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Jonathan Potter

Discourse and Rhetoric Group Email:

Department of Social Sciences

Loughborough University

Loughborough Tel: 01509 223384

Leicestershire, LE11 3TU Fax: 01509 223944

To appear as:

Potter, J. (2012). Discourse analysis and discursive psychology. In Cooper, H. (Editor-in-Chief).

APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Vol. 2. Quantitative, qualitative,

neuropsychological, and biological (pp. 111-130). Washington: American Psychological

Association Press.

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11 February 2010

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Discourse Analysis and Discursive Psychology

The following is some talk taken from part way through an evening meal in a UK family.

Anna, who is 3, has not been eating and is increasingly fractious. She has been fed a forkful of

food by Mum (although she normally feeds herself). She is still not eating.

01 Mum: [An]na?

02 (1.6)

03 Anna: Uhhuh ((more of a sob than a response))

04 (0.6)

05 Mum: If you don’ eat your dinner:, (0.4)

06 there’ll be no pudding.

07 [ (1.2) ]

08 Anna: [((spits mouthful onto her plate))]

09 Mum: That’s horrible.

This is the kind of material that discursive psychologists work with. It is interaction between

people which is happening naturally. It is not staged by the researcher. It is recorded on digital

video (allowing us to see the spitting on line 8) and transcribed in a way that captures delay,

overlap, intonation and volume (see ten Have, this volume). This is the stuff of real life. It is a

recording of how the interaction unfolds for the participants – it does not have fMRI recordings

of Mu so A as ai , o ha e the ee i te ie ed a out hat is goi g o . Ho e e ,

their actions are intelligible to one another and are redolent with psychological matters. For

e a ple, Mu s su o s i li e is i fle ted ith a p osodi o tou that we might describe

as a i g; A a s so i li e is a displa of upset. Mo eo e , the displa of upset follo s the

warning that Anna is likely to hear as pressing her to eat.

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These materials allow us to consider how the interaction unfolds and each bit of the

i te a tio is ele a t to hat a e efo e a d hat a e afte . It is afte A a s so i the

slot he e she should e eati g a o di g to Mu s a i g that Mu p odu es a e pli it

th eat: if ou do t eat ou di e the e ill e o puddi g . Note that this is a i te esti g

and somewhat intensified attempt at social influence. And yet threats make hardly any

appearance in the literature on social influence. Discursive psychologists look at materials like

this to address classic psychological issues, but also to be stimulated into new thinking on new


Note also that the threat is built so that the agency for producing the unpleasant upshot

(no pudding) is embedded rather than exposed. This may soften the appearance of autocratic

co t ol ele a t to fa il d a i s a d it a p odu e eati g as su je t to ge e al

impersonal rules rather than parental whim (in line with a classic project of socialization). All of

this is o asio ed A a faili g to a t o Mu s i pli it di e ti e on line 3.

The threat has an orderly place – but it is not the first action used for encouraging eating

in these mealtimes. It is delayed and only comes after requests, directives, cajoling and other

actions take place. This gives the child space to produce the appropriate behaviour as

generated by her own volition.

There is something fascinating about what happens after the threat. Anna spits her

food out. Note that this is not just random food spitting – food is being ejected just in the slot

where Mum has produced the strongest push for food to be ingested. That is, in just this slot,

Anna is doing something that counts as defiance. Once a threat has been issued compliance is

a relevant next action, but so is defiance. We can see in these concrete, readily researched

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materials some of the big issues of social relations played out, in particular the sociological

truism that power and resistance go together. These are basic concerns of discursive

psychology (for more detail, see Craven & Potter, 2010; Hepburn & Potter, 2011). Let me now

lay these out more systematically.

This chapter will introduce and overview the use of discourse analysis to study

psychological questions, and in particular the perspective known as discursive psychology (DP).

Discursive psychology begins with psychological matters as they arise for people as they live

their lives. It studies how psychological issues and objects are constructed, understood and

displayed as people interact in both everyday and institutional situations. It focuses on

questions such as the following:

- How does one of the parties in a relationship counselling session build a description of

troubles that indirectly blames the other party and places the onus on them to change

(Edwards, 1997)?

- How does a speaker show that they are not prejudiced, while developing a damning version

of an entire ethnic group (Wetherell & Potter, 1992)?

- How do narratives in sex offender therapy sessions manage issues of blame, and how can

this e iside tified as a og iti e disto tio Au u , ?

Questio s of this ki d i ol e a fo us o atte s that a e ps hologi al fo people as the a t

and interact in particular settings – in families, in workplaces, in schools and so on.

The atu e a d s ope of psychology is understood very differently in discourse analytic

work compared to other approaches such as social cognition. Instead of starting with inner

mental or cognitive processes, with behavioural regularities, or with neural events that are

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happening below and behind interaction, it starts with the public displays, constructions and

orientations of participants.

Discursive psychology starts with discourse because discourse is the primary arena for

human action, understanding and intersubjectivity. We communicate with one another,

express our desires and fears, and come to understand others feelings and concerns primarily

though talking. However, discursive psychology is a very different project to the psychology of

language. What might someone be doing sa i g the a e a g o that the like that


Contemporary discursive psychology is a domain of naturalistic study. That is, it works

from audio and video records of people interacting with one another within their everyday and

institutional settings. A central feature of discourse analytic work on psychological topics in the

past few years has been the excitement of working directly on action and interaction as it

unfolds in real time in real situations. Indeed, a case could be made that an empirical

programme that started with life as it is lived is long overdue and ought to be foundational to

other kinds of psychological perspective (Edwards, 1997). The conclusion of this programme of

work is that social life is organized with an extraordinary degree of granularity and orderliness,

which is best seen as it unfolds in real time as people respond to o e a othe s talk a d displa ,

moment by moment, a subtle practical understanding of one another. In real life psychology is

in motion; DP is an approach that attempts to capture that motion.

DP is an approach rather than a method. It starts with discourse not because of an

interest in the psychology of language per se but because discourse is the fundamental medium

for human action. Rather than seeing its fundamental analytic aim as being to attempt to open

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up the mythic black box where psychology has been thought to be hiding since Descartes and

Locke developed their arguments, it is focused on the public realm which people have access to

when they are dealing with other people. Its basic methodological and analytic principles

follow from its meta-theoretical, theoretical and conceptual arguments, although these are

further supported through the empirical fruitfulness in particular studies (Potter, 2003).

This chapter will first provide a review of the development of discursive psychology,

outline some of its basic features, and then overview its core methodological stages and

procedures. This will be illustrated by examples from a connected programme of work on

interaction on a child protection helpline; it will end with a discussion of prospects and debates.

The development of discursive psychology

Discourse analysis is a broad interdisciplinary field that has evolved in different forms

and with different assumptions within linguistics, sociology, cultural studies and psychology.

Even systematic overviews often have widely different contents – compare for example the

coverage in Phillips and Jørgensen (2002) with Schiffrin, Tannen and Hamilton (2003). Even the

more specific field of discursive psychology has considerable complexity and has seen a range

of internal debates; this is a sign of its continuing vitality. For simplicity, the coverage here will

highlight three main strands of work which in the past 20 years have, progressively, engaged

with a different set of problematics.

