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Prepositions of time

Read the text. Find the prepositions of time.

Jose lives in Mexico. Starting in June, he began his summer vacation from school. He studied a
lot and is enjoying his vacation. In the summer, he likes to sleep late and go swimming at the
beach. On September 3, he will start school again and will have to wake up everyday at 7:00 am.
Jose isn't looking forward to the start of school!

Read the text again, paying close attention to the prepositions of time in red.

Jose lives in Mexico. Starting in June, he began his summer vacation from school. He studied a
lot and is enjoying his vacation. In the summer, he likes to sleep late and go swimming at the
beach. On September 3, he will start school again and will have to wake up everyday at 7:00 am.
Jose isn't looking forward to the start of school!

Use prepositions of time to describe when something happens.


Choose the best answer.

1. I have an appointment _____ 2:30 pm.

a. in
b. on
c. at

2. My birthday is _____ December.

a. in
b. on
c. at

Look for quiz answers on Friday!

Football Season

Read the text below, paying close attention to the words in red.

Bob : I'm so excited. It's football season again! Dust off the beer cooler and popcorn maker!
Winthrop : Oh no! I suppose you are going to take over the living room again every Sunday and
fill it with beer- swilling guys who will spend three hours screaming at the television.
Bob : That's right! It's great, isn't it? I can't wait!
Winthrop : Oh well! I guess I can just go to the library every Sunday. Actually, I think the football
season will help me study!

Dust off Clean; prepare for use.

Cooler A plastic box used to keep drinks cold.

Take over Take control of; invade.

Swilling Drinking in a sloppy or messy way.

Screaming Shouting; speaking loudly and excitedly.

Can't wait Want something to happen right away; am anxious for.


Fill in the blanks.

1. The playground is very noisy with all the children playing and _____.

2. When my mother visits, she always ______ the kitchen.

Look for quiz answers on Friday!

What Am I?

Read these clues. Then read the short description.

 I am a neighborhood in a major US city.

 My full name is South of Houston.
 I am close to Greenwich Village.

Immigrants first moved into my neighborhood in the 19th century. Most were Italian. They worked in my many
factories. Many artists used my old factories for studios in the mid-20th century. Now, the same buildings are
expensive lofts with art galleries, restaurants and boutiques at street level.

I am an official historic district in the United States partly because many of my buildings have cast-iron facades. I
am also a popular neighborhood for my many galleries, restaurants, and cafes.

immigrants A person who moves from one country to another to live.

lofts Apartments built in large buildings, often in old factories. They are popular for having high ceilings and large

district Neighborhood.

cast-iron Made of iron that is cast (or poured) into a mold.

facades The front of a building.

See Friday's lesson for the answers.

Who is it?

Read these clues. Then read the short description.

 He is from Arkansas, USA.

 He recently moved from Washington D.C. to Harlem in New York City.
 His wife is a senator.

He was was the youngest governor in Arkansas history. He has degrees from Georgetown
University and Yale Law School. He also won a scholarship and studied at Oxford University in
England. Later, he became President of the USA.

He met his wife, Hillary, at law school. Their daughter, Chelsea, recently graduated from Stanford
University. His hobbies include reading, crossword puzzles, playing the saxophone, jogging, and

recently Short time ago.

governor Leader of a US state government.

degrees Title received after completing a course of study at a college or university.

scholarship Money awarded for education usually given to students with high academic performance.

Look for Challenge answers on Friday!

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