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See : ee gx oe 4 miFiz. S /> #3 3 #2 2 OE doanh wehiep 6 thé tie aS é € Don Bay ti ah, ee is abi el , Vong quay tai sin, —PaPont System: 42 im thay gi nun FONE At Loi ta yéu t6 edu than sau: Ty suat ‘yoi nhau thong qua m6 hinh phan tich Dupont. an Sas jh x Asset turnover % Financial Leverage ieee ROA va ROE 6 m eeprom Sales, ABE = net Prot Ma ROE =—Sates “Assets” Equity Net income + Interest Sales = Resets * ‘Sales 7 ROE = ROAX Financial Leverage ‘Asset turnover % operating: Profit Margin Sheet (S6 du cudi nim / du nim / trang ~ - Luy: atement (Doanh thu + ROA, ROE, ROC: Mau s6 Idy trén Balance inh cOng gidta dau nam va cudi nam). Tt 36 lay trén Income St & chi phi phat sinh trong nim) a. Given the following data: EBIT = 400; Tax= 100; Sales = 3000; Averabe ro A 1500, . ; caleuate net profit margin? P704e wang = MELEE = m0" Gaz AOTe © a. Giventhe following data: EBIT=400; Tax = 100; Sales = 3000; Average Total ‘Assets = 1500, WEY ygscome + Min tacwtoot 00-189 ~ 9.9 20% = aaAcoo. 3 calculate theROA? ROA = 3. Given the following data: EBIT = 400; NI = 100; aaa enity = 1000, calculate the ROE? pot 2 Mebwuane 2 ADO — 9 4 c40 7 Equity Bow” "5 E, Measuring Efficiency Chign lige lim bai: Asset turnover: Bo lung kha ning doanh nghiép tao ra doanh thu tir vige dau tur vo tng ti sin. Chi s6 nay bing 3 c6'nghia la: v6i mi d6 la duge du te vio trong tong tai sin, thi cOng ty s@ tao ra duge 3 46 la doanh thu. Cée doanh nghigp trong nganh tham dung vin thudng c6 chi sé vong quay tng ti sin thép hon so véi eée doanh nghi¢p khac. : Sales Asset turnover = Total assets at the start of year Or ‘ Sales Asset turnover = —————_—__- Average total assets Inventory turnover: Trong | nim, hang duge lay ra khdi kho va mua Ii hang moi bo Iai trong kho hét bao nhiéu lan? A5.GYSclays 1600; Average inventory = 200, calculate the days i IS SSchays | rouge _vavtalory Anstaage doy wotrlony = cyt et goods dotd 1965 Cost of goods sold Inventory turnover = ——CoSt 1 BOO ‘ Taventory at the start of year Receivables turnover: Trong | nim, ety da cho khach hang thiéu ng va thu hdi duge cee khodn phai thu bao nhiéu Lin? Sales Receivabl = seer eld Receivables at the start of year Average collection period: $6 ngay trung binh 48 cng ty thu hi ng tir khéch hang, Receivables at the start of year A =———_—___—... erage collection period Tverage daly sales ( 3 ell [365 + Lamy: ‘© Asset tumover: Miu sé léy trén Balance Sheet (S6 du cuéi nim / ddu nm / trung binh cOng gitta diu nim va cudi nim). Tir 6 ldy trén Income Statement (Doanh thu phat sinh trong nam) «Inventory turnover va Receivables turnover: Mau 6 ly trén Balance Sheet (Chi ly 6 dur dit nami). Tit sé Idy trén Income Statement (Doanh thu & chi phi phat sinh ‘trong nim) T. Given the following data: Sales = 3200; Cost of ‘goods sold = 1600; Average total assets (7 > 2 arred “leyoutr = PSE 5 1600; Average inventory = 200, calculate the asset turnover ratio’ cet inital . Gi following data: Sales = 3200; Cost of goods sold = 1600; Average total asset 2. Given the following data: Sales = 3200; Cost of goods sold = 1600; Average total sss =. 900 emton? = cont ot ond Toes (800/3> 000 and cost of goods sold of $830,000. The firm had a dan ending inventory of $72,000. What isthe lengthjof ther. ootaleryy 5 equity fo 44 = fee coal of quods vic ‘goods sold = 1600; Average receivables Arvveage MGTIO we 200 254d: 1265 s2007865 "7 invenioe SF 854200, sates of $364,300, and 3. A company has sales of $1,150, jentory period? Axcxage deyys 4, Given the following data: Sales = 3200; Cost of 200, calculate the average collection period? = 5, A company has accounts receivable of $33,700, cost of goods sold of $193,400, How long does i take the frm to sell its inventory and collect payment on the sale? Arsooge cong F AOR: 2S ley Iles 33700 > $477 M4} Asory © F, Measuring Leverase hig Frge Him bas pin a cn it ebt Long term debt ratio: er debt + Equity gent ratio = Tong term es Long term ing von VOY mot céch thuéng