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Strand One: Interviews and Repertoires

From the mid 1980s the focus of discourse analytic work in psychology was on

ide tif i g the diffe e t i te p etati e epe toi es that a e used to uild so ial a tio Potte

& Wetherell, 1987). An interpretative repertoire is a cluster of terms, categories and idioms

that are closely conceptually organized. Repertoires are typically assembled around a

metaphor or vivid image. In most cases, interpretative repertoires are identified by analysing a

set of open ended interviews in which participants address a set of different themes.

The epe toi e otio is de i ed f o Gil e t & Mulka s pioneering study of the

different repertoires that scientists use to construct their social world when they are writing

research papers and arguing with one another. It was further developed in Wetherell and

Potter (1992) in a major study of the way Päkehä (white) New Zealanders constructed versions

of social conflict and social organizations to legitimate particular versions of relations between

groups. Much of the interest was in ideological questions of how the organization of accounts,

and the resources used in those accounts, could be used to help understand the reproduction

of broad patterns of inequality and privilege. Put simply, how did white Europeans undermine

Maori land claims and other grievances without appearing self interested or racist?

This strand of o k as losel allied to, a d i flue ed , Mi hael Billig s heto i al

psychology (Billig, 1996) and incorporated the central notion of ideological dilemmas (Billig et

al., 1988), which itself builds on the notion of interpretative repertoires from Potter and

Wetherell (1987). For example, Billig (1992) finds in talk about the British royal family a web of

arguments and assumptions that work to sustain the familiar social hierarchies and avoid

questioning privilege.

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This work was largely based on the analysis of open ended interviews, or group

discussions, that provided the ideal environment for generating the kinds of ideological themes

or interpretative repertoires that were a key topic of study. This has been a continuing and

productive theme in discourse research on topics such as gender and nationalism (from many

examples from social psychology see Augoustinos, et al., 1999; Condor, 2006; Reynolds &

Wetherell, 2003). This work has been particularly effective in tackling ideological questions that

are not easily addressed by more mainstream social cognition perspectives (Augoustinos et al.,

2006). Part of its continuing momentum comes from its critical opposition to mainstream social

cognitive accounts of human action.

Strand Two: Discursive Psychology and Constructionism

From the early 1990s the strand of discourse work that focused on the analysis of

repertoires was joined by a further distinct strand of work. A crucial and distinctive feature of

this new strand of work was its focus on records of naturalistic interaction such as

conversations, legal argument, newspaper reports, parliamentary debates and news interviews

rather than on the transcripts of open ended interviews. Its focus was on the role that

descriptions of the world and of psychological states play in the formation of particular actions,

such as criticisms of other persons, and how speakers use them to management their


Whereas the earlier strand of work was developed under the title discourse analysis,

and only subsequently became described as discursive psychology, this strand of work for the

first time used the explicit title discursive psychology (Edwards & Potter, 1992, 1993).

Discursive psychology here moved to a more explicit style of discursive constructionism focused

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on texts and talk, with different analytic and epistemic consequences to the cognitive of

o st u tio is fou d i Be ge a d Lu k a a d othe fo s of so ial o st u tio ;

see Potter, 1996; Potter & Hepburn, 2008). The continuing momentum of this work comes

from its critical engagement with mainstream cognitive psychological work, shown particular

through studies that respecify notions such as memory, scripts, emotion, attribution and

perception in interactional terms (Edwards, 1997; Hepburn, 2004; Stokoe & Hepburn, 2005).

For an overview of these first two strands of discourse work see Hepburn (2003, ch. 7).

Strand Three: Discursive Psychology and Sequential Analysis

From around the middle of the 1990s these two strands of discursive psychology started

to be joined by a third strand of work. The specific characteristics of this strand reflect a

continuing and deeper engagement with conversation analysis (see ten Have, this volume).

Indeed, at times these two fields blur together. This engagement with conversation analysis is

reflected in a series of characteristics:

a) Working with a corpus of conversational materials;

b) Close use of both the recording and a careful Jeffersonian transcript;

c) The use of existing conversation analytic studies as analytic resources;

d) Attention to psychological phenomena in institutional settings;

e) Integration of lexical analysis with attention to prosody, delivery and embodied action.

For a range of examples in this strand of DP, see papers in Hepburn & Wiggins, 2005, 2007).

This strand of work sustained the interest in the way facts are built as factual and the

way conduct is made accountable. However, it increasingly exploited the sophisticated

understanding of sequence, position and turn design provided by conversation analysis.

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Indeed, there has been a convergence of issues in both conversation analysis and discursive

psychology as both focus on concerns with how shared knowledge is displayed and how

intersubjectivity is established or contested (compare Edwards, 1999b; Heritage & Raymond,

2005). This is a field of mundane epistemics (Potter & Hepburn, 2008).

This strand of work also provides a further nuanced approach to categories and how

they are conversationally and sequentially occasioned. This is an evolving concern within

discursive psychology (compare Edwards, 1998; Potter & Wetherell, 1987, ch. 6; Antaki, 1998;

Stokoe, 2009; Widdicombe & Wooffitt, 1995). This strand of discursive psychology is still

engaged in a debate with cognitivism and its problems and its problems in different arenas (e.g.

Antaki, 2004; papers in te Molder & Potter, 2005). However, it has started to address new

topics. There is a major interest in taking the administration of psychological methods as a

topic in its own right, studying how particular interactional practices in experiments, surveys,

focus groups and so on contribute to the methodical production of psychological findings (e.g.

Antaki et al., 2000; Maynard et al., 2002; Puchta & Potter, 2002). There is also a growing

concern with considering how psychological matters become parts of institutional practices

such as therapy (Peräkylä, et al., 2008), counselling (Kurri & Wahlström, 2001), mediation

(Stokoe & Edwards, 2009), gender reassignment assessments (Speer & Parsons, 2006), peer

evaluation (Cromdal, et al., 2007) and others. This is an area where conversation analytic work

and discursive psychology have converged.

Although there has been considerable change and development in discursive psychology

over the last 20 years it has not been a linear progression; much of the development involved

broadening and deepening. This overview has traced the bare contours of the different themes

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and traditions that make up the fast evolving, and somewhat contested terrain of

contemporary discursive psychology. Ultimately, of course, the field is defined by its studies

and achievements.

The general theoretical orientation of discursive psychology

Discursive research treats discourse as having four key characteristics.

1. Discourse is action-oriented.

Discourse is a practical medium and the primary medium for action. Actions may be

relatively discrete objects associated with speech act verbs – an admonishment, say, or a

compliment. Yet they can also be complex and embedded within institutional practices without

a lea spee h a t e . Co side the use of uestio s to i di e tl deli e ad i e i pe so

e t ed ou selli g, fo e a ple Butle , et al., fo th o i g . The e is o la te fo this

practice; even the semi-te h i al des iptio pe so e t ed is o l a glo al at h all fo a

range of discrete practices. As work in the second strand of discursive psychology has shown,

actions are often done indirectly via descriptions. Practices of this kind offer the speaker a very

diffe e t ki d of a ou ta ilit tha a o -the- e o d spee h a t. The fu da e tal poi t that

distinguishes discourse analytic work from the mainstream psychology of language is that

discourse is studied for how action is done rather than treating discourse as a pathway to

putative mental objects. This also distinguishes it from a range of humanistic and qualitative

approaches (see other chapters in this section).

