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Texas Wing Commanders

Col David H. Byrd - 10 Dec 1941 to 25 May 1948

Col Raymond L. Bowen - 25 May 1948 to 13 Jun 1949
Col James L. Camp - 13 Jun 1949 to 1 Aug 1950
Col Erwin J. Reeves (Interim) - 1 Aug 1950 to 9 Dec 1950
Col Emmett O. Rushing - 9 Dec 1950 to 26 Feb 1953
Col James L. Camp - 26 Feb 1953 to 27 Nov 1953
Col George A. Brewer - 27 Nov 1953 to 25 Oct 1956
Col Sidney S. Perryman - 25 Oct 1956 to 19 Jan 1959
Col Benjamin F. Lowell - 19 Jan 1959 to 13 Jun 1960
Col Marcus R. Barnes - 13 Jun 1960 to 1 Jul 1966
Col Morgan J. Maxfield - 1 Jul 1966 to 4 Mar 1968
Col Luther C. Bogard - 4 Mar 1968 to 7 Nov 1970
Col Joseph L. Cromer - 8 Nov 1970 to 31 Dec 1974
Col Thomas W. Gwin - 1 Jan 1975 to 31 Aug 1976
Col Ben W. Davis, Jr - 1 Sep 1976 to 27 Oct 1979
Lt Col Ronald N. Raney - 27 Oct 1979 to 17 Oct 1981
Col George R. Way - 17 Oct 1981 to 8 Jan 1983
Col Harold W. Bowden - 8 Jan 1983 to 11 Jun 1984
Col Robert C. Bess - 11 Jun 1984 to 3 May 1986
Col Thomas L. Todd - 3 May 1986 to 30 Sep 1989
Col George H. Parker - 30 Sep 1989 to 16 Nov 1991
Col Cherry A. Barr - 16 Nov 1991 to 16 Nov 1992
Col Orland D. Scott - 16 Nov 1992 to 9 Nov 1996
Col Selma R. Farley - 9 Nov 1996 to 22 Dec 1999
Col Thomas L. Todd - 22 Dec 1999 to 1 Nov 2002
Col George H. Parker - 1 Nov 2002 to 13 Sep 2003
Col Robert F. Eldrige - 13 Sep 2003 to 14 Apr 2007
Col Joe R. Smith - 15 Apr 2007 to 16 Apr 2011
Col Brooks D. Cima - 17 Apr 2011 to Apr 2015
Col Stephen A. Hudson - Apr 2015 to Present

Archival Confirmation:

21 Nov 41 Telegram from D. Harold Byrd indicating willingness to serve.

10 Dec 41 Telegram from D. Harold Byrd accepting aptmt.
17 Dec 41 D. Harold Byrd was Comdr. (AAF Hist. Studies, No. 19)
1 May 42 CAP Bulletin No. 14. D. Harold Byrd was Comdr.

1 Aug 42 PO 5. D. Harold Byrd, Wing Commander, to Maj. eff 1 Jul 42

Dec 43 Skyways Magazine. Maj. D. Harold Byrd was Comdr.
5 Jan 44 Roster. Lt. Col. D. Harold Byrd was Comdr.
7 Jan 44 CAP Bulletin Vol. III, No. 1. Maj. D. Harold Byrd was Comdr.
29 Dec 45 Nat. Hq. list gives Lt. Col. D. Harold Byrd as Comdr. 12/1/41 to date
14 May 46 Wing Commanders' Conf. Minutes. Lt. Col. D. Harold Byrd was Comdr. 3 Sep
46 Roster. Col. D. Harold Byrd was Comdr.
10 May 49 NB Minutes. Col. R. L. Bowen was Comdr.
23 May 50 NB Minutes. Col. Camp was new since May 1949
2 Oct 50 NEB Minutes. Approved aptmt. of Col. Erwin J. Reeves as Comdr. vice Col.
James L. Camp resigned
15 Jan 51 NEB Minutes. Approved Lt. Col. Emmett O. Rushing to Col. & Comdr. vice Col.
Edwin J. Reeves relieved & reduced to Lt. Col. as Dep. Comdr.
6 Mar 53 Weekly Bulletin 9. Col. James L. Camp, vice Col. Emmett O. Rushing relieved
11 Dec 53 NEB Minutes. Approved Col. George A. Brewer, Jr., to Comdr. vice Col. James
L. Camp resigned
11 Dec 53 Weekly Bulletin 46. George A. Brewer, Jr., aptd. Col. & Comdr.
22 May 56 NB Minutes. Col. George A. Brewer, Jr., was Comdr.
5 Feb 57 NEB Minutes. Lt. Col. Sidney S. Perryman to Temp. Col
9 May 57 NEB Minutes. Sidney S. Perryman to Col. & Comdr.
Mar 59 CAP Times. GO. Aptmt. Temp. Col. Benjamin F. Lowell, 19 Jan 59
2 Nov 59 NEB Minutes. Temp. Col. Benjamin F. Lowell to Col. & Comdr. eff 19 Jan 59
25 Apr 60 NB Minutes. Col. Benjamin F. Lowell was Comdr.
15 Oct 60 NB Minutes. Col. Marcus R. Barnes was Comdr.
5 May 61 NB Minutes. Temp. Col. Marcus R. Barnes to Col. as Comdr.
29 Oct 65 NB Minutes. Col. Marcus R. Barnes was Comdr.
1 Jul 66 PANHQ 62. Lt. Col. Morgan J. Maxfield aptd. Int. Comdr. eff 1 Jul 66
14 Sep 66 PANHQ 74. Morgan J. Maxfield to Col. & Comdr. eff 9 Sep 66
2 Nov 67 NB Minutes. Col. Morgan J. Maxfield was Comdr.
4 Mar 68 PANHQ 8. Lt. Col. Luther C. Bogard aptd. Act. Comdr. eff 4 Mar 68
15 Mar 68 PANHQ 10. Lt. Col. Luther c. Bogard aptd. Int. Comdr.
24 May 68 PANHQ 17. Luther C. Bogard to Col. & Comdr. eff 24 May 68
17 Nov 70 PANHQ 56. Lt. Col. Joseph L. Cromer aptd. Int. Comdr. vice Col. Luther C.
Bogard relieved eff 8 Nov 70
22 Mar 71 PANHQ 9. Joseph L. Cromer to Col. & Perm. Comdr. eff 20 Mar 71
12 Mar 75 PANHQ 5. Lt. Col. Thomas W. Gwin; vice Col. Joseph L. Cromer, 6 Mar 75
16 Jun 75 PANHQ 12. Thomas W. Gwin to Temp. Col. & Perm. Comdr. eff 7 Jun 75
7 Jun 76 PANHQ 17. Thomas W. Gwin to Perm. Col. eff 5 Jun 76
19 Aug 76 PANHQ 30. Col. Ben W. Davis, Jr. aptd. Int. Comdr. vice Col. Thomas W. Gwin
reassigned eff 1 Sep 76
7 Mar 77 PANHQ 1. Col. Ben W. Davis, Jr. to Perm. Comdr. eff 2 Mar 77
12 Oct 79 PANHQ 32. Lt. Col. Ronald N. Raney aptd. Int. Comdr. vice Col. Ben W. Davis,
Jr. reassigned eff 27 Oct 79
14 Apr 80 PANHQ 11. Ronald N. Raney to Temp. Col. & Comdr. eff 27 Apr 80
1 Apr 81 PANHQ 9. Ronald N. Raney to Perm. Col. eff 27 Apr 81