xuyén wd s igc loai bd cA Khoiin ny ey ire d6 184 = Debt-equity ratio: phan dh mite 0 cm vil Sane sb mgt ta chin md ita nal aitamdee tai suat va hang khoan P is nin han (tin dung thuong mai phi i pent — equity ratio= —~ Equity i inh 16 Jign quan dén tai sin, di inh tng 96.00 : Day la foi ti 1 db bay x8 ene bab ar dung gitta cdc cong ty khde nhau. ( sinh mire don bay duge sit i cho phép so sn mite din bay ronal Hailes Total debt ratio = Fotal assets ; : toan Iai vay cho piét mire 46 Igi nhuan ' in han). ng term debt = Times interest earned: Hg s6 kh ning thenh am bio kha ning tra Iti nhu thé ndo. EBIT. Times interest earned = Frerest payments Or BITDA Times ingore earned = rte ve ni ed \ = Cash coverage ratio: Phan nh ngudn tign mat tir Lai truée thué va lai va tir khdu hao _, dim bio khd ning tra lai nhur thé nao. cash coverage ratio = RIT aepreciation interest payments - Lmy: ‘assets. sales ,, Net income+interes! fet income ROE = S82 x St! t incomesinterest Neti sales Netincome+interest a assets = leverage ratio x asset turnover x operating profit margin x debt burnden 1” Given the following data: EBIT = 100; Depreciation = 40; Interest = 20; Dividends = 10; bit 40° = s - THE 2 Ee calculate the Times Interest Earned (TIE) ratio. 2. Ifthe debt ratio is 0.5 what is the debt-equity ratio? , 8 A a0 S clubs ratio > dt qui) ddbi-tqwty = et = 4 =3 debi = = La ty Soy cet patio = Agy\20 —__. = a OO KIDNSOANOO ; Sch flout bow A 3. Given the following data: ey reer Vallié of leases = 20; Book value of equit : ); Book ¥ ity = 80; Market value of equity = 100, catculate the debt ratio. ™ Long term debt = 100; Value of leases = 20; Book value of equity = 4. Given the following data: 80; Market value of equity = 100, caloulate the debt-euity ratio. = 1OVA2E . 2 = =3 Borie 7 Measuring Liquidity ‘Chién huge 1m bi = Net working capital: Chi s6 nay xéc dinh xem mot cng ty c6 thé dap img céc Aghiawy minh khdng; va thiéu hog thiza bao nhiéu. — Current Liabilities hign tainbtig hose sin cla cong ty eng hig ti voi ti sin hign ti ob Net working capital = Current assets = Net working capital to total assets ratio: Biéu thy by trong fai San vén lu d6ng cia mét edng ty chiém bao nhigu phn trim trén ting tis 46. Net working capital to total assets ratio = Net workin cpt 1H s6 nay dénh gia Kha ning ma mot cOng ty -o6 thé thanh tofn ede nghia sr dyng cae ti'san hign tai (tidn mat, chimg khodn ngin han, hang tin kho va céc khosn tra true). Current assets Current ratio = Great Habilities $6 Acid Test) do luémg kha nang mot cng - Current ratic yw nernglin ha bing cdch fe khodn phai thu hign tai, = Quick ratio: Hé s6 nay (cb duve got lachi thanh ton cdc fighia vu nen hanbing ech sr dung eA Jogi tai sim hign tat) ‘ching khodn ngin han va ede khodn phai thu hign tai). table securities + Receivables ty 06 thé ogc “tai sin nhanh’ (tién mat, 4 _ Cash + Mark cattery Current liabilities = Cash ratio: Chi s6 nay do luémg kha ning ot cbng ty 66 thé ti cde Khoi ng hién tai ih bing cach sir dung tiémmit va chimg khodn ngin han. Ching khodn ngin cha mint han [a cing cu ng: ngdn han t6t, giéng nb tién mat. Cash + Marketable securities Cash ratio =~ “Gurrent liabilities PSs 8 = wy ay 8 rn dang ma mot cng ty coy y Z z ee. a an ngén han va ofc Khodn py giz og; Interval ti mat, chi a ig! a IS & : Ey on gin bins : I 1 wi) ea cont Marketable securtiee + Receivables ; sm operations interval measure = Fyerage 44 a res TO P' Sheet. Cl - Lay: cui ri, Cash ratio: Tir s6 V8 miu s6 Idy trén ae - _ . it ratio, Quit » ahi tem, cant iy s6 dur du nim ay ve mnay rane an ore nim va euoi nam, nénnéu iby i § vamiu sb. ‘ pha Idy cho tsb ¥ ee 1. Given the following ata: Total current gasets = $8525 Total Pan rey ae Zi ae - term debt = $442, caleulate the net working capital. = 5 i pois: 2a 2, Giver the following data: Current assets © 500; Current Va ies ee Lal calculate the current ratio? = “Account receivables = 200; Given the following data: Current 0; ealeulate the quick ratio? = lowing data: Current assets = 