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2. Discourse is situated.

It is a central observation of discursive psychology that actions are situated three


First, action is situated sequentially. That is, actions are situated within the here and

now of unfolding conversation. They are located in time, orienting to what has just happened

and building an environment for what happens next. For example, when an invitation is issued

this sets up an ordered array of possible next actions, of which accepting or turning down are

most relevant. It is not possible to simply ignore the invitation without this being, potentially,

hearable as the action of ignoring the invitation. Moreover, when the recipient accepts or

rejects an invitation the recipient is locally displaying an understanding that that is precisely

what has been issued, so the turn by turn unfolding of talk provides an ongoing check on

understanding (Schegloff, 1992). The explication of this order of interaction has been the

central project of conversation analysis what has highlighted an extraordinary level of

specificity and organization (Schegloff, 2007).

Second, action is situated institutionally. Institutions often embody special identities

which are pervasively relevant – news interviewer, therapist, patient – such that actions will be

understood in relation to those identities. And they often involve collections of local

interactional goals that all parties orient to (Drew & Heritage, 1992; Heritage & Clayman, 2010).

These institutional goals are often themselves dependent on broader everyday practices that

are refined for the institutional setting ( o pa e Ed a ds, o i te tio ith Potter &

Hep u , ,o o e ). The specific analytic relevance here is how psychological matters

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a e i t odu ed, o st u ted a d ade ele a t to the setti g s usi ess Ed a ds & Potte ,


Third, action is situated rhetorically. Billig (1996) has emphasised the pervasive

relevance of rhetorical relations, even where there is an absence of explicit argument (for

e a ple, he has e pli ated the heto i al u de pi i g of opi io dis ou se – Billig, 1989; see

also Myers, 2004). Discourse research highlights, for example, the way descriptions are built to

counter actual or potential alternatives, and are organized in ways that manage actual or

possible attempts to undermine them (Potter, 1996). A major theme in DP is the way epistemic

issues are managed using a wide range of conversational and rhetorical resources (Potter &

Hepburn, 2008). This theme cuts right across the conventional psychological topics of memory,

attribution, attitudes and persuasion.

3. Discourse is both constructed and constructive

Discourse is constructed from a range of resources – grammatical structures, words,

categories, rhetorical commonplaces, repertoires, conversational practices and so on, all of

which are built and delivered in real time with relevant prosody, timing and so on. These

resources, their use, and their conditions of assembly can become topics of discursive study.

Discourse is constructive in the sense that it is used to build versions of psychological

worlds, of social organizations, action, and of histories and broader structures. Such versions

are an integral part of different actions. Discursive research can be focused on the way

constructions are built and stabilized, and how they are made neutral, objective and

independent of the speaker. People are skilled builders of descriptions; they have spent a

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lifetime learning how to do it. Part of the discourse analytic art is to reveal the complex and

delicate work that goes into this seemingly effortless building.

4. Discourse is produced as psychological

Discursive psychologists are focused on the way what counts as psychological is a

central concern of participants. People a o st u t thei o a d othe s dispositio s,

assessments and descriptions as subjective (psychological) or objective. For example, an

assessment of a minority group can be couched in the language of attitudes (I am generally

positive about Polynesian Islanders) or build as an objective feature of this social group using a

range of descriptive procedures (Potter & Wetherell, 1988).

Ed a ds disti guishes su je t side f o o je t side des iptio s a d highlights

the way producing discourse in either of these ways can be a central element in a range of

practices. A person can be described as having a legitimate complaint about something in the

o ld a o je t side des iptio o as oa i g a d hi gei g a su je t side des iptio

that highlights things wrong with the speaker rather than the world) (Edwards, 2005). One of

the features of the normative organization of interaction is that it provides a baseline

calibration for marking out psychological investment.

Seven Stages in the Execution of Discursive Research

The discussion of the different stages in the execution of discursive research will be

illustrated by examples from a programme of research conducted by Alexa Hepburn and myself

ith the Natio al “o iet fo the P e e tio of C uelt to Child e N“PCC , B itai s la gest

child protection charity.

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Let me start with the broadest of considerations. In terms of the politics and ethics of

research, we chose this study site because of our prior interest in child protection. We also

hoped to provide support for the important work of the NSPCC. One possibility that we

envisaged was that we could use discourse methods to explicate the practices of the call takers

on the child protection helpline and highlight the delicate underlying orderliness of how they

were doing a job that seemed, at times, superficially more haphazard (Hepburn & Potter, 2003).

I have chosen this programme of work to illustrate discursive psychology as it shows

how some of the background concerns in the way questions and analysis develop as well as

how studies can accumulate progressively. It will also illustrate the way classic psychological

topics (emotion, shared knowledge) can be addressed and reworked in discourse work. For

simplicity the process will be broken into six stages: obtaining access and consent; data

collection; transcription and data management; developing research questions; corpus building

and preliminary analysis; developing and validating analysis. In practice, these stages are

somewhat overlapping – transcription, data management and question development tend to

come and go at all stages of the research process.

Stage One: Obtaining Access and Consent

One of the features that make contemporary discursive psychology distinctive from

most other psychological methods is that it works primarily with audio or video records of

interaction happening in natural settings. This makes the process of gaining access and

consent, developing appropriate ethics scripts, and working closely with participants in a way

that sustains and merits a strong degree of trust an integral part of the research process.

Gaining access and consent can be a challenge. And it is likely that researchers sometimes use

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other forms of data generation – questionnaires, say, or open ended interviews – because they

expect that access will be refused. However, experience shows that with the right approach

and an proportionate commitment of time and effort trust can be developed and consent can

be obtained for working in the most sensitive of sites – family therapy, police interrogation,

neighbour mediation, physiotherapy for stroke patients, social work assessments of parents

whose children are in care (to list some recent examples).

Initial contact is often through a key institutional member – a medical practitioner,

school teacher or parent – who can provide an authoritative link for the researchers. A key

featu e of this o ta t is ofte to ide tif the pa ti ipa ts a ieties a out the esea h p o ess.

These are often focused on the possibility that the research will evaluate their practice.

Ironically it is often the professionals rather than clients that often have more doubt about the

research process (although the professionals often suggest that the clients will not agree). It is

striking that many professionals are doubtful that their practice will stand up to analytic

scrutiny, perhaps because many of the training materials use unrealistic and simplified

idealizations of what interaction should look like. David Silverman (1997) refers to this as the

problem of the Divine Orthodoxy. Practitioners feel they are condemned to fail because they

are compared to an idealized, normative standards completely removed from actual practice.