7 Oct 81 PANHQ 35. Lt. Col. George R. Way aptd. Int. Comdr. vice Col. Ronald N. Raney
reassigned eff 17 Oct 81
1 Apr 82 PANHQ 6. George R. Way to Temp. Col. & Perm. Comdr. eff 17 Apr 82
10 Jan 83 PANHQ 1. Col. Harold W. Bowden aptd. Int. Comdr. vice Col. George R. Way
reassigned eff 8 Jan 83
1 Jul 83 PANHQ 19. Col. Harold W. Bowden to Comdr. eff 8 Jul 83 6 Jun 84 PANHQ 30.
Lt. Col. Robert C. Bess aptd. Int. Comdr. vice Col. Harold W. Bowden eff 11 Jun 84
1 Dec 84 PANHQ 61. Robert C. Bess to Perm. Col. eff 11 Dec 84
5 May 86 PANHQ 20. Lt. Col. Thomas L. Todd, vice Col. Robert C. Bess, 3 May 86
31 Oct 86 PANHQ 50. Thomas L. Todd to Comdr. & Temp. Col. eff 3 Nov 86
2 Nov 87 PANHQ 40. Thomas L. Todd to Perm. Col. eff 3 Nov 87
23 Aug 89 PANHQ 50. Lt. Col. George H. Parker, vice Col. Thomas L. Todd, 30 Sep 89
6 Mar 90 PANHQ 12. George H. Parker to Temp. Col. eff 24 Feb 90
30 Mar 90 PANHQ 18a. Col. George H. Parker to Comdr. eff 30 Mar 90
24 Sep 90 PANHQ 54. Col. George H. Parker reaptd. Comdr. eff 30 Sep 90
8 Nov 91 PANHQ 56. Maj. Cherry A. Barr; vice Col. George H. Parker, Lt Col, 16 Nov 91
8 Nov 91 PANHQ 56. Col. George H. Parker to Perm. Col. eff 16 Nov 91
1 May 92 PANHQ 29. Lt. Col. Cherry A. Barr to Temp. Col. eff 16 May 92
2 Nov 92 PANHQ 60. Lt. Col. Orlan D. Scott aptd. Comdr vice Col. Cherry A. Barr and to
Temp. Col. eff 16 Nov 92. Col. Cherry A. Barr to Perm. Col. eff 16 Nov 92
29 Oct 93 PANHQ 47. Col. Orlan D. Scott reaptd. Comdr. eff 16 Nov 93
1 Nov 95 PANHQ 72. Col. Orlan D. Scott reaptd. Comdr. eff 16 Nov 95
17 Oct 96 PANHQ 71. Lt. Col. Selma R. Farley aptd. Comdr. vice Col. Orland D. Scott
and to Temp. Col. eff 9 Nov 96. Col. Orland D. Scott to Perm. Col. eff 9 Nov 96
22 Dec 99 PANHQ 71. Col. Thomas L. Todd aptd. Act. Comdr. vice Col. Selma R. Farley
for the period 22 Dec 99 thru 22 Mar 2000
15 Mar 2000 PANHQ 13. Col. Thomas L. Todd is extended as Act. Comdr. for period 22
Mar thru 22 Jun 2000
12 Jun 2000 PANHQ 27. Col. Thomas L. Todd is extended as Act. Comdr. for period 22
June thru 22 Sep 2000
30 Oct 2002 PANHQ 78. Col. George H. Parker, vice Col. Thomas L. Todd, 1 Nov 2002
2 Sep 2003 PANHQ 61. Lt. Col. Robert F. Eldrige aptd. Comdr. vice Col. George H.
Parker and to Temp. Col. eff 13 Sep 2003

Researched by Louisa S. Morse, Col, CAP

Updated by Mark Hess, Lt Col, CAP (As of 7 Jun 2016)

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