500; Current liabilities = ‘Account receivables = 200; calculate the cath ratio? Assume that the firm has no mi ca aahes 00 7 200 =: ww - Oe assets = 500; py 250; Inventory = 200; arketable ‘Account receivables = 20 4. Given the fol securities. sO 5. Given the following data: Current assets = 700; “Current liabilities = 350; Inventory = 250; ‘Account receivables = 200; calculate the quick ratio. = 400 -250 -9 350 z H. Measuring Investment Chién hrge lam bai: _ P/E ratio: Chi s6 P/E thé hign mite gié ma ban sin sing bé ra cho mot dong lof nhuge thu duge tir 6 phiéu. Hoe nha dau tu sin sang tra gié bao nhiéu cho cé phiéu cba 1 nhdp) cia doanh nghigp 46. « Price =-——__——_—_ P/E = Forming per share Net income — Preferred shares EPS = 7 No of outstanding common stocks doanh nghiép dya trén Ioi nhugn (thu ma moi Btn eo EM $0 tite cia mai og phan SmOL RTT R duroe tinh bing céch ty cha cé phiéu, ’ Dividend payout = Dividend paid per year ~ Given the following data: Fam tae : ings per share = 86; Div $60, calculate the P/E ratio? GCS 86: Dividends per sare S3; Price pr sare 2. Given the followin, = : ids per shar Pe 18 data: Eamings : ber share = $5; Divi = $35 Prive per share = $50. calculate the dividend yield? - 2 a p mite - - 0.06 3. Given the following data: Earnings per share ss; Dividends per share = $3; Price per share = $50. Calculate the payout ratio? 2, — 2ro6 S 16 I. Dang tong hop Look up the financial statement of Company ABC: Balance Sheet at dd/mmiyyyy Assets BIAAUD | SABAVII| 427 yr) ‘Current assets : Cash and marketable securities 661 530_ ‘Accounts receivable 166 (a7 Taventories 3209 7] Other current assets 215 298 Total current assets 9,251 8,686 Fixed assets ‘ible fixed assets om plant, and equipment 3177 78,836 8,755 7475 [ess accumulated depreciation 22,722 - ean Tong term investments: ja | Se eee Total asets | | 31/12/2019 Tiaties and Sharebolers Fly sifianon ‘ i s : 1,021 1,104 Debt due for repayment ; 4543 4137 “ecounis payable ; ; ‘ihr current abilities 2,458 251 Foial current liabilities 8022 7,751 Tong tenn debt 3,039 3576 Deferred income taxes 660 670 ‘Other long-term liabilities O10 774 Total liabilities ‘14,631 14,771 Common Stock and other paid-in-capital 735 79 Retained earnings and capital surplus 17,320 15,369 Total shareholders equity 78055 | 16,098 Total liabilities and sharcholders' equity 32,686 30,869 ‘Income Statement during the year From 1/1/2020 to 31/12/2020 Net sales 48230 Cost of goods sold 3D Selling, general, and administrative expenses T1158 Depreciation 1,539 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) rT Interest expense 28 Earnings before taxes (EBT) 7 2506 Tax 20%) 2 FoArz Arsange Payot po ad pa coms oycl 94,55 +40? -49.59 Cont ot Goad adld | 365 2 WA 23 ee UL: ee NV qi 2 9 ait. p 2 2204. 7 6yp as addition to retained earnings (70%) 7 qeraal6 2638 Fill inthe blank (2) of Income statement. »b, Calculate the following financial ratios in 2020: ‘+ Retum on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE), Return on capital (ROC), Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin + Asset Tumover, Cash cycle of operation (Average Days in Inventory, Average collection period, Average payment period) . © Current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio 4 pgon.& 4+ 298, (4-20%) Ron edtiincnt 1 alta toe wie! > era EIT To Na ae 29, (1 - 20% a i + - 2 ROC fer Tuwm t ottn dar wieaod | ox 055) / Tat Gael (4G, 0994 mela ok Roe Mer wom - 2g 0te p tary (goss 4 160929" e Prot narny = MeL vison BRIO OMmatny — = et vvone tle oe Pale, 526 = Gals. #5 Zee 7 apack hewn erat = Fatwa Squiginwny ~ FEM — = 92,56 Arscrage day vg Tinctatomy = * 6705 BSS ee ee) car! of good potd fe 247 on ae calliclin powed = sbeqrury eeruMel = RAE 2 1.97 Avinaye ae ales 365 Gar70 12 6S pannistrakio > Cunniel tyne th canned der biirtun quich ratio < corbreril rgwoinkl F2! : cunntat fal Glan eat AE 52, _ rao onl rane » 6641586 coh yaft os 7 ‘tel — gas ee a ht + 7754

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