Let me develop this topic with the research on the NSPCC child protection helpline. This

helpline receives around 100,000 calls a year from across the UK. It is legally mandated to pass

credible reports of abuse to either social services or the police, whether the caller wishes them

to or not. It also provides counselling, information and advice to anyone concerned about the

risk to a child of ill treatment, neglect or abuse. All call takers are trained social workers, called

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Child Protection Officers (CPOs) at the time of the data collection, each with at least three years

field experience working on child protection.

Access negotiations started with a letter to the head of the helpline that was intended

to target the worries that potential research participants have: how will issues of ethics and

anonymity be managed? What extra work will be involved? How might the research benefit the

organization? It was also worked to head off the idea that the research might criticise the

organization or its workers. This was followed up by a series of face to face meetings which

were crucial in establishing trust. These meetings included not only senior management but

individual CPOs who would be in control of recording and obtaining consent from callers.

In this case the organization opted for the child protection officers using their own skills

to make judgements about consent. They asked callers at the start of calls whether they would

be willing to take part in the research and offered the possibility for them to ask questions

about the research. We provided the CPOs with a basic script, developed in the light of British

Psychological Society guidelines about consent, but the CPOs would tailor what they asked to

individual callers. Ethical issues, then, satisfied both the NSPCC and the BPS. For a detailed

account of how this process of gaining access and the development of ethics procedures played

out see Hepburn and Potter (2003).

Stage Two: Data Collection

In terms of data collection the main aim is to develop an archive of records of

interaction in the setting under study. There are no hard and fast rules for the size of such a

collection. Even small amounts of material can be a basis for useful research; but the more

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material there is and the more appropriate the sampling then more questions will become

analytically tractable and more confidence can be placed in the research conclusions.

Some considerations are paramount here.

First, the quality of recording has a powerful effect on the time taken in transcription

and analysis. Time and resources devoted to getting high quality recordings will pay off

handsomely when it comes to transcribing the recordings and working with them in data

sessions. Hours are wasted re-listening to a key piece of talk against a loud recording hum, and

attempting to work out whether a child has taken a mouthful of food or just put the fork near

her mouth. Solid state recorders with good microphones and digital video cameras with large

hard disc drives are both effective. Make sure voice activated is disabled.

Second, if embodied activities are available to participants then they are certain to be a

live part of the interaction. That means that it will be important to have video records of face

to face interaction (or non-face to face interaction that is technologically mediated with a visual

modality). High quality digital video is inexpensive, simple and easy to manipulate so this is not

an insurmountable problem.

Third, once the whole process has been put into place actually making recordings is

almost always simpler and easier than analysing and transcribing them. This means that

researchers should err on the side of collecting more recordings than planned. Digital

recordings can be easily stored and they provide an important resource for future research.

Fourth, a characteristic feature of contemporary discursive psychology is that

participants do the data collection themselves. This is designed to minimize the reactivity

generated by extended researcher involvement and allows the participants to manage ethical

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issues in a way that suits them best. This means that simplicity is a key consideration – it

minimizes what the participants have to learn and the effort they have to put into the

collection. Current recorders are ideal as they often have large storage, long battery life, and a

simple press and record function.

In the case of our child protection research we spent some time setting up a system that

allowed easy recording without interfering with the CPOs work. The CPOs used a hot desk

system, so we set up two desks so that calls could be recorded on MiniDisk. Different technical

systems have different requirements – some organizations already collect full digital recordings

for auditing purposes so it is a matter of satisfying ethics requirements and downloading the

appropriate set of calls onto a portable hard drive. When CPOs who had signed up for the

research took shifts they used these desks.

Stage Three: Data Management

As research projects evolve data management becomes increasingly important. Much

of this is focused on systems of folders that collect together recordings in different forms,

different forms of transcript, and analytic notes. Such a system can facilitate data sharing –

discourse research is often collaborative – and can assist full backup of data and analysis.

Encryption and secure storage may be required depending on the agreements with participants

and the sensitivity of the materials. This is also a prelude for data reduction and involves the

systematic building of a particular corpus that is of a size small enough to be easily worked with

but large enough to be able to make appropriate generalizations .

The precise pattern depends on the research. In the NSPCC study we assigned a two

letter code to each CPO who took part; each had their own folder. This was taken from their

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pseudonym. Within each folder each call had its own folder with a memorable name –

eigh ou la k e e , sa . Withi this folde as a high ualit e o di g i WAV fo at, ut

also a smaller MP3 version that could be emailed and easily backed up. Each folder often also

contained two versions of the transcript (as we describe in Stage Four: Transcription), and

sometimes further transcript and analytic observations.

Stage Four: Transcription

Contemporary discourse research works continuously with both the original audio or

video recordings and the transcript. It is no longer the case that after transcription the

recordings are put into storage. Nevertheless, the transcript is an essential element in the


It is common to use two forms of transc ipt. A asi fi st pass t a s ipt is ofte

generated by a transcription service. This has just the words (not broken up by the colons,

arrows and so on that capture features of delivery) rendered as effectively as the service can

hear them. This kind of transcript has two uses.

a) It allows the researcher to quickly go through a stretch of interaction and get an

overall feel for what is there. This can be a particularly important shortcut

where there are many hours of recordings.

b) It is searchable, allowing one to sift through an entire set of materials very

quickly for particular phenomena that can be identified through individual lexical

items or transcriber descriptions.

The second form of transcription is an attempt to capture on the page features of the

delivery of talk that participants treat as relevant for understanding the activities that are taking

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place. The standard system used in discursive psychology and conversation analysis was

developed by Gail Jefferson (2004; see also Hepburn, forthcoming). It was designed to be easy

to learn and simple to produce mainly using standard keyboards. It encodes features such as

overlaps and pauses, volume and emphasis, features of prosody such as rising and falling

intonation, and features of the speed of delivery (for summary see ten Have, this volume). It

was developed in parallel to the broader evolution of conversation analysis and is specifically

designed to support analysis of interaction. Other sorts of questions (about speech

accommodation, say, or speech production disorders) will require a different kind of transcript.

Jeffersonian transcript is extremely labour intensive. The ratio of record time to

transcription time can be anything above 1:20, with key factors being the quality of the

recording, the complexity of the interaction, and whether there are non-vocal elements that

need to be represented. It also takes time to learn to do good quality transcription. It is

necessary to both understand the roles of the different symbols and learn to apply them

consistently. This is facilitated by listening to the audio that goes with high quality transcript –

there are examples available on various web sites.

Because of the time investment in producing quality transcript there are rarely

resources for completely transcribing a full set of recordings. Various criteria can be used to

decide what to transcribe and in what order.

Stage Five: Developing Research Questions

It has been common in psychological research to stress the importance of formulating a

clear research question before starting the research. And there are often good reasons for such

a rule as it can help avoid confusion and sloppiness when doing a wide range of psychological

20 | P a g e
studies, particularly when utilizing experimental designs, questionnaires or open ended

interviews. However, with discursive research much of the discipline comes from working with

a set of naturalistic materials – records of people living their lives in a particular setting. And

many of the questions formulated for more traditional research have a causal form – what is

the effect of X on Y – which is rarely appropriate for discourse work. Rather than posing a

question the focus is often on attempting to explicate the workings of some kind of social

practice that is operating in the setting, perhaps with the ultimate aim of making broader sense

of the setting as a whole. And this often means that questions are continually refined in the

course of a programme of work and a study within that programme.

One of the benefits of working with naturalistic materials is that they throw up their

own challenges that lead to novel questions. They often feature actions or occurrences that are

unexpected or not easily understood with the repertoire of explanatory concepts available in

contemporary psychology. This can provide an exciting start point for analytic work. A

common practice in the discursive community is to use different levels of engagement with the

materials to generate questions. A key part of this is often data sessions with analytically

minded colleagues.

In the NSPCC programme we had a range of broad interests from our prior work that we

brought to the study: how is bullying and violence reported? How are descriptions built as

factual? How do ethnic and gender categories figure in assessments? However, we tried not to

become too focused on these and instead open up to new possibilities. One thing we did was

ask the CPOs what they found difficult about their jobs and what they were interested in. Out

of a range of possibilities they noted they found it a problem when callers became very upset

21 | P a g e
and also that closing calls could present difficulties. These too we noted but put aside as we

worked toward a deeper engagement with the materials.

We started with a number of intensive data sessions with colleagues and a range of

broader discussions. As these evolved a number of themes of interest emerged. We will

illustrate this chapter with two different ones.

One theme was focused on crying and how it is noticed and how it is responded to. This

topic emerged out of three background interests. First, crying was one of the issues that the

CPOs had told us was challenging to deal with. So this focus satisfied our concern to do

research that might be socially useful to our participants. Second, the then current literature

on transcription did not give a clear idea of how to transcribe crying. This made the basic issue

of how to represent different features of crying and upset in Jefferson style transcript

p a ti all ele a t. Thi d, the oad topi of e otio has ee theo eti all i te esti g i

discourse work. It is sometimes picked out as the kind of issue that is not susceptible to

interaction analysis because it is so bound up with bodily states. Emotion is often treated as a

causal variable that has a distorting effect on cognition (Park & Banaji, 2000). It was thus a

theoretically important analytic challenge. We felt it would be interesting to contribute to the

small but growing discourse literature on talk and emotion (Buttny, 1993; Edwards, 1997, 1999;

Locke & Edwards, 2003; Ruusuvuori, 2005).

One of the features of specific psychological work on crying is that it has

o e hel i gl o ked ith pa ti ipa ts epo ts of i g i uestionnaires or rating scales).

There is no work that uses direct observation, or attempts to provide situated descriptions of


22 | P a g e
In fact, the crying literature provides a microcosm of the broader practices in psychology

where instead of starting by directly studying crying as it happens (in families with young

children, in relationship disputes) the standard work is based around scales where people make

retrospective reports about crying on a questionnaire which has a series of Likert style items all

of hi h use the atego i g . A e t al featu e of dis u si e ps holog is its utti g out

of these retrospective self reports with their constructions and categories. The recent

interactional literature on questions and question design in news interviews and other settings

shows that questions are complex social actions (Heritage & Clayman, 2002; Raymond, 2003;

and papers in Freed & Ehrlich, 2010). They set up a range of subtle constraints and response

requirements far beyond the more standard questionnaire design injunctions about bias and

leading questions. This literature complements the already challenging (for psychologists)

interactional literature that highlights the complex role of questions within psychological

methods (Antaki & Rapley, 1996; Puchta & Potter, 1999; Schegloff, 1999). A basic feature of

discursive psychology is that it sidesteps these problems.

A second theme emerged rather differently. One of us had been developing work on

core conversation analytic issues and in particular on the topic of tag questions. These had

been subject to a wide range of linguistic and sociolinguistic analysis, but relatively little work

had approached tag questions as part of an interaction analytic study. Moreover, there is a

particularly interesting class of tag questions where the interrogative element does not come at

the end of the turn but in the middle (turn- edial tag uestio s . Thus: ut it is the ase, is t

it, that La ou is doi g poo l i the polls has the tag i te ogati e is t it i the iddle

rather than the end. And note that as the turn unfolds, at the point where the speaker issues

23 | P a g e
the i te ogati e is t it the e ipie t is t eated as goi g to espo d es, ut is ot i a

positio to espo d as the de la ati e La ou is doi g poo l i the polls has ot et ee

delivered (for more on this see Hepburn, under submission). This initially rather dry technical

interest occasioned a search through the entire set of NSPCC calls for turn-medial tag

questions. When a collection of such questions had been identified then full Jeffersonian

transcript of the extended sequences in which they arose was performed.

This focus became progressively broader as it became clear that the turn-medial tags

regularly appeared in sequences where the recipient was being advised to do something by the

NSPCC CPO and was resisting the advice. The analysis started to focus on advice resistance

from callers and how it, in turn, could be resisted by CPOs (picking up from existing work on

advice and advice resistance – see Hepburn & Potter, forthcoming for a review). Again, this had

the attractiveness of focussing on something at the heart of the service that the NSPCC were

delivering. At the same time tag questions have a major theoretical interest with respect how

issues of knowledge become live in interaction, as tag questions are commonly used to mark

the recipient of the question as knowing more on the specific topic than the speaker who issues

the tag. This the e of u da e episte i s has e o e a i easi gl i po ta t ele e t i

discursive psychology.

Stage Six: Analysis

In discursive psychology the analytic stage of work is often the most time consuming

and the most crucial. The same materials may be subject to different analyses that identify

different practices or highlight different themes. Indeed, once a high quality data set has been

24 | P a g e
collected it may be used by different researchers in different studies. The success of these

studies is down to the rigour and sophistication of the analysis.

Discursive psychological analysis often uses a systematic trawl through the materials to

build a corpus of examples. This early trawl is typically inclusive rather than exclusive with the

aim of including central examples and borderline cases. It is expected that such a corpus will be

refined. When analytic understanding has been improved it is likely that some of the cases will

be dropped from the corpus and new cases will be seen as appropriately part of the corpus.

The process of analysis will involve increasingly precise attempts to specify what is going

on, how some practice or practices are unfolding. This stage is akin to hypothesis testing as the

researcher often has a number of initial ideas that cannot survive a careful exploration of cases

that accounts for the specific details of what is there. I will show this in operation with the two

examples from the NSPCC study. In each case I will try to show how the analysis builds to a

particular account of the actions that occurring in the material.

Crying and Crying Receipts

The analysis of crying and crying receipts started by identifying all the calls in which

crying appears and then transcribing the full sequence. This generated a corpus of 14 crying

sequences – some were quite brief (just a few turns) while some went on for many minutes and

many pages of transcript. One of the first research tasks was to build an extension of the

Jeffersonian transcription scheme that would enable the different features of crying such as

sobs, whispers, wet and dry sniffs and tremulous voice to be represented. This extension is

described in detail in Hepburn (2004) along with a detailed account of the limitations of the

25 | P a g e
contemporary psychological literature on crying for dealing with it as an interactional object.

