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Scavenger Hunt

The Englishtown Scavenger Hunt is a game in which you must look for the answers to these
questions at our web site at

 At Englishtown, what kind of feedback will you get on your written work?
 After you complete an Englishtown course, what will you receive before you enroll in the next course?

Feedback Comments; suggestions and criticism.

Enroll Register; sign up for.

Look for Scavenger Hunt answers on Friday!

At the dance club

Read the text below, paying close attention to the words in red.

Sue : This is a nice dance club. I'm glad you invited me.
Mel : I like it here, too. They play good dance music.
Sue : They play a good mix of Latin music.
Mel : Yes, they do. I like dancing the salsa.
Sue : Hey, they're playing a salsa tune now. Do you wanna dance?
Mel : Sure! I'd love to.

club Nightclub; place for entertainment that is open at night.

invited Asked someone to go somewhere with you.

mix Mixture; combination.

salsa Latin American music, popular for dancing.

tune Group of music sounds that go together; a song.

wanna Informal for "want to."


Choose the best answer.

1. Let's go to the _____ tonight.

a. club
b. mix
c. tune

2. Do you _____ go to the cinema?

a. invite
b. salsa
c. wanna

Look for quiz answers on Friday!

Football vs Football

Read the following text. Can you find the mistakes?

American football is a very different game than international football or soccer. For example,
American football requires more equipment soccer. Soccer teams have few players than
American football teams. In American football, the teams usually score frequently than soccer
teams do. Also, American football is violent than soccer. For this reason, American football
players are usually large than soccer players, and there are usually serious injuries in an
American football game than in a soccer game.

Read the text again. This time pay attention to the corrections that have been made.

American football is a very different game from international football, or soccer. For example,
American football requires more equipment than soccer. Soccer teams have fewer players than
American football teams. In American football, the teams usually score more frequently than
soccer teams do. Also, American football is more violent than soccer. For this reason, American
football players are usually larger than soccer players, and there are usually more serious
injuries in an American football game than in a soccer game.

Remember! When you are showing the difference between two things, don't forget than; use
the appropriate comparative quantifier before nouns (more, less, or fewer) and the comparative
form of adjectives and adverbs (more + adj/adv or adj/adv + er).


Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. Small towns are usually safe than large cities.

2. However, cities are interesting than small town.

Look for quiz answers on Friday!

Cross Talk

Read the text below, paying close attention to the words in red.

Donna : What's a five letter word for "I'm angry"?

Dave : I'm cross. I didn't know you liked crosswords.
Donna : Don't be upset. There are a still a few things you still don't know about me.
Dave : No, no. We're talking at cross-purposes.
Donna : There's no need to get cross.
Dave : That's the answer! I'm cross!
Donna : Now, now, let's not cross swords.
Dave : That's it. I'm leaving before I go cross-eyed.

cross (adjective) Angry.

crossword A word puzzle with blanks. Clues, such as definitions, are used to fill the blanks.

at cross-purposes Misunderstanding each other.

to cross swords To have an argument.

to go cross-eyed To become frustrated. (informal)


Fill in the blanks.

1. The New York Times has a very popular __________ puzzle.

a. cross
b. crossing
c. crossword

2. When I broke the plate, my mother was very ________.

a. cross
b. crossly
c. crossing

Weather idioms

Read the text below, paying close attention to the words in red.

Dave : What a heat wave we're having!

Tina : Yes, I was burning up on my way to work this morning.
Dave : I heard that some rivers are drying up.
Tina : And the farmers don't like this dry spell.
Dave : Maybe it will rain cats and dogs tomorrow.
Tina : And maybe it will cool down, too.

heat wave Period of hot weather.

drying up Becoming dry or without water.

rain cats and dogs Rain heavily.


Choose the best answer.

1. During the summer, we usually have several _____.
a. burning up
b. heat waves
c. cool down

2. It's raining now, but I hope it will _____ tomorrow so we can go to the park.
a. dry up
b. rain cats and dogs
c. burn up

Look for quiz answers on Friday!

The Morning After

Read the text below, paying close attention to the words in red.

Winthrop : Look at this room! There are empty beer cans everywhere and popcorn all over the
floor! It's a pig sty!
Bob : Chill out, Winthrop. It was a great football game. The guys were so into it, we didn't
think much about the mess. I'll take care of it now.
Winthrop : I don't understand why watching football turns ordinary men into complete slobs.
Bob : It looked like it was all over for our team until the last thirty seconds of the game
when they threw a long pass and scored. We all jumped off the couch. That was when
we spilled the popcorn.
Winthrop : That sounds very exciting, but it doesn't explain the piece of pizza I found in the
Bob : Oh! Sorry about that. I'll take care of that first.

Pig sty Very messy place; place where pigs live.

Chill out Relax; be calm.

Be into it Be very interested in something.


Fill in the blanks.

1. He usually has a drink to ______ after his stressful job.

2. I was reading when you called. I was so _____that I didn't hear the phone.

Look for quiz answers on Friday!

Summer's Last Days

Challenge Answer

Here are the clues from this week's challenge. Do you remember the clues? What's your guess?

 I am a neighborhood in a major US city.

 My full name is South of Houston.
 I am close to Greenwich Village.

I am SoHo in New York City!

Summer's Last Days

Read the text below, paying close attention to the words in red.

August in North America signals the end of summer. As August comes to a close, the days are still hot, but the
nights have a hint of autumn. Television and newspaper ads scream, "Back to School!" but students ignore them
as they soak up the last of the summer heat. Soon enough, their backpacks will be filled with new books, pens,
and paper as they meet up with school friends to exchange tales of summer days. But now it is August, and
students enjoy the final days of summer's freedom as though it would last forever.

hint (noun) Suggestion.

to scream To do something loudly. To write something in large bold letters. (informal)

to soak up To absorb (the heat).

Friday Quiz

Choose the best answer.

1. There are no more cookies. This is the ______ one.


2. The sunset _________ the close of the day.

Digest lesson

Challenge answers

Here are the clues from this week's challenge. Do you remember the clues? What's your guess?

 He is from Arkansas, USA.

 He recently moved from Washington D.C. to Harlem in New York City.
 His wife is a senator.

He is Bill Clinton!

Heat wave

Read the text below, paying close attention to the words in red.

Dave : What a heat wave we're having!

Tina : Yes, I was burning up on my way to work this morning.
Dave : I heard that some rivers are drying up.
Tina : And the farmers don't like this dry spell.
Dave : Maybe it will rain cats and dogs tomorrow.
Tina : And maybe it will cool down, too.

burning up Feeling very hot.

dry spell Period of dry weather with no rain.

cool down Become cooler or less hot.


Choose the best answer.

1. I have an appointment _____ 2:30 pm.

a. in
b. on
c. at

2. My birthday is _____ December.

a. in
b. on
c. at
Weekly email lesson quiz

Choose the best answer.

1. I have an appointment _____ 2:30 pm.

a. in
b. on
c. at

2. My birthday is _____ December.

a. in
b. on
c. at

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