material on the cylinder head and covers to strengthen.
Also, by rolling the metal, we will reduce the possibility of corrosion."

So, in the first sentence you should just write what goes on the blank line, and after that write a
sentence or two of explanation.

*How to answer the question with multiple choice answers?*

It isn't enough just to write what choice is correct. Every option has to have an explanation on why it is
correct or incorrect, and the right answer must be marked with bold letters. It is also not allowed to
copy any part of the question inside of the solution, even the right one.

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