This fine grained description of crying is extremely time consuming – yet its value is that it

provides a way of seeing how delicately the different activities in crying and crying recipiency

are organized together. The architecture of this interaction is complex with each participant

carefully monitoring the other and showing the result of this monitoring in the turns of talk that

they take.

We can illustrate this with the following extract. Various characteristic elements of

crying on the helpline are highlighted such as caller apologies (A), and CPO actions such as

ight-thi g des iptio s ‘T , take-your-ti es TYT a d hat e ha e te ed e pathi

e eipts E‘ . Note also the characteristic layout of the kinds of materials used in discourse

research with the extract number, the code for particular data source, the anonimized

participant descriptions (CPO, Caller), and the line numbers that allow specific reference to

parts of the extract.

Extract One: JK distraught dad

1 Caller: >.Hhih .hhihhh<

2 CPO: D’you want- d’y’wann’ave [a break for a ] moment.= TYT

3 Caller: [ Hhuhh >.hihh<]

4 =>hhuhh hhuhh<

5 (0.6)

6 Caller: .shih

7 (0.3)

8 Caller: ◦◦k(hh)ay◦◦

9 (1.8)

10 Caller: .shih >hhuh hhuh[h]<

26 | P a g e
11 CPO: [S]’very har:d when ER

12 they’re not there with you isn’t it.= ER

13 and [you’re-] (.) you’re tal:kin about it. ER

14 Caller: [>.hhih<]

15 (0.8)

16 Caller: >.Hhuh .HHuh<

17 (2.1)

18 Caller: .shih

19 (0.2)

20 Caller: ◦.shih◦ (.) ◦◦(Need) hhelp(h)◦◦

21 (2.5)

22 Caller: .HHhihh◦hh◦

23 (0.5)

24 Caller: HHhuhh >.hih .hih<

25 (0.7)

26 CPO: .Htk.hh Well you’re doing what you can now to RT

27 actually offer them protection and help though RT

28 are:n’t you. RT

29 Caller: .Skuh (.) Huhhhh

30 (0.5)

31 Caller: ◦◦I:’m not the(hehheh)re. Hh◦◦

32 (3.2)

33 Caller: .Shih

34 (0.4)

35 Caller: ~I’m sorry.~ A

36 CPO: An they als- well E-E-Eddie obviously al- thought RT

37 you were the person to contact to get he:lp. RT

38 Caller: Yeh. hh

27 | P a g e
39 CPO: F’which (.) ye know he turned to you: .hh RT

40 (0.7)

41 Caller: .Hh[hhhh ]

42 CPO: [T’help ‘im.]=didn’t he. RT

43 Caller: ◦◦Yhhehhh◦◦

44 CPO: So ‘e saw you as a person who could help in this RT

45 situa[tion ] for him:. RT

46 Caller: [.Shih]

47 (0.9)

48 Caller: .Hdihhhh hhhuhh

49 (0.2)

50 Caller: Hoh: s(h)orry. A

51 (0.4)

52 CPO: .Htk s’oka:y. kay.

53 (1.3)

54 Caller: .SKUH

55 (0.3)

56 CPO: It’s distressing but it’s also quite a shock ER

57 isn’t it I guess [(for you)] ER

58 Caller: [.HHHHhih]hh HHHhuhhhh

59 (1.7)

60 Caller: ((swallows)) Hhhoh dhear.

The identification and characterization of the different elements of crying allows the analyst to

see how they are consequential for the unfolding interaction.

First, note the way the take-your-time in line 2 is occasioned by the alle s so i g that

starts in line 1 and continues through to line 4. We can see how delicate the mutual attention

28 | P a g e
in this interaction is as, despite the sobbing, the caller responds to the take-your-time with a

hispe ed khha li e . One of the interesting features we found with interaction and

i g is the e is a o side a le a ou t of li e sile e – that is silence which the recipient

would normally expect to be filled by specific sorts of turns (Hepburn & Potter, 2007).

Ironically, perhaps, interaction work shows that silence is a major part of crying.

“e o d, ote fu the o i the se ue e the alle s tremulously voiced apology (line

35). We might think that the caller is apologising for the transgressive nature of sobbing over

the phone to a stranger. However, a careful examination of where apologies appear in crying

sequences suggests that they are more likely to be apologies for disruption of ongoing actions

or failing to provide normatively expected contributions. That is, they are explicated better by

understanding the consequences of crying for basic conversational organization. For example,

i this ase the CPO s assess e t i -8 is followed by an extremely quiet and very disrupted

second assessment on 31 (the normatively expected turn). The following delay from the CPO

would allow the turn to be recycled, and the apology could be specifically apologising for the

absence of this recycling.

Third, note the right-thing descriptions on 26-8 and through 36-45. These are

constructed from information already provided by the caller, re-described to present him

having done the right thing. Such descriptions seem designed to reassure the caller and move

him out of the crying sequence. These descriptions are often accompanied by tag questions

(e.g. 28 and 42), which may be designed to lead away from crying by encouraging agreement

with the right-thing description.

29 | P a g e
Finally let us consider the topic of empathy. This has been a notion in areas of

psychology since the early 1900s – but it tends to be conceptualized in terms of a cognitive

image of one mind sharing the experiences of another. However, we have focused on how

empathy is built, as a practice, in real time in live situations, where each party has available to

them the talk of the other (Hepburn & Potter, 2007). We found empathic receipts to be built

by combining two elements:

1. A fo ulatio of the i g pa t s e tal o ps hologi al state.

2. A marker of the contingency, doubt or source of the mental state formulation.

The e tal state fo ulatio s e.g. it s dist essi g ut it s also uite a sho k a e t pi all

clearly derivable from local features of the talk such as the amount of sobs and wet sniffs,

o i ed ith the alle s o p io fo ulatio s of thei state. That is, the empathic moment

is not a magical one of mind reading but a mundane and practical one involving responding to

what is in the immediate talk and in doing so displaying close monitoring. The mental state

formulation is combined with a second element which involves the recipient marking their

fo ulatio as li ited I guess , depe de t o hat is hea a le, o usi g a tag uestio is t

it to a k the speake as the o e ith autho it o e the o e t ess of the fo ulatio . I

each of these ways the CPO defers to the caller who is crying as the party who has the right to

define the nature of their own psychological state. What we have here is a procedural account

of empathy grounded in the perspectives of the participants as displayed in their talk.

More generally, although emotion is often thought of as something that is beyond the

purchase of discourse research (probably because of its early emphasis on people talking about

things in open ended interviews), studies of this kind show the way that issues and actions

30 | P a g e
which we understand as emotional can be tractable to interaction analysis (cf. Edwards, 1997,

1999). This is not surprising once we remind ourselves of the practical and communicative role

that emotions play in social life (Planalp, 1999). Indeed, by carefully listening to these materials

and carefully transcribing the interaction, the analysis starts to highlight precisely how the

e otio al issues e o e li e, a e oti ed, atte ded to, a aged, a d ho oth pa ties

mutually coordinate in very fine ways in what seems initially like a highly chaotic strip of


In this case, the patterning may reflect one institutional setting and its goal orientations

– much more work will be needed to develop an understanding of the complex patterning

where speakers are familiars, where babies and young children are involved, where there is an

immediate physical or psychological cause of the crying (Hepburn & Potter, forthcoming).

More broadly, discursive work offers the possibility of understanding the various phenomena

loosel glossed as e otio i te s of hat the a e doi g a d he e the appea i peoples


Resisting Advice Resistance

I noted above how the topic of tag questions, and particularly turn-medial tag questions

in advice resistance sequences came to the fore. This involved a search for calls in which advice

is resisted and transcription of those sequences (Hepburn & Potter, in press). We became

interested in a related collection of practices used by the CPO when the caller is resisting the

advice they are offering over an extended period of time. These resistance sequences are in

tu t pi all o asio ed the CPO eje ti g a alle s e uest fo a tio o fo so e ki d of

31 | P a g e
alternative project. Typically the main element of the advice is that the caller her or himself

should initiate some course of action. In the resistance sequences the CPO has reissued advice,

often on several occasions during the call, and the caller has indicated in a number of direct

and/or indirect ways that they are unlikely to take up the advice.

Again, this study draws heavily on the methods of conversation analysis (ten Have, this

volume), but is particularly focused on psychological themes. As before, analysis works back

and forth between the collection of full calls, individual full calls, the ongoing corpus of

examples, and the details of specific instances. There is also a strong analytic emphasis on the

institutionality of what is going on; this is shown in the orientations of the participants and is

central in the analytic conclusions.

I this all the Calle is e p essi g o e a out a eigh ou s possi l a usi e a tio s

toward her child and wondering if Social Services should become involved. Simplifying

considerably, as discussion proceeds it becomes clear that Social Services will be unlikely to act

and the Child Protection Officer advises the caller to communicate directly with the neighbour

d op he a ote , get he side of the sto . The alle epeatedl esists this advice –

probably as it would involve abandoning her project of passing on the problem to Social

Services on behalf of which the call was made in the first place.

JX Neighbour and son

01 CPO: Well perhaps you need to extend that hand of

02 friendship an if she really is: .hhhh ye know

03 if she is finding it a bit tough with the new baby

04 an everything she might really welcome (0.2) .hhh

05 you making contact with her again.=If you have been

32 | P a g e
06 friendly in the pa:st,

07 (0.2)

08 Caller: Yeah::.

09 (0.2)

10 CPO: Ye know,

11 (0.9)

12 CPO: Ehr:

13 (0.3)

14 Caller: [Y:eah. ]

15 CPO:  [.hh #a-]#It sounds as though the grown ups

16  have got to be grow:n u:p.=Doesn’it.=Really:,

17 Caller: Ye- Oh ye[ah because I mean the girls get o:n]:,


19 Caller: She told one o’ my neighbours recently, that

20 (.) she ws gunna move anyway after chrissmas

The extract starts with the Child Protection Officer reissuing advice from earlier on in the call to

talk di e tl to the eigh ou o i ed ith a s patheti sta e o the eigh ou s

behaviour). At this point the caller displays more of what Heritage and Sefi (1992) have

identified as characteristic advice resistance – delays with unmarked acknowledgements, and

no commitment to act on the advice appears. It is what is (relevantly and normatively) absent

here, rather than what is present, that allows the CPO as participant, and Hepburn and I as

analysts, to identify what is going on as advice resistance. Note that the delays here may seem

small in the abstract but they are highly hearable and consequential for the parties to the

conversation. Indeed, a delay of less than two tenths of a second is regularly quite sufficient to

33 | P a g e
show that a recipient is not going to agree to an invitation (Drew, 2005). That is why such

delays are measured so carefully in Jeffersonian transcription.

There are a number of interesting features of the way the CPO responds to this

resistance, but let me focus on three features of what the Child Protection Officer does on lines


First, the advice is repacked in this construction in an idiomatic form: the grown ups

have got to be grow:n u:p. As Billig (1996), Sacks (1992) and others have noted, idioms

have a self sufficient quality which makes them tricky to resist. And Drew and Holt (1988, 1998)

ha e sho that the a e e u e tl used i situatio s he e speake s a e aki g o plai ts

which are not being affiliated with. One thing that the construction in extract two does is

repackage the advice in a harder to counter form. In this way the CPO is both orienting to, and

ou te i g, the alle s ad i e esista e.

Second, the repackaged advice is combined with an interrogative (a tag question):

=Doesn’it. The striking thing about this is that it treats the recipient as both knowing the

content of the advice (knowing that grownups have to be grown up) and treats her agreement

as the expected or preferred response (Hepburn & Potter, 2010; Heritage & Raymond, 2005).

Put another way, the recipient is treated as able to both confirm and agree with the course of

action that they should follow and that they have, up to this point, been resisting. Instead of

continuing to try to persuade the recipient of the virtues of a course of action they are

sequentially positioned as already supporting it. This is not so much social influence as

interactional rebuilding. It highlights the possibility of a sequential politics of intersubjectivity

(Hepburn, under submission).

34 | P a g e
The third observation is about what happens after the tag – the increment =Really:,

is latched to it. The technical literature of conversation analysis helps us with what is going on


This continuation past the point of possible turn transition leaves the interrogative in a turn medial

position. The consequence of this is to dampen the response requirement, and close what might

have been a stretched gap between turns, indicating further disagreement. Hence the

interrogative projects a ‘yes’ but does not wait for it to be delivered (Hepburn & Potter,

forthcoming, pp. **).

In what has turned into a tussle between Caller and CPO over what the Caller should do, the

subjectivity of the Caller has been conversationally redesigned – moment by moment – as

supporting a course of action and they are immediately - and delicately - held off both signalling

up and coming disagreement and actually forming the disagreement. This is joint action where

intersubjectivity is a contested space, as both parties draw on the normative resources of talk

and the institutional affordances of Caller and Child Protection Officer.

What this study explicates is a familiar and yet subtle practice of offering advice, which

is part of a broader social landscape of families, abuse and social support. It uses the careful

analysis of conversation to get at joint action, intersubjectivity and the (contested) forming of

subjectivity. The analysis is grounded in detailed records of this institution unfolding, which

provides both its empirical basis and the opportunity for other researchers to audit the claims

made and to refine alternative accounts of what is going on. This the exciting zone in which

contemporary discursive psychology is working, and the potential is only just being realized.

35 | P a g e
Again, this analysis was designed to contribute to both applied issues (how to manage

advice resistance) and theoretical issues (how is intersubjectivity something that can be


Stage Seven: Validation

In practice there is not a clear-cut distinction between analysis and validation. Building

a successful analysis that works and is attentive to all the details of the materials that are being

studied is already a major part of validating the findings. Nevertheless, there are some themes

that are worth highlighting. They are not typically separate operations but they are common

across much discursive research. Individually or together they contribute to establishing the

adequacy of particular analyses.

1. Parti ipants’ orientations. One of the enormous virtues of working with open ended,

naturally occurring materials is that they provide a major resource in validating findings that is

absent in most other psychological methods. That resource is the turn-by-turn nature of

interaction. Any turn of talk is oriented to what came before, and sets up an environment for

what comes next (Heritage, 1984). At its simplest, when someone provides an acceptance it

provides evidence that what came before was an invitation. If an analyst claims that some

conversational move is an indirect invitation, say, we would want to see evidence that the

recipient is orientating (even indirectly) to its nature as an invitation. Close attention to this

turn-by-turn display of understanding provides one important check on analytic interpretations

(ten Have, this volume; Heritage & Clayman, 2009). In the examples above orientations are

central to building the analysis and confirming its success.

36 | P a g e
In the crying work, for example, we were able to confirm the various features of crying

as actually features of crying by considering how they are treated by CPOs. However, this focus

on orientation is at the centre of every stage of analysis; it does not make sense to pick out one

feature on its own. The point is that interaction unfolds in real time with each participant

producing their turn on the basis with what has happened up until that point, and most

importantly what has happened immediately before (Schegloff, 2007). Each turn provides, in

its orientation to what came before, a display that is central to the intelligibility of interaction.

One of the limitations of most psychological methods is that they cut across this kind of display.

2. Deviant cases. Deviant cases are often analytically and theoretically informative.

They can show whether a generalization is robust or breaks down. For example, studies of

media interviews show that interviewees rarely treat interviewers as accountable for views

expressed in their questions. As Heritage & Greatbatch (1991) have shown, this is the normal

(indeed, normative, pattern). There are occasional deviant cases, however, where a news

interviewer is treated as responsible for some view. However, rather than showing that this

pattern is not normative, they show up precisely which it is normative. Cases of departure can

lead to considerable interactional trouble, which interferes with the interviewee making their

point (Potter, 1996).

In the crying research, for example, there is a deviant case in which the CPO holds off

making empathic receipts as the caller starts to show signs of crying. Instead they pursue a

somewhat sceptical line about how the caller knows about the specific abuse they are

reporting. It is notable that the caller terminates the call very soon after this failure. Such a

case helps us understand precisely the role of empathic receipts in the management of crying.

37 | P a g e
3. Coherence. The accumulation of findings from different studies allows new studies to

be assessed for their coherence with what comes before. For example, work on the

organization of food assessments in mealtime conversations (Wiggins, 2002) builds on, and

provides further confirmation of, earlier work on assessments and compliments (Pomerantz,

1984). Looked at the other way round, a study which clashed with some of the basic findings in

discourse work would be treated with more caution – although if its findings seemed more

robust it would be more consequential.

The analytic work on crying and on resisting advice resistance builds on, and meshes

with, work on the organization of phone calls, work specifically on calls to helplines, work on

tag questions, work on sequence organization and delay, work on advice and work on the

nature of advice resistance. In each case the studies move the literature on and generate a

larger web of understanding.

4. ‘eade s e aluatio . O e of the ost fu da e tal featu es of discursive psychology

compared to other psychological perspectives is that its claims are accountable to the detail of

the empirical materials, and that the empirical materials are presented in a form that allows

readers, as far as possible, to make their own checks and judgements. Discourse articles

typically present a range of extracts from the transcript alongside the interpretations that have

been made of them. This form of validation contrasts with much traditional experimental and

o te t a al ti o k, he e it is a e fo a thi g lose to a data to e i luded, or for

o e tha o e o t o illust ati e odi gs to e p o ided. “a ks ideal as to put the

reader as far as possible into the same position as the researcher with respect to the materials.

38 | P a g e
Such an ideal is unrealisable in practice, but discourse work is closer than many analytic

approaches in psychology.

Conclusion: Prospects for Discursive Psychology

For much of the past 100 years Psychology has developed as a hypothetico-deductive

science that has conceptualized the world in terms of the effects and interactions of variables

on one another that can best be assessed using experiments analysed using multivariate

statistics. This methodological apparatus has been combined with a cognitivist form of

explanation where the causes of human action are seen to lie within individuals. In some ways

this has been a hugely impressive and successful enterprise. Yet this has had a number of

unintended consequences that restrict its approach to human action.

First, the search for general relationships that underlie behaviour has the consequence

of moving research away from the specifics of human action. Action is typically modelled,

restricted, or reported and transformed into the kind of counts that are amenable to

multivariate analysis. On the extremely rare occasion that records of actual interaction in

natural settings are used it is quickly transformed into counts (using content analysis, say).

Second, this search for general relationships combined with the need for simple

controlled designs means that little attention has been paid to the nature and organization of

the rich local and institutional settings that human conduct invariably takes place in.

Third, the hypothetico-deductive approach has led researchers away from careful

descriptive studies in favour of studies that start with some kind of relationship or model to be

tested. This combines with the legacy of the distinction drawn between competence and

39 | P a g e
performance that has become foundational in cognitivist psychology, and which treats

pe fo a e data as e o ousl ess a d so ethi g to e passed fo ussi g, ia

hypothetical models, directly on competence.

In contrast to this, discursive psychology starts with the concrete particulars of human

action recorded in specific settings with minimal researcher interference. In many ways it is a

classically empiricist enterprise. Its analytic approach is focused on the way practices are built

in real time and how their organization and intelligibility is dependent on the normative

organization of talk. Psychological matters come into discursive psychological study through

their emergence as issues that are relevant for participants. Instead of attempting to capture

underlying competence it is focused on how psychological matters are public and intelligible.

Thus the study of crying (a) started with materials collected as parts of actions that the

participants would do irrespective of their researched status; (b) first involved a descriptive

p oje t that a keted the atego i g a d sta ted to e pli ate the fo a d atu e of

featu es of eha iou su h as et s iffs a d so s; fo used o i g as so ethi g that is

displayed and communicated, unfolding in real time with different stages. The key interest for

discursive work is in the public practices, how upset is displayed, understood and receipted.

That is, the focus is on what crying and upset is for these participants, and its role in this very

specific institutional setting. Likewise in the study of resisting advice resistance; psychological

matters, and in particular what the caller knows about the appropriate course of action they

need to follow, are managed by a cluster of practices operating in real time with a scale of

relevance to participants in the order of tenths of a second. These are not played out in the

40 | P a g e
abstract as psychological processes but in terms of the goals and affordances of the institution

of the helpline.

Both of these studies explicate the orderliness of specific, institutionally bounded realms

of human action. This orderliness is not something that is statistical and causal, but normative

and voluntaristic. Thus, elements of crying such as delays and wet sniffs do not cause particular

crying receipts; however, they make relevant a restricted set of next actions as well as providing

a context for understanding what the CPO does next.

The programme of discursive psychology offers an alternative analytic approach that

respecifies core psychological notions such as cognition, perception, embodiment and emotion

and places the situated understandings of the participants at the core of the research. Its focus

o peoples p a ti es akes it disti t f o oth ai st ea e pe i e tal ps holog a d

from a range of alternative qualitative methods (e.g. narrative psychology, interpretative

phenomenological analysis, ethnography) that typically use open-ended interviews as their

main technique of data